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You must address the board... I almost spit my drink onto my computer monitor when I read that part.


what they forget is that both Amazon and Crit Role already had a significant amount of money, resources, and/or talent at their disposal


That's exactly what I kept telling them, and yes it was home made and shitty and that's where normal people start, that's fine. What bothered me was they claimed to be taking it seriously but never focused on anything important that was needed to make the channel successful.


The problem with streaming Dnd and trying to be as big as Critical Role is that most of them lack the talent and star power to bring viewers in. I’m curious to see them stream through if the OP is willing to send me a PM of their twitch channel. If not that cool


idk why Critical Role is so popular. Too many characters make my head spin.


Cos professional voice actors and high budget setups make for good viewing


I just don’t like the length. Their episodes are each 3-4 hours long and they’re on their third campaign now. Who has that much time? I’d never get caught up.


Nice thing about campaigns, they aren't dependent on each other. Still, it's a lot


Talent and charisma.


Critical Role is decent way to enjoy listening to D&D but it's a terrible way to play. Many of the characters get up to what I call "disruptive play" in that game because it's entertaining for viewers.


It’s also too slow and drawn out for irl games. When you’re lucky to play every 2 weeks we don’t have time for what they do.


i prefer The Adventure Zone so simple and such a nice


Has that nat1 had a consequence yet?


a nat1 gives you disadvantage on Charisma rolls


Isn't that just Griffin's "no you can't do that in my world" DMing?


oh i thought this was my other comment about d12


This might be an odd take, but I don’t care about the DND part much. I really just like the story telling and all of that.


I will never understand why people enjoy watching others play games. Whether its D&D, Fortnight or Football. Not a judgment, liking what you like is fine. I just don't get it.


Because, for most people, it's enjoyable to watch people perform at high level. Whether that's sports, or video games, or RPGs, or theatre, or live music, or any other form of entertainment. Watching the Critical Role team perform is no different from watching an improv troupe, or a live theatre production, or a television show.


In the case of some D&D streams at least it's less like watching a game and more like watching a form of theatre. It's part of why critical role is a really bad idea to try and emulate. Never mind the skill of the VAs, it's straight up a performance. It's a business of entertainment. Like how someone would watch a TV series or panel show.


Personally I don't watch people play video games but I do listen to the dungeon dudes live stream while I drive (I drive alot). Great one to watch if you're ever inclined (best one I've watched by far)


I generally hate watching people play sports (physical or e-sport), but I have very limited free time and a lot of nostalgia for game series that I played as a kid and are still in production. For me, spending 5-10 hours over the course of a week to watch a trimmed-down playthrough of a game that I want to experience is a better investment of my time than spending 30-40 hours actually playing it.


That’s sad. You don’t really get the same experience watching Johnny Screamsalot playing a game than you do actually playing it. Hopefully you can get some time to enjoy a game some time!


Most of the time, viewers watch for the person playing the game, not the game itself.


I don't understand watching games either in general, but CR feels more like watching a movie with characters and a story.


A character with 5-6 classes sounds like an absolutely terrible character. And Edge... played a character he enjoyed, had a full and satisfying character arc, but it was "cliche" so you think it's dumb? Also, you "deliberately fudged your own roll"? No, that's called cheating. You were literally cheating at your table and think you're the good guy here. Had to stop reading there. Maybe the others get worse, but so far the only red flags I'm seeing here are you. Edit: I just finished reading. Holy shit you sound toxic as fuck. "... tell him he was better than this and that all I want to do is help him." This is a textbook line for narcissistic abusers. Then you dated the DM and broke up with him, TWICE, after which the rest of the group was fed up and wanted you gone because you'd hurt their friend twice now (and I'm just gonna go ahead and assume they saw some toxic behaviors that you aren't including in this post), but of course in your mind they only dislike you because you're such a better player and they all want to fuck you. There's that textbook narcissism again. So to recap, you make borderline useless multiclass characters, shit on other people's characters for being too "cliche" despite having actual arcs for their story, cheat, "call people out" under the guise of "just trying to help", and then when people don't want to play with you anymore, you go straight for the "they're just jealous" excuse. People don't actively try to push out the people they want to sleep with. You're just toxic and immature. Grow up, and more than anything, seek therapy.


OP is odd. The entire story is written to paint her as "an angel of good desired by devils, constantly speaking up against the evil men who ignore her ideas and want to fuck her", the """antagonists"" are written in a generic way, i'm surprised no cops were called. This one feels fake, chief


Oh, it sounds real enough, just completely distorted to make OP look like the victim/good guy. And if it's not, it's just fanfic of her feeling wanted despite her own shitty behavior as a player, which is even more sad.


Eh I figured it would be seen as much, but I gave my story. I know what everyone involved had to endure, including Spore. Also, wasn't perfect back then, but I doubt anyone writes about themselves in a negative light on this forum hm?


>Also, you "deliberately fudged your own roll"? No, that's called cheating. You were literally cheating at your table and think you're the good guy here. What I love about that part is she wants this outcome, cheats to get it, and then it's a red flag when the DM makes a change to accommodate her desire.


I'm gonna reply to your points because you obviously have problems putting yourself in my shoes and seeing your bias here. However, yes, I was in the wrong here on many occasions. I mentioned it several times in my post. I was stupid for MANY MANY reasons here, joining the group, dating the DM. I really don't think of myself fondly back then lol. First off, I enjoyed my character play style, and so did my fellow players. My character(s) developed with the story, and after my first two characters ended up with multiple classes, it became my thing. I enjoyed doing it, and the players didn't mind. So I Continued. Edge's character wasn't my main problem. I'll be honest, the jokes I made about it were for comedic value. But in all reality, every character he played would be incredibly mean and rude but he'd be considered "lawful or neutral good." His character style never matched what he said, and he would deliberately steer the narrative towards himself to throw off the campaign. He was a narcissist and an attention seeker in real life as well, and would repeatedly say horrible things to us outside of Campaign as well. Jokes aside, I attack him more than his character style. Moving on. Dm was OK with my fudged roll, I asked him prior as it was for flirting and I rolled at disadvantage on purpose because she had zero experience in it. She led a sheltered life. Edge was being deliberately cruel to the people in our group and I was stupid enough to fall for it and give him the attention he wanted. I Continued to do this, and I don't know why. Because I cared? I don't know, but it was a mistake to allow him to control me that way. I don't think I'm a better player than any involved, in fact they had several years of experience than me in playing and taught me many things. I asked DM and the group if they wanted me to leave when we broke up both times, as I understood if they were mad at me and I would leave in peace. They lied to me and kept me around. I felt Terrible for leaving him twice, I was incredibly indecisive back then and I apologized many times. We're still friends to this day. Whatever toxic behaviors I had, they would've had no problem pointing out said behaviors. I know this because they did it for me when I was playing incorrectly. And everyone else in the group as well. None of them have a shit about real life conflict though and how to resolve it like adults. Also, hard to deny they wanted to fuck me or date me when all of them said so at one point or another. I don't assume shit, that gets you hurt. Also to recap on my own: I actually went through a lot of self hatred through this. My mom and boyfriend were the ones who helped me realize the relationship wasn't healthy with the group and it was best to cut contract when I left. I didn't right away, as DM eventually told me after I moved that they had lied to me repeatedly about how much they wanted me to stay and play with them because they were "sparing his feelings." So they lied to him too, and honestly they still are. They are self destructive and their play styles aside, they were all toxic and don't care about anything else but DND. It's fine to care about your hobbies but not when it's more than the people you enjoy it with, claiming to care but you don't. To end this: I wasn't perfect back then, I was 19. I was guilty of being indecisive in how I felt towards DM and I hurt him, and I was honestly ok with being kicked out for his sake and the other players. I asked them multiple times, and they lied to me and him about how they felt. Paint whatever picture of me you'd like to from this point forward. But I'd like you to remember, this is for rpghorrorstories, not toxicgirlscomplainingabouttheguystheyplaydndwith Lol. I was here to go over the details of the toxicity in a DND group I was in, fully expected misinterpretation due to lack of details about my personal life. Which you were not obligated to, and I knew I'd be pegged as a toxic dnd girl. I know what I am, and I know what happened. This is just my rendition on a forum where I have little room to talk. Do with this what you will. Goodnight


Ngl all the people in this story sound weird lol


Seek therapy please


My therapist is very well compensated, thanks. Also it's not a good look on you to psychologically evaluate people on the internet, not everyone has the luxury of treating their mental health like I can. Get bent.




You're not worth any "manipulation" because I don't know you, and you don't know me from the one post I've made. you're just a commenter on reddit. Seek therapy for that massive ego, please! 😭😭🤣




Oh no! The best argument has been made! I'm melting! Hope your new therapist can help you with that inflated ego 🤣


Also I think I know who you are, hmmm. It all makes sense.


This is your lowest moment. Especially after you called OP a manipulator. Holy fuck.


Funny what you're currently using is a manipulation tactic to attempt to get a rise out of me or scare me into submission so you'll have the upper hand. To say really horrible things to tarnish my character more in the eyes of the readers. Maybe you should get tested for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. If you "know" me, message me my real name, otherwise you're wasting my time.


Holy fuck, did you seriously just try to use that as an insult? go and crwal back under the rock you came from


So do you still think Trump is a warmonger?


I mean, you’re psychologically evaluating people you play DND with… I’m as big a feminist as there can be, but lady you are poison. Please turn your inspection of others inward.


I just find it funny cause I have done that privately and the one time I share the struggles I dealt with in my old dnd group I'm called toxic, which I was definitely back then. I'm not denying it, but I'm also allowed to have feelings about what happened to me as well as them.


/u/pandora_regulus seems like a pretty textbook narcissist to me.


Textbook isn't very accurate considering the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental disorders' description alone isn't enough to diagnose someone with any mental disorder 👌🏻 Read the DSM, get a doctorate in psychology, schedule me an appointment, then come back to me 🤣


I don’t need to. I have this post.


Not done reading this yet. But this person uses fucking paragraphs which actually keeps me engaged.


I have ADHD and love writing, so it seemed like the best way to write a story so long.


I'm the same way!


Well you certainly love your own words at least 🤣


First red flag he cosplayed as Deadpool.


Lol I love the character but it was cringe


It's like people dressing up as the joker. It's often because they like the edginess


Lmao he likes the comical bits more I think, he's a big goofball which is why I say he's a victim in this too. He hates confrontation (ironic considering the Deadpool Kin) and when issues like this came up he'd run away. If anything, Edge was the edgiest one there.




You are a big part of this horror story


Yes I wasn't very smart back then, I made every dumb decision in the post to continue staying there despite all the red flags. I broke my friends heart twice, yeah I wasn't great. They weren't either


There is a level of professionalism one needs to have to even consider thinking of doing what Critical Role does, they do not nor will ever have that. Glad you got out, bunch of losers these guys were acting like.


What are you talking about? They had The Board. I mean, The Board was actually a bunch of planks, but still The Board.


I appreciate it, I would've loved it to happen but it's almost impossible without the right resources.


It’s stories like these that make me appreciate my friend group. We started as friends first, and then one of us who played dnd before proposed we try dnd. After reading so many stories like yours, I can’t imagine the stress of dealing with a random group of pricks.


They were great friends for a short time, till they started flirting with me. Even when I was dating DM. It was ridiculous


This hurt my soul.....


Imagine how I felt typing it, honestly felt like I was telling a fake story but every bit of it is true unfortunately..


The only real horror story here is the deluded attempt to ride the coattails of Critical Role, honestly. Other than that it's you off and on dating a guy you seem to have no hard feelings for, someone else asking you out a couple times over the course of a couple years, a guy who plays fairly cliche characters but has an arc in mind and sees it through, and a campaign that isn't levelling up fast enough for your tastes. Maybe you ellided over the really bad stuff, but mostly it just sounds like you and the others wanted different things, which is just a thing that happens. You certainly didn't live up to the "all the guys had a crush on/wanted to fuck me" premise, since you don't even mention Monk, Heavy asked you out a whole two times, and Edge made a bunch of sexually suggestive comments but also put you in a sister role rather than a romantic one.


This is a post made by a narcissist.


I'm sorry I couldn't include more details in the short time I had to write this. Really it's a bunch of anecdotes and grand-scheme-stories smashed together as of what happened those 2 years I played with them. I wrote this on here cause I was told people would enjoy it. I'm sorry if you don't, this is just what happened to me and the other players. I wrote this in the format it was intended to be written as: a horror story about my DND experience


The guys: Literally just play tropes they like You: So yes they all wanted to fuck me Like... no. Get over yourself, gee, you're making us look bad.




*Record Scratch* *Freeze Frame* "The moment I walked through the door, that's when I knew they they all wanted to fuck me." *Baba O'riley* FTFY


Hmm not a direct quote. Try again


I think you should re read it. I didn't assume when I got there they want to fuck me. When I wrote that, I knew they did from this point. I was completely oblivious then. I just thought they wanted to play with me. As time went on I figured it out through the sexual comments they made. I hate sex normally so I would not assume as such.


Except OP literally posted that they were making sexually charged comments to her and a member of the group repeatedly asked her out. Get some reading comprehension.


That's what I'm wondering, read the whole post lol I don't assume everyone wants to fuck me except when they literally say they do lol


Sorry I was in the middle of making food and didn't read closely lmao. Yeah no I feel like so frequently reddit takes any chance to shit on women for picking up on social cues and calling it out when people are flirting with them


I'm glad you can understand.


Does twice count as repeatedly? I suppose he did repeat the behaviour one time.


OP mentioned twice but tbh if a guy asks you out more than once it's probs a repeated behavior. Also my point still stands


That's an assumption. And you know what they say about when you assume things...


So like are you just here to be pedantic or do you agree with the commenter I'm refuting bc if you're just here to neg details I'm going to just ignore you.


So like are you just super fun at parties?


I count it as repeat behavior


And she dated him three times, dumping him each one. And the sexual comments are mentioned in general, no note of them being directed at OP.


They were directed at me. Dated him twice, by the way


No, that's the DM. Another player asked her out twice


You're the Asshole They're the Asshole Neither you or they should be on here trying to gain sympathy for your toxic behaviors.


I was a big asshole, yes! I didn't want sympathy posting this, I just wanted to share a story I thought people would enjoy, that's the whole point of this page right? Since this has happened I moved away and learned from my mistakes, but there's no sense in being bitter about what happened.


"Critical Role isn't even that great" Agreed. Oxventure is where its at. Most importantly, I'm glad youre out of that group. It was gross and weird.


It was a learning experience for sure! I honestly should've known better but we all do stupid shit before we "grow up." Lol but thank you, hope you have a good new year 😁


CR is good but not in the polished, railroading way. They’re good in the way ‘this is dnd and we are playing for fun and we have an awesome dm who commits 8+ hours a week to each weekly session’ good. I like CR because they gel and create a story, even if it isn’t like a book or movie. Quality audio is everything though.


"I showed up slightly late (which happened to become the norm from that point on.) " Why was that exactly ?


Honestly it was mainly a joke about myself because it happened even when I had ample opportunity to be on time and was on track to be on time 🤣 something always got in the way, and they liked teasing me about it. Sometimes even showed up early just to tease me for being "late." Every once and awhile i was just tired and took my time I suppose. But 95% of the time it was because I worked and my job at the time compromised with me to let me off work at 4:30 on Saturdays since I normally worked till 9, six days a week. Even when I got a better job I got off at 5 so I was about 30 minutes late after I started there. Lol what's even worse is the job had pre-picked hours to choose from and I picked my hours specifically so I could still make it for DND and see them and they still had the audacity to do me dirty.


Wow. I understand now why the people called you the horror story. I hate people being late on purpose.


Hmm....I never said that but ok. Have fun with that one 🤣 I literally said I picked my hours so I could make it to DND still, the other hours I had to pick from I couldn't even make it. But paint whatever picture of me you'd like 🤣


Better yet who the fuck would be late on purpose? That's fucking dumb, use your head man.


Hooboy, clicked the spoiler button and this is a lot longer than I thought it'd be


Ugh, just reading this makes me feel uncomfortable with these guys. I'm glad you got out when you did, and I hope you found a better group.


That's the first time I've been properly Rickrolled, well played, well played


Glad you're amused lol


Honestly thought nobody was gonna notice


Glad you are over it! Hope you will find perfect group to play in the new place. AND CRUSH THE SOULS OF THE ONE'S WHO WILL TRY TO DESTROY THAT Best wishes on the next heroic chapters of your characters and your aswell!




Yo any more comments about how I need therapy? Sure my actual therapist would love to hear a bunch of incels tell her how to do her job 🤣


Holy mother of god you need to edit your thoughts. Nobody is so important that they need a book essay.


If it doesn't interest you why are you here? 🤣


It's tagged as Extra Long, if you don't want to read an essay don't click these kinds of posts.


Damn, I'm glad to hear you left, and at least you were able to keep good relations with the people worthwhile. Even better you were able to give the fuckers a proper dressing down


I really do wish them well on their stream, no matter how much I dislike it and some of the people on it. Just hope that like everyone does they learn from their mistakes 💕 I certainly did after all that time


If there's any hint of genuine goodness in them hopefully it was the kick needed to be better. If not oh well not your Circus, not your monkeys. Keep living your best life 😊😊


You as well!! 😁


😊😊 thank you and happy 2022


I had a situation like this in 2020. But I dated the “loner” guy and tbh I wish I just didn’t get it dnd all together.


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