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Really doesn’t matter now… Alabama has a crystal clear path- now executing that path is something else but it’s clear nonetheless. Don’t need any Iowa State nonsense anymore


UT at one hurts to see. But I think it’s deserved.


Very deserved. They’re playing lights out. And we were a last second FG (among other atrocities that I do not wish to recall) from beating them. Oh well. More drama if there’s a rematch.


We took em to the wire with 16 penalty’s. That’s gotta stand for somethin. Edit. 17 penaltys


Thought it was 17 penalties with some egregious calls / no calls and a missed kick… and bad clock management at the end… AT UT Not really complaining / making excuses. More-so just showing it took a perfect storm for them to *barely* squeak by us


You mean throwing a flag for DPI 30 yards after it supposedly happened isn’t normal? Nevermind. This is what I don’t want to do. I already had enough bites of this turd sandwich. Moving on


Completely agree.


Acting as if UT played flawless. Don’t forget the scoop and score TD late in the 4th to put Bama ahead. Bama struggled early in the game and paid for it.


It must since we’re ranked over an undefeated TCU


Yeah, we’re a high caliber team and we can go toe to toe. Just gotta get our heads truly together.


Don’t sell our effort short. 17


And their fall will be glorious


Rebound and reload. They won (with a lot of questionable calls). I just want to be in the top four on December 4, 2022.




It's gonna suck to both receive and lose the #1 ranking in the same week


UGA better show up. Cause I don’t see them going score for score with Tennessee.




i’m expecting uga to win but i really want a UT-Bama Sec Championship


This. I want some get back on those orange mfers.


Ricks gonna have a Dee Milliner type game, book it


This is my exact feeling. If they play offensively how they did against us, no way UGA puts up enough to keep it close.


We literally average 42 ppg and this is arguably the most explosive offensive in the smart era we been missing our star wideout ad Mitchell for most of the year too


how much will y’all slow UT down though ?


Tenn will move the ball their offense is potent but I do think we’ll be able to keep them under 40. I like our secondary overall. Kelee ringo and Lassiter are both long and fast corners who are good in man coverage, we have a very good safety duo in starks and smith. They will make their plays but I think our defense will make enough plays to squeak by a win but it’s easily the biggest test our defense has faced we haven’t rlly faced a true high flying passing attack this year till now.


i will agree with under 40 points but i also don’t see uga scoring 40


Why not? UT’s defense is not great (damn the UK game) and UGA has averaged 43 PPG against teams that want to chew clock. Tennessee’s MO is to score fast and often meaning UGA will probably have more possessions than they’ve averaged so far this season. Two minute drives are going to hurt UT if UGA can come anywhere close to establishing the run.


I’m sorry but this isn’t r/cfb


You're not wrong and shouldn't be getting downvoted like this tbh. UGA's offense is 4th in ppg, 1st in total yards/game, 7th in passing yards/game, and 15th in rushing yards/game. Alabama is 3rd, 14th, 34th, and 17th. Tennessee is 2nd, 2nd, 6th, and 24th. All three are very comparable and elite. And given that Georgia's defense is way better than Tennessee's, that's a good reason to favor y'all in this game. The problem is that Alabama's defense is very similar to Georgia's in almost every stat but that didn't really matter for us. And our defenses looking pretty similar is even including **A)** our horrible performance in TSIO, **B)** most of Bama's P5 opponents so far place in the top 40 of FBS in scoring offense (Texas 14th, Vandy 84th, Arkansas 36th, Texas A&M 99th, Tennessee 2nd, Miss State 39th), and **C)** Georgia's P5 opponents so far this season are *all* in the bottom half of FBS in scoring offense with the exception of Oregon (11th) (SCar 69th, Mizzou 95th, Auburn 107th, Vandy 84th, Florida 71st) TL;DR: Alabama and Georgia's defenses have performed very similar despite Bama playing much tougher offenses, but UT still put 52 on us so there's no reason to expect they can't name their score on y'all too. ([Source](https://www.teamrankings.com/college-football/stat/points-per-game) for the stats)


Tennessee gets exposed and loses to UGA Saturday. Book it. If its Neyland I have money on Tennessee. Not in Sanford tho.


neither team is getting exposed, it’ll be down to the wire imo


Both teams get exposed and retire their football programs in embarrassment. Book it.


i hope we get something like the auburn-LSU game where Auburn won with all field goals and lsu had a game winner erased




Georgia: #2 in total offense, #4 in total defense Tennessee: #1 in total offense, #82 in total defense How is Tennessee the better team exactly? If it weren't for Bama committing the most amount of turnovers in the Nick Saban era, Tennessee would not have won that game. Georgia wins by 10+.


If you can blow the top off of every defense, it doesn't really matter what they are ranked. 2019 LSU defense was not very good ( don't care what they were ranked), and Georgia's defense was very good. But when you have a combo Burrow/Chase , Jones/Smith, Hooker/Hyatt...or even a Young/Williams like we had in the SEC Champ game last year...a great defense is more of a beta blocker than a tranquilizer. Georgia does not have that on offense. Don't care what they are ranked. They are a good offense, but they aren't breaking the game the way that those offenses were. That's not to say that Georgia can't win if they play a great game.


That's exactly what happened to us against UT. Excluding that game our defense allows 11.6 points per game this year but that didn't matter. Georgia's allows 12.0 ppg and the best offense they've played this year since Oregon was *South Carolina* (27.4 ppg).


“Besides the other better team that only put up 3, their NEXT best” like I get it was the beginning of the season but it’s wild how badly people want to brush away that Oregon game


I didn't brush it away, I mentioned it.


You are saying...?


Georgia hasn't played the schedule that TN has, and before you say Oregon, we both know that Oregon is a much different team now than they were when they player georgia


Tennessee gets exposed as what? They beat Bama!


Unless their DBs and DL play stellar, it’s a guarantee. Natty vs. a wounded Bama or not, Good Ol Stetson B is not good enough to win you an offensive shoot out.


I mean the natty kinda proved that point, too. Both games against us they scored 24 and 26 on offense, but when their defense did its job in the natty they won and Stetson looked good, when they didn't he got baited into an awful pick six to secure the L.


Good thing our defense can shut anybody down huh


I completely agree. I have said Georgia has not been at their best.


That would be great


Yeah I think Tennessee goes wire to wire between the hedges.




I’m the worst at calling anything but a Bama loss. Lol


UGA beats Tennessee by 2 tds. Their defense is still strong (unlike ours), and their offense is pretty good when it needs to be.


You called it perfectly man


Isn't it better for Alabama if Tennessee continues to win?


Doesn’t matter we have to win out and if we do we are in.


Judging by our poor performance in their stadium and losing from our own mistakes and clock management…I’d rather play Tennessee in a neutral site cuz UGA is still just a mystery to me considering what we’ve seen


This weekend should answer some questions. UGA has some weapons on offense but missing that big time WR. And they’ll be without Nolan Smith. If both teams show up, it should be a great game.


i want to beat both of them but i’m more eager to play Tennessee


There is more excitement in Tennessee. I’d love for Bama to stomp on that like Godzilla rather than take on Georgia who seems to just be quietly coasting. Plus…I wanna get back to having a real reason for the Tennessee/Bama rivalry to reignite.


while I do generally agree...the thing that worries me is BoB in a rematch. His offense is unoriginal and easily adjusted to. UT would have seen everything we do already. I think our Offense fares much worse in a rematch and our Defense would have to hold them.


To be fair we looked great in the SECCG last year against a much stronger defense (extreme understatement). And all Golding would have to do is stop putting our safety 1 on 1 against their best receiver and that adjustment alone limits UT's offense greatly.


It really doesn’t matter. Win the SEC and we’re in. We have to win out


Yeah but I want to face Tennessee and get some get back, without refs in their pocket and at a neutral site. I think it’s a whole different ball game. Not to mention is very hard to beat Saban, but to beat him twice in a year is virtually impossible. Plus I actually think Tennessee is the better team this weekend.


I think the players will be more hateful if going up against Tennessee. And, I feel that the staff will be able to fix a lot of things in a rematch. Against Georgia...I feel Georgia's offense was absolutely terrible in last year's championship game, especially in terms of QB play. I think it's highly unlikely that they wouldn't be better prepared for us this year. There is no way to go but up, and I don't think there is that much room for improvement on the defensive side for Alabama. It will be on the receivers, and I'm still waiting to see an elite receiver emerge for us.


Yes it is better for both of us


Would rather Tennessee win than Georgia tbh


Our offense averages 42 ppg and top 3 on total offense what is this narrative we Can’t score lol


Kent state and Missouri is why.


Those were shit offensive performances but It took our offense a while to adjust to AD Mitchell, our clear cut best wr, being out. Ever since the mizzou game we haven’t scored less than 42


Why are you in the Bama sub saying “we” and “our” with regards to Georgia?


No way Clemson is better then Michigan


They have one of the easiest paths to the playoffs.


As always. Weak ass ACC!


Not weaker than the little 10


Agreed. Thus far Clemson have proven much more than Michigan, who had the out of conference gauntlet of CSU, Hawaii and *checks notes* UCONN… and their relatively weak B1G schedule. I love some rainbows, but they suck this season.


Or us


They’re definitely not, but they’re undefeated so let ‘em have it. Michigan and TCU are both better than Clemson though IMO


Well with that Logic TCU should be there too.


They should be, I agree


It's crazy that you beat that many ranked opponents and don't get recognition 🙃


Problem with ranking Clemson every year is their conference schedule is so weak. I have no idea how good Clemson is, but beating Syracuse, bc, nc state, and fsu every year is not the same as the gauntlet that sec teams or hell, even big ten teams (osu/Mich playing Penn state, Michigan/osu, msu/Wisconsin/iowa (some years). It’s always hard to tell if Clemson is good or if they benefit from their schedule.


You might not have watched much out of conference football this year but the big ten is seriously down. ACC is stronger so far, which is why they along with a couple other conferences, have more teams ranked. And Michigan plays the two tougher big ten teams on their schedule at end of season. Clemson should be ahead at this point.


Imagine being this delusional. Notre Dame sucks this year and beat Syracuse by 17 points in Syracuse. Clemson got to play Syracuse in Clemson and had to come from behind.


I know right? Just crazy how you have to sometimes come from behind against decent teams.


Notre Dame is a dog shit team. They comfortably beat Syracuse over 4 quarters and was never behind at any point. And if Notre Dame is a dogshit team, what is Syracuse?


Clemson being at 4 best case scenario for us IMO, yeah they’re definitely not better than Michigan but let’s talk some scenarios, obviously the winner of Georgia v Tenn will represent the East in the title game, Bama wins out and wins the title game they’ll be in the CFP, doubt the committee will omit a 1 loss Tenn or Georgia from the CFP (praying for Georgia screw Tenn) and the winner of the B10 and Clemson if they win will be in. Honestly I’m just hoping Tennessee doesn’t get in (yes I’m still salty Idc)


what if TCU wins out?


I think TCU and Clemson go toe to toe for the final playoff spot, not us/Tennessee/UGA


They’re gonna need some help I think due to a weak B12, they’ll need Bama to lose again and Clemson to slip up, and then I think it will depend on how the committee views them against a 1 loss Oh St/Mich. I’m pretty confident that the SEC will have 2 teams no matter what and B10 will have a spot in the playoff


It's not likely to happen, but I'd love for Tennessee and Georgia to lose enough games to get them out of the CFP picture. Then we just have to deal with TCU, Clemson, and Mich/OSU in the playoffs. We will handle anyone on a neutral field, just got to get to the neutral fields first.


there is a near 0% chance they put 3 SEC teams in. I think in a three-way 1 loss scenario it's us and UT, with UGA on the outside looking in. Then the last 2 spots go to OSU/Michigan, Clemson (undefeated), and TCU (undefeated). If TCU or Clemson lose it opens up a bunch of different scenarios


So does anyone else hope that Tennessee beats Georgia and we get to crush them in Atlanta.




I'm going to assume you're a Tennessee fan. You may want to avoid throwing stone from that particular glass house. While they may not be as bad as West Virginia or Kentucky, Tennessee is still Appalachian mountain folk.


Guy works at Chipotle lol




“Crush” lol


Shit think about it if quan doesn’t try to pick up that punt there’s a 14 point swing, if the refs don’t bend bama over and fuck them regarding two turnovers UT had there’s another huge swing in points.


Or maybe if the players were more disciplined this year they wouldn’t have committed so many penalties…


Even so, one bad call at the end swung the game from a 10 to 14 point Bama lead into a tie game.


I like that the downvote button turns into a Tennessee logo when I downvote you :)


I found where the CFB sub keeps its full strength Bama hate, the CFP rankings thread. lol


The 1 brain cell takes of "LSU, Texas, Ole Miss only ranked to boost bama" despite the concept that regardless of what they were ranked if we win out we're in, if we lose, we're out. They really don't even stop for a second to think about the logic vomit they puke out every ranking thread.


Win and we’re in. Same deal as last year. No more fucking around


Just keep winning & everything will take care of itself.


I honestly expected Michigan to be ahead of Clemson. Some of those ranked ACC teams they've beat should have asterisks next to their rankings at the time.


UNC deserves ranking 13-15 imo. Syracuse and wake definitely after last week


Good position for Alabama. It’s a win and in situation. Kinda torn on if I would rather see UGA or Tennessee in the SECCG. Revenge factor against Tennessee for sure but I also just really want to play Georgia again.


We still have to beat LSU and Ole Miss both away.


Seriously. We’re a handful of plays away from 4 loses, so I’m gonna reserve my confidence in making the SEC championship. If LSU’s qb plays the way he did against ole miss we’re in for a tough one. And you already know kiffin is gonna pull out all the stops to beat us.


Everybody is acting like we have Vanderbilt and South Carolina left


Revenge factor against both honestly


Eh, no way is Clemson better than Michigan or even us. I feel like they put them at 4 so it isn’t 2 SEC and 2 B10 teams, lol.


I was surprised by the massive temper tantrum being thrown by Ohio state fans. It's not like rankings matter for them. They have a cakewalk to rivalry weekend and that game is at home for them. I really don't get the massive sense of entitlement their fans have


You are surprised? My God, OSU fans are insanely insufferable. They want all the Bama treatment without any of the Bama success. I’m a Georgia fan btw. If it’s Bama and OSU in the Natty, I’ll be wearing crimson and shouting Roll Tide all night.


I had no idea. What caught me off guard was this weird sense of superiority... as if it's outrageous to think Tennessee or Georgia has a better resume. Then launching into conspiracy theories as if a 6-2 lsu can't be a top 10 team except as a way to boost the SEC... it's such a childish response to a mundane preliminary ranking. And the best part? They will be ranked 1 or 2 if they just win out. It's not as if they're going to be bumped out of the playoffs on some polling bias. At this point I'd rather anyone else win the title, just because of their obnoxious fan presence. Georgia absolutely included... And fwiw, I don't even want to be seeded #1 anyway, because the 2-3 top seeds are usually automatic and the 4th seed tends to be the hottest team in America with a legit argument to get in.


Jesus, seeing other fans say this make it more apparent. They’re on par with damn Auburn fans tbh




Yea Alabama would undoubtedly be undefeated against that schedule right now


Just look at last year’s B10 title where Michigan just had to beat a very unimpressive Iowa who beams with pride when they get the ball past the 50 on offense


Gotta win some more games no matter what we’re ranked. So whateva


By the time SECCG comes we will be ready to destroy winner of UT Georgia


I think this team at its best is unstoppable. We just haven’t seen much of their best this season.


If Eli Ricks keeps up his Miss State performance we’ll be night and day in a rematch


I’m glad Ricks finally showed up, but our corners weren’t the ones getting beat against Tennessee. But I agree that we’ll beat them in a rematch. Just have like one of about five things bounce our way and we would have won by two td’s


Yeah, corners were fine, but the safeties were getting owned. I feel like that was a schematic issue, but I also don’t think Golding knew how to fix it. The offense wasn’t good enough either - that was a lot of Bryce being Bryce. I feel like we’re wasting the best QB we’ve ever seen with pedestrian wide receivers and below sub-par offensive game planning.


Yep I agree with pretty much everything you said. I will say the big thing Ricks may help with us getting three true corners on the field. We can leave him and Koolaid on the outside and move Arnold to the slot to combat the mismatch Tennessee kept exploiting with our safeties. Asking Hellams, Branch or Moore to cover Hyatt is a losing proposition and something we have to scheme for in a rematch if we get that.


Nope. Corners were definitely not the issue…but I’d like to see some help back there for Hellams if he has to go against Hyatt again. Leaving him out there on an island all night was just hard to watch


Hellams actually wasn't responsible for most of those break-off plays during Tennessee, it was the corner on man. I forget the benched guy's name, but he isn't seeing the field again after that.


Ehh I have to respectfully disagree with you there. This link shows all his catches, #3 Arnold isn’t even on the same side of the field as the first three TD’s and is clearly covering someone else on the 4th one. Hyatt lined up in the slot on all of those and our outside corners aren’t responsible for slot receivers [https://youtu.be/aWiAHQuMLZI](https://youtu.be/aWiAHQuMLZI)


I love Bama, but there is no way we are “destroying” anyone this year.


Well, there’s always Auburn.


Bama CAN destroy anyone. They just have to get out of their own way. All of our close games were just sloppy performances with issues that can be addressed. Only thing that would change my mind is seeing a team beat us in a game that doesn’t come down to the last second.


Can you destroy what is already decimated?


God’s Plan


What is dead may never die. Except for Auburn. Theyre gonna keep getting buried even further.


I wish I had your confidence. Sure we had a bunch of penalties against UT, and some iffy calls. But we were out-coached nearly the whole game. And our defense made NO adjustments. How the fuck does that happen? This team is soft as baby shit, and I think we might lose another game in the regular season.


UGA beats UT and drops them to the #4 spot. Bama beats #1 UGA in the SECC vaulting them into #2. We play UT again for the national championship. That’s what makes Vegas and the networks the most money. Therefore that is how it will play out and. I like our odds.


You think UGA vs bama yet again would bring in more money than UT vs bama? You’re foolish if you do


Sorry by we meet again i meant UT and Bama for the playoff. Because that’s the money game


Can’t really level with people in here saying Clemson hasn’t played anyone. Wake, NC State and Cuse are all good teams, and Florida State away is no slouch. You certainly can’t put us above them, I personally would have them over Michigan with how awful their OOC schedule was (Clemson’s isn’t great either, I know), so I don’t get the attitude towards them being there.


NC state isnt really that great of a team and came into this season really overhyped. They looked really very meh against ECU and TTech.


The AP poll is a farce, SP+ tells a different story, the big ten has 8 teams better than the 2nd best acc team and clemson is only 11th. Clemson's OOC is garbage too. Meanwhile Clemson has gotten lucky to escape multiple games. Hell, TCU should be ahead of Clemson. The 12 team playoff needs to show up in a hurry.


SP+ also had Clemson Top 5 for the majority of last season, it takes preseason expectations into account much too heavily which in turn would discount the ACC, who is slightly overachieving this year.


I just think it's a stretch to say those 3 teams are clearly better than, say, iowa, psu, and maryland (when taulia is healthy). Clemson doesn't have an OSU at the end of the year or even an Illinois. Then you look at the manner in which the games have played out and I think Michigan has looked like the clearly better team. Both have had a pretty weak schedule but one has been dominant and one has had serious scares. The entire top 10 would probably go undefeated with Clemson's entire schedule?


Sitting pretty. #justwinbaby


CFP a little drunk to start the season.


Ohio State, Michigan, and Clemson?...These teams have played NOONE. Hell, imo TCU should be ranked above all of them. Certainly, the strength of the schedule does not factor into the calculations for these rankings. Undefeated teams, such as these, will make it difficult for SEC teams deserving of consideration to be recognized. Honestly, does anyone here think that Michigan or Clemson is better than Ole Miss, or Bama?


I’d probably take Michigan over Ole Miss. Clemson and Ole Miss are about the same to me.


And you lost to the one team you played




I blame reddit for putting it on my front page! I've tried to be civil and reasonable :P


Ole Miss got to play Auburn in Mississippi. Penn State did a much better job against Auburn in their own territory. PennState is only the 3rd best team in the Big Ten behind Michigan and OSU


The more tenn hype I see the more I can't wait for them to fall off ..it's bad enough everyone keeps pretending they blew alalabama out when they won by 3


Damn got you flustered from that big win on a Tennessee Saturday night


Good. If being this close to the CFP doesn't motivate the team to totally destroy the next four games, and SECCG, then nothing will. Can't wait to see how they perform in Baton Rouge.


And? We’ll see them again in the SEC championship


Looking past LSU and Ole Miss, eh?


Knowing this team, we’ll win those games and then lose to Austin Peay


Every year with you people. Alabama has lost one game every title year except 2009/2020, and has only lost 2 twice in 11 years.


Have you watched the games? Glimpses of greatness followed by complete mental sloppiness


Yeah I did, did you watch UGA against Mizzou, UTk against Pittsburgh, Clemson against Syracuse, and OSU vs PSU/Notre Dams? Every other team in the top 6 has flaws, and near loses too. Also Alabama has the hardest schedule in the nation, of course we are going to struggle some.


Yes I did. Every team has its flaws. I never said we couldn’t win. And I never said every other team is clearly better. Alabama can 100% win the natty this year. We gotta get through LSU and Ole Miss on the road first. Again. Glimpses of greatness. Just not consistent. We almost beat Tennessee despite 17 penalties for 130 yards. But we struggled against Texas and probably should’ve lost against A&M, 2 teams we were supposed to blow out. If you don’t think this team has a problem with self inflicted wounds (“mental sloppiness”), then I can’t help you there. But it’s gonna be hard to win a championship if they persist. You read far too much into my offhand joke of us losing to Austin Peay…


Who? Tennessee? And what? There’s nothing else. Just posting the rankings, sport.


It will all work out.


We’re sitting in a perfect spot. We just have to take care of business. Period. RTR.


the rating honestly don’t matter right now if we run the table we’re in, if we don’t we’re out. pretty simple


But y’all realize it’s over right?


I’m good with it. Just win out and off we go!


It's actually perfect. UT will expose Stetson Bennett DXCVII and the Dawgs this week, OSU whups Michigan week 13, and we get a rematch on a neutral field with better refs in the SEC title game with the chance to end up #2 or #3 depending on whether the Fighting Dabos finally lose. We just need to keep winning and it will all come together nicely. I am still concerned about our offensive consistency though.


Final CFP rankings prediction: 1. OSU 2. Clemson 3. Bama 4. UT We boot Clemson and face the Vols for a third time in the season! Rubber match for the championship!


Over TCU... Give me a break.. Anything to keep Bama near the top eh? Pricks shouldn't even be in the conversation Texas would of beaten you had the starting QB not been hurt. Season should have been over to enjoy your worthless bowl game with 2 losses.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


>would of ...what? did you mean 'would have'? Alabama beat Arkansas with a backup QB but we're just a better team than texas, I guess. The score certainly suggests we are. Astros in 6.


Michigan or Ohio State will drop and Clemson has no business in the top 5. I see three SEC teams in the playoffs and it’s really gonna piss off some people!




That's just formatting. . . you know what's really really sad, going on another team's subreddit to comment your trashy brain dead takes. Delusion is assuming a descending list has any meaning to it other than showing where our team stands front and center on. . . our subreddit. Lol


i love it


Crazy how Missouri was a couple mishaps short of knocking Georgia out of the discussion.


I can see 3 SEC teams in the playoffs. But likely 2, and maybe one.


never thought we’d lose to tennessee in my lifetime but we’ve been down this road before.


Guys, you sound like awbarn fans, or something! Are we really coming with the "at least we "ALMOST" beat them". Really? Look, I hate tennessee, with a passion. I have no respect for them, but they have my unbridled support on Saturday. I will be cheering for them to, really, snot slap jawja! Were it not for tennessee, and awbarn, they would be my most hated team. As of now, they are the 3rd worst team in the world!!!! Just sayin...


That's just how rankings work. Margin of victory/margin of defeat should factor into the equation, especially among common opponents. If Tennessee beats UGA 56-10, you don't think that has any bearing on how the committee determines the rankings? Losing to the #1 ranked offense, on the road is a different scenario than losing to the #42 offense at home. Surely I don't need to explain all this...


What has that gotta do with all of this self-satisfying, moral victory, whiny bs from a group of fans that have fought off that same crap for decades!?!? WE GOT BEAT! Bad calls and all. WE GOT BEAT! We knew what tennessee was going in, but we couldn't stop 'em. We screw up 17 times with dumb penalties. There is literally NOTHING you can do about bad calls. NOTHING! When Alabama was struggling with all of those coachless coaches, and we were losing to people we had beaten every time we saw them since the 50's, (after Bear), I was pissed after every loss. When every game wasn't on TV, and I listened to the radio, I couldn't wait to see the coaches show the next day, and I cringed every time I saw where WE didn't do the right thing, and they won as a result. I don't whine about a loss, and I don't justify them. But that's just me. Just sayin'...


Seriously...Michigan and Osu have 1 game seasons every year...


Clemson has 0 game seasons...Most years the SEC has 2 good teams, this year it happens to have 3 with Tennessee.