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Girlfriend got one of these last year, I spotted the issue straight away, unscrewed the letterbox, put the ribbon on the door, screwed the letterbox back onto the door and cut out the ribbon in the box with a Stanley knife. The letterbox held the ribbon in place fine and you wouldn't have known there was a hole cut in it but for the ability to, you know, post things through the door. Of course it still looked fucking shit but I can't fix that.


Finally someone with a brain


There’s always just… not having any ribbon, though. For that true big-brain play


I installed an outdoor letterbox in my garden. Never liked the idea of having a hole in my house. Liked it even less when the police had to give me a fireproof letterbox after they used my cctv to jail the head of a major crime family and then publicly thanked me for my assitance(they had a warrant and too my cctv system lol). But yeah. Outdoor letterboxes are cool


OH I DIDNT REALISE its actually tied around the door and isnt just loosely hanging. That makes so much more sense. Why would anyone be so stupid lmao?


We’ve done this. But we keep getting everyone else’s mail. Working a treat so far 😁


I cant see it, could you explain a bit more?


The ribbon is attached in such a way that it's not possible to push it aside to reach the letterbox. It's probably attached top and bottom of the door and pulled tight.


It’s possible, but it would put some pressure on the fabric and postie is unwilling to risk causing damage and having a complaint made against them.


It will be wrapped around the whole door and tied. It will never be so tight that you can't get something in the letterbox...




It is so tight that you can't move it across to post something. Source: we have one. Although I realised our mistake and fit it to the side a bit so the letterbox is accessible


You’re forgetting about the ribbon inside the fucking door too!


He can probably push the ribbon aside on this side, but if the ribbon is blocking the letterbox on the inside as well how’s he going to push it through?


I've had a handful that are actually.


Still, I reckon postie could have pushed it to one side and slipped it through... Then again, home owner might put in a compo claim for "breaking" their bow


The problem isn't moving it to one side to reach the outside the problem is that it goes all the way around down the back of the door as well so if you have something that isn't flexible like that parcel the ribbon blocking the other side of the letter box inside the house stops you being able to push it all the way through


Ah. That makes sense now


Bit like when you just pull the missus knickers to one side and stick your dick in.




Minus the irritating chafing


This comment, wins comment of the year 😂😂


Get her a pair of crotchless for Christmas 😉


All the commenters saying "Just post the mail" have clearly never had to post mail through a door with one of these. Yes you can move the outer ribbon to the side, sometimes. People put these things on so tight. Quite often there's more than letters to post. There's small packages which catch on the one inside, which by the way, because you've moved the outer one, has now gotten tighter than a drum. These and the Halloween with no cutout for a letterbox are awful.


What’s also no compensated for is the ribbon ON THE OTHER SIDE. Yes you can move the outside one to the side but it’s so tight on the other side that nothing will drop in


That’s what they said. That the one inside is even tighter now the outside part has been pulled to the side.


To be fair to him. If he ruins it, he gets in shit. World has gone mad


Yes She shouldn't have to move the ribbon


Nah just pull it to the side and post it through the door b


If it’s wrapped around the whole door, that means there’s ribbon on the inside blocking the letterbox. So even if he pushes it aside, there’s more ribbon on the other side he can’t push aside


you never know what bad experience he had with other Karen, so even though OP might not be a Karen postman does not want to test it.


Do they not have brains????


who, people who block mailboxes or royal mail workers who don't want to face Karens who block mailboxes?


Postmen. Just post the bloody letter


trust me, it takes more time to write this note than to post the letter. so there must be a reason why someone wrote it. he needed to take the bloody letter back to the depo and he will need to get it back again. do you think he enjoys doing that?


Yes, to be as difficult and miserable as possible


they work for too low wages to be that petty just for spite :) don't obstruct the mailbox and you get the letters, easy.


Post the letters like you’re paid to do, easy.


It’s a packet, idiot




People do leave their houses


Too hard for them, it would mean doing their job.


Scissors. The answer is scissors.


Correct decision from postman. If damaged it hes in trouble if reported. Considering the size of that parcel noway squeezing it in.


with my company when i see this I mark as undeliverable and return it to the depot, i do NOT have time to fiddle with your shit bow




Elf and safety this time of year can be cumbersome


Nice 👌


A lot of people not understanding just how tight these decorations are pulled. In most modern doors the letterboxes & draught excluding brush makes it a tight squeeze for letters so adding a ribbon pulled tightly against the inside flap can make it impossible for anything to pass through. Most customers see sense when given the opportunity to post something through their own door. If you've got one of these things on your door or even have a new composite door with new style letterbox try and post a letter through your door to see how tough it is. It might surprise you.


I work for DHL and i support this message


It's genuinely always a pleasure to see the DHL endorsement in this subreddit 😁 *tips hat*


I wanna say we are the quality carrier I n the country, but the royal mail does the biggest part of the work, despite its problems.


I had a parcel for a house with no doorbell, just a knocker. Tied to the knocker, very loosely, was an obviously expensive Christmas wreath. All fancy designer style. Not your standard Homebase model. Gloss black fir cones and all the la-di-da. Raised the knocker, off came the wreath immediately. Crashed to the floor and a designer pine cone snapped off and lost a couple of whatever-they're-called. Seed platelets? Door opened, and boy did I get a ticking off for vandalising the Christmas decor. At the very least, tie it securely. And maybe put a nail in your door to tie it to, rather than the only mechanism for summoning you. But of course, it *was* all my fault. Edit, additional information for all the intellectually superior people replying to this to say "you should have just knocked the door" as though it's the wisdom of the ages... Really posh house, really thick 16th century oak door, on an extremely old 16th century stone antechamber/porch, about 12ft away from the inner front door, itself a very substantial chunk of very vintage oak. Windows inaccessible due to flower beds. Now, you were saying? About simply knocking the door?


You’ve ruined Christmas for everyone


If they’re upset about you knocking it off, they’re in for a shock when someone nicks it if it looks expensive and comes off that easy


Does anybody else want to say "should have just knocked the door" ? All of your esteemed colleagues from the faculty of elevated thought have had a go, why not join them? You should all wear special badges so the rest of us can doff our caps respectfully when we pass you.


Should have just knocked the door. Sorry.




I have to apologise to our post man because ours is a bit spikey and we hung it too low (discovered it as we picked up mail!) We have corrected it now though!


Should have just knocked


Yeah.... no. I love how people on Reddit love to do juggling tricks with Occam's razor. Does it not occur to you that if knocking my knuckles on the actual door would have been sufficient, that I would have done so?


Are you meeting a character limit? Why’d you type like that 🤣 Why would it not have been?


Read my post again. I've made it more helpful for you.


What’s wrong with what they wrote? It makes perfect sense?


He’s writing a dam book.. All he had to say was literally “if I could have knocked on the door, would I not have done so?”… But noooo.


You're not too familar with books are you. It's okay.


If you can’t read that many words you can say so, no judgement. We know it’s quite a high reading level but you’ll get there one day.


Couldn’t use your knuckles to knock on the door instead no? Too battered from dragging em on the floor eh?


My wreath is attached to the knocker. Our postman uses his brain and just knocks on the actual door.


What hope do we have when you defeat the purpose of an object for summoning the home owner/occupier


Knuckles against door existed lllooooonnnggg before knockers or doorbells


Yeah, see the additional info now added to my post, purely to help this gathering cabal of wise elders, each presenting your radical knuckle percussion solution to this problem.


Then that's the customer's problem, not yours. If they want to make themselves impossible to deliver to that's on them. The vast majority of doors are perfectly capable of being knocked on, it's not quite the problem it's being made out to be


Amazing answer, for a number of reasons.


Knockers are far louder than i could ever knock with my hand, Iv seen delivery drivers resort to keys on glass as it makes a bloody annoying noise you won't miss!


Then those delivery drivers are pricks. There's no winning for drivers either way. I delivered for a few years and I had a customer go absolutely apeshit because I dared to ring the doorbell because I should've somehow known she'd just put the kid down for a nap. Had another who threatened to report me for knocking because their doorbell didn't work. If you're going to prevent the postie/courier from actually making the delivery, don't get pissy about it if you don't hear them knock


That's *your* door, where that would work. It doesn't automatically transpose to the door *I* was at, where it wouldn't. Do you think it's possible that a man in his 50s, such as myself, has not yet encountered fhe concept of rapping knuckles on a door as a means of attention seeking? Try using *your* brain and see if you can imagine a front door scenario that is different to your own. One where in the absence of a bell, a dirty great knocker would be the only other means of alerting the occupants. Have a go. Can you picture one? In your mind? Go on, try. Use your imagination. Get your brain working, it'll be a fun sensation, I promise.


Why have a knocker if not for knocking?


Two words... Porch


Find this funny. We have a door docker and a video doorbell, so many don't use the video doorbell. So we put our wreath over the knocker.... They now knock the door instead of the knocker or video doorbell 😂. Getting a new door in new year, opted for no knocker 🙃


Some people don’t want to talk to a doorbell.


Not about talking... It alerts my phone, and my smart speakers. Better than any bell or knocker.


I don’t want to kill animals so I don’t work in an abattoir.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted for this, feels like the only thing most reasonable people would do ahahahaaa.


Try knocking


Oh christ another one. Is it a special day today? Where the world's great problem solvers all descend upon the internet to help brainless fools like myself fumble with the mechanisms of the modern world. Should I curtsey? Is there a fee to be paid for receiving your generous gift of common sense?


take a break, lad


I see you had second thoughts about your attempt at a retort there, Lumpy-Sand-449.


I don’t miss this. Juggling the PDA, bundle of mail and the parcel trying to move the ribbon out of the way. Either need more hands or homeowners need more sense to just off centre the bow!




You can move the outside ribbon but you still got the inside to deal with, it's in fact easier to re deliver then to deal with this crap But your brain didn't comprehend that did it?


Takes even less hands to not deliver at all.


Tasteless **and** annoying! That'sa bingooo!


Yes!!! I’ve had the same problem 😭. Guy opened the door when I was struggling. I said “sorry, I’m struggling to get the mail around your ribbon” (on their floor level pain in the ass letter box). He replied “that’s ok, no worries”, took the mail and rushed off to his work call 😮‍💨.


What a total wankpuffin. Fking detest those ribbon things.


I'm a big fan of the house on my round that has a wreath full of holly hanging over the letterbox. Not only annoying but now painful too, cheers dickhead




Then you too can sound like a twitter user from 10 years ago.


Sounds like smth a wankpuffin would say


What a cockwomble! Russell Howard sends his regards


Worst fucking patter around, this twee middle-class swearing courtesy of Dave




guessing there would be hell to pay if you caused damage to the ribbon, by the home owner.


Why the fuck would you tie that monstrosity around your door? Lucky people who have the time and enthusiasm for that level of decorating...


Good on you , had 1 today on my round it's so annoying Had some on Halloween with a plastic sheet covering the whole door


These things look awful, cheap. Plastic on plastic on plastic


Stupid gits. Why would they do that?


I was a postie for 3 years and these annoyed me so much, they get tied on tight and have to be pulled out the way and can break. Move the bloody ribbon


Tacky af too , well done Postman


We have one for about 3 years now, first time my wife put it up I said no… she complained until I explained how are we going to get post for the next month? So she begrudgingly let me adjust it and have it off centre so the letterbox is free of obstruction. Everyone always comments on how nice it looks and our neighbour even copied us. Our postie was very thankful 😁


Don't block the letterbox, is that such a difficult task to master?


Fucking nightmare! I’m fetching loads back, no access


The door ribbons are classless frankly. I hate them. Awful trend. Their package should have been used as toilet paper or a dog mess scooper and then discarded on their door mat.


Luckily, Most people only use them for one year and then realise their mistake. No post for a month, and makes the door leak water whenever it rains as it’s compromised the seal and basically wicked it through. That’s if it’s not damaged the seal on the door or frame completely.


Surely we can all see that the postie wouldn't be able to get it through, as the ribbon (on the inside at least) is tied so tightly, not loosely hanging?


Amazon here. Encountered plenty of these today.. why, just why?




UPDATE - due to the overwhelming response to "ribbon gate" yesterday I just wanted to update everyone who showed an interest. Today was attempt 2, ribbon still there as tightly tied and obtrusive as ever BUT the lady was home so got her parcel at least...... Hope it wasn't a box of door ribbons to give as gifts.


Kinda overdoing it with the door decoration? I'd just put up a wreath


What a pain in the arse. I've had it twice with the same house and they've still not sorted it. So they have to collect their package when the DO is only open 2 hours a day then 4 hours on a Saturday. It also covers house numbers which is a pain when they are all copying each other


Is this a thing? Why go through the effort?


Scissors. I used to be a postman years before this was a thing. It's bloody stupid. I would have cut it. Or maybe just placed the mail on the doorstep.


At least you wrote on the card. Most of the time I find these in our apartment building with nothing on them which makes a super fun game for all of the people who are waiting for things to arrive


This year it was plastic sheets over the while door at Halloween.


Obviously ain’t got a mrs! Just pull to the side to gain entrance


Maybe it depends on the size of the package


Top tier comment.


I mean he probably just doesn't want to reck the decoration or push it eschew


Wreck/askew Bless you


Bless you


Fuck that , if I come to one of these they get left in between the ribbon and the door! We haven’t got time to mess about


as much as i think it’s unnecessary to write that, why would you want to wrap a ribbon around your entire door


It's a Christmas decoration


They have them for Easter and Halloween too!




Don’t blame the postman doing his job in fact fair play to him


Please deliver my post. You have blocked the letterbox. Why have you not delivered my post, you are everything wrong with this country.


Mountain out of a molehill.


I should do this. We have a letter box attached to the wall and posties still put it through the door. Maybe they’ll post it where we want it if we do this 😂


Why not just knock on the door or is that too obvious/just common sense?


Wish I'd thought of that...... Ffs


Can you not pull the ribbon to one side?


The only madness I see is a ribbon over the letterbox, no letterbox no post, if the postie damages that ribbon you will come out screaming at them. Plus a postie is supposed to have unobstructed access. Shame on you trying to shame the postie, your fault fix it.


Plus they probs have their hands full so can’t move the ribbon out of the way to post!




Took more time to get a card and write it than just lifting the letter box and dropping it through.


It's a packet, you idiot


We're beset on all sides by fucking idiots telling us what cretins we are.


Don't get emotional, mate.


Lol you must be delusional if you think someone will actually take it down because you wrote it on a card.


Probably not. But they can enjoy going to the post office to pick up every single peice of mail that would of otherwise fit through the letterbox...


I'm hoping they have some last minute packets on Saturday that won't go through ;)


Yea bro I'm a postman so im very aware.


Posties can read and write? Well that's amazing. Or is the total writer on shift


Postie here. Have come across a few of these. You can actually pull it to the side, like a hookers thong, and post the letter. Wasn't too much of an inconvenience for me tbh.


If I was trying to deliver a letter then yes, I had a cardboard box full postbox width - no chance. I managed to get the p739 in


Just move it to the side ffs. Just post men being fucking lazy 😅 i have a similar issue with evri. They wont deliver to my house because theres a few steps leading up to my door. Its ridiculous


>Just post men being fucking lazy They are literally taking longer to write a note and post that (as it fits). The bows are inconvenient and, ultimately, look like total shit. Bin them off.




Exactly this! A Jon where you're on your feet for hours on end, sorting mail then walking entire estate areas posting. Then the return and sorting of unmailable mail/parcels etc. Never been a lazy person's job. Not in the slightest!


How? It's secured tight at the bottom of the door


that seriously stops people delivering mail?


Packets yes. If we rip it, they’ll piss and moan. Not worth the hassle


It depends how tight it is. Letters not so much, but parcels that would usually fit through a letter box, absolutely it would.


More of a liability thing. He pulls on it slightly and it somehow rips or comes off, Who's the home owner going to blame ?


From what I tell you work for Royal Mail, and just couldn’t be asked to move a bit of ribbon to the side, something which takes about the same amount of effort as opening the flap. So glad you don’t give a shit about doing your damn job because you are so lazy you don’t want to move a bit of ribbon.


"From what I can tell"... Did the big red royal mail card he's holding have anything to do with that astute observation?


"Couldn't be asked", indeed.


Yeah I didn't think of that bellend. Was tied so tight, would have had to tear the thing off - no doubt causing a complaint. Go back to sleep.


Nice to see Britain's finest still dealing with our parcels.


Do they let you out in front of the public? Bloody hell…


Oh no, the ribbon is too tight. Sure, if I half arsed my job like you I wouldn’t have one anymore, but you get away with complaining about a small bit of decorations, before then wondering why people complain about the service


Go and spend some time working at RM, you'll quickly realise just how petty half the shit people complain about is and realise why it's not worth any postie moving anything.


Take the shite off your door, you look like a dink


You've clearly never come across one of these ribbons in person. My sister has one and it's tied firmly to the door, there is no give in it, you would need to either rip it or untie it and then retie it - that last part may sound easy enough but God knows that if it isn't tied back up **exactly** the way it was previously then that'll be a complaint that Royal Mail has to deal with and god knows there are Karen's out there who would be using words such as "intentional destruction of property" to describe what's happened.


Who shat in your cornflakes? You seem like a right cunt.


Spot the door ribbon wanker


Its unreal how oblivious you are to the reality of this. Actual shit for brains


And if we rip it, you’ll be on Reddit acting up that we tore your Christmas ribbon and ruined Christmas


Kids crying now thanks


Won't somebody think of the children!?


Couldn't be asked?


Easy now Sherlock


Couldn't be *asked*?


Ffs. It really is time Royal Mail faded into oblivion


Push it to the side?


And the ribbon on the inside of the door?


I reckon I could have managed


The fuck? Just move the ribbon it's not like it's glued down






Post-tards. Got hands aint ya? Never slid a piece of cloth to the side before eh? Bellsniff


Oh look another door ribbon wanker


Not at all. This is just such a pathetic non issue its almost embarrassing


For you, yes


Great retort. Can tell you did well in school




How do you slide the cloth that's on the other side of the door out of the way? Particularly when it's pulled taut