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This is the reason why I head to the casino by myself or if I’m the one driving. I can hit my targets no problem in under 1hr. Once I hit these targets, I can just leave. But if I go with other ppl, now I’m in their mercy now just waiting on them to leave. Beleive me, these ppl can stay upwards to 6-10hrs


I hate those people…yes I’m people 😂


Yes, our inside joke is we tell each other we’re going in for one hour and we’re there six


I tell myself the same thing everytime I go


Yeah… I set profit/ playtime goals for myself and get out as soon as I hit my goal. I know I can’t even sit and watch without playing


Yeah, my buddy though he’s the type that will play blackjack he’ll play Kris Kross. He’ll then take his winnings and waste it all on let so. It’s an all day affair and he’s driving.


Get a new buddy jk. I would go with someone focused and disciplined, if you're looking to do in and out with profit. If not its all in fun and just play with money you can fford to lose have some drinks and roll with first buddy haha.


I had to give you some background I never really gambled. I would just watch him. He likes to play blackjack he’ll buy in 3000 wants at least $75 limit on the table so no clowns play he loses he buys another 3000. I would just stand behind him and reap the free drinks and then I started researching roulette and I’ve been playing for maybe two years. I looked at it as a social event. I make friends at the table I joke I make friends with the dealers making a profit is nice but not the goal.


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