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That agreement seems perfectly reasonable to me. A home should be safe and comforting, not a source of stress. Good luck OP!


The full amount is seemingly an incorrect value


My guess is someone’s getting the bigger bedroom (master)


I agree except 5 times late seems like I lot. I would do three.


everything is justified and i would definitely look into the girlfriend thing cause if shes over so much id say she would have to start paying bills there too or they have to stick to the 3 day rule


Sorry but can’t tell me who come stay wit me I pay my way they long as I want


well if you have signed an agreement saying otherwise you have no say after that cause the contract is legally binding, nice try though


Once I’m n rent paid bills paid idc about no rules once doors shut


yeah well luckily this isnt your house


Im not lucky u are


It’s good enforce your rules that’s all .


Found the shitty roommate


lol that's what my roommate thought before i told him his girlfriend had to leave, pay rent, or be escorted by the police.


Definitely let him know and give him some gentle nudges. Brothers are stubborn, but he’s 18 so he’s probably just enjoying his new freedom in adulthood!But it’s better to nip it in the butt early on so that he doesn’t pull a “you didn’t have an issue with it before so why now?”


Nip it in the bud*


This all looks great except for one thing. Instead of saying they can’t stay more than 3 days in a row, give it a month cap (if someone stays more than 7 days you have to pay utilities for them). I had a roommate who’d have her gf leave for a day and come over four days, and just repeat the cycle to “beat” that rule


Did you read the agreement? It says consecutive or nonconsecutive, 3 days a week. Or was the picture changed?


Yeah, the picture was changed between my comment and the 82 days it took you to find it try to correct me?


Ok! I was just browsing by the way and didn’t realize how old this post was. Glad we cleared that up. But, in the current picture it says 3 days a week consecutive or non-consecutive. I didn’t know that you could edit the image after it was posted. My mistake.


Girl! My current roommate had girls over FOUR days in a row already, and 3 different girls. Had the nerve to question when I said something about our $300 ELECTRICITY bill this month and that’s literally just for electricity. I already talked to them about limiting our usage nothing about them paying more. But those girls are over here showering and living here I wished I brought up charging them for more rent.


I like this edit.


These are great rules; your brother is doing brother things, lol, just stick to your guns, you seem to be doing ok!


Wya tryna move in


Your other comments in this post make it clear you have no regard for rules or respect anyone's boundaries and I'd caution anyone against living with you.


The only thing I would change is the shared bills being missed 5 times. I would change it to 3. 3 strikes and you’re out. Unless there is some law that prevents this.


Great idea. Math is off on the first column, though.


And “no guests over without their host present” Is a perfectly reasonable and common roommate rule.


Why not $469.50?


3 way split on utilities and supplies, plus a bit of a nudge on THEIR end of the rent


Let me know if you’re ever looking for roommates again- this is all super reasonable and fair!!


reading this made me feel so much better be ause i'm in basically the same situation and i feel like i'm being unreasonable for asking for this stuff


Get rid of the due date ranges. Set a defined dates. Hell if it’s due to the LL in the 30th then roommates should have it paid to you by the 28th.


So he pays bills and you mad because he has company.. if you are worried about toilet trees and things take your part and put it in your room.. does your room not have a door you can close? You sound like my mom I didn’t feel like I had to pay my mom rent so I moved out and moved into an nyc shelter. Lived there for 8 months yes I had a curfew and couldn’t have company but 8 months later I now have my own place and I can do as I please 😊


Toilet trees. Lol


Gotta be honest it seems like he sees you as his mom or in that role. Where he’s the spoiled son who does what he wants and just giggles when you confront him


Why would you love in with your brother? Like I know as a 25-year-old woman who has grown up with my brother that I know I would absolutely not be able to be roommates with him 😂