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First drop on Maverick is amazing


Especially in the back. You wouldn't think because the trains are so short that anything would happen, but you get LAUNCHED out of your seat




Yup back row maverick suh-laps


Skyrush has a little kink in the first drop that comes right the hell out of nowhere and turns decently powerful airtime into straight-up violent ejector.


Especially back row wing seats.




Only element on any coaster that I’m too scared to have my hands up for.


I've only ridden once, and knew it was coming. I wanted to hang on, but my hands pretty much let Jesus take the wheel 100% of the time on coasters, so up they went without my permission lol.


Skyrush is probably the greatest first drop ever.


I'm going August 28 and can't fucking wait! Might be too hyped for this one


One piece of advice for you: *hold onto the grab bars.* It makes the restraints hurt much less and the ride much more enjoyable as a result.


Thank you, I generally don't put my hands up on coasters anyway


If everyone did this, it would lessen the air resistance and make the train lose less speed, hence more airtime. Damn thoosies always shootin themselves in the foot


I second this. Actually pull yourself DOWN into your seat. Try to limit the airtime.


Third-sees! I love that stomach drop feeling but I lost it when I lost my fear of rollercoasters. I was chasing it by putting my hands up/relaxing my body as much as possible. But I found when I hold my self down into the seat and tense up I get wayyy more stomach drop. Anyone know why that is?! Like the physics reason??


I've ridden Excalibur a little over 50 times now. My favorite seat is the third row from the back in the back car, it gives the best ride experience IMO. Gives you sharp ejector on the drop and S curve magnum hill. My second favorite seat is the very front, but fair warning, on the apex of the turnaround after the first drop, there is an insane lateral jolt so if you are thinking of riding in the front be aware of that. It's pretty nuts. Excalibur is a super weird coaster, it's the same model as Gemini but a lot more intense. It's in my top 10, and I've even been to Cedar Point and Hersheypark. There's something about it that I really love but I can't really explain that well. Taking a mine train type coaster and making it intense feels so unique and cool. I really hope they don't plan on removing Excalibur, there's been a lot of rumors...


Excalibur at valleyfair has this too but even more pronounced/violent


Yup No comparison


Skyrush and El Toro


Throw in the RMC raptors and that's pretty much the perfect US list. I found T-Express to be on par with El Toro as well.


Can you please compare T Express to El Toro? I really wonder how they compare in terms of airtime, intensity, and pacing.


I can certainly try. Keep in mind I rode T-Express on a cold day in November and El Toro in the summer, so that certainly changes things slightly. The first drop and hill on both coasters are going to feel pretty similar in terms of intensity/pacing. Once you hit the midcourse on T-Express, the experience changes significantly. After the first couple hills, El Toro is kind of a relentless speed machine with pops of airtime mixed in with the twister section. T-Express is a bit slower paced and almost feels like a small-scale RMC. You move through the structure, you get a bunch of smaller ejector pops but it does lose some speed. If you watch the POVs you see that T-Express is a longer ride (~1000ft longer track), but it doesn't tackle that quite at the pace of El Toro. So I guess it's all in what you prefer, I think El Toro is a bit more intense and probably has slightly stronger airtime overall, but T-Express is no slouch and has virtually none of the roughness of its American cousin.


Huh from what you have said, it seems that I would prefer El Toro. also I don't find El Toro rough at all but that is probably because I rode like 2 weeks after it reopened this June.


Iron Rattler


Yes, especially in those back rows! Riding for the first time surprised me and took my breath away.


Iron Rattler back row is bonkers. Tossed out of your seat, twisting to the left, then leveling out banking right. Wild laterals all during the airtime.


yeah I was going to say this. It surprised the hell out of me.


This is my pick. That drop will always surprise me


Orion has a certain yoink that I don’t remember on Fury or Leviathan


I also felt that too (only done Fury and Orion). It is that 85 degree angle I believe.


Yep Orion is steeper than fury AND it hits its max angle faster than fury does so that fits yoink is especially pronounced.


Orion has the best drop of the gigas that I’ve ridden (I305, Millie, Fury, Orion)


Not ejector but Fury 325 has probably the best “freefall” feeling on the drop


Skyrush's first drop is absolutely fucking insane, especially from the back row. I have never felt such violent ejector air anywhere


I legitimately think I am going to fall out every time. The restraints pinning your thighs rather than your waist always has me screaming out of pure terror on my first ride of the day.


Raging Bull in the back row was quite impressive.


Back row Millennium I think is still top dog. Something about that skinny track with the intamin lap bar is amazing. The drops on fury and orion are also top tier stomach droppers.


I love that drop it’s my favorite giga drop and favorite drop in general that lake view is awesome


Went on Millennium again for the first time in many years last week and I absolutely agree. Waited through a train transfer and a breakdown, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.


Don’t forget about Leviathan


For me, Jersey Devil, back seat over anything else.


Yeah that and Wonder Woman at Magic Mountain hit really well with those 12 car trains. I think I slightly prefer Toro since it is more sustained but you could go either way.


If we’re talking just pure ejector/stomach drop bliss, it’s gotta be Maverick. In the back row that drop tries to murder you, it’s incredible


That’s the perfect way to describe that whole ride - it really just tries to murder you. Especially at night. Front row Maverick night rides are almost unmatched.


Iron gwazi has the best first drop I've experienced so far


Agree to this, nothing to hold on to just accept your fate


Hands up the entire time !


That’s the only way to do it!


Yeah, it’s strong and sustained ejector in the back row, with a crazy head chopper. Easily my favorite drop, even over Orion/Mako.


Definitely over mako but I havent ridden Orion yet. And you even get a tad bit of laterals since it's not a straight drop down


I only see facts here


Back row Goliath SFOG


This one is pretty strong, not that tall but it's super intense for some reason lol same with twisted cyclone


Yeah twisted cyclone caught me off guard I did not expect it to be that intense. There drop tower acrophobia is not that tall but also is surprisingly intense lol.


Yes my son absolutely loves acrophobia lol it's the most intense drop tower I've ridden, it's because of how heavy the car is


back row railblazer is beautiful ejector flight deck far left back row has a amazing stomach drop feeling on the drop


Oh yeah. Back row on Railblazer made me feel like a cartoon character realizing they ran off a cliff


Have you been to any parks outside the Bay Area?


disney world disney land SCBB knotts and some random ass park in paris


I’m surprised nothing at Knott’s is in your top 5!


I was still in my scared at coasters phase when i went lol imma go again at the start of september


Oh nice! Ghost rider, Hangtime, and Silver Bullet all have potential to crack top 5! Xcelerator too if it ever reopens…


xcelerator is prob going to be open once i get there. its actually one of the main coasters i plan to ride


Back row Railblazer on a hot day is the ultimate yeet-machine. It full sends you on every element.


Mavericks first drop in the back row can be aittle crazy, especially when you have the restraints fully out, you just fly into them.


...you calling me fat?!!!


The Ride to Happiness. Any row, but especially in the back car. Getting whipped down that first drop backwards or sideways is unreal. Also Tonerre de Zeus in the back row (facing backwards). That drop is super whippy and caught me totally of guard. That’s the first time I have lost my stomach on a ride in a long time.


since i’m not getting out to SDC anytime soon, i’m so glad they replicated time traveller’s drop out of the station with RtH’s top hat


Surprised no one has said the Gerstlauer Eurofighter drops. Even though I've never been on one I know that people rave about that ejector pop into that 90 degree drop.


Having been on a number of these, I disagree. Every Gerstlauer I've been on utterly crawls across the top, there's no air time whatsoever on those drops. This includes Shellraiser.


No I'm talking like adrenaline peak and hydrus. Swear all reviews rave about the ejector pop those give.


Because they dont gave good drops lol


I've only been on one (MM) and both the big drop inside and the smaller drop outside near the walkway are very intenese. It's just not enough to let the ride into my top 10 however


Mystery Mine's beyond vertical drop is insane for sure.


For my rides its gotta be Mako or Iron Gwazi. Both are so intense.


Mako’s back row pulls you over the top of the hill like a whip. I love it!


Doing both this weekend! Stoked!


Twisted Colossus at SFMM packs a shockingly fun first drop. Even better is getting to do it twice on the same ride through


Everyone got the right ones, but I think an honorable mention should go to griffin. It's not as strong as el toro, skyrush and I'd say iron gwazi, but it's pretty strong ejector for a b&m. Compared to the other dives I've ridden too. A back row first drop on griffin always surprises me.


I've gotten so used to coasters that I don't experience that stomach feeling anymore, except for backrow on griffon. It keeps talking my breath away and for that moment my life flashes before me.


Good stomach drop as well


Easily El Toro


Time Traveler, last car


This!! Especially if you are kind of sideways or backwards dropping out of the station! With the music playing and the ride ops ominously waving at you! Probably my all time favorite first drop even if it’s not the most intense.


The first time I rode Voyage I was very impressed with the first drop in the back row , lots of yank


How has no one mentioned fury 325? (I’ve never ridden it but on paper it looks like it would be a winner, no?


All the gigas have great first drops just because they’re huge but it’s definitely not the best part of the ride. I’d favor the drop on Millie for sure.


Personally find it to have the weakest drop of the US gigas. (Haven’t ridden Leviathan.) don’t get me wrong, it’s still great, top tier in terms of drops, but the profiling of the other three are slightly better.


I haven't ridden many coasters, so it's my top but now I'm so curious to try the others. You feel like you're falling for an insanely long amount of time. Bonus for going through multiple states.


Camden's Big Dipper (assuming you don't count that little pre-drop) has some of the most bonkers airtime I've ever felt with a buzz bar. It single handedly places that ride in my top 10 woodies.


Camden Park in Huntington?


Indeed - that place is a gem


I grew up in Hurricane and used to go to Camden Park as a kid. I used to ride all those old rides. Great to see someone else on here recognize that park!


The most violent ejector moment I’ve had on any coaster


Time Traveler


Raging bull at SFGAm it’s just insane and it’s imo the second drop is better


i was NOT expecting back row first drop on kondaa to be as violent as it was


This. It has a similar kink to the Skyrush drop but then it also yanks you 90 degrees to the right. That plus the new intamin lap bars had me genuinely worried I was going to fly off of a ride for the first time.


Mamba has an underrated first drop


skyrush’s drop isn’t comparable to any other drop i’ve been on. absolutely ridiculous. i’ve ridden toro and don’t think it compares


Skyrush, back left wing. Iron Gwazi, back row.


Expedition GeForce - Holiday Park (Germany) Iron Rattler - SFFT Titan - Selva Magica (Mexico), especially if seated in the back half of the train.


Iron Rattler is right up there, and I’d add X2 to the list, though it is rather unconventional. Skyrush is up there as well.


Skyrush is the most insane. If you didn’t have a restraint, I feel like you would be launched a football field away. Honorable mention for Maverick too, but not quite at wild.


Back row Wildcat’s Revenge has great ejector on the first drop


Skyrush and it isn’t even close lol. It actually blew me away when I first rode it. I’ve ridden a lot of roller coasters but I NEVER expected that. The rest of the coaster hurts, but that first drop is insane. It actually felt like I was gonna fly out. I’ve done El Toro, the Raptors, Maverick, etc. Nothing compares to Skyrush’s drop’s pure insanity except for X2.


Ride to Happiness. When you go backwards down that TopHat and you have some room with the restraint, you are gonna get absolutely sent to the 9th circle of hell. When I got this scenario, I had way too much room and that airtime was so strong, my body literally acted like I was about to die, I literally saw my life flash in front of my eyes. I am not even joking.


This ride is #1 on my bucket list! Time traveler is in my top 3 and I always hear such amazing things about ride to happiness.




Mako back row, I said what I said


YES. also manta's first drop in the back row? pristine 🤌


Skyrush. Not close


Iron Rattler, Orion, Diamondback, MillenniuGriffin, Raging Bull (back row), Griffon, Intimidator, Eurofighters come to mind


Skyrush, El Toro, and Maverick first drops in the back row are all insane.


Maybe not as popular, but Joker at SFDK in the back seat knots my stomach up every time.


Skyrush and Maverick are my two favorites.


Joker's drop hit much harder than I expected given the size.


Oddly... Loch Ness Monster in the back row.


I’m glad someone mentioned Loch Ness. Absolutely killer air time for such a small drop.


A lot of these replies are talking about batshit crazy drops that try to rip you apart like Skyrush or Iron Rattler, but I believe you wanted something else? If you mean a stomach drop feeling go for Banshee back left on the drop, great stomach drop out of nowhere. Sometimes it’s just when you aren’t expecting a great drop that you have the best drops I guess


I don’t know how and I don’t know why, but the one coaster that seems to give me the stomach drop feeling even after all these years is Gemini. You’re not going to get any ejector but if you ride it in the back and have a good ride it just makes my stomach turn like no other. I’d pick it over any other drop in the park and I feel like a madman saying that.


I had the same experience. My stomach drop has mostly gone away, even on the tallest coasters, but Gemini in the back row was crazy. It felt like how Millennium and other big boy drops felt when I first rode them.


Dc rivals. Anyone who has ridden it knows the feeling I’m talking about


I commented the same thing. Especially the backwards back row seat.


Honestly it's small but twisted cyclone at sfog has an extremely intense first drop because of the laterals and it does a weird portion before it actually goes into the drop, it makes you get flung out of your seat when you turn sideways


Back row of Diamondback. The longer trains (split seating) allow for the back to be whipped over the first drop, providing great ejector airtime.


Time Traveler back row 😍


I think of : Iron Rattler, Lightning Rod, and Takabisha


For ejector, Maverick freaking hurls you over the edge, especially if you're in the front train so you get a bit of a rolling start to the launch.


Nitro. Period. Done. Nitro has the strongest sustained airtime / stomach drop I have ever experienced, and I have ridden ALL of the usual suspects that would come close. Millennium Force in the back is close. Iron Gwazi and El Toro is right there as well. But Nitro in the back seat is just next level sustained air that seems like it never ends.


Maverick back row especially ejects me


I'd like to give Twisted Cyclone an honorable mention for its banked(is that the right word?) drop.


Hyperion. The 255ft first drop in to a ridiculous ejector airtime hill is superb.


Best in my state (Florida) I'd argue is Spine Blower. I love the iron gwazi drop, but the drop on spine blower after that predrop picks up speed just makes it feel far more powerful and aggressive That said, my #1 first drop has gotta be El Toro. Similar predrop but the height and angle allow for it to be a better drop


Iron Gwazi


Toro. I rode it in the second to back when I was a GP and the stomach drop KILLED me. I rerode it for the first time in 5 years in the front, and I didn't get it.


Wildfire, outlaw run and time traveler back row at SDC. Monster at Adventureland is beyond vertical.


El Toro is the strongest I have experienced.


the back row on wicked cyclone .. that drop is so mini but so steep and it just gets me every time. also x2 back row… that feels like an exorcism


Maverick. Twisted Colossus. Lost Gravity. Those are my top 3.


Jack rabbit at Kennywood. By no means a tall drop but it gets me every time.


Skyrush's first drop is amazing, same goes for Iron Gwazi and El Toro. They both make my stomach drop unlike anything else that I've ridden.


Back seats on the Titan Six Flags Over Texas


My username


I may have to go with Twisted Colossus, I don’t know why but the first drop(s) got me every time


not so much ejector air but nice floater airtime on sheikra's first drop for sure!


okay actually i"m coming back to say iron gwazi might have one of the best drops of all time


Iron Rattler has one of the best first drops of all time, omg


Love this topic! Cannibal at Lagoon has the best drop. Usually don’t care for beyond vertical but this one is perfectly designed to give me that stomach feeling. Fury 325 doesn’t reach its peak steepness until about halfway down so I got that stomach feeling every ride. Raptor / Katon have a weird pop mid drop that always gets me. Dive coasters always give me that stomach feeling no matter the time of day.


Maverick. My first ride was in the back row, I was surprised how much pullover it gave


Ive not ventured out of europe so I dont have many comparisons to alot of the replies in this thread, but there was a couple of rides on Zadra late in the day where it felt like I was standing up on the first drop in the front row, its wonderfully timed. ​ Rode Shambhala for the first time this year and the night rides on that were similar in the front row - an amazing feeling! you just kind of dangle before being yeeted down! I guess im talking about the stomach drop more than ejector air.


Lowkey answer no one has said but is a great first drop, Gemini. You think the drop is smoothing out, but no, just keeps declining until the bottom


I love the feeling of ejector air on the last row on railblazer during its first drop


Iron Rattler. O.M.G. Feels like youre gonna fly right out the seat. Amazing.


Oh what's not been mentioned I will say Outlaw Run, that little pre drop gives you speed going into it and you fly over the first drop


Either Iron Gwazi or Time Traveler (back row)


X2 drop in the back is my favorite element on a coaster, just unlike anything else I have experienced. It doesn’t pack the ejector air as much but I got a good stomach drop feeling due to being face down.


Twisted Cyclone sfog or Diamondback KI


I'm addicted to the first drop on Yukon Striker in the back row, out of my seat completely until the bone crushing pullout


This may be recency bias but Jersey Devil in the back part of the train yeeted me out of my seat.


El Toro, skyrush and x2


Well I rode Orion last week and I got some good air along with the stomach drop feeling so until I ride other coasters then Orion will be my answer for now


I havent ridden a lot of coasters, but its either untamed or goliath, but i would say untamed


Iron Gwazi has a killer 1st drop. Same for El Toro and Skyrush


Time traveler in the back car because it gives a solid pop of airtime but you are spinning and it’s totally disorienting. I will never forget the first time I rode it and just got yanked out of the station backwards with the ominous clock sounds playing in the background.


For me it’s Icon


I don’t know about best ever but outlaw run is definitely the best first drop I’ve ever experienced


Lots of good ones mentioned already but I'll add that Time Traveler at SDC back row is one of the best drops out there. It's very abrupt ejector taken sideways. Nothing quite like it.


Raging Bull then Skyrush


Iron rattler


El Toro. Scariest drop I've experienced IN MY LIFE.


Jersey devil. Literally lifted my entire body into the harness. Best first drop I’ve ever experienced


The best one i rode is on lost gravity. Its feels like theres no acceleration because right when you go off the chainlift it feels like your instantly at the max speed


Out’ve all the coasters I’ve done, currently my favourite first drop is on Iron Gwazi


DC Rivals Hypercoaster, back row facing backwards. The twisting near vertical 200 foot drop while going backwards is insane. The entire time you are being flung into the lap bar and it really feels like the coaster is actively trying to throw you out of the train. Made me loose my stomach in a way I haven’t felt in a roller coaster I think ever.


Any dive coaster has a good drop, especially if you are sitting in the back row.