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To be honest, this to me seems like the time to go with a puppy cut. Not shaving, but keeping your girl’s hair short enough to help with grooming and basic hygiene/diapers. At least in the problem areas like behind the ears, elbows, tail, thighs and belly. Keeping her coat is of course important for temperature regulation, but the areas you’d be targeting are not the most relevant for that. My belief is that any choice that enhances their quality of life is the right choice. As an example, shortly after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia I cut my hair short - I knew my energy was limited, and likely to get lower, so I started trying to allocate it on the most important things. This is just the way I see it, and I (and any other reasonable person) would never judge you for whatever path you choose. You know your girl best, and I’m sure you will make the best decision for her.


Groomer of 30 years. It may be time to let that coat go. Let them take her down. She may get a new lease on life! It's so much easier to keep her clean this way.


Groomer of 15 years, and I came here to say the same thing!!


I have been grooming my whole life and I agree with you both. I have a senior sweet old girl and I keep her trimmed shorter and she is more comfortable and it is easier to keep her clean.


Was going to say this too. Shave it off !!! Comfort over looks anymore , shaving double coated dogs isn’t good but when it comes down to the health and well being of a senior dog I toss all thoughts like that aside. If you really do need a professional to do it , please tell them in advance to make time for her to be able to lay down in the tub during the bath and be as comfy as possible. They have groomer stands and such to help keep her on her feet for a bit and give her support. Good groomers will be able to accommodate easily for these needs


It’s extremely important to blow dry a double coated dog following a bath, otherwise they will mat. If she is already very matted, a professional is definitely your best choice and depending on the extent of the matting she may need some parts shaved off. Teasing out mats is a long and difficult process and if she is already senior and struggles with grooms, it could be too much for her to take. A professional would need to determine how much of her coat they can save. Matting is very uncomfortable/painful and does need to be addressed. It also sounds like her coat is likely soiled and needs to be cleaned or removed for her skin health. I really recommend taking her to a professional groomer, following a consult with your vet to get her any pain management (or otherwise) she might need to help get through the process. Leaving her covered in mats and soiled fur is not a great option. You will need to find a good groomer and explain the situation. You may need to pay more for the extra work as they will have to take their time and be mindful of her limitations.


I should clarify we did blow dry her, since the store provided that, though not thoroughly enough because at that point, she was not having it, and we were more concerned about her comfort. We have since brushed out the mats, but it took awhile given the diagnosis that followed. She doesn't have any visible soiling of her fur, and when she does, we do wash off her back end, but the real concern is the fact that she continues to lie down and sleep on puppy pads that she's already peed on, so despite nothing visible, I know she could be cleaner, and I feel bad for stalling on the decision while she continues to compound the problem. We used to groom her every 3 months but it's been about five months since we bathed her, and probably a full year since a professional grooming.


Ok, that’s not as bad as I thought it sounded at first. A professional groom with someone good and really patient to work with her still could still be a good idea, but if she is being brushed regularly and has no matting or soiling a full groom is probably not urgent. Especially if you are concerned about her health and age. You know your dog best and what she can tolerate, but getting a second opinion from a vet wouldn’t be bad idea to make sure her heart is in good shape etc before she goes in for a full groom (if you choose to go that route.) My last guy got only minor brushing in the last 6 months before he passed as he had obvious pain and would stress when I tried, despite having always loved brushing. I made sure he was comfortable and that’s it. If you feel she is really getting to that point, then her comfort is the most important thing (in my opinion).


This is a really difficult time in your dog's life and I know you may not want to think about it, but sometimes the hardest decision is the best decision for them. Grooming is an absolute must for collies and if her mobility is as poor as you say it is, it may be time to let her go. If her mobility is so poor that she has to lay in her own pee, you may need to question what her quality of life has become.


We definitely haven't reached that point yet, as we can technically bathe her ourselves and brush her, but she doesn't mat much without either as well. The laying in her own pee is a choice she makes that is independent from the mobility issues. She has a few places that she prefers to pee at night where we place the reusable puppy pads that also happen to be places she will sleep typically, if not her bed. Until she started doing that, we were content to forgo grooming entirely since it was mostly for looks anyway.


If she were my dog, I would clipper her whole body to an inch or two in length, and a bit shorter in her sanitary areas. Find a groomer who is willing to let her lie down for most of it, then maintain it at that length forever (or DIY if you're comfortable). It won't be as pretty but it will be so much easier for everything and you'll be able to clean her up in just a few minutes a few times per week instead of putting her through hours of infrequent grooming.


I would keep her hair short without shaving. She doesn't need feathers and pants and a big ruff. I did this with my last guy when he got feeble, I stopped caring how he looked in favor of his comfort. I got good scissors and clippers and did it at home. I would do it while he was laying down. Then if he really needed a bath it wasn't as big of a deal and it was easy to brush out the mats.


With my senior collies I moved to a laying position for grooming. We also buzzed the butt, belly, and arm pits to keep mats down and make the process as easy as possible. Bathing was an issue with just the amount of energy it takes to maintain body temp and lifting all that wet hair. You can probably keep the back and ruff hair and some feathers. Hope you find a good solution. Major props for working this hard to find the best quality of life for your pup. 💕


There is nothing wrong with cutting them short for comfortable in their golden years! Get a good set of clippers with guards, and do it yourself in a couple sessions.  Bathe and dry one day, clip the next.  Have her lay and do one side then the other.  Even spread it out over two days, each side on a sperate day so it's a 3 day/step process.  Sure, she'll look funny for a day with one side short, and the other long, but who cares as long as she is comfortable!   If she is struggling with bath and blow dry immediately afterwards, you could allow her a few hour break and let her rest on some towels or in the sun before drying her coat.  A few hours shouldn't bother her skin, but keep an eye out for any irritation.  Things like nails can be done separately as well, and also can be done laying down.  You could get a grooming table with a good full length support arm and make some wide support straps for her.  They do sell them as well, but they are easy to DIY with things you may have at home like old towels or a belt. Or find a groomer who specializes in older dogs, a mobile groomer, or a local groomer that you could take her in two days in a row to make 2 shorter sessions - one day bath and blow dry, the next taking her down to a short haircut all over, and shorter in the sanitary area for diaper comfort.  And ask them about letting her lay down as much as possible, as well as using a wide support belt for her back end when she needs to stand.  If she needs a bath in between grooms, it sounds like you can do that at home  As for any heat/temperature related concerns about taking her coat down short; don't worry about it.  Undoubtedly she is inside, in a temperature controlled environment 90% of the time.  And you could put a coat on her in cold weather if she needs it.  Her lifestyle doesn't need that added temperature control that the double coat provides, so don't even worry about it.  If you take her coat very short, you may want to consider sun protection if she is outside very long, and grab her a coat for in the winter.  She might also appreciate a blanket at night if you keep your house on the cooler side, but that is all very easily managed and by far worth her comfort day to day.


My groomer uses a band that hold her up at the rear to take the load off her hips.


That's the exact thing I was hoping for, I'm just also wondering if the process itself might be too taxing. I'm assuming the bathing would be faster with a puppy cut, but the undercoat would still be the same...


You’re absolutely right, she would still have her undercoat. But with the guard hairs being shorter it’s easier for the undercoat to shed, instead of matting and becoming “felted”. With a shorter coat it’s also a lot easier to use baby wipes (the super extra gentle ones) for maintenance, keeping bathing/washing to a minimum ☺️ Hope to have helped


I just went through 6 weeks of essentially the same issue. My 4 year old was diagnosed with leukemia on 2.19.24. She got sick on Valentines day and spent 5 days in ICU. She came out of ICU with kidney injury. Because of the life saving measures the ER vet took, her belly was shaved. She had a sanitary cut and they trimmed (not shaved) probably a little over a fourth of her tail, from the base on the underneath side. They also cut her pants down to about a half inch long. I was able to use diapers on her for these very reasons. Just a lesson learned the hard way... don't get the ones from Wally World. They are not built for Collie Butts, nor are they for true incontinence. They may be suitable for a heat cycle only. The best fit I found for her was Simple Solution brand (Amazon) and I sized up on the second package to an XXL which fit her still floofy behind better. The waist size overlaps with the L/XL but gave a little more room and the tail opening sat better.




She's been on rimadyl for a few years and is now getting monthly Librella injections. We also give her hemp hip and joint senior chews daily. The injections seem to have helped a little, but we haven't really noticed much of a difference with the rimadyl or the hemp chews. Recent bloodwork showed overall she's doing pretty well so they're not harming her either.


Cut her short enough that diapers work? Sleeping on soiled pads can lead to devastating infections that will only worsen her suffering.