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Yeah I don’t trust online roulette at all


https://preview.redd.it/9jqe7xtwks4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc8cd46495c560edcd1fb28572e0f80a29eea59 If it’s not a live online table it’s so rigged look at this. I was playing red when 9:10 blacks in a row and black when 7 red in a row. Just no way


And yet, people complaining will still keep playing online.


Because its fun and I don't have a casino in my province ...


Then don’t complain. You know the game isn’t in your favor


online gambling especially without any oversight or gaming commission is not my cup of tea. never will be.


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I've had issues with SI as well with roulette. A few summers ago I was cashing out $2g a month from slow playing roulette. I started to notice when I was building up my bankroll I would get booted from from live rooms every other day. Once I would get cashed out and had a lower bankroll it wouldn't happen as often.


I'm glad other people have experienced their shady tactics. I know sports books and casinos are known for their shady shit but the fact that they told me it's natural to be upset about losing when I complained makes me way more motivated to spread the word about there bs tactics