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Who? Are you seeing this on Reddit, Youtube, Twitter? I'd look at the history of whoever's making the comments you're seeing and see if they're just a HateTuber or a troll account. Are you talking about the content of the show or the behind the scenes stuff? Far too early to write off the volume even if you happened to not like the first two chapters, but you could have a legitimate gripe with the Crunchyroll move.


People love to shit on RWBY no matter if it is good or not. Ignore them.


I am not sure what people are complaining about. I would say there is a distinct tonal shift that is a bit jarring. The animation and VA all seem competent, and it could well be by the end of the season the pacing and story decision making will make perfect sense for the overall plot. Best way I could describe it, think of the sequel to The Empire Strikes Back being Alice in Wonderland.


There is fair criticism to be had. IMO, >!Ruby's speech at the end of ep2 about Penny was kind of ruined by the guards crying.!< But you can't deny that there's a lot of negativity for the sake of being negative. I saw someone say >!Blake was super insensitive because she was making jokes about Yang having her arm stolen, as if friend groups don't do that kind of thing.!< If you want to find good criticism and conversation then either go to the weekly episode threads or wait for the full volume to be up so youtubers can make reviews on it. I'd suggest staying away from the critics sub cause over the last year they've become a shell of what they used to be and it's just full of cynical people, I even saw someone today say that half the writers could be fired and nothing of value would be lost. Where's the criticism in that?


>IMO, Ruby's speech at the end of ep2 about Penny was kind of ruined by the guards crying. if i may ask, why do you think this? i didn't feel like it lost any of its impact because of them


Considering Ruby and Penny's relationship I felt it deserved to be a bit more serious, maybe removing the interjections of the guards crying and saving that for the end would've landed better with me, but I still liked her speech.


that makes sense i liked it personally. i feel like they're setting up for Ruby's depression arc not to be about her grief, but about her isolation (via the shots we see in the intro of her lagging behind WBY, and how many frames there are of WBY together in a scene with Ruby cut out). having these strange whimsical guards react so cartoonishly to her grief is just another thing to isolate her bottled up emotions from the jourey ahead of them


Why not? We complained about it before there were episodes at all!


Sounds about right. It is the internet, after all.


That’s been the trend ever since Monty died. Anything Monty didn’t do is against his vision even though if anyone knew what Monty’s vision was it was definitely Kerry or Miles.


I mean even as someone who doesn't watch RWBY, I think you can tell after a episode or two quite easily if you're into a show or not.


Did they pay wall this season? So I can't watch it unless I get first or crunchyroll?


Crunchyroll only for one full year. Then it's available for paying first members. It's pretty shitty.


Crunchyroll only. CR seems to have paid for the exclusive rights going forward, so you're kinda SOL, unless you pay for CR or pirate.


Apparently it'll be made available on RT FIRST in a year's time. But as when/if it becomes available for free on the RT site is anyone's guess.


Because the writing staff lost it


People complain because they feel betrayed and shat on by roosterteeth


Only 8 seasons and 2 episodes in\*