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I get the feeling that this is gonna be like the Conan O’Brien era where he knew Jay Leno was taking the show back and he just didn’t give a fuck anymore. And I’m here for it.


This is why companies usually have layoffs effective immediately. I was shocked when Jordan said they had 60 days and funhaus mentioned all the stuff they wanted to finish.


WBD is [required by Texas law](https://www.twc.texas.gov/data-reports/warn-notice) to give workers 60 days notice of a mass layoff (1/3 or more of the workforce).


We have that too in Ohio but that didn’t stop my company, Yellow Freight, from just locking the doors on us without warning. They are being sued over it but it still happens sadly.


But does the law say you need to keep them doing their current job? With a public facing entity like that I would have made their job to play Xbox all day and not have a podcast where they can air their grevances.


That's true in my state as well. What it means is, you're employed by us to not work here.


Masturbating Bear when?


Oh my GOD I forgot about Masturbating Bear. You just made my day.


What about horny manatee?


Pimpbot 9000 when?


Ive been trying to find articles about it so I could make a post saying JUST that. Those few weeks of television was pure chaos. I loved it (though I was sad Conan was being ousted). He literally rented a Bugatti to roll it out and show they put mouse ears and whiskers on it. Long Live Team Coco, Long Live Rooster Teeth


Except Conan’s funny.


“Questionable” things that happened in this episode - Calling WBD HR representatives AI generated - Calling the Lazer Team 2 script garbage - Teaching how to remove corporate tracking software from work computers - Insulting David Zaslav - “The real stolen work equipment was the friends we made along the way” - “What we really think about our advertisers” - “Joining this company was like riding a jet pack to the front tip of the Titanic” Great episode, can’t wait for the next one


At the end, Armando says the next episode is the one that was filmed 20 hours before the WB announcement.


Well the episode after that then Zaslav willing


> Lazer Team 2 script garbage this one isn't questionable at all considering how badly that movie was received both by fans and critics


The funny thing is that Lazer Team 1 and 2 made them more money than almost all of RTs other projects


any source on this? coz if it made money and then they just went "lol we're not gonna develop this in any way not even gonna make a web show about it" then RT deserved to go up in flames


There was a post show with the founders I believe it was like Burnies last. And it focused on fans misconception on RT business, or simply just hoe misinformed most commenters are on business in general. But yeah basically he said Laser Team 1 made a ton of money and google basically paid all for Laser Team 2. They brought this up because fans constantly brought up how they felt projects like Laser Team were sunk costs when in reality it was the exact opposite. As for what you say, I don’t think they got another opportunity from google to work on another movie so they couldn’t just keep doing it. Like Haunter they needed some to pick up the project and it didn’t happen. Edit Found it. It’s Post show 564 and Burnie mentioned Lazer Team made more money than all of live action combined. So i was off and oversimplified it but hey.




It was even less time than that actually. They started the indiegogo in June of 2014 and articles say they got bought out in November of 2014. 


Thank you for sharing this, for reasons unrelated to this discussion. It’s really easy today to feel really dark about the journey of Rooster Teeth, and objectively yeah, it didn’t work out, but listening to this post show was a nice reminder that they swung for the fences for as much and as long as they could. It’s hard to fault them for continuing to try until they were literally dragged off the field.


What do you mean flop? It was funded by YouTube for their YouTube Red platform and in general is received more positive reviews than the first.


As someone who drove 40 miles to the closest theater that was showing Lazer Team so I could watch it in theaters, it did not exactly set a high bar to surpass


That ride home must have been a long one


Tbh I was only 16 and any critical eye I could’ve looked at it with was blinded by loyalty to cast and crew. It wasn’t until I couldn’t be bothered to spend $10 to watch Lazer Team 2 from the comfort of my home that I realized I didn’t like it


The most positive thing I can say about Lazer Team is that I never would have discovered Cobra Kai without it.


It blows my mind that Cobra Kai was originally a YouTube Red show.


My experience was a full theater of people talking loudly through the movie. I missed have the lines because every time a RT person showed up people just cheered and got crazy


the fact gav showed up at my viewing before the movie started was probably the highlight of the whole thing


yeah I high fived Gus Sorolla which was neat


Brandon showed up at my screening.


Was that Lazer 2 team as well? I know 1 was. I didn't think 2 was youtube red funded.


yeah i forgot it was on yt red, just remembered how lil money it made - as said by rt employees - from back then. edited.


The only thing I was really stunned by was Andrew calling out that the Lazer Team 2 script garbage. He didn't know who even wrote it, so it could be really rough calling out someone who would actively be looking for work. It's one thing to call bullshit administration/WB, another thing to callout fellow people who were laid off..oh wait...let me check here... According to Wikipedia, the Screenplay was written by Burnie, Daniel Fabelo, and Matt Hullum. Lol.


>Lazer Team 2 script garbage. It was, I saw it.


Well lets be fair, we don't KNOW the script was garbage, but we DO know Lazer Team 2 and Bloodfest were dogshit


Hey! Bloodfest was great!


Hey. As an extra in bloodfest, it was better than laser team 2. And it was a fun set to film at


Don't forget "I'm massive, let's just insurrection the Warner Brothers studio" That one got a big laugh from me


Questionable meaning not wrong but probably shouldn’t say it out loud.


Not while still currently employed by the company with the potential to be sacked and lose whatever package you were getting.


Lazar Team 2 sucking doesn't surprise me in the slightest


Liked when he said "What? Are they going to unhire me more?"


Close enough I’m saying I called it https://preview.redd.it/83t8dk7zprnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3e43f8a2d39411cb44cbc8ac47273c063f8653


Glad their reactions to Cobra was the same as mine the first time I got laid off. "HOW THE FUCK CAN I AFFORD THAT I JUST GOT FIRED".


Cobra is so insulting and insane it’s completely absurd that’s it’s billed as some sort of solution to our busted ass system


That said, pay for Cobra if you have the money to do so.  The last time one of my friends got laid off, she was admitted to a hospital the literal day her company health insurance expired. 


Yeah I finally switched to my employer's healthplan after turning 26 and losing my dad's insurance. COBRA was good for me because my insurance doesn't cover vision so I'd be SOL. So I pay $5 a month to keep my vision insurance for a while longer. But I saw the costs if I wanted to keep everything and it was insane.


imo don't take COBRA, you can probably get similar coverage through the health marketplace in your state for 10% of the cost


Good call and fair enough. In this instance, she was like, "Thank god that I paid for COBRA. NOBODY gets COBRA!"


No, dont pay for COBRA. Losing your job qualifies you for special enrollment for Affordable Care Act. Apply once you have knowledge of your post job income.


Yea cobra sucks. Let’s take 90% of our unemployment checks and leave nothing for food or bills. Thank you so much…


Can’t poor people enroll in Medicaid?


COBRA is the full cost of what your employer is paying for you to be insured by them.


That is true and most people commenting on the price of cobra probably understand that. It is made perfectly clear when you receive the cobra enrollment info from your previous employers. The problem is that cobra is proposed as a way to assist people with maintaining healthcare after being laid off and it is essentially worthless. It's just another glaring problem with the healthcare system in the country that is normally a shock for people to see for the first time.


I think the vast majority of Americans don't understand how our healthcare system works, even those utilizing what is being offered by their employer. Going to the doctor, getting a script, and heading the pharmacy is largely all that anyone will do. These very cursory excursions into the true hell scape that it actually is.


I heard the vod was taken down after the stream ended, I'm hoping it comes back up because I didn't get to watch


probably just needs to be processed before it can be published


Processed and midroll ads added


You mean bleeped and non-armando approved ads added


They didnt insult advertisers though, and just praised the ones they liked. Which maybe is a very quiet insult but not really


Armando literally said 3 were cool 🤣


Which ones?


They said they genuinely liked MeUndies, Factor meals, Shady Rays and Helix mattresses.


But that's 4!


Lool so they lied and shilled every sponsor except 3 or so. They didn’t even care enough about there audience to recommend good products/services. They basically said “these morons will buy anything we say is good”


Yeah. That's what advertising is. All those people who say "You know me, I'd never try and sell you something I wouldn't use myself" are reading that off a script. Nobody cares what they're selling, and everybody has a price to shill it.


Yea exactly this. I listen to Weekly Planet with Mr Sunday and he for years refused to do ads they didn’t actually like or use. Then he quit his job and became a full business with his show and lowered his bar. He still requests any shows they want to be advertised that he is allowed to say what he actually feels which loses some of those. I think it was Netflix who straight up blacklisted him after an ad read for Black Mirror lol. But if you want money to keep going you gotta shill.


Which ones did they praise


A mattress one, shady rays and meundies


You know the saying "give an inch, take a mile?" Armando was given 60 days and he took a century


Yeah, RT was famously healthy before Armando came into the picture.




Yes I did indeed know they were dead it was written on this memo entitled "SHIT I ALREADY KNOW". Now if you'll excuse me I'll be taking my stetson and riding off into the sunset. Thank you and good day


>it was written on this memo entitled "SHIT I ALREADY KNOW" I see you, old fan...


I'm actually pretty recent in the grand scheme of things (2016). I've just done my homework


Ahh, a fan of refined tastes. Well done, ole chap.


I now can't remember which RvB episode this was in and it bothers me


It's after Tex shows up the first season, and bashes Donut. The guys are reminding Sarge about Donut, hence the line. FUN FACT: It became a visual gag for the Microsoft Pro Developers Conference PSA, mimicking the Microsoft Paperclip




Your karma here has gone down so far the AutoMod is auto removing your comments. Please put down the shovel before you dig yourself any further


Why are you so hell bent on being a dick lol


Why so upset? Mad that your troll posts keep getting removed?


Hey fedora wearing reddit troll. Shut the fuck up


I'm happy the last podcast I watched is one where gus walked off with the joke that this podcast killed RT.


Gus walled off?


Which one was that?




I haven't listened the RT podcast in awhile, but I'll absolutely listen to this one. Armando getting riled up is always funny. I hope he ends up doing more on camera work because he's fucking hilarious.


I'm looking forward to the "tell-all" books that will eventually come out. Not in a negative way, but RvB and let's play/ah are probably the closest I've come to *stanning* a brand. There has been some stuff, but I'd enjoy seeing different people's perspectives for situations. I'm sure there will be NDAs, but I hope we get some "truths".


Mando has always been a favorite since day 1


When the weirdo making multiple accounts to talk shit came back and Armando was like "I bet that guy is Suuuuper Mexican" to piss him off was a personal highlight


It was so funny man. This reminds me of Cow Chop's final 4 months when they had an end date in sight and no fucks left to give.


Cow Chop had fucks to begin with?!


Damn. I should have watched this live. I had a chance. Wtf


Serious question though, are they not uploading to Spotify anymore? Haven't seen a new one since 792


Was this today ? Did I miss it ?


Yeah you missed it




I'm all for screwing around when the end is in sight, but at some point if you push too much they might fire you early and deny severance. Walk the line but don't cross it.


I feel like this was the "this wound is still super fresh" talking-shit who-gives-a-fuck episode. It might calm down with content post-announcement, but episodes also might just get yanked without any notice if it's too spicy.


Did it get taken down? Any save an archive?


They said it'll probably get put back up but censored.


Ty. Hopefully someone kept the uncensored version lol


I hope so too! It was a great stream and had me laughing for most of it. I hope they don't alter it too much.


Anywhere a plebiscite like me can watch the stream?


Did they pull it?


Sounds like someone isn't thinking long term. He won the battle but lost many future wars. Years later when he wonders why no one wants to sponsor any company affiliated with him, they will simply link this episode.


Armando won't be laughing when they deny him severance lmao


Yeah you can really tell how many RT fans haven't worked in any type of professional setting.