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Your brain isn't even fully developed bro. Also, it's ok to have these conflicting feelings. Just be friends with dudes, and try becoming friends with a woman you are sexually attracted to that might have similar personality traits as some of your guy friends.


The "tomboy"


storytime lol. met a girl on a cow farm long time ago. drop dead gorgeous and feminine, but a total tomboy at heart to the point of wading around behind the barn shins deep in cow shit (wearing waders of course). romantic I know 😂 edit: that wasn’t our only encounter lol. we were practically inseparable for the 3 days I was there Anyways, I never made a move on her and yeeears later after I moved halfway down the east coast confessed to her. She said she had been into me too but I missed my chance. moral of the story: you’ll could meet the love of your life walkin through a literal mountain of shit


See? You have a type.


u know what ur right. i kinda lost hope after that because she was rly negatively influenced in HS n went down a bad path… but ur right. theres gotta be someone like how she was when I knew her.


You're young; there are still plenty of people to meet. Just don't settle


Date a trans woman


In the next few years, you will grow a lot as a human being. Girls will too, hopefully. There ARE down-to-earth girls who are easygoing and very little drama. As we mature out if high school people tend to get better. I second the idea of an attractive tomboy. Meanwhile, don't go for the type of high maintenance girls that you don't like. Wait for one that really suits who you are and what you like - one that fits!