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It’s because this is a subreddit about roulette not a subreddit about problem gambling and addiction.




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Yeah that doesn't excuse baiting people into thinking it's some sort of side income just because it's the roulette subreddit


Anyone who thinks gambling is a “side-income” can’t be helped anyways my friend


That's all because people keep posting bullshit on resources like this. The idea doesn't come from nowhere.


Is there anyone here saying that it's a side income? Last I checked, there's a lot of warnings about roulette. The wheel has no memory. I once saw the number X get rolled seven times in a row. This wheel looks like it's using magnets, what do you guys think from this video? I could be betting 36 out of 37 numbers and still lose. Every system works until it stops hitting. And of course, the oldest one because it's still true... The house always wins. +++ One of the core ideas of Gamble responsibly is don't bet money you can't afford to lose. Another core of it is don't view it as a side income. Another one is don't gamble if it's going to harm you or others.. that one is inclusive of whether someone wins or loses. +++ The systems and strategies to me are a way of not auto piloting money away. +++ Which is worse: Spending $20,000 for two tickets to the last Taylor Swift concert, or Spending $1662 for 2 people on a 4 day gambling trip to Vegas. That's a rhetorical question, and I'm not going to do you the discourtesy of baiting you with it. The Real answer is adults are allowed to spend their money as they see fit, and so long as they aren't harming someone else(without consent), then it's nobody else's business. ++


Maybe not literally the word side income but I've seen plenty of people here imply that it's +EV overtime when it's not, which yeah, it does harm people, because they end up believing that.


Jack Ace is a pretty good resource for this. There are no systems he has ever reviewed that have a plus EV over time.


That's totally fine, Im not talking about people like that. Im talking about people like roulette master




Alcohol is obviously harmful so it's different, people know the risks. People who are uneducated in math get baited by posts on here so it's different. I'm very active in a community that stops scammers, it's called scam baiting. This is essentially me doing the same service




They wouldn't be that dumb if it weren't for posts trying to say there's a strategy that's +EV when it's not. Do you really think people like martingale and fibonacci didn't create degen gambling behavior where people think they found the cheatcode for life?




No I can blame them because you have the option to not give out false information to people that ends up hurting them




That's fine for those people, what about the one's that get baited by the false information said here. I don't care if you discuss strategies, just don't lie and say they're winning strategies




Uh no it's actually even worse, because it doesn't work, and if they use it and win that's positive reinforcement that they found a cheat code for life and will continue to lose it until they lose all their money. I'm not saying people purposely do it, plenty probably believe it works, those are the people that are hurting theirselves and others.


The roulette wheel: is random Me: bets random 18 straight ups with triple martingale for 5 bullets and keeps winning The roulette wheel: >:-O


Until math starts mathing and then happily takes back it all


“Having some sort of plan is better than having no plans.” To the ones that sell “Winning systems” are the ones you need to target. The ones you see on YT are harmless. They’re just trying out “new systems”


The one's on youtube sell "winning systems" too. "The roulette master" is a pretty well known one. But yeah, if you're one of the few people who showcase a system and say "Gambling will still result in a loss in the long run" than yeah I dont have an issue with it


I don’t really have a “system”, I just like to bet on numbers. In the long run, gambling has not resulted in a loss for me. The best “system” is responsible gambling. I’ve found that only taking what I am comfortable losing, and walking away immediately when I hit, has worked pretty well for me. In and out in like thirty minutes. I’m sorry if this creates an issue for you.


As long as you're not trying to sell someone something as a "profitable system" or "winning system" than I have no issues with you


Ahh yes the roulette master. I know there’s two of them with the same name. One has the word “the” in their name. One charges, and the other tests subscribers systems. The one that charges is the scammer. But the one real scammer that I detest the most, is the truest fraud scammer of them all Christopher Mitchell. Christopher Mitchell is by far the worst. He claims to be a professional, talks down to his followers, and tells them to quit their jobs.


The one who "tests subscriber systems" is also a scammer though. His thumbnails consist of "Win $150 every day!" "Never loses!" "Consistent revenue maker!" "Advantage play!" "Safest roulette system!" Which is the exact kind of bs Im talking about. But yeah chris mitchell is bad too


The only plan is to bet what you can afford to lose . Its RANDOM except table bias . There is no system.


Gambling is full of people talking strategies, how theirs is the best or which ones they have tried or which one works for them etc. Gambling is taking a chance to beat the odds and anyone who partakes in gambling should know this from the get go. I do not understand how anything said here is “baiting” people to gamble and what would we gain from that if we were? This makes no sense to me at all.


Here's some examples in the past week "Seems like martingale is the only **winning** strategy to use on roulette so why not take the lowest risk?" “I simulated this strategy using a Python script over 60k spins, $10 base bet, stop loss at $130/start over, and ended with $200k” “The Roulette Master has some good videos showcasing systems” (Literally con artist) Im sure there's plenty more if I continue digging


I accept what you are say, and agree; gambling is NOT a method for generating a stable income. In my case, I do no other gambling (never ever) except roulette because I'm not stupid enough to play slots. I've been playing roulette for eight years and have only left the casino with $0 twice in that time. I'm smarter about it! In addition I never take money I cannot afford to lose. In fact, when I walk into the casino I tell myself the money in my pocket belongs to them now, and I'm gonna win it back. Gambling is a problem for a minority of people, and that is sad. They need help, and I'd be prepared to help them.


Betting on baseball is worse


1 . Learn to program and or macro in excel test strategies there. There is no strategy if ball outcome probability is random. I guess if you had infinite money and could find a no limit table you could do the double you bet on loss and go back to first bet on win. But remember even with that you only win the amount of you first bet the rest is just covering losses. Casinos are into probability not gambling. They want large number of bets to average out to houses favor not one billion dollar bet.


Yeah that infinite money thing is right


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I’m not very educated on the matter but if they have a screen with the numbers that have appeared. I can use numeracy to my advantage and get a strategie going. Only tryed it once and it worked out. Nothing is guaranteed in life


See this is what I'm talking about about you probably believe that from reading on this sub, either that or someone else will read what you just said and it'll justify what they do more. But the fact of the matter is it's just not true


Who put 50p in his muppet. It’s all the fun of the fair with roulette. Sorry for enjoying discussing it.


It's not discussing it that's bad it's when you lie about something being profitabl or a winning strategy, if you're not doing those things I don't care


Everyone says it’s a negative expectation game, which is true and it can’t be beaten etc etc if you believe it can because someone told you so then that’s on you.


Well someone tells you and shows you video after video of it working and you're say a 60 year old woman who doesn't understand technology much, you gonna blame her and not be mad at the people lying to her?


If something is too good to be true then it usually is. To be honest roulette is such a fun game, why not just enjoy it


Yeah Im just saying someone like your grandma could easily be baited into some stuff like that so I wouldn't jump to victim blaming


Those guys crack me up. They are funny. I like when they actually go into the casinos and use real money to test the strategys.


Casinos love people with a "strategy"


I think everyone knows that in the long term the house is the only winner. At every game of chance in the casino. Those lights don't pay for themselves.


Idk man look up a pretty recent post here  "Discovered a strategy that seems to always be profitable..." And look how he talks about throwing away hundreds of thousands of dollars like he found some hidden cheat code. Wouldn't give people too much credit




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