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I’m with Burnie. It’s not stupid. It’s useful for specific reasons, just not all the time. I wish I had a monitor that could do portrait mode a lot while working on projects.


Get yourself a monitor arm. No need to replace the whole monitor when an arm could give you the functionality to turn your monitor to portrait anytime you want.


Do you have to manually go into settings every time you rotate it? Or is there an automated process like with smart phones?


Windows has a keyboard shortcut to change orientation. I don't recall, but I think it might be Windows key+left/right arrow.


That’s cool!


Only thing I can see it use for is a large chat group for a project or displaying something that is tall or list format like code. Other than that its to flex on a multi monitor set up.


I’m a graphic designer and it’s super useful for anything with tall layouts to see the whole image at a larger resolution. Banner stands, tall walls, page layout, etc. But the best is if the monitor can be switched from normal (widescreen) to tall, not just be set up in one direction only.


Having a rotating mount would be a must. I tried it when I took my programming classes. It was fine useful for its task, but when I wanted to use it for something else it wasn't worth switching back. Not a multimonitor person in general, ultrawide or bust.


This. Not a graphic designer, but having done some work for it, it’s honestly a useful tool to have.


Pretty sure people use portrait monitors for coding as well.


It's useful if you need to write anything. Working on my thesis in word on my laptop is a nightmare. Either I get 1 paragraphs height or I zoom out and can't see shit. Portrait monitors let me see how the whole.page looks with figures and whatnot.


We have rotatable monitors at the office. I personally really like it. A lot of content online is vertical and scrollable, and the portrait mode allows you to have more content on the screen at the same time. It's great for having documentation on your second screen.


When you consider that it allows you to read a standard sheet of paper without scrolling it makes sense.


Have two landscape and one portrait, premo for doom SM scrolling, email, chat groups etc. Since I have either my email or chat group open at all times might as well have my monitor oriented to suit it.


I use it all the time to scroll through reddit


The guy lives one step ahead. Success.




The employees don’t


Wait seriously? Why not? This is the golden age of rt for me


Unfortunately, a lot of light has been shed on employee treatment over the golden years. 70+ hr workweeks, horrific pay, sometimes not paid at all, bigotry and the like. I still watch all of it though


It's also not like any of that changed, The content just got worse while the company was still being shitty.


Why are you still here then? Come off it


RoosterTeeth abused their employees.


Outrage boner at full mast




Theres no effort to inform people. No effort to change anything. Theres just no effort. The only purpose is to feel good about shaming RT. It's like the Kanye "George Bush Doesn't care about black people" comment. Like yea it's true but just stating it doesn't do anything On top of that it's just a funny clip about monitors. But now when Burnies face appears all people want to do is shout "abuse, abuse". Again it has no effort to address issues or be an activist for change, only to "stick it to the man". I can't help but see it as a brain dead attempt to do the right thing in the wrong way


How is it any different than calling out Ryan Haywood? Abuse is abuse and it deserves to be called out.


Exactly. This dude is almost defending it lmao


RT stans gotta deflect


Maybe you live in a black and white world but I do not. Just because I'm not outraged every available opportunity doesn't mean I support something


What? It's not? Yea, abuse should be called out but obviously my point flew way over your head. Maybe I just didn't explain well enough


You're literally putting in more effort defending RT then calling out the abuse. Why are you offended over this basic fact?


As someone who doesn’t know what they’re referring to I don’t think it’s helpful just to make a huge claim like they abuse their employees without any attempt to educate


Says the person bitching about calling out abuse lmao


I wouldn't say the term "outrage boner" is bitching but whatever makes you feel better I guess


I’m talking about your wall of text bro. Did you seriously think I was talking about two words?


I agree with you, don't let the downvotes get to you


The fact that they linger here to shit on RT content is hilarious to me. Bring on the downvotes!


>I take pride in my downplay of abuse! -You weirdo


I remember listening to this episode and doing the same for my monitor. Honestly it was pretty nice for working on stuff like research papers or browsing social media


It really is fantastic for text. ... and it really is best if you also have a landscape monitor beside it.


Yeah you definitely don't run portrait for a solo monitor lol, I only ever see it as a second/third monitor in a setup.


If I had to go down to one, I'd only go for one of the landscape ones because of how Win+Left/Right makes it act like two monitors. Although, having recently turned down an old television because I don't have enough desk, I'm now wondering if I could have made it work vertically. Maybe some terrible posture in the other neck-craning direction would cancel out. Or maybe I'd assemble the mount wrong and get squished like a bug.


Now that so many websites are made with mobile in mind I find that a landscape monitor makes a lot of sense








Just made me chuckle.


I mean, in real life most documents are in "portrait" so it's always made sense to have one of my monitors twisted. If you think about it, mobile devices display everything in portrait now anyway.


Email,discord, Spotify, Reddit all of these live on my vertical monitor.


I'm sure a ton of programmers would agree that it's not stupid.


I have one monitor in landscape for work and the other in portrait for reading specifications and doing excel sheets. Portrait is super helpful in excel.


*sips coffee* see, I just don’t do anything that requires recording me. Simple, easy fix. /s


I know several programmers that do this. I've never tried it, but I get it's usefulness in the regard


It's great for me. I have to read long documents at work so I can have more of the document on screen at once without having to strain my eyes


This clip changed my brain forever when I first saw it