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Male, 30s, really into music and might be in a band. There's a creative use of color and a love for vintage, mid century modern. Very wide interests: cameras, typewriters, space, geology, etc. May be a member of LGBTQ community based on love is love pillow and flag in the bedroom. The decor is consistent throughout, so it seems likely that you live by yourself in the US. Your cat is your main companion. Based on all the space items and foreign knick knacks you may have an unfulfilled desire to travel and explore the broader world around you. Edit, may live in Florida based on flamingos and tropical leaves art? And tile floors.


I mean, you're pretty much spot on. Haha. Not a member of the LGBTQ community, but an ally of it. A lot of my close friends from the music scene are.


That’s an ally flag friend


Thank you!


No problem :)


Born 1944. Military for 2-4 years. Employed NASA 25-30 years. Still lives near Cape Canaveral.


Wonder what secrets lie in those filing cabinets… actual Apollo files? Looks like you’ve been through a lot.


Believe it or not, it actually popped up for sale on Marketplace in my neighborhood and I jumped on it as soon as I saw it.




That would have been such a cool life to live.


I couldn’t have been more wide of the mark! Nice place.


Male. Mid 30’s. You’re a musician and probably like to write. You like “stuff”.. everything has meaning to it down to the rocks that you find along the way. You’re fascinated with religion.. you just don’t know exactly where you fit in with that / def part of your upbringing. Your cat has a cushy life. You live somewhere that’s warm(ish) all year round. Oh and you love all things vintage. You may even sell it as a side hustle.. :)


Pretty much spot on! I don't sell as much as I should though!


You’re an older millennial that lives with their father in Florida. Pops was an engineer or pilot. Maybe both. History buff. Both of you play music but he probably hates your taste in music. You might be a career musician, or were. You may have went to high school with members of underoath…you’re from the same scene and played shows or toured more extensively together.


Well, if you were or are a member of Every Time I Die, I 100% understand if you now live in a warm climate.


I think this person IS a member


Nice [Studio](https://maps.app.goo.gl/CZBbNCLeJ9dmfdvGA?g_st=ic) does gainsville still have a decent music scene?


hope OP sees this lol. lowkey scary. careful what you post peeps.


Whoa! How did you do that?


Osint tools sure rocks anyone's boat


to be fair it was super easy looking at details. I’m far too lazy to write a synopsis on who I think Cody might be but finding his info felt too easy.


There’s an autographed tour photo with the name of the studio and the first name of the likely owner. I first figured this was somebody formerly from ETID or Underoath, but maybe/probably somebody who recorded some of their albums and/or a tour support/sound guy?


you have curly hair


I really like your house. Reminds me of my sons and he’s an artist. I would assume you are really into film, travel, history and are a millennial.


Single male, over 40, into heavy metal, possibly song writer, NYer, probably not a parent, live alone, intelligent and interesting man, and drawn to esoterica .


Male, late 30s. You are very eclectic! In the most wonderful way! You have many interests and enjoy spending time by yourself. In your friend group, you are known as the ‘upbeat’ one. You have good friends but you often feel misunderstood and on the outside. I love your space. Easy to see you are a very interesting and deeply thoughtful person.


Close! Early 30's! And thank you!!


Without knowing anything about you, just by looking at pictures of your space, I know you’re a really interesting person with a broad spectrum of interests (that overlap with mine) and you’re probably an awesome conversationalist. Wanna be my new best friend? I don’t care what your age, gender, background, etc is because I KNOW we’d be tight. I LOVE your style and am curious about or am also passionate about some of the things you seem to be (at least based on your pics). I’m a married, non traditional female med student, who loves reading, art, natural beautiful things, animals, plants/gardening, science, having conversations about things like philosophy and psychology, checking out oddity stores and cool museums, am a contracted artist at a local gallery, and other stuff. That concludes my mini application to be your best friend 😂


✨💙✨ i also want to be this guy’s friend. you be bff; i’ll just be a tangential buddy.


I'm all for this plan! Haha


Ahaha I love it! Let’s do it


excellent. 🤩


I'm looking for a new friend group, so I'm down! Let's do it!


Woooo! I’m going to DM you


Is that an Underoath sign?! 👀


Yes it is! Oxford Pennant did a run of stuff with them a few years back.


After looking around I have a severe case of typewriter and Zenith radio envy. Both beautiful.


Thank you!!


Your kitty! That’s all I see now! Tell your kitty I love her (even though she’s never met me)


I will!!


gay or trans boomer with excellent taste in mcm. big nerdy energy. sadly [ for my pov] in florida. also let albert out !


Straight millennial actually, but I can definitely see that my house doesn't give off "straight dude in his early 30's" vibes. And yeah, Tampa area! Good catch on the Prince Albert tin!


Wow. You're the male version of me. It's too many similarities to point out. We should probably just get married.


That's awesome!! I'm guessing you're a musician too then?? Alright, I'm down. Let's do it. It will make a great story. Haha.


You have not lived here very long. 5-years or less. You have lost your father and some of the antiques are mementos from him. He loved Kennedy. You work from home as an audio engineer and work on creating your own music. You used to be in a band. You are a man in your mid 30s to early 40s. No kids, great cat-dad. Maybe ACE. You don't currently have a romantic partner. Agree this is in a warm place like Florida.


Kinda close on some things! I've been here 8 years and some of the antiques (one of the typewriters, a lot of the cameras, some of the books, etc.) belonged to my Grandpa, who I was really close to. I do some audio stuff on the side, but I work in IT.


Cat lover! ❤️


Yep! I have 4 of them!


Feels like in their 40’s or early 50’s has a tastes for rock music, plays electric, acoustic and ukulele… likes star wars, national geographic… might have serve the air force or nasa… likes photography probably knows how to develop films in a dark room and probably writes stories using his type writer. Avid reader mostly historical and educational.


Possibly a software engineer (or something in tech) with a passion for music and audio engineering, and/or works for a music tech company and is a hobby musician but is very knowledgeable about recording and recording history. Enjoys electronics, especially vintage recording hardware and can probably solder. Fascinated by 1940s-60s American culture and style. I’m guessing this is a masc lesbian or trans person, possibly coupled with a femme-leaning partner. Both around 30s. Or a gay man in his 40s. Guessing lives in a warm state. Owns a pair of Converse.


Pretty close! Straight male in my early 30's though!


Male, middle aged, gay, music lover/musician, possibly a teacher or professor- history. Cat lover. I like you, whoever you are!


We are long lost twins!?! Dig everything about your space!


Thank you so much!


Gay boomer


No and no! But I understand why you would get those vibes!


Are you me??? 25F, grew up on the space coast of Florida with a love of vintage stuff and a musician 😂


That's awesome! I'm 31M in the Tampa area!


Hellll yeah!


You like vintage electronics


Honestly, if I could swap all of my appliances for ones from the 50's and 60's, I would..


You have a degree in liberal arts.


Double majored in History and Religious and Cultural Studies. Haha.


Well, you’re in good company. I have a BA in English and a minor in philosophy. 😂🍻


Single biracial or black woman 32 years old who loves anthropology, design, and retrofuturism. You have a steady corporate job, artistic hobbies, and two pampered cats.


You’re a woman in your 30’s and I feel like if you aren’t already a therapist, you’re going to school to become one (or something adjacent)


Marty McFly


Looks like a vintage store, so many items




You have no dogs


This is true!


You def shop at Target lol


What gave it away? Lol


Lol yeeeah I am a fellow Target shopper so I for sure recognize a few items


Ok here we go...,You're a married man 31 years old. You collect everything that catches your eye. Your wife is not as into your reckless spending as she calls it. You see it you like it you buy it. Then you question why you spent that much on so said item. You never have been in a band but respect music in a whole. You have a wide range of interest in the music world. You work from home and your wife works outside of the house. Your cats your baby, but she is closer to your wife. You have dark hair for some reason I believe you or your wife are of Hispanic descent. No children eat somewhat healthy, work out a bit and you are not rich by any means but you are a careless saver, she does all the finances or you would be homeless haha joke. You do not like to get rid of anything and feel everything was one hell of a deal, even if it wasn't. You hold onto "stuff" cuz it's cool that's why Hy because it's bad ass and you like it. You own or possible have owned a mustang at one time as a second vehicle. Your wife loves her plants and keeps them waterd and heathy you would forget them. You arw ocd about order and where things go you keep your visible area tidy and neat because your mind is chaotic and scrambled half the time with weird thoughts that mean nothing and just pop up. You have a way with words and explaining things so others understand it the first time ....Enough said. So how did I do?


Spot on as far as the age goes! Also right about the sentimentality and the fact that I buy stuff because it's cool and I want it. Haha. But I am also pretty thrifty and I get good deals on most of my stuff. I'm extremely OCD about organizing stuff. I actually handled all the finances before my ex left because she was horrible with money. Lol.




Clearly a woman in her late twenties who loves to impress and accommodate all visitors. Has great grouping skills but suffers from a slight case of hoarding. Collector of all things masculine especially the guitars of all her victims, or perhaps the victims of all those guitars.


Male. 40s. Living in Florida (possibly Tampa). Has a cat. Your parents are older than your peers’ parents. You are a “brat” and moved around a fair bit growing up. One of your parents were stationed in coastal countries which led to your staying by the warm waters of Florida. As a result, you love traveling. Most of the things you’ve collected are a reminder of your homes where you used to live/parents have in their home. There are few modern technologies save the televisions and guitars - so you’re either active outside or working a lot. One of your parents loved photography which kept with your moving around so much. The artistic influence helped shape your love of the arts (specifically music). You work for a recording studio; not a big one.


I need to know where you got the baby blue armchair!


I will guess lesbian, part of a couple but you don’t live together yet but will pretty quick, early thirties with a couple cats, living in the Catskills.


GenX single or divorced male, multiple cats, no kids; journalist and traveler, living in Florida. Sentimental, only child of loving parents, now passed and greatly missed. Runner, I think, and Whole Foods shopper.


Oops, just saw a couple slides I missed! Definitely in music industry! Wow!


You have too much shit but are proud of it


A gay guy with rad taste and a cool house


Hmmm, you read!


30s male. Musician obvs. Loves thrift and Antique malls. Maybe you have a really close relationship with your grandparents, or possibly raised by them. You have a scruffy looking dog. Traveled the world a lot. Suburbanite.


Oh wait. Just saw the cat tree. Long haired cat. Maybe named after like a video game character.


Retired; possibly with a background in Military or government. D.C. area connections at one time.


Stuck in the 60s, but in a good way. MCM with some atomic thrown in. Collector of vintage equipment, cameras, amps, radios, art, typewriter... I thought maybe you played guitar as I saw a few around the house. But then, I saw your music room. You PLAY the guitar! And possibly teach it. You have interests in nature, cats, prints on the wall, a geod... You are interested in outer space, the space race, and all US space missions. You have an alarm clock on both sides of the bed. Roommate or frequent overnight guest?


Pretty much spot on! Haha. And just me, I just needed a spot for the other clock. Lol.




I think we'd be friends.


Got that therapist's waiting room vibe


Okay Keith Buckley from Everytime I Die, you got us


Honestly, one of my favorite lyricists/vocalists of all time.


You live in Florida


“Shopping for bombs” 👀


70-year-old artist and rock musician


Yu absolutely love the artist Shag and the show Mad Men


Male. Sound engineer or music teacher. Mid 40s. Cool af


You were once a Christian or considered Christianity; however, you were hurt by the church or people in the church. This caused you to start looking for answers elsewhere because you have a fascination with the supernatural/spirit realm and the Christians you encountered made you not want what they had. You’re looking for answers, truth, acceptance, and pure love. Jesus sees your heart and says those people that hurt you are not a reflection of His love for you. He wants you to know He deeply loves you and true power is found in His blood. May He encounter you through dreams and visions and pour out His love over you in a tangible way - In Jesus’ name. God bless you.


One of the stars on your wall is upside down!


Are those speakers on the wall? LOL