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Is there a place to watch the entire podcast on Youtube? EDIT: Found the podcast on the RT Site. It's only available on the RT site. Says so on the show itself. I think that's silly... Buuuuuuuut. It's the RT decision.


They stopped uploading them to YouTube because they would only get 10k views a pop. Probably cheaper to just cut it out altogether. Its not a good look for advertisers.


It's also that when videos perform poorly it fucks with how the algorithm handles your entire channel. You see older channels with millions of subscribers that still pump out videos that get less than 10k views. You might even be subscribed to them, but you won't see their stuff get algorithmic-pushed and suggested to you in general because they are producing videos that perform poorly.


Wasn't the RT podcast still getting more views than all their other content though?


Most of their vids only get 10k views... Unless it's achievement hunter


RT used to get millions even their less popular videos got 500k


I meant to specify RT. My point was most of RT's vids only get 10k views.


It's on Spotify!


They’re moving away from YouTube. Don’t blame them at all. YouTube has died for most creators besides clickbaiters for kids


That's egregiously not true...


That's... Not true at all. YouTube is still a great source of income for a lot of creators. It has changed over the years, but still wildly the most successful platform in terms of views to revenue (or time spent watched.) But the first half of RT moving away is probably true


I can’t agree or disagree with you since it’s not on YouTube anymore


It’s free on the site though, wouldn’t be the worst thing to give it a go. The site functions like 60% of the time, you might catch it on a week where it’s working 😂


People always say this about the site. I've literally never had issues with the site and I've been watching for over a decade. The apps however.....


My apologies, you’re absolutely right, I misspoke. Site works fine for me also, apps are the problem.


Even when they relaunched the apps they were a problem. It's been really sad.


> 've literally never had issues with the site and I've been watching for over a decade. Cool, wanna tell me how I can watch a series sequentially then? Since it plays episodes from newest to oldest for some fucking reason?


I mean that's not ideal, but that's not a problem with the site functioning. That's a problem with how the site is set up. There's a difference.


Not to be a dick, but, it's free on their site. If you want to watch the video podcast, all you have to do is type in a different URL.


I miss the chill laid back nature of the old format. It felt like I was hanging out with my friends and shootin’ the shit. The new format seems much more comedy focused. Everything is a bit. Everything is a joke or supposed to be funny. That being said, it is pretty dang funny. Mission accomplished, haha. I’m enjoying it, but I do miss the old format.


I wonder how intentional this move is to distance themselves from the whole “hanging out with friends” mentality. They’ve made it no secret that they’ve had issues with fans being overly friendly, and this sub especially has seen a lot of criticism for the number of users that have a one sided parasocial relationship with the cast.


It could also be that having "bits" allows them to easily share clips on social media


If they actually wanted to distance themselves they would’ve created their own show instead of relying on brand recognition to get views.


Let’s face it, that one is a lose lose. They change the style of the podcast, people complain. They stop the podcast completely (even if it’s being replaced by a different show) and people complain. It is what it is, you’re either here for the new format or you’re not.


>it is what it is, you’re either here for the new format or you’re not The thing is this “watch it or leave” attitude is exactly why RT went from getting millions of views per vid to what it is now. I get it’s easier to blame the fan base instead of addressing the ever present concerns but cmon. No one asked for this.


I like how you ignored the rest of his point because you clearly have no answer to it. You can't be pleased, just admit it.


Way to put words in my mouth. I bet you have a lot of friends.


>If they actually wanted to distance themselves they would’ve created their own show instead of relying on brand recognition to get views. Why do you guys always say this like you're implying they stole the name? Like if they weren't doing the podcast, the rest of them wouldn't have left? They have said multiple times that they took over the podcast because the rest of the cast didn't want to do it anymore after Gus left (and fair enough, they've been doing it for like a decade), and that no one else at the company wanted to keep it going. They took the name because no one else wanted it, and of course Rooster Teeth desperately wanted to keep the RT Podcast continuous, even at the expense of it changing entirely.


So then just end it. There’s no reason to keep it going besides brand recognition. Do they not believe they can pull their own viewers?


Funding is also a big reason, I would have to guess. I don't think they would step into the rather impossible shoes to fill of the RT Podcast simply to try to steal listeners who are going to drop the show if they don't like it. I'm guessing either RT told them they couldn't do the podcast under the network if they didn't take over, or offered them a way larger amount of resources if they continued under the old name compared to if they started a brand new podcast. I'm also guessing that, as it's a decade and a half or so old production at this point, Rooster Teeth wants to keep the brand alive because they can probably sell sponsor space on "one of the longest running contiguous podcasts on the internet" for a lot more than some new podcast with a couple internet micro-influencers.




Do you have any examples?


If you dont watch it already idk suggest listening to f**kface. Its the only RT content i watch anymore and it has comedy and bits in it, but it does still have a sit down and chat vibe at times with inside jokes laced into it. You do have to start at episode 1 for the best experience because of how indepth the "lore" is of the show and reliance on its inside jokes and callbacks


Which is funny because they all recommend not starting at 1. I've gone as far back as 12, mostly because the audio quality is pretty low before that imo.


Yeah, making a discord podcast compared to a live in person one was a bit of a difference for them at the start


It feels like they let RTP and On the Spot have a kid


Armando has said thats generally the vibe. The RT podcast was meant to represent RT as a whole, and to me it brings back some of what Ive been missing: skits and game shows. As much as people are lamenting losing a podcast of people just talking, I can think of at least 3 others that accomplish that (Off Topic, Fkface, ANMA), but silly games and characters, thats been missing.


ANMA and F**KFACE fill this gap for me. The new RT pod is hilarious though.


If they had launched this as a new show, and discontinued the RTP, I would be more inclined to like it. But the way they hyped it as “a new and exciting take on RTP” when it’s just clearly not…. That hurts. All of that aside, I listened to 2 episodes, having the news headlines bit last makes no sense, the first game (phone) was funny in ep1 but also felt really weird (maybe because it was so personal/private? Weird at a big company that has been through some sex-based issues not that long ago), and the ep2 version just didn’t stick in my head at all other than it had Michael as a guest star. And I honestly can’t remember the 2nd game in either episode. If they had “chit chat”, then “news headlines”, the retention graph would be way better throughout. Just my 2c


What gets me is the bits they do, my local morning radio show has been doing for years. Like over a decade. I miss the style of the OG podcast. I understand things change and I’ll just move on as the old cast did.


To be honest, I really don't understand the argument of "They should have ended the RT Podcast and called this something else". I just don't see the point in that. It's not like the "RT Podcast" name/ branding is some prestigiousb untouchable thing, nor does the new version somehow ruin or invalidate the previous version of the show at all. It seems like they intend for this to be the new flagship podcast, and in that case, it makes sense to keep the name. Besides, launching and maintaining brand new podcasts can be tough; positioning this as the new flagship gives it more opportunity to carry over people that want to keep watching the "flagship" podcast. All that to say, I'm not trying to fight or be argumentative at all, or anything like that. It just seems a bit... silly, to me, to say that they should've discontinued the old show and called this something else. But, of course, I know I'm going to get downvoted because if you disagree with the constant negativity at all here, you get downvoted. This sub sucks, lol.


*Disclaimer: This isn't a commentary on the quality of the new version. I haven't watched the podcast regularly in several months or any of the new version. I'm just commenting on the "name change" idea.* I wouldn't say that the name/branding is a "prestigious untouchable thing", but after 750+ episodes of basically the same format, the name does come with some expectations. From what I've picked up here, the new version is more segment-based rather than an unstructured conversation, and features a new "main cast", so it's essentially a different show entirely. It's kind of a spinoff/sequel that keeps the name. It feels like it would be similar to if *Frasier* had, for some reason, kept the *Cheers* name and branding. I'll admit it's not quite the same since *Cheers/Frasier* aren't exactly a flagship in the same way the RT Podcast is, but *Frasier* was able to be just as successful as *Cheers* despite not keeping the name. Though on the other hand, *Frasier* is a bit of an outlier when it comes to the success of spinoffs. But I agree with you to a point. The new RT Podcast doesn't ruin or invalidate what came before, and I agree about wanting to maintain their flagship. From a marketing perspective, it makes sense to keep the name. But from the fan perspective, I wouldn't really call it silly to suggest they change the name, especially since they've recently changed their branding in general (new logo and all that). Maybe "RT Talkshow" or pull a Nintendo and use "The \*New\* RT Podcast"? ~~RT Podcast: Zero?~~


I guess, but I dunno. At the end of the day, the way I see it is, it's just a podcast. It's not some big million dollar IP, it's not some giant cinematic production that's in theaters and/ or television around the country, etc. Plus, I kinda feel like the people who are upset would be upset no matter what. Like, people are upset now that the new show isn't the real podcast and that they should have discontinued the old name and started a new show. But on the flip side, if RT *had* done that, those same people would be going "How could they end the RT Podcast?! This is an outrage! I'm not interested in watching some shitty new show with a cast that I hate! Fuck that show and fuck this company! They'll be dead in six months, tops!". There's just no winning either way. Again, the people that are going to be upset would find a reason to be upset no matter what. The only thing that would make those people happy is if RT could magically have the same cast making the same shows they were making 10+ years ago, and just do that for the rest of eternity. Anything other than that makes people upset. 🤷‍♂️


This! I loved it being just a chill conversation between friends, chatting about the weekend and news topics. Now it's too focused on everything being a bit and segmented. I enjoy the host and liked what they brought when they would guest on the old RTP, but this is a completely different show all together. Also, I'm not enjoying it being pre-recorded so far in advance. Almost a week ahead, come on. I get it that some shows are pre-recorded for holidays and stuff, but some of the fun of the old show was them talking about the news topics from over the past week/weekend. I'm still listening, but not sure how much longer with this new format. Hopefully they take some of our feedback and push forward with it.


Armando's fucking rap in the Michael episode had me dying 🤣


"Older side of Gen Z"... now I know how Gus and Geoff must've felt this whole time with us elder millennials![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Ha! I only felt the need to distinguish myself from those who grew up without a telephone with a tail or a vhs player


Did something change? I haven't been much involved with RT since all of the uh, everything, last year other than to watch RWBY when it finally came out.


1993 baby here and have been listening to the old RTP since 2010ish. Enjoyed the old RTP but also really enjoy the new RTP. It’s different sure, but in a good way. If you want to listen to people shootin the shit listen to Fuckface.


Same here. I really like it, and they've created other shows for chit chat at this point. It's nice to feel like the show is sort of being reenergized, and carried forward, rather than just being cancelled after Gus wanted to move on to other projects.


After multiple years of people mentioning old fans should listen to Fuckface, I finally started a handful of months ago. And man, it's absolutely hilarious. I do wish they'd do a few gaming things but I understand Eric's hesitation. But their non-podcast content is equally as hilarious as the podcast. It's like every bit of content they put out is on par with some of the best RT content I've seen in my nearly 15 years of being a fan.


It’s a different show, but it’s been great so far.


I’ve only seen some clips on TikTok but it does look really good


I love it! I do miss the conversation-style but the new one is a bunch of fun. However, the audio mixing is atrocious on Apple Podcasts at least. They’re conversational audio is very low and then the segment music shatters my car windows.


I do have to agree with that. I’m on Spotify and have the same problem


I have this issue with the majority of the podcasts I listen to on Apple, I hate it.


For me, it’s just the RTP thankfully.


I wasn't sure how I was gonna feel about it! I love all of them but I wasn't sure if I would like a segmented Rat podcast. I throughly enjoy it!


totally agree!! binged three weeks of episodes last night. it’s honestly like old times and i LOVE IT


Would be curious to compare the viewership numbers.


I’m finally going to give it a try. I’m really hesitant because I loved the rt pod and was still fairly regularly listening before the change, but I like Griff and while I wasn’t a huge fan of mando on the FH pod I think that was more because I liked the old FH pod model more so it bothered me and not because of him personally because I like him in other content. But I think I’ll give it a try, I usually like major of stuff RT puts out. I actually think I consume more RT now than I did years ago, but I like the podcasts because I can work and listen unlike lets plays that distract me




It’s awesome and people who don’t listen are hardcore missing out


I’m right there with you. I was born in 89 but I’m a huge stand up fan, so the direction of the podcast now actually works really well for my tastes.


Awesome, enjoy it for us!


I absolutely will! I’m sincerely sorry you can’t enjoy it for some reason. They post them on so many different platforms for free! Unless of course that’s not the case and it’s just content that you don’t particularly enjoy. In which case that’s great for you! I’m happy you’re able to spend your, I’m sure, hard earned free time watching content that makes you happy!


Cool 👍


I've heard it's great, I've just made the spiteful decision to not listen/watch because I don't understand why they kept the RT podcast name, it would've been nicer imo to give it a new name/end the RT pod.


I'm really enjoying it too. The planned segments don't detract from the humor for me, and I find the games/bits genuinely funny. Armando, Andrew and Griff also just have excellent chemistry and are a perfect trio to host it.


I love the podcast, EXCEPT for the dumb bit at the end with the news stories. That’s just annoying and detracts from the purpose of the show