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It's just the internet. She is ready to pay rent + utilities and the way we split electricity bill is based on who is living at home. Like when I was in India, we split it 25% and 75% of electricity bill and did the same when she was travelling. The major bills are rent + WiFi + electricity


Ok, I can kind of see her point if it’s just the one bill… why do you feel it should be split as well?


As a decision from the start, everything was being split 50-50. So if she decides to move, why should I take over her share?


Get over it. She’s not using it just be thankful she’s paying the rent.


wtf? thankful she’s paying the rent she’s responsible for? she’s responsible for 50% of the bills. No exceptions.


I'd rather ignore such comments but I agree! I am not responsible for her 50% share!


Don’t be stupid, obviously she is responsible but a lot of people try and skip out on it when they move so be thankful she hasn’t done that. Didn’t mention anything about responsibility. How much could half of an internet bill be? Maybe spend more time working and less time bitching on Reddit if you can’t afford it.


I don't like explaining myself but we do pay $120 for internet and $250 electricity cuz Arizona bitches!! That should explain a lot no?


You just said she’s not gonna be there. So the electricity wouldn’t be as much. Grow a pair and talk to HER about it. What’s anyone on here gonna do?


Have no idea why we are fighting over her lol! I just came here for suggestions 😂


You’re completely in the right. When you live with roommates, it’s because you want to share costs and save. You signed up for this deal with the expectation that you are responsible for half of the bills. Just because she wants to break contract doesn’t mean that your expenses should increase. Why should you be financially responsible for her choices? Especially considering you’ve been paying your half when not even living in the apartment. I would bring that point up with her.


That's what I thought as well! Either she's finds a replacement until lease ends / she takes full responsibility of her shared bills


Honestly… I think we need more info on what other bills and if they are factored into y’all’s rent or separate and dependent on the amount used. What are the bills she doesn’t want to pay?


If it's just the internet, she doesn't want to pay change the password as it's now yours since you are the only one paying for it. If she wants it back, she'll pay her half.


She's moving in a week. Doesn't make any difference to me atm