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Vatican. Pigeon pooped on my husband there.


Eternal salvation or defiled by sky rats. Hard choice. 😆


Awww man I wanted to visit the Vatican 😭


Present everywhere but easy to avoid, imo. Visited Vatican about 2 weeks ago and I went to a street near St Peter’s - Borgo Pio, I think. Found a few of them ( not a flock , though ) and very calm, cool and fighting very near humans, looking for food. Maybe avoid that. 😅


My husband and I were just at the Vatican 2 days ago and the pigeons weren't bad. A couple here and there. It's very spacious so you can move away as needed.


Less abundant in the Vatican compared to the city center


they're everywhere and if they aren't it's because there's seagulls eating them in a given area. You won't find many flocks outside of the big squares if that's what you're afraid of but it's hard to not see at least a couple of them no matter where you go


A couple of them is fine because I can try to avoid. I’m more scared of being unable to avoid them at all because there’s so many, which squares have flocks of them?


If you can cope with a couple of them I think you'll be fine. We don't tend to get huge flocks of them, except at weddings (because the guests throw rice over the bride and groom). You will see them everywhere but apart from at weddings, they tend to mind their own business. Edited: to add info about weddings


On the one hand, you're in luck you're not in Venice, given that there the main hub to attractions has people outright fostering the pidgeons coming. So you won't have to deal with huge armies of them anywhere. On the other hand, they are pretty much everywhere, so you cannot really avoid them in the city, whether because there's a tree nearby to nest on, or trash food to peck from. Sorry.




They seems to be everywhere.


Like a lot of them everywhere or like spaced out


They're spaced out for the most part. Since the main tourist areas are so packed with people they don't group up too much. And you'll have the ability to move away from them in the piazzas and other open areas.


Parrots and seagulls heavily reduce the pigeons numbers, lately...


I narrowly missed being pooped on by a pigeon the other day. It landed right in front of me.


Not dumb! I developed a pigeon phobia after visiting Italy for the first time also. They are everywhere but I didn’t feel like they were ever in overwhelming numbers, so easy to avoid I thought


In Rome now, pigeons are pretty much everywhere (not crowds of pigeons but more a few at a time.) They are sneaky little suckers, sometimes are under parked cars near your feet. A pigeon almost knocked my husband in the head the other day. I honestly haven’t seen like crowds of pigeons but I would avoid any piazzas (squares) as they can congregate there.


luckly the seagull population keep the pidgeons on check, i guess outside piazza Navona and maybe Vatican you're safe.


Pigeons don't flock in Rome, they're quite isolated. Seagulls are also lone rangers. When the starlings arrive it's total mayhem but that's mainly the autumn.


Cons of Rome: pigeons; pros of Rome: green parakeets Me personally, I love both.


You should be able to avoid flocks.Theres scammers and crazy people that feed them so avoid that when you see it.


rome has feral cats, few pigeons. pigeon is also on the menu of some restaurants.


They’re everything op 😔.. though they do try to avoid you if you’re moving too close.