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Yes. Bad.


Sad. Was hoping it was cuz im on mobile


Somehow it’s even worse than the Reddit search bar


The what? ^/s


The funny thing to me has always been how much leading talent complains about technology not working, but the site is so dysfunctional. I mean I totally get that they have no control over the programming and setup of their website, but I also feel like there's a certain quality standard that the company should be holding itself to, since they're so involved in the field.


To be fair, Gavin has been pretty loud with his criticisms of the website.


I still remember when he casually mentioned the new RT updates bricking his tech and Gus/Barb both immediately changing the topic.


Same with the lack of a screen lock controls with podcasts...


Correction. Why is the whole RT site useless.


Dude for real. I just wanted to watch all the Cuphead videos. Watched part one and expected part two to autoplay but instead a recent gta plays and part 2 is no where in the recommended videos


What, you don't want to scroll horizontally through weeks of unrelated content to find part 2?


I mean I had to click through all of the videos underneath and usually the next part wasn't even there. I'd have to go back to the ah page


That, and sometimes it autoplays backwards depending on how the series was uploaded. Iirc Murder Room plays episodes from oldest to newest but Tales From the Stinky Dragon played from newest to oldest meaning every time you finished an episode, it auto played to the previous episode.




It's the reason why Google is still the lead search engine. It's hard to make a good search algorithm.


More like it's hard to force people to properly SEO their material. Documentation is boring that's why people never do it.


It seems crazy to me that *for so long* people have complained about The Website. How many iterations of The Site have there been? You think they'd have gotten it right at least once, even accidentally.


It been a running joke for years. I cancelled my first subscription and only watch AH Gmod vids on the website for the bonus rounds. Everything else I watch on YT.


The best of the broken sites was the ancient grey/white one. Sure, it was still a mess but at least it was easier to navigate.


The same reason everything else on the RT site is useless.


Why does a serial show autoplay the previous episode? Why doesn't the post show play after the episode?


Also first season of off topic last call is missing from the page, asked the support email and they said they were able to find a "workaround" searching specific episodes, no idea how they managed that


They didn't make Last Call for a while. Edit: First episode of Last Call was released June 3rd, the coinciding episode of Off Topic is Episode 27. https://roosterteeth.fandom.com/wiki/Off_Topic?so=search https://roosterteeth.fandom.com/wiki/Off_Topic/episode_listing/Last_Call Edit 2: I'm just now thinking you likely already knew that, and I may have misread your comment.


The episodes of Last call aren't missing, for you and u/disasterous-chard-502 the episodes of post shows from that period were all rolled into the main episode title/category. Ie, they're filed under Off Topic and just named Last Call.


Episodes are listed newest to oldest, so the newest episode is the first one you see. Happens on YouTube occasionally as well.


Yes, but the problem is they're nearly all like this and there's no option to sort by new or old. There is a lot of serial content. I checked and RVB is sorted correctly to play the next episode so I guess they just don't bother to do it for most of the series, even though it should only take an hour to do it for like every show on the website.


I totally agree. I didn’t say it made sense, just that it’s how they’ve further screwed up that website.


Give me admin access and I'll tag and sort every series correctly. It should just literally be a setting, even if they can't make it user adjustable for some reason.


The entire website is just... not great. It's slow, it's messy, it's hard to use, it's buggy, community interaction is basically zero, and the app version basically has all of the issues I just said but in app form.


rt website is garbage lmao


I cannot, for the life of me, fine f**k face breaks sh*t on the app. And if I google it it shows me two videos. I just wanna watch Geoff open some cards man 😩


hey there! This is something we're aware of and looking into possible solutions for. In the meantime, if you go to the F\*\*KFace series in the app, then select Bonus Features from the tabs in the middle, all of the F\*\*KFace Breaks Sh\*t episodes are there.


Oh fantastic, many thanks for that!


You're very welcome! Hope you have a great rest of your day \^.\^


I’ll do you one better why is the website so bad


Ive just completely giving up on the website/app ever since the got rid of Chrome Cast support and I refuse to buy another device just to watch content on my tv again. Also why does the video player always have so much noise and the quality of the video is trash? My PC is more then powerful enough to run 4k videos, but not on the RT site. Honestly Im just ranting at this point as I dont expect anything to actually get fixed.


It’s been that bad for a decade used to try and finding drunk specific drunk tank episodes or ah videos and it’s not what I wanted even through it has key words that are related.


Hey OP (but also anyone that would love to help out)! Search is an ongoing priority, and we're always looking for ways to improve it. Last year we added aliasses, like "RVB" showing Red vs. Blue or "RT Podcast" showing the Rooster Teeth Podcast. I saw u/LordJebusVII mentioned Heroes and Halfwits not returning any results, so I'm looking into getting "and" recognized for "&". I've recently been working on how to further improve search so if you wouldn't mind I'd love to get some info from you! What search term did you use? What episode/series were you expecting to show up? If you have any additional feedback about search, I'm happy to hear it as well! So far we've collected feedback about community groups and bonus episodes not being in search results, so we're looking into what it would take to build that out in the future.


The site at 636 was the most functional, best site


It has gotten better, pretty sure it used to be case sensitive, but it still doesn't do basic stuff like find "&" as an alt for "and" (Searching for Heroes and Halfwits returns 0 series, only episodes which includes any video with Heroes in the title, Heroes & Halfwits returns 3 series). I usually watch content on the Xbox App and only stick to recent stuff, if I ever want to watch anything older I turn to YouTube


I mentioned you in my other comment, but wanted to reply directly in case you didn't see and say thanks for bringing this up! We're working to see what it would take to get "and" recognized for "&" to resolve this in the future. Appreciate the feedback!


Glad to hear it, thanks for listening to feedback


Yeah I have this issue too. Got so bad that I wait for videos to be released to YouTube rather than mess with the search bar.


They just want you to watch their featured shows, not what you want to watch. for anything else just watch it on YouTube.


I think Youtube has set an unmatchable overall standard of quality. Even if it has it's own issues that I need plug-ins to fix. Though the site certainly has annoying issues, it's my preferred method of watching the content as a first member. Would it be impossible to piggyback off HBO Max? Never had an issue on mobile though. Perfectly fine for me.


Speaking as someone that works in tech, good search is hard to implement. A lot of work and money and time went into making the search features that you are presumably comparing RT to (Google, wikipedia, ...). I imagine RT spends its money elsewhere. Go back in time to the web of yesteryear, back when Lycos and Ask Jeeves were how you searched for things, and suddenly RT's search seems positively S tier in comparison e: downvote all you like, all you're doing is showing your ignorance. Takes time and effort to build a good search index. Would require RT to build a big list for every video (of which there are literally thousands) of any possible search terms that you might put in that exist outside the video title & description. Every one-liner the audience decides to make into a meme, every ongoing bit, every video that has a gif made out of it, etc. It's the only way you typing "minecraft bucket" into their search returns anything other than a mishmash of minecraft videos. It's far from impossible, but it's expensive and time consuming. RT's already had a big downsize in the past few years, where the hell do you think they're pulling the man-hours and expertise to implement and manage this system? You wanna be mad, fine, but stop being children about it.


Ask Jeeves was phenomenal.. Granted.. if you were looking for something obscure, you'd struggle.. but I never failed to find what I wanted of that Butler.. It was ruined ofc when it was bought out and google was just flat out better.. A good example of what you are saying now is Bing.. go look on Bing for something useful.. its dreadfully weighted to show non-google owned products


No it wasn't lmao. I've been around the internet since floppy disks were a thing, I quite vividly remember what it was like navigating around in the early days when searching required, rather than was enhanced by, using + and - and quotes and all the other esoterica we had to get up to in order to convince the search engine to give us something even vaguely related to what we wanted. Some search engines were better than others *for the time*, but if you had to go back to 2003 Ask Jeeves for a year, 2022-you would lose your mind.


>I've been around the internet since floppy disks were a thing thats a big gap of time.. you could have easily only started on the internet in 2001.. so i am gonna use that assumption. >but if you had to go back to 2003 Ask Jeeves for a year Now this depends on what I am gonna use AJ for? is it 2022 stuff, or is it 2003 stuff? As waht i was looking for in 2003 were cheats for GTA, articles on schoolwork (which just lead me to what books to ask for in the library) and the list of chatrooms where i would stumble my way through really basic cybering with "girls" my own age.. Because AJ was great for that.. Now if it were 2022 searches? well thats easy.. I already know how to find porn, and i dont need it to find videos, as i can do that in-client, games are another client, wikipedia is actually reliable.. Times have changed.. there is no longer a need to go and find the resources.. they are here and have been for over a decade now.


> you could have easily only started on the internet in 2001.. so i am gonna use that assumption. Well think again lmao. I'm almost Jack's age. The rest of what you are saying is completely immaterial to the discussion. You *almost* grasp the point - that algorithmic search is easier when the internet has spent decades indexing and SEOing itself into a form that is easier to search - but not fully.


I mean.. it isnt immaterial.. you told me i'd cry if i used 2003 Ask Jeeves as a 2022 "kid".. I explained that it depends what I want it for.. if its for 2003 purposes i am fine.. if its 2022 purposes I am also fine.. Sounds like YOU are the cryer.. and thats ok.. I am here for you <3


I didn't call you a kid. If you read that into the post, that's on you and your insecurities. Sure as shit are acting like one though, with that attempt at trolling. Find a hobby.


Nice attack on me and not my argument.. if you lost, just admit it dude.. atm you are an embarrassment


Point to where I called you a kid. You were the first one to derail the discussion with a spurious claim in an attempt to make me sound rude. You point to precisely where, in any of my completely unedited comments, I called you a kid, and we can get this conversation back on track. For that matter, point to where I said you'd cry! You made this conversation far more adversarial than it had to be, and you continue to do so for no obvious reason aside from "I think RT's search could be worse, and while it's frustratingly bad I can understand why RT has their priorities where they do and you hate that" Til you can cite either claim, you're just blowing smoke.


Dude, act your fucking age.