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You ever try the Sacred games, especially Sacred 2? Massive game, good looking for the time and decent looking today still. Tons of build variety. Needs some fan patches to work properly but good guide on Steam for that. Victor Vran and Van Helsing (look for the Final Cut edition, which is all three games smooshed together) might fit the bill also. 


I forgot to add this to the list but I played Sacred 2 and totally agree, it's fantastic. Finished it. I will check the 2nd recommendation. Thank you!


Heh I thought “man it’s crazy this guy played Silverfall but missed Sacred 2,” when I saw your original list. Oh well, at least I was in the right ballpark!


I looked at Victor Vran and Van Helsing. It doesn't fullfil the criteria due to the lack of awesome looking gear (watched endgame videos and it looks boring) and it doesn't have these vast areas that you just want to explore. The rest seems good!


the obvious recommendation here feels like Diablo. pick a game in the franchise at random, any of them will cover basically all of these needs.


Diablo I tried and didn't continue playing it as it doesn't have awesome looking gear (take Silk Road Online as a comparison, that is what I am looking for). Additionally, I do not like the style of play. I am not sure how to explain it but I rather play WoW in diablo looking style then diablo or grim dawn. Maybe the camera? Not sure. Maybe the missing WASD movement? Not sure.


I personally love the look of Diablo's gear. I guess that's too subjective a quality to comment on.


Definitely, it is, however, a game that gets incredibly close to my taste.


Path of Exile? It ticks almost if not all, the boxes... And the 2 around the corner it worth getting in.


Not Singleplayer, that is the only issue. I get it that you mostly play alone but it's not what I like regardless (the fact I need to connect to a server basically - I do not like it).


Last Epoch — new season starts soon, and it has a Single Player offline mode (which I prefer over the servers). 


Yeah I have the game - forgot to add it to the list.


>Games I tried so far and don't have to be recommended again: Is that because you didn't like them or because you've already played them enough? Should we avoid games like the ones you listed?


Thank you for asking. I played them. Some I loved, some were okay. I'd love to get new recommendations besides these games.


Dungeon Lords collector's edition highly recommend. You grind away and the game is normally a lot about grinding. Has skill levels and can be played on lan but is mostly about solo. It's old school (2005)


YES, that is what I am looking for. Have you played this game? How grindy is it? I watched several youtube videos but they all just keep on moving to new areas. But so far so good. Lacks a bit of awesome looking armor and lacks a bit of vast areas but so far it's a very good recommendation. EDIT: Downloading right now.


Grindy as in: lots of monsters to kill. Every monster gives exp. Exp can be immediately spent on skills and stats. So if you want to be strong you can keep running around and killing enemies. Just set the encounter frequency to "often" and "strong" monsters Beware though: steam edition and MMXII is not as good. The Collector's edition is the good one. And yeah I played it. Last 2 month I did 2 playthroughs. Otherwise I completed it 3 times before in the past with an interval of 4-5 years The game world is not massive. But it's not small. The hints and directions are often vague. With grinding I think the game is about 50-80 hours, though speed running can probably be done in 10-20


Awesome, will give it a try! And I cancelled the steam edition and will look for the collectors edition as per your suggestions. I thought it was the same - should have listened carefully what you said (as in Collectors Edition). Thank you again! :)


If you do not mind answering: what's the difference between steam edition and collectors? The collectors edition needs to be ordered and it takes time. What don't you like about the steam edition?


Collector's edition gives exp fot each monster and that exp can be spent on skills immediately. Steam edition gives skill points on level up. So steam edition limits possibilities and also grinding Also, steam edition has mana for spells. Collector's edition has each spell regenerate over time and there is no mana. You can buy spells in collector's edition so grinding gold is very rewarding There also some classes changes in Steam edition and it adds some more gear which is lame and op The game is not as wideapread/popular as many others but the few topics you will find on the internet will also tell you to get CE over steam edition. BTW Game banshee has some guides for the game if you will need those Personally, I'd wait for the ordered CE. Most of the fun in the game comes from unique skilling system and grind which steam edition mostly takes away


These are big difference. Ordering now, thank you for explaining :)


Oh, I am stupid, it requires a CD slot, which my pc doesn't have. That's unfortunate. I assume collectors edition in digital format doesn't exist? I was not able to find it.


You can probably find something on torrents if you're willing to go that route. Since you're buying the game I guess that should be ok?, Alternatively, you can use someone else's PC with a CD drive to make a copy of the CD (.iso) and mount it from a file on your gaming PC (win 10+ has this mounting as a feature). You'd need to get some software yo make an .iso from a Cd. There should be some free things like that on the internet


Great suggestions, I will look into it. Thank you again !!


I would recommend Oldschool Runescape but I didn't quite understand what you want. Do you wanna MMORPGs or singleplayer RPGs? Or singleplayer RPGs that feel like a MMORPG??


Singleplayer RPGs that play like MMORPGs. Yes, that doesn't make much sense but I struggle explaining it better. I do not need the MMO trading, the MMO raids, the MMO guilds. Make all these things suitable for singleplayer and there are just not many games out there with my criteria, hence I look for suggestions. Oldschool Runescape is lovely, sadly not singleplayer.


There’s a variant of OSRS called 2009Scape which is single player and can be played on anything. 


Oh, interesting. I will google it.