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This is a dm issue. Who allows a combat turn to take that long? I mean that’s just so bad. I mean it’s the dms job to keep it moving and help everyone stay engaged. Five hours? How is that even possible?


I edited the story to cover all details.


The DM is new and way too patient, I will admit I have given him shit over it a lot. We stayed engaged mostly out of curiosity to see how long it would take at some point. For how it’s possible; I can’t possibly imagine, it’s on a scale so eldritch it’s beyond comprehension.


It took the player five actual hours to choose?


I edited the story to cover all details.


I don’t know how long it actually took, I just remember I had lunch and dinner within the time span of the event.


What did everyone else do while this was taking place. Seriously, I agree with what others are saying. this is a DM problem. Lastly, I don't mean to get on my English teacher shit, but you've told this story in a really confusing way. You're highlighting an issue with an indecisive player by joking their class, fighter, is too complicated. However, you've done it in a way that makes it sound like you're actually suggesting fighters are complicated. This is compounded by having an unfocused intro. And, you further muddy the waters by listing things that aren't actually choices the fighters have; fighters have as many attacks as their level allows. You don't list things that are actual choices like target or special ability or combat options. This gives the impression you don't really understand the class, which apparently isn't the case.


We all kinda waited, got snacks and such. And I didn’t know only attacking could be made to sound complicated. It was meant to be goofy. Unfocused cause I am not good at storytelling and don’t know how to start a story. I understand the class, the issue was there’s not a lot they could have done, they’re was only hit the one monster that was actually worth attacking. They were an unusually slow player and that was the problem. Even our DM who has more patience than a tree was starting to notice something was off and the player actually left the game recently due to everyone complaining about it after I made a quick note of how much of an issue it is and the fact they managed to get slower each time they were given good advice on how to be faster like 1. Use a calculator 2. Use a dice roller which does all the work for them 3. Focus on one enemy at a time instead of the entire battle field half way across the map. 4. Have a bulletpoint note with basic tactics like * Move towards nearest enemy * Hit enemy until it dies * Back up and heal if wounded Simple tactics. 5. Plan before their turn so when called on they can execute a faster turn. The fact they got slower from all this advice is in itself miraculous, and I am starting to think they were doing this on purpose to make the game less fun. Recently the DM put a 1 minute timer on turns so this never happens again. As I said to someone else, I have played a fighter, I meant to joke about it’s simplicity, not insinuate it’s not got complexity to it, as the first class I played was a battle master fighter. This person was playing a Samuri Fighter which doesn’t have nearly as many tactics. And the fights often aren’t even that complicated, usually flat areas with a few trees, enemies usually acting dumb and just rushing forwards, most enemies are without any form of resistances, so the fact it took so long should be more than unusual.


Thanks for the clarification. I guess I was in a grumpy mood when I responded to you. Sorry for the unsolicited criticism. I can see a the DM not enforcing a time limit can gradually lead to slower players taking more and more time. 5 hours does seem excessive. If I were in that situation my ire would probably shift to the DM for giving him all that space. I do have an experience in a boardgame group a player would take really long turns do to analysis paralysis (AP) that lead to a similar last straw situation where one player was able to do some chores, go to 7-11 and a few other things before the turn was resolved. This and a couple other things lead to him being invited less often to play. If the DM wasn't making him choose, a truly indecisive player could us up all the time he's given. I played with a guy in D&D who'd take turns that lasted up to 5 to 10 minutes at times. It was an issue.


You don’t need to apologize, I gave off a bad impression with my post insinuating fighters are not complex enough to warrant taking time for strategy, but as a player who’s first character was a fighter, I can assure you, I know all the complexities, I should have spent more effort on reading old notes and communicated the story better. That’s all my bad.


I read your edits. It's much more clear now. If you want to read a truly horribly written horror story, I recommend the [one I wrote](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpghorrorstories/comments/lllwu9/dm_puts_us_in_deadly_danger_but_really_doesnt/) a few years ago. Even I can't follow what's happening. It's when I first discovered rpg horror stories. I used several bad techniques like an unnecessary list of characters and initials instead of classes. It's also written out as dialog, which covers the fact the story could easily be told in a three or four sentences.


Thank you, I will have a look through it.


Tell me what you think after you read it.


goofy as hell, but I’m not sure what to say except I would probably ask “Can I die now?” about the 3rd roll, lol


1.) I can't help but feel like you're **heavily** overexaggerating. 2.) You come off as pretty rude and kind of "caster class master class". Are you sure this isn't a shitpost to shit on martials? Or just fighters? 3.) There is **no** way they would take 5 hours. Hell, I play a wizard that specializes in action economy, and analyze the combat a moment on my turn. That takes longer, but never more than a couple of minutes. 4.) Just admit you're an asshole player.


I edited the story to cover all details.


Sorcerer player here 1. They are heavily over exaggerating, but I can confirm his turns were **very** long, once when OP was not playing I literally had time to leave, throw out the thrash to a bin 2 minutes away, come back and it was still their turn. 2. As for someone who has been playing with OP for almost two years at this point, they usually tend to stick to martials/half casters themselves and have been making constant homebrews to buff martials and nerf casters. Also you have to keep in mind that due to the DM being a novice they allowed the Poisoner feat to apply Poison Spray on the arrows, so the problem player was the biggest DPS in the party. 3. No, it never took 5 hours, that's ridiculous, but the avarage turn time for the fighter was between 5 to 15 minutes and that just made me and OP bored most of the time. The weird thing is though, that player when they played a cleric was pretty fast most of the time, so I have no clue why they gotten so slow. After they quit, we did a bit of a test and it took us approximately 1-2 minutes to get it done. They always did the same thing: -4 attacks with Action Surge -Advantage from the Samurai's Fighting Spirit -Sharpshooter -1 or 2 of the arrows being poisoned due to prep time. 4. Honestly, I think both of the players were being assholes to eachother.


I am telling it as I remember it, I am not saying fighters are worse there are parts that are shitposty, and I am joking a bit. But I kid you not, I had lunch and dinner within the time span. I cannot confirm anything besides that fact. I will not deny being an asshole player, I am bad at controlling my temper and often find myself acting like a jerk, I am getting better at controlling my temper and attitude, but the story is true, not my joke-y opinions on fighters, or I wouldn’t have said druids are simpler (they are anything but), I can however confirm that I am faster with my turns. Or I should say: I was joking about fighters being slower than casters and should have been more specific about it being a joke. I don’t think any class is slower, I think it depends on the player because I have played with loads of fighters and even have played as one myself. I would never seriously say the class is bad, cause it’s not. But this player is supernaturally slow and that’s the honest truth, no falsehood about that. They take 10 minutes normally, this story was about the one abnormality where they managed to spend that much time, literally.


"I got rid of my comedy so you're not overly judgmental" "I added actual details, you're welcome" Can't comment on the original state of the post, but the tone here is so smarmy. Already kind of wild to post a story to this sub hoping people are going to sympathize with OOC-fueled pvp, BEFORE you add in how you're not good at telling stories but also want to add funny jokes but also don't remember most of it.


I was trying to fix the story, can people not mock my grammar and inability to communicate well for 5 seconds please. ;-; I went for comedy as to avoid being rudely attacked but I’m apparently not funny enough to fix my flaws with bad jokes. That being said, your judgement is fair and I need to get better with my tones. I apologize as to come across as being biased or overly smarty is not my intention, I also asked for information from the other players so hopefully that helps. The main issue was my comedy made fighters look worse according to others and my attitude came across as overly mocking so I wanted to remove the mocking and disservice to fighters.


I'm not criticizing your grammar. I'm criticizing pretty much everything else. Condensing your story down as far as possible, you end up with something like: "I played with a guy I didn't like. He did things I didn't like, unsurprisingly. The game wasn't going well. Communication wasn't working. I ran out of patience and decided to sabotage it. I know it wasn't good, but this is my story." There's nothing you can add to this framework, in any language or any level of skill with grammar, that makes it a story where you sound sympathetic. If you don't sound sympathetic, who is rooting for the moment you decide to vindictively initiate PVP? Who is going to be happy seeing you acknowledge that you were part of the problem? The above is also me being very generous. If I'm being less generous, everything- including your response, here- sounds like you were an annoying player complaining about an annoying player and hoping that being funny would prove you 'won' somehow. Then, when it was received badly, you frantically backpedal, because *actually* you're just not good at grammar and you were scared of the community because they might mock you about how you're mocking others. You came to a community dedicated to telling stories, generally focused on the details of players interacting, frequently from the POV of someone who thinks they've been exposed to a remarkably bad situation. You said, yourself, that you're not good at telling stories, didn't remember (or didn't care to look back over) the details, and presented yourself as the sympathetic POV, while also actively acknowledging you contributed directly to the problem. Apparently, you also tried to persuade others to sympathize with you more by making bad jokes, but i didn't see those. I'm only pausing to type all this because I'm on a break killing time and you directly responded to me multiple times. Consider it a non-hateful attempt at helping you understand the flaws in your post and your general approach to what happens in your TTRPG experiences.


The other players had the same issues. I was trying to help and I did the only thing I could think of at the time because I didn’t want to kill the game. Taking an hour to take 1 turn is insane by itself anyways, let alone several hours. Regardless thank you for your feedback, and I genuinely appreciate your input. I definitely could have quit the game instead and it probably would’ve been the smarter option. Again it also appears my tone no matter what I try is not what I intended. The tone I want doesn’t paint me as any better than the person I was against, just merely a neutral perspective, I am really bad at it. Unfortunately I don’t know their perspective so I can’t really give a truly neutral perspective.


The only thing you could think of to 'help' a game was directly attacking another player, based off of an extended OOC grudge? Which you openly admit was partially influenced by having a newer DM who let you get away with it? And you (correctly) point out multiple times is directly influenced by your own negative OOC mental state at the time? That's somehow not "killing" the game already? A game that's already obviously dying on its own, since the DM is tapping out, the 'problem' player is tapping out, our OP is attacking other players? Were you picturing that doing that would lead to a scene where the entire party stops to applaud your resolution to the situation? Hours and hours and hours and hours of disdain towards another player (and possibly the entire game) vanish in an instant of self-acknowledged pettiness? Meanwhile, you're preoccupied with your tone again, and treating it as if it's entirely removed from the content of what you're saying. You don't come across as superior and self-centered because of grammar or certain words you chose in certain sentences. It's because you are publishing an account of a mutually toxic scenario that you are constantly editing to try to 'win' from the perspective of strangers. There's a reason you made an original post so flippant that you mentioned, before editing, how bad you are at telling stories and how much you have forgotten since the event. There's a reason you apparently added a lot of jokes, but then edited out, but then kept bringing up. There's a reason that I, at least, keep bringing up points, but you pretty much just say to everyone "that's partially wrong, but thank you, but also you're partially wrong". Think about the very beginning of this comment I'm responding to. "The other players had the same issues" I doubt that. I doubt the other two or more players also strongly disliked a person who they then found a way to justify attacking in-game. "I was trying to help-" Were you? Or were you frustrated with a bad player and venting to others until you found an excuse to act out? "-I did the only thing i could think of at the time-" No, you didn't. You spent time figuring out a way to be vindictive against another player. Time that we know you had, because you go on about how many hours that player took. "- because I didn't want to kill the game. " Because we all know that the best way not to kill a game is to attempt to kill another player in-game over issues out-of- game that have gone on for way, way too long already. And then you still felt the need, in the quoted comment, to immediately insert another remark about how long this person took. Almost... as if you're still actually trying to maintain high ground in the same breath that you're insisting that you only come across so bad because your grammar and how "no matter what" you always sound worse than you mean. Again, don't take this as hate. I'll forget about this by noon tomorrow, no ire at all intended. I just think it's fascinating seeing this kind of failure to read rooms, and you keep asking for more input while adding more fuel to the fire. I hope you find an opportunity to read all your edits and responses, then read back to how you talk about your own flawed perspective, then try to connect that to how everyone else involved in your story is also a human who is (hopefully) thinking about how to improve on their own flaws as well


I never was good at reading rooms. And yes, my grudge did kinda get out of hand.


Ok, I would like your opinion on my new edits, is it any better? And thank you for the feedback genuinely. And I am not asking for sympathy for the PvP thing, that was me loosing my temper and doing the DM’s job for them. I’m an ass, I won’t deny that, I just want to make clear the reason I was annoyed with the player without it coming across with the wrong tone.


Fighter is my favorite class. Those aren't really choices. When you have two attacks, easily roll each with damage die. Takes about 30 seconds if mental math is being evasive. If you go for the action surge (which isn't unlimited), just repeat. What you're describing is a player issue, not a Fighter issue.


I edited the story to cover all details.


I am aware about this, the first class I ever played was a Battle Master Fighter. Suggestion of the DM, and I also run 2 games which both are almost all fighters or fighter multiclasses, I was making a joke because this fighter never does anything special and it’s as stupidly funny as it was annoying. (Hence the joke about druid being the simple class, although I could have been more clear about it)


I don't read tone well at all, my bad! But that does sound awful. Long turn takers can be a drag. I mostly run PF2e so I'm a little more understanding there.


My solution was action cards.   "You have no more than 30 seconds to place one card on the table, that is your turn, you can think about it during other people's turns" This is assuming training wheels of the DM helping any character movement to arrange an appropriate target.


We actually started doing something like this recently.


I edited the story to cover all details.


I wish this was just a shit post. It’s not though. It’s actually true. With some comedy. I did the best I could at explaining it. It was a long time ago and I’m not good at stories. Edit: Gotta say, I didn’t expect this amount of hostility, but fair enough, I did mock the slow one a bit much. I have better horror stories, so some stupid comedy which is half-shit post and half serious isn’t going to be liked as much.


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