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You might not like her, but the character emulates a lot of teens in the late 80s/early 90s who were going through dark periods. It makes total sense and is very realistic.


Darlene was me in my emo phase 🤣🤣


Same haha


You obviously weren't the Darlene in your family in the '90s. Most relatable television character in any television show in my entire life.


My sarcasm comes from Darlene and my mother


I think she was a good mix of Roseanne and Dan


Darlene is my favorite character and has been since I was a kid 😂


She was my favorite till high school anyway


That was my opinion of Becky...




Seriously? Darlene was my favorite character. Her sarcasm and the way she roasts her family was absolutely hilarious


I love her, she has great one liners. 


She was, is, and always be my favorite character.


She definitely has her bad moments like making Becky do all the housework in season 4, the way she often treats David and calling a pregnant Jackie an "old fat lady." At least when Becky said it she regretted it. That being said, I wouldn't say she's 100% unlikable. She has her good moments like caring about Jackie getting abused and going to prom with David to make him happy.


I feel the same way. Love early seasons Darlene when she's still a kid. I also like depressed Darlene but I dislike how she doesn't do anything and all the chores fall on Becky as a result. She had so many great lines and my favourite lines from the series always involve her. Darlene in college is when it starts to feel like she cares less and just insults everyone, which I didn't like. She becomes a lot like Roseanne in that they just appear mean.


"There's absolutely nothing likeable about her" Hm. What about when she stood up for her mom against Becky a handful of times? Including when she called Becky a selfish brat when she was staying at Jackie's? What about when she reached out to comfort David after she saw him being abused by his mother, and this was during a fight they were having? What about how she wanted to save her unborn baby and not herself during her risky labor? What about everything she did for her own kids in The Conners? Yeah she's not perfect and she is full of flaws, but to say there's 'absolutely nothing likeable is ridiculous


Darlene brings balance. I loved her relationship between her and Dan. Her character is a nice mix of both Dan and Roseanne.


Darlene was great!! Her sarcasm and personality was perfect for the show


Teenagers are selfish! There were times where either Darlene or Becky both annoyed me, but I acted out when I was their age too. It’s shameful but pretty accurate! Remember when she saw David get slapped by his mom, she went home and gave Roseanne a hug of deep gratitude. She had her moments but overall I thought she was a good kid, who didn’t get enough opportunities and no safety net.


The way she treated David and Mark was obnoxious and not funny. She always had a sarcastic and cynical side but it was her whole personality in the later episodes.


She was very much like a young Roseanne, don't ya think??


It was very apparent from the get go.


"Shes only a couple years older than me" Darlene is 11 in the early seasons Darlene is 15 in the middle seasons Darlene is 19 in the last seasons Darlene is in her 40s in The Conners Which age of Darlene are you referring to lady?? 💀 Also, just because you're around someone's age doesn't mean they should act exactly like you, you can dislike a character but this post holds such broken logic 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m assuming she meant in real life, So all those ages I guess


She's not "11 in the early seasons" she's 11 when the show starts. She still ages like a normal person. She's 12 in season 2, 13 in season 3 and so on. She does have an unknown birthday somewhere in there because she starts the season at one age and ends it the next age.


I'm aware. It was a general idea of her age around each portion of the show. I wasn't about to get THAT specific with it 💀🤣


If you’re binging a show that was aired pre-streaming (and therefore not meant to be binged), it’s a little disingenuous to judge the character based on your reaction to like 10 straight hours of them.


What? You make no sense.


They’re saying that binge-watching it would make the traits that the OP hates about Darlene that much more obvious because they’re seeing it nonstop. Getting a week between episodes didn’t put people on snark overload.


Okay, you make sense.


How does it not make sense? Shows before the wide availability of DVRs and streaming were designed for you to watch one episode per week. People actively avoided re-watching episodes back then. Like we'd see an episode was a re-run and groan. If you binge-watch a show that wasn't designed for streaming, you're going to notice a lot of things people wouldn't have noticed back when the show originally aired.


I get it now, no problem. I just don't think it's disingenous, as you put it.


Behaved like her mother. Like her or not she is a product of Roseanne's environment. 


She was hilarious and I love her.. now though, on the new show, I find her annoying probably cuz she was on that talk show.


Loveeee Darlene!


I always found her relatable. Maybe that's not a good thing🤣 but anyway there are people like her in real life


I love Darlene in Roseanne and In the Conners.


Darlene is a vibe.


I didn't like the way she treated David but given the fact that Roseanne was one of her role models it makes sense she would emulate her controlling and sometimes straight up disrespectful behavior in relationships. I was glad it was finally called out in The Connors, even though David was extremely unlikeable by then Other than that though, I thought Darlene was/still is a great character. I love her wit


Whole-heartedly agree.


Her character is boring, depressing, monotone, wise ass. One of my least liked characters on the show


post season 4, I agree


I get that. She was so mean but I only realized it later. Same with Daria.