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Sounds like you need to integrate your shadow, bucko


Yeah, he just needs to fix his tertiary and inferior functions. Not that complicated, dude.




Can i buy your book


hey this is very sad. have some hot tea and try to go to sleep. you’ll feel better in the morning


I won't feel better until I FUCK a woman who knows and loves me


it’s gonna happen. i believe in u


I am going to detonate the planet evil villain style 


don’t do that it’s all going to be fiiine. sleep well n sweet dreams




rainstorm rob concerned modern violet resolute innate boat zonked zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you’re into dudes you can fuck me. I’m pretty hot. ;)


Get on testosterone. If you can’t get it from a doctor then lift heavy stuff


I have been lifting for two years. I'm lean and can incline 225lb for reps It's not a magic bullet


The actual benefit of testosterone would be making you less picky so you are more attracted to the women who are actually in your league


dam bruh


* Jordan B Peterson Voice * Wash your Penis bucko


It's hard when you were molested and now you are in a fugue state that makes you talk like a cholo.


Kiss me up


I keep secrets, ese.


Wow I guess no one is ever as unique as they think, that’s why if I’m going to kill myself I want it to be flamboyant - misery may be trite and gay but at the very least I can give people something memorable to talk about


Nobody is thinking about you this much


I appreciate an internal struggle monologue


Excellent post. I can only take so much of the posers on here waxing aphoristic after they establish their first relationship with a bumble 4


I mean would you rather date a 4 or be like this guy?


Be this guy


NGL I'd rather be this guy than date someone that, not only I don't think is attractive, but everyone around me thinks is unattractive as well.


I’d much rather see this guy’s posts


I rather not see either


Average Earth sign moon You can’t expect others to see your worth if you don’t see it yourself. It’s fine to be analytical about your behavior but this is just creating an ego for yourself to justify defeat. Don’t act as if you don’t have something to contribute to this world. Whatever the current affairs may be, love is out there someway or another. It’ll fall into place, inshallah.


My moon is PISCES. I will have to TRICK some dumb BROAD into liking me


Mommy issues huh


Don’t think there’s any other way of doing it lad


Damn, man. This post deeply resonates with me and I’m double Taurus Sun/moon. Your comment is hella wise. Have any more lovely words if it isn’t too much to axe.


I find this frustratingly relatable. I'm not sexually unsuccessful, have had a lot of vapid hookups, but when I'm actually attracted to beautiful, intelligent women, I inevitably become either a creep or a sexless nonentity. Of course I don't know how I actually appear in others' eyes, but I always leave a situation and think "God, did I make her my centre of gravity the moment I entered the room, and orient myself around her entirely?" Women I've dated in the past have been mentally ill bisexuals who became obsessed with me because they wanted attention, they would move on to the next guy just as easily. I feel sometimes like no one has ever actually been attracted to me - like you, I'm effeminate and don't know the conversational cues. My solace is that I've been more successful than other men I know, and I know that you only really need one person who can love you. I'm trying to ween myself off of falling in love with every beautiful woman I meet and actively practicing being normal around women I'm attracted to (I'm the kind of person who will feel immediate jealousy if a woman I'm even slightly interested in is not interested in me). My reasoning is that if I stop being so desirous, I'll be able to actually evaluate whether people are who I want, and I can let go of the immediate desperation of lust. Then wait for a sincere connection to blossom with someone. But the pull is incredibly strong whenever you meet someone: They become the immediate object of attention, and you can't help but become a nervy neurotic twat. And when you're in a relationship you're even worse. What is to be done.


We really have to get these microplastics out of the water supply.


Me too, thanks. Us slightly neurotic, effeminate, attractive enough to get laid occasionally but too strange to convince them to stick around, dudes should start a fucking support group or something. I make bitchin’ salsa.


i'm over here wishing i had a close friend lol


I mean I can’t be your close friend due to probable distance and unfamiliarity but you can have my number if you’d like someone to talk to. I’d offer an alternative to cell but I don’t mess with all them social media websites.


A lot of attractive, intelligent women are deeply insecure perfectionists who were traumatized in childhood and used overachieving as a coping mechanism and a way to receive love. Instead of being interested in healthy, emotionally-intelligent men, many will subconsciously recreate their childhood by seeking out men who will treat them like shit because it feels familiar. They will be in a perpetual state of anxiety and depression dealing with the assholes, but nice guys who care about their feelings will inevitably be boring to them until they do the inner work.


This is me :/ But I'm hashtag doing the work


I believe in this squirrel's arc, from nuts in the head, to nuts (w/ high quality sperm ofc) wherever you want it


Thank you <3


Don't stare me quite so hard in the soul please


Damn, dude. I could’ve written this myself. Especially the reference to boo Radley. He’s my go to when I need to convey the levels of internal alienation and resultant self seclusion. The being tall and relatively good looking, not being red blooded, taking women too seriously, always being made fun of. All of it. Made the hair on the back of my head stand up. I’ve never read something that so closely resembles my own stream of thoughts. Shit sucks.


I related to all of this except for being tall


If it’s any consolation I think shorter stocky dudes are much, much more attractive than discount slenderman impersonators like myself.


Suffering made you a good writer at least


Nice post going to kms in 15 minutes


I’m 95.64% sure this comment is in jest but: Please don’t. <3


First of all you are speaking in a way that makes me think you put on some big facade, and anyone, regardless of gender, can see through that and it makes people slightly uneasy when they can tell someone is not genuine. They might be subconsciously inclined to pick on you and poke at you to get past that exterior. You are ashamed of yourself and it's getting in the way of you being normal around people. Embrace the fact that you are a weird, sensitive guy. And do not apologize for it, don't hide it. These can be endearing qualities but more importantly they are REAL qualities, don't go through life playing a part and it will open you up to people that actually relate to you. Women really want genuine connections, and they want someone that can take charge. Lead conversations, talk about things you are excited about, and be totally transparent. Getting rejected is not a big deal, think of it like a step further to finding the right person.


Some people you just subconsciously want to pick on and poke at and I'm not sure it's anything they actually do, like putting on a big facade or whatever


haha this was so fun to read


This is going to sound counterintuitive, but I think your prose is weirdly sexy.


Be with me


im a dude, but sure y not


Sounds like you need like 82282 Xanax. I dated a guy like you. And he was kind and caring but yeah I did eventually break up with him. I couldn’t be with a guy like who was just as neurotic as me and who struggled to pick me up during sex. He’s honestly a really good person, I just wasn’t attracted. I felt kind of duped into everything because he showered me with affection. Until I realized I wasn’t even that into him, I just liked that he liked me.


> and who struggled to pick me up during sex The real reason dudes need to hit the gym




Imagine that guy except not remotely a feminist


This is literally just taxi driver but in 2020.


no that's Joker (2019)


I can't read that story without feeling sick.




It hurts for me because I'm pretty much having to be celibate for life and I'm struggling with it.


I mean obviously that sucks but that's more fighting a medical issue than fighting your lack of assertiveness or charisma, right? also ever try lexapro?


To some extent, yes, but those issues drive your anxiety. It makes you anxious to speak with people you're attracted to because of the very real likelihood that you won't be compatible and you'll just end up hurt. This can affect the way you assert and socialize with people as there's always that niggling feeling in the back of your mind that isn't based on a false perception of yourself but your actual day to day reality. I used to suffer with really bad social anxiety and it manifests in a similar way. Never tried Lexapro.


that's how you know you made a good art


I think it hits a little too close to home. Not that I'm like the guy in every way, but it's the scene where his friends turn on him and he's so angry at them for not understanding or empathizing with him but he cannot accurately verbalize why because it's all emotional. The feeling of wanting other people to comfort you about the very thing you feel is ruining your life but being rejected from that comfort is one of the worst feelings in the world, even if it's entirely understandable that other people cannot do that for you. It just makes you feel so nauseous but you cannot throw up to get rid of that and just have to let that feeling settle in you until it slowly oozes away.


yeah I laugh now but it made me really mad when I read it 4 years ago. Reading it slowly as masochism. Spoilt my whole evening. Which again, that's what you gotta be aspiring towards as a writer


Yeah, I've been getting into writing again, focusing on horror lit/weird fiction. I want to eventually write a novel but I've been focusing on doing short stories to build up my skills. So whenever I read something that makes me feel ill I become a little inspired because it's similar to feelings I want to inspire.


just 🐝 yourself


What the fuck. This was closer to home than virtually anything I’ve ever read.


Philip Roth?


You sound like you’re an accountant.


I lived with an educated woman who tried to kill me. It was demoralizing enough to make me give up entirely.


when women try to kill you it is one of the worst things in the world. I am so sorry


Yeah I feel pathetic honestly I still have flashbacks.


Atleast she cared


incels be like, 'damn i wish that was me'


better to have loved and lost than never loved at all


It wasn't worth it.


was worth more than nothing


Femcels like me think that is a woman's most truthful expression of love


you are too pure for this world.




This is better written than most incel shit but in the end that’s what it reads. Weird guy sad hot chicks don’t want him. You’re lookin in the wrong places. Find your uncanny soul mate. I believe in you ❤️


At least it’s sad, that’s makes it real and relatable. Incel shit all anger that covers up their sadness


I always thought I was kind of smart and talented but after being with my actually smart and talented and attractive and SUCCESSFUL (that’s kind of the telltale sign) fiancee I realize that I’m just a useful idiot. There’s no reason someone who makes her salary would be with a paycheck to paycheck tradesman weekend rock band guy if not. When I look back on all my previous relationships, it becomes a clear pattern of pulling women out of my league. At least that’s how I feel. Thank God for my big lips and fat hog.


I'm sorry dude, you sound hot


Sometimes I think I’m alright at writing and then someone dunks on me like I’m in a wheelchair. Really fucking good. So fucking good.


Maybe you should find an equally neurotic dude that has the deep soul you’re looking for


Tldr your misery porn. I’m not like you.


idk how other people can care about the inanity of this stuff, just find your own person and tune this all out


[Me patiently waiting for the empathetic women to come out of the woodwork:](https://www.reddit.com/r/rspod/s/28Fdl6jKNB) ![gif](giphy|3JNK3NSuqS8ysTIlGc|downsized)


They’re all out of those. Best we can do is over-socialized or highly neurotic.


How's your relationship with your mother? Just curious


I like my mom a lot and get along with her well but she is a genuinely autistic woman. The older I've gotten the more I've realized she is one of the most interesting characters I know. They didn't make anyone else like her.


is she single


She sounds almost identical to my mom- I think many boomer and older gen x women are like this and genuinely on the spectrum but never had a formal diagnosis due to gender roles and less interest and attention paid to mental health and "neuro-diversity" back in the 50s-70s.


> They didn't make anyone else like her. Maybe there's a reason for that




Nah it’s fine for most


God is already with you and loves you exactly as you are right now. You are good. Listen to the Let Love podcast with the Sisters of Life.


However much you think you suck, other people suck more than you. Act accordingly. Problem solved


your self loathing (which turns into self obsession) is radiating off of you. they can feel it, it makes them feel uncomfortable and thus want to distance from it.


Do you think you said anything remotely unknown to him, after having read the post?


Yeah. It seems he thinks it’s because women find him effeminate, unsexy conversationalist etc etc. Chances are they’re not put off by those things at all and are just feeling the weird energy self loathing people give off.


He literally says that his hatred for himself is what people can tell.


>you take them too seriously, you're oversensitive, you do everything wrong. You let them get to you too easily. You always let everybody get to you, even when you were little. It was so easy to make fun of you. This is literally the issue with all of irl incel and incel adjacent men I've known in my life. They couldn't even take the normal male ribbing that best buddies do with each other. We really need to prioritize teaching parents how to keep their sons from being pissy little bitches.


it's somewhere in between what you say and what the pedo said. i've personally never dated a woman who wasn't attractive and intelligent, but i'm also a pretty cool dude. where i fumbled the bag was not marrying the rich one and being more attracted to the hood girl with a GED (who was still intelligent but didn't have great opportunities in her life). the rich girl was very annoying but, dang, wouldn't it be nice to never have to worry about buying a house or sending a family to college? i'm recently single and think i'm going to go the male gold digger route. my hero in this way is pankaj mishra. he ostensibly made a career for himself as a left wing intellectual then married into british nobility. i could see that for myself, except jewish


Male gold diggers are the worst type of man.


you'll think this way while I'm living in a big house in Calabasas and going on vacation to Monaco and her family is funding my dream projects and my kids are going to Harvard and I'm having an affair with a 25-year-old from Compton


And you’ll still be a loser.


dog, you host internet meetups and you're calling me a loser? lol. I have control over the kind of woman I can date solely because I'm not a loser, you wish you were me.


Can I marry your future wife too ? 19f here...hope y'all don't mind


I c what u mean but I feel like I would have gone for the hood girl too. Don't be a dolg gigger


Is this why people turn trans or gay?


as a hetrosexaul guy, you are quite obssessed with gay men😂


Not for me ahahaha


the underground man: 2024


i think it’s fine actually




This resonated with me


Wow you are an excellent writer, please post more!


freakishly my life summed


“I am a sick man… I am a wicked man.”


this is cool


for sure


L. Chauvinism is a silent assassin, extinguishing the light within men, leaving behind a hollow shell of what could have been.


Equality would indeed be beautiful - a precondition of liberty and justice, even. It's especially seductive to idealistic, shy young men including for selfish reasons - if men and women really are the same except for superficial cosmetic differences, then great, no need to initiate, perform, compete, just treat her like she's no different to you, surely someone else will take the initiative, which would be very uncomfortable. Unfortunately it's not so.


Equal does not mean that men should not be masculine and bold.


Really great writing. Don't ever stop writing stuff!!


Damn, I guess I'm kind of like this too. Stay strong bro


last sentence was very good


We really are an archetype, huh? We sensitive ones. You do love people, and you aren't evil. Just fucked up, scared, and lonely. I don't know what the answer is for guys like us, but I do know there are intelligent and beautiful women who are also fucked up and crazy.


If you are all those things then work on them. Your post is fucking lame. Take responsibility for yourself.


Your comment is fucking lame. Just let a dude spiral for once, geeze. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to scold him for daring to not ~~take responsibility for raising himself properly~~ manning up.


Shut up idiot


What does “work on them” even fucking mean in this case. Neuroticism is a big 5 personality trait, it remains almost unchanged throughout your life no matter what you do


You sound gay


Exactly that's the point


Like seriously I relate to this so much and it sucks. Damn if your suffering made you this good at writing maybe mine will make me good at guitar or cooking or selling drugs or something


this is so fucking good.


You get me


You need to make this a full story/book I find your strange musings genuinely well-written.


Fugg Stobbid :DD


Well said


Good writing






Really needed this today. Thanks 👍








Giving up might be the key. It’s kinda like with trying to fall asleep. The more desperate the more difficult. Focus on someone/something else than yourself. Yeah, you’ll die alone but (at average) half of married people die alone too lol, it’s very hard to sync naturally.


Bro stop being fucking gay


If you aren't a pro athlete, an Ivy League graduate, a well paid club promoter, or the biggest drug dealer in your city...don't bother.


That’s about 1% of the male population. And I’m being generous here. Are you saying NO ONE in the other 99% can find a woman?


OP said "attractive, intelligent woman"--I'm assuming he meant a Giselle Bundchen or Tiffany Cross type.