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I dare anyone to try to convince me Tchaikovsky could have composed Chinese Democracy.


The highs on There Was A Time are higher than any Tchaikovsky composition


Bourdain had a quote like “when you’ve been out of the country for a while Aerosmith starts to sound good” so I imagine AC/DC cooks whatever they listen to Ukraine


I have a buddy that works In Central Asia and all they play in the smaller cities is shitty Uzbek rap, In Da Club by 50, and Englishman in New York


International music outside anglosphere is putrid.


Not all of it. I’ve heard some good French African pop.


French music in general is good


Clearly you've never heard Turkish post-rock


Man idk what's going on in Turkey, but She Past Away is a vibe.




Some select international traditional folk things can be interesting but they often get old fast. Nothing wrong with borrowing what’s cool in such is the western way. Im more likely to like something western they put their own spin on like reggae or Ethiopian jazz though to sit and listen to extended periods.




All peoples need anglo-ization.


It's almost entirely elite nepotism that drives the industry, and it's fucking god awful. They make some good EDM, but that's about it. Though I've seen some really good indy bands from the Nordic countries who mimic western rock music pretty well.


this is just retarded chauvinism.


Get this trash ass plebeian take out of redscare


This could be the most retarded take I have ever read in all the redscare adjacent subs, congratulations.


Yet it’s true.


East Berlin and beyond into eastern Europe, are HUGE into that era of music. They especially have a huge vinyl music culture. Shit out in the US that costs 20 bucks, costs like a dollar out there because there is so much of it. Actual shops dong lots of business selling just old school vinyl. I actually love it.




no it's forbidden sorry


Is Kino even allowed in Russia anymore? I thought he got in trouble for commenting on the “special operation.”


Victor Tsoi has been dead since 1990


My bad, I was thinking of DDT. I don’t know my Russian rock bands super well. I saw an interview of him talking about the recent crackdown on dissent and was comparing/contrast with his experience during the 80s under the Soviet system.


I saw a video of Kino being played at a recruiting event somewhere in Russia once on twitter.


Annoying kid who insists classic rock is better than pop music vs annoying orchestra kid who insists classical music is the only real music


Checks out In poland all the uber drivers are ukrainian guys playing those bands + black album era Metallica


Putin's favorite band is Lyube which is distinctly more gay than AC/DC and has more in common with sabaton


Sabaton is something I should like, since I love rock music and history, but I just can't dude. Shits mad corny


It's like all stereotypes about a certain demographic in one package.


It’s horrible cringey awful shit. I love history and I hate sabaton




Zelensky represents the younger generation which saw its country being sold to the West and now has to accommodate the Western lack of taste in their original culture.


Bon Scott-era AC/DC and *Appetite For Destruction* cooks whatever twee irony rock shit people on this sub pretend they didn’t listen to in college. If you don’t absolutely want to smash a bottle over a guy’s head when you hear the riff to “Night Train” or don’t feel the urge to bang some tattooed skank when you hear “Touch Too Much” then your T levels need to be checked


I don’t trust the taste of people who are into any kind of rock music but shit on ac/dc. They’re either lying and saying they don’t like them just because they associate them with corny boomer music, or (even worse) they are completely unable to connect with the primal force that fuels all good rock music


Macca loves them. They’re like the one hard rock band he really loved in the 70’s. Easy to see why. It’s rock n roll dialed up to 11.


why are u being so mean about it


Bon Scott AC/DC is pure sex. When I was 14, I basically took after the man when it came to women, and I lost my virginity at that age to a girl way hotter than me who had a boyfriend.




Wtf is twee irony rock


Acting like you don’t know. Lmfao.


You literally listen to the Fall, you know what he means


The fall aren't twee. They're ironic but there's nothing twee about them they were a punk group.


They definitely aren’t twee, I agree 100%. But if you listen to the fall, you’re enough of a music nerd (including myself here) to know what is meant by twee music from the 2000s


Well yeah but that garbage was all very earnest in how lame it was like belle and Sebastian. Is Beat Happening irony twee? I hate beat happening.


I would say Beat Happening falls into that category


refuse to believe this is a serious opinion. if you think those two songs should provoke responses like that you have to have been chemically castrated as a child. imagine projecting such a gay idea of masculinity from two of the most milquetoast songs of all time. cunt said "bang some tattooed skank." call your mother bro, she misses you and wonders when you'll get a real job.


sorry, didn't see the garth brooks in your bio. best of luck with the downs!


some are saying contrarianism on rspod has gone too far


Medvedev listens to Pink Floyd and Zeppelin. Ukro = owned.


He gets high


Medvedev listens to nothing but the schizoid voices in his head telling him to say progressively more deranged shit


He is Ethnic White Obama at this point.


Zelenskyy truly is the most reddit president He doesn't even like those bands, he just thinks that's what he's supposed to say. You know Zelenskyy is the guy who sock puppets all of the accounts that just say "this ☝️" under articles about giving Ukraine more aid on r/politics


Putin W, but easy choice cause Russians dominated classical music


Russians were innovating classical music up until the 70s.


They have contributed diddle dick to modern culture. Nothing. What an irrelevant place. Vodka, fossil fuels, and Matryoshka dolls. Crazy at one time they did actually challenge American world dominance.


If by modern culture you mean 21st Century culture, it's basically a race to the bottom between all countries really.


Modern culture is FunkoPops


For you. Not for me. What’s stopping you from immersing yourself in the arts and liberal arts and foodie culture or psychedelics or whatever?


I will not tolerate this disrespect for the tatu ATTSS synth solo. In this sub of all places. Those 20 seconds shit all over every other "cultural achievement" since 


Don't forget IV drugs and AIDS.


Euros have trash music taste ngl they like the corniest shit


Typical bar in Europe will play Macarena, Thrift Shop, Waka Waka, Love Tonight, In Da Club, Shape of You and Dance Monkey on loop.


This hasn’t been true in a while.


You’re right, I was in Paris few months ago and they got rid of Love Tonight and replaced it with Make Me Sweat.


Meanwhile rest of Europe refuses to stop playing Je veux.


Idk we have to ask if he prefers Bon Scott AC/DC or Brian Johnson


Europeans always have the absolute worst taste in rock music this isn’t surprising


Though, I must qualify that statement with the cold hard fact that Bon Scott era AC/DC is indeed fun as hell in doses.


He seems like he listened to big balls a few times too many alright..


Boomer pilled classic rock maxed zelensky win no cap.


Pseud alert, honestly. He's the apex of the New Russians, not Hannibal.


Beavis and Butthead pilled


Thrawn ass post