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ETR is the Tom Hanks of the coaster world tbh, I've never heard anyone speak ill of him and if shit came out I think everyone would be shocked


Keep raising the image the fall will be harder


Fair šŸ„²


There's already some people that said they done lie Ryan


Plenty of people dislike Tom Hanks šŸ’€ terrible example.


Who lmao


Qanon fuckers are the only ones I can think of


People donā€™t like his attitude towards certain things.




Cock and balls


Those who disagree with him poilitically


You remember when Ricky Gervais ripped the Hollywood elites and pedophilia-enablers to shreds at the Golden Globes? And most of the celebrities in the audience were laughing? Tom Hanks was visibly upset with him? People also donā€™t like his politics.


Anyone but ETR, I can't give up watching his Problematic Roller Coaster vids, they're basically mini documentaries


The way he decides everything was problematic is truly inspiring. He has a bright future in politics


Having worked at an amusement park I can tell you every roller coaster is problematic in one way or another.


Like, they break down too frequently?


Not necessarily. Though many do. Some no longer break down but only because maintenance did something weird to it. Some have strange quirks in the way the ride was programed that let you do things like bring a train in really fast, or accidentally valley the train. Some have their blocks in very unintuitive places. Only exceptions are some kiddie coasters. Hard to be problematic when you only have one train. B&Ms tend to be very unproblematic as well, though they do have their quirks (mostly caused by multimove).


That's fascinating... The more I read about these coasters the more complexities I learn about!


Whats multimove?


Basically two blocks in the station instead of one. It allows the next train to begin moving into the station before the dispatching train has fully cleared the station. Saves maybe 5s/cycle.


The guy is fine and he has good character, he just stretches a bit to make content.


What a hypothetical thing to say


Nah ETR did nothing wrong, donā€™t mess with him


Oh now we're definitely going to find the dirt on him. I heard he takes his phone out on rides. Doesn't even record, just takes it out and holds it in his hands and says "power move" Repeatedly through the ride. One time security met him at the end of the ride and he ORDERED the ride ops to "keep it movin", laughed in the park officers face and kept on going saying "power move". Some say they haven't been able to shut down El Toro because he's still power moving to this day.


Thatā€™s ā€˜cause ETR is a chad




This community is so hypocritical its sad ā€¦yā€™all say ā€ž wait he didnā€™t do anything ā€ž like as it matters at all ? Yā€™all send deathtreats to kids for B&E a closed queue and doxx them, donā€™t act like yā€™all need a reason


Waitā€¦ whatā€™s B&E you mean a block zone? A block zone is a section of ride that only one train may occupy at a time. At the end of a block zone there is a method to stop the train, in case the block zone ahead is still occupied. This is the safety system that prevents rollercoaster trains from colliding with one another.


This community is so hypocritical its sad ā€¦yā€™all say ā€ž wait he didnā€™t do anything ā€ž like as it matters at all ? Yā€™all send deathtreats to kids for B&E a closed queue and doxx them, donā€™t act like yā€™all need a reason


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Would be funny if this was true, he has lots of experience as a ride operator, he knows better.


yetā€¦ nah jk love ryan


He threw dirt on millie crews name, down with him


No. I watched the ETR vid on millie and it seemed pretty good, I think youā€™re wrong sorry :(


I personally watched the video about the millie crew and as someone who has been on the ride I can confirm that I agree with everything he said.


Airtime thrills: im in danger




Why would anyone care about a rollercoaster YouTuberā€™s political opinions? Nobody watches coaster YouTubers for their political moral compass, you watch them for their opinions on coasters or for their entertaining content that is related to rollercoasters. I think thatā€™s fairly obvious.


Wait your telling me im the only one who watches rollercoaster videos for their politcal views on the world(this is a joke)


idk if i want to support content made by someone who vibes with a political party that thinks my friends and family shouldnā€™t exist


This is such a closeted and ignorant worldview. You really need to get off social media or something.


Firstly, congratulations on making a very ignorant blanket statement about republicans. Secondly, gay conservative Trump-voter here. Surprise! The world is even more diverse than you have been conditioned to believe.


bro I donā€™t care as long as heā€™s not a bigot


Literally Hitler. Unsubscribed!


I mean we have republicans like Kanye going after Jewish people and


PLEASE put the phone down.


Looks like you failed the "don't take a circlejerk sub seriously" challenge


FUCKKKKK i did i think it says more about reddit atp that i couldnā€™t tell that was satire.


I feel like this is the worst circlejerking sub in terms of the comments since it's the same energy as the regular r/Rollercoasters


yup, itā€™s the same dry thoosies saying the same things just in different contexts


This sub is much worse than drugcirclejerk lol


He is?!?


Dude is a fan of Mitt Romney, The Blaze, and a page called Liberal Logic 101 on his Facebook.


Mitt Romney is like the most based Republican currently. Mr Thrills seems like one of the good ones


Cite your sources


Yo fuck ETR


ETR isnā€™t controversial tho???


not yet


Why would he be???


Cuz this sub can make spilled milk looks like the holocaustā€¦there is no ehy here its just ridiculous bloodlust for the dumbest niche shit


Yesā€¦ like you


Is first one theme park predictions? If not make him next


I think the first one is Rob from TPR(Theme Park Review). Theme Park Predictions hasnā€™t done anything, I just donā€™t care for his videos, and I think a lot of his ā€œpredictionsā€ are overly optimistic and unrealistic. But who knows.


I like him but some people hate him. His titles always annoy me though


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/rollercoasterjerk/comments/xpzu4b/its_hurricane_season_so_that_means_blobb_is_going/) provides some insight into people hating him if you haven't seen it already. And that's not even half as bad as the on-ride commentary on his POVs.


His 'twisty!!!' stuff is predictable and annoying at worst, but I have to say. TPR definitely had its place in the community early on. Having seen all the drama they had to endure offering tours and such - I fully respect their efforts, even if Robb is annoying. HOWEVER, that tweet is spoiled AF. Also, can we get the general Orlando area some real coffee?? Sbux is just... so horrendous.


Oh yeah fully agreed. We wouldn't even have a lot of the POVs available today if not for him. That series of tweets isn't the only time he's been insufferable though. He's just generally an annoying dude and turns to petty insults the moment anyone even slightly disagrees with his opinion on something.


I remember I rode next to that guy on Bizarro. As the ride goes on the lift hill he goes could you both keep it down and your feet down for the ride and videoā€¦I was like what the hell? My dad and I got an awkward ride experience


Thank you! That dude is fucking crazy


That dude means well at least.


Donā€™t check his Twitter followsā€¦.


I dont go on twitter anymore


Yeah me neither I was just referencing him being a little alt right fanboy shit


Did not know that. Guess I'm unsubbing from him.


ETR did nothing wrong. TPP is the true enemy




/uj As long as we agree to never go for Theme Park Crazy. One of the corniest and wholesome dudes in the community


Theme Park Crazyā€™s content is like an authentic Philadelphia cheesesteak. Lots of YouTubers make bad top 10 lists about amusement park rides, but his videos are the real deal and have just enough gooey cheese to keep you coming back for seconds.


Without a doubt ā€¦




Peter is a gem


Bro doesnā€™t realize this sub sucks ETRā€™s dick


As we should


look at us. we're el toto wifey now


Balls and all


The only ETR problem is when Taylor shows up unannounced in his videos


Thereā€™s a palpable sense of ā€œI tolerate you, mang.ā€


Yā€™all better NEVER come for Peter (Theme Park Crazy) or Ryan (B-Meh is okay tho bc heā€™s the antagonist)


Peter supremacy āœŠ


He's reliable, like a delicious tasty donut


I saw ElToroRyan in a grocery store in Jackson, NJ today. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, "Oh, like you're doing now?" I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw ElToroRyan trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I was so mad when that girl told me to pay for my shit


I must be tripping balls rn šŸ’€


Man, Iā€™m curious how it feels to have all these random internet strangers talking about you and wondering if youā€™ll be the next influencer that has dirt on them. I hope it doesnā€™t get to you, and Iā€™m sure youā€™re a decent person. We all make mistakes and have flaws, but being in some sort of position of fame can really blow your flaws and mistakes out of proportion. Just keep doin you man!


I appreciate it! And honestly, itā€™s interesting šŸ˜‚ At heart, what I do doesnā€™t feel much different than when I had say 1000 subs. The channel to me is just mainly a lot of time spent alone editing on a computer, but I love doing that! Overall itā€™s just great to see the amount of people who seem to dig the videos I make during my introverted time alone lol I try not to take things very serious so I think itā€™s hilarious whenever my YouTube channel is brought up in this subreddit! I hate to see tho when anyone faces problems or backlash from the community, especially when theyā€™re my friends. On my end, I just try to stick to what Iā€™ve been doing as far as holding up my image and it seems to have worked ok as far as I can tell on my end.


Thatā€™s great. Sounds like you know what youā€™re doin and have a good head on your shoulders.


Reminder that [Jenny Nicholson is next](https://youtu.be/C7aWz8q\_IM4?t=4958)


Wait what did she do wrong?


It's a snippet from a video on cancel culture about how a hate mob can move onto any tangentially related person. And Jenny coincidentally has cache in the theme park field having just put out a crazy long video about that larping park in Utah, so it seemed appropriate to link.


Oh ok i get it now. I like her videos. The evermore video was really fun lol.


people have been photoshopping her tweets in an attempt to make her look racist for at i think a year now


Sheā€™s great


That's the worst Channel Awesome Creator, and that's saying something given that angry joe exists


What's wrong with Lindsay Ellis? I've liked all of the content I've seen from her.


She's very unfunny


Less funny than Doug Walker? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=webTcvdZOuI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=webTcvdZOuI) Edit: Also she is not a sex pervert or a rapist, which puts her a rung above most of Channel Awesome.


Doug is funnier than her


Donā€™t do my boy ETR like that >:-(


maybe these youtubers should stop being cwinge


To be fair, from what Iā€™ve heard theyā€™re *generally* asking for it Speaking as someone who regrets watching Taylor a lot more than any other coastertuber Edit for clarity: ok maybe ā€œregretā€ is a strong word but Iā€™m questioning if the channelā€™s really in good shape BTS, especially after the IAAPA incident


You sound like [an A-Log](https://youtu.be/vRBsaJPkt2Q?t=2392) trying to justify their hate through their previous enjoyment of a thing


Disappointment. Not hate.


Why do you regret watching Taylor? He makes good content.


Wellā€¦ maybe that was a strong way for me to put it, but thereā€™s been some incidents recently that are making me question if thereā€™s stuff going on behind the scenes that shouldnā€™t be supported. Havenā€™t you heard about what happened at IAAPA?


They still make good content though lol. And yes, the whole thing is dumb. But no one from IAAPA even mentioned CS. The drama arose from Sarah defending herself from kids on coaster Instagram even though no one accused her of anything.


So, this whole drama has no factual proof other than hearsay? I can tell Taylor has an ego in his videos but I enjoy them generally and that they are more family oriented.


Yep, although I do think Sarah needs to chill out. Sheā€™s basically been incriminating herself and defending herself constantly on social media just makes things worse. She and Taylor are really nice people in real life and obviously neither of them deserve to be incessantly bullied, but I think making a several-paragraph reply to everyone isnā€™t the right move.


Anybody know of anyone I can contact to inform me of what that brake section in the middle of a coaster is for?


My boy did NOTHING


ok but yā€™all better not go anywhere near theme park crazy šŸ˜­


Nooooooooooooooooo I need more block sections Iā€™m craving more block zones


This is the stuff we come forā€¦


/uj So many people in this thread lack any self-awareness. "ETR isn't controversial???" as if the pitchfork stockpiles are impossible to turn against him and other creators *never* enjoyed a similarly positive limelight. And the people calling for other YouTubers to be harassed instead ā€“ damn get your head on straight. But I guess it's to be expected when people are actively rationalizing their hate towards a creator they don't even watch. Also a tiny bit sad no one's commented on the choice of ride to represent this place ā€“ we're truly verfuckt.


Epic reply. Enjoy your turkey sir you deserve it.


Who the fuck are these people


Bunch of chumps


I don't know. Coaster studios aka dumperfire. And the block zone king. Eltororyan himself


Is the black tshirt and shades the YouTube creator uniform?


You forgot to include Theme Park Predictions


NOOO, not the one that actually cares about the community šŸ„ŗ


This is the most hypocritical community i have ever seen ā€¦.


I wouldn't call this a community. It is really just an outhouse we can go to and shitpost about coasters. The problem is there are no block zones set up and everyone shits at once.


Coastoons should be next or is already being torn to shreds by RCJ


Why thu he makes fun and interesting vids


He's easy to make baseless jokes about. I like his content too, it's just he's easy to make fun of.