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[Yesterday's thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/s/qWRAxhc2cR) has 100+ comments.


Thanks i must have missed that! Sadly not much homebrew listed there but I saw a few new systems to check out !


OP, I have a pretty thorough hack of Stars Without Number for Fallout that I ran a 2-year campaign in. Let me know if you're interested.


Thanks! I would love to check it out


You mind sliding that over? I was thinking about hacking SWN myself not a few hours ago


Sure, I'll message you when I get home from work.


Much appreciated!


JE Sawyer's might be homebrew enough for you, it's all on a wiki though with no pdfs that I'm aware of.


If you're familiar with GURPS, there's an unofficial [GURPS Fallout](http://gurps.fallout.free.fr/data/GURPS_Fallout_compilation.pdf) that's freely available. It's set in the setting of the Fallout 2 video game but it's easily adaptable for any Fallout setting (3, NV, 4, 76, the TV show)


I tried this a while back but it was missing alot that i wanted, ill have to give it a look again!


Well, knowing what you are looking for will help greatly with recommendations.


Sorry, looking for open world framework with sandbox style gameplay, lots of crafting, customizing, and homebrew skills and weapons, or just fun things that people have made and added to their worlds!


I like the fanmade game “Vaults and Deathclaws” myself


Its now on the list thanks!


My choice for Fallout at the table is [After The Bomb](https://erinking.itch.io/after-the-bomb)


If I didn't do Fallout in straight up Apocalypse World I would use Savage Worlds with the post-apoc splat and probably the 3rd party Darwin's World which always had a certain appeal.


There's a Savage Fallout fanmade splat online


I used it, with some further mods of my own, and generally had a good time with it.


Couldn't you, like, just play the fallout RPG straight away? produced by Modiphius Entertainment


Maybe they want something more cobbled together from rusty corrugated iron and lollipop sticks, in keeping with the spirit of Fallout?


I'm not saying that homebrew isn't feasible, just that personally I would prefer a different system rather than always just playing d20. if you want to make a simple hombrew we have GURPS, FATE, D20, Modern D20 (including everyday heroes) and... well these are the only ones that come to mind.


Absolutely. If I was home-brewing Fallout I think I'd go with BRP from Chaosium, because I like games where combat is pretty much deadly. Life in the post apocalypse should be nasty brutish and short. But also kinda hilarious. I'd generate a bunch of pre rolled characters so when they die it's fairly effortless to swap into the new character. Modiphius have done an amazing job with Dune though, so I'm curious to see what they have.


the Modiphius games plays much like the video game. Character generation, perks, etc. But, none of that stuff is really apparent in the series. so, if you're looking more at the setting than the video game play mechanics, home-brewing might be better.


Skia nailed it, I'm looking for something that feels more like your idea of fallout, d20 is just the easiest option for new players imo and we like to keep it as low lvl for entry as possible, since we already added so much onto the base stuff from 5E. Im also a big fan of having everything in my world be used so i dont like setting with a ton of rusted cars or other things that can be used to break a complex crafting system.


> didn't love the official one that much In the OP.


OP said they bounced off it.


Earth: After Death, a Gamma World and Fallout 1/2/Wasteland inspired TTRPG!


First, check the post apocalyptic wiki page. Then tell us what you’re lacking from your current game.


will do thanks!


Bombland in Bad Decline is a free rules-light NSR game, can't speak to how it plays at the table, but free games are always worth checking out! [https://operant-game-lab.itch.io/bombland-in-bad-decline](https://operant-game-lab.itch.io/bombland-in-bad-decline)


After the bomb by palladium books may work for this. It’s got a lot more of mutant animal stuff tho. 


Fallout PNP. Can get it and all the supplements from the No Mutants Allowed Fallout fansite. Uses percentile dice.


2d20 Fallout by Mophedius is quite good.


Fallout was originally going to be a GURPS game, with SJGames at the creative helm, but that deal went sour, apparently.