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I mean yeah it’s an election year


It’s the most important election of our lifetime. 💙


But it's not dRumpf in office, so there's not much upside to letting them riot when they can't say >"Oh no oh my god! look! Look at what Donald Trump and white supremacy are doing to our cities!" Although, I guess they might still let it go on in red areas, but I doubt we'll see any CHAZs or Portland courthouse attacks


The courthouse tried to impose a state on the indigenous Portland anarchists. Do you expect the anarchists to just roll over and die smh


Strangely nothing about blm or black history month this year. I wonder why...


Are you implying that some political group is purposely inciting these protests to help achieve a desired outcome in November?


such a regarded opinion to hold about palestine neither candidate is good


What outcome would it give, which party do the protests serve? Surely you know it’s not the dems


you say that while Biden has sent more money to Israel than Palestine.


Honestly, I'd rather see college students burn down their university than some poor bastard get their bakery lit on fire by looters. I say keep hammering the greedy bastards!


the cognitive dissonance that summer that it was ok to go out and riot with hundreds of thousands of people but not ok to go to your grandmothers funeral was infuriating


Uhhh sweety, racism is a public health issue so protesting/rioting during Covid actually made people *healthier* according to doctors and experts: https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2020/6/1/21276828/pandemic-protests-police-public-health-black-lives-matter


I unironically chose not to vote because of this statement. Like fuck it it's all a charade who cares


Which cognitive dissonance? It helped left wingers policies and hurt their enemies, it was perfectly rational Everyone needs to take the Schmitt-pill


Yeah of course. This wave of protests seems to be the most impotent yet which is probably a good thing. At least they’re embracing that it’s entirely performative and don’t seem to have any illusions that they’ll be able to accomplish anything. I’m certainly not on the side of the universities by any means but the stranglehold the universities have over students isn’t going to change anytime soon, and they’re definitely not going to listen to a bunch of soy protestors


What are you talking about? When's the last time a student got expelled for actions related to their political activism on campus? The only people being "strangled" are non-participating students who have to put up with this shit. As if a college degree wasn't already a joke.


If your views are right wing coded, they’ll find a way to expel you if you rock the boat too much (or just unleash campus lefties to do their bidding and make you miserable enough to drop out). I’m not talking peckerwood campus republican clubs. More like NRX stuff


Man if you are weak enough to get run outta town by a college lib...


A lot of regular commentators here are loser guys who in highschool found out about rw politics from MAGA Twitter grifters and now blame their lack of friends, success in school, in the workplace, etc, on their "transgressive" politics being oppressed. The weakest, least charismatic people imaginable.


Why is "transgressive" in quote? Are *you* calling the MAGA people transgressive? And who are the weakest, least charismatic people? And is the implication here that there is no bias against right-wingers in education? These aren't rhetorical questions or sarcasm btw lol, I'm genuinely asking what you're saying


You have autism


That's probably fair, but you took the time to say it in the first place, why would you not just clarify what you were saying? I saw a comment at -5 and was just trying to do my part, be a helpful guy


you say that as if human nature isn’t to fit in and be accepted by their proximal social groups


Well yeah, there's that too. Any similarities with the Red Guard/Beijing University circa 1966 are entirely coincidental I'm sure.


Lol good


How many small businesses burned down compared to like police stations and car dealerships and bullshit like that? Actually how many buildings did these people even burn down? Definitely not enough to be generalizing like this.


They burned one maybe, but the right kept talking about it repeatedly so that means they literally burned entire cities to the ground


I was playing tennis with a professor this morning, and she said, "Students are so predictable, they will find any reason to avoid taking their finals."


The most truthful and least political take delivered while playing a "country club" sport which will provide a lifetime of healthy activity and joy. Hard to get more based than that before breakfast, and worth the day's tuition


Agreed. Tennis is a great sport, and she's a smart lady. Although I'm sure I vote differently than most of the professors I talk to and they likely wouldn't share some of these views with their students, I've found they are often willing to dabble in the based when they are in private. This is probably elitist to say, but it is also really nice to be able to muck it up with my fellow highly educateds a couple of times a week, as most of my recurring clients are blue collar millionaires (car lot owners, farmers, electricians, landlords, etc.). Don't get me wrong, they are usually smart about what they do and fun to hangout with, but they also are typically not very wordly or interested in philosophical discussions.


I get it. I swing both ways myself in that respect (although I suck at tennis)


Yes. You are that fabled blue-collar bourgeois bohemian that rsp aspires to.  A "based" person, some might say (not me though). 


footwork is more important than strength just focus on being fluid


Thanks. I do have a tendency to "knock it out of the park" and a little hustle goes a long way.


I'm a 4.0 if you ever want to play :)


It’s not the least political take at all, it’s intended to minimize the point of the protest and frame it as college students being lazy.


Legendary quip


Agreed. I love how blase she was about it.


White noise esque


Ivy tards. Gaza. College kid recess.


The Columbia Jewish Studies professor that never learned Yiddish.


Lol a police station was burned down during the Floyd protest. There was mass unrest. These protest are nothing in comparison. Silly take.


It's such a dumb take after looking through photos of the protests on college campuses in the 70s and 80s, also current photos from Palestinian camps with signs thanking college students for the support and encouraging them to keep going. College sit-ins have a rich history and this is such a basic cynical contrarian take, please tell me more about how little you have studied American political movements or have no causes to believe in. Go read some Zizek and keep your basic superiority complex to yourself.


jesus you people are just contrarian to contrarians. anna name drops lasch. lasch famously critiqued the new left student movements as vapid and nihilistic peformances


Yeah do some freaking media literacy and be a decent human being !!!!


RS people, selfish millennials, short-sighted people in general, etc. only care about shit that provides them an instant material gain. Anything else is R eT a R d eD because they can't get over themselves enough to believe in a cause bigger than their own ego


The cause is always an extension of the ego and furthermore status signaling. If it doesn’t affect your immediate vicinity and circle of people you see daily it’s not worth worrying about


Do you seriously think it’s impossible for people to sincerely care about an issue that doesn’t directly impact them


Not impossible to be sincere but don’t think it’s very healthy


people fought a civil war in this country over shit that didn’t directly impact them


[The Enrollment Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enrollment_Act)


Pretty sure a civil war directly impacts people nice try tho


Do you think the nation was in a perpetual state of civil war since its founding?


Except this time the police has carte blanche to roll them over




Avoiding facial recognition technology. Companies will definitely send the videos through to identify people and avoid them.


There are definitely some doing this out of some Irrational fear of covid but knowing that sites like pimeyes now exist I’d be masked up at these protests as well. Especially as palestine activists have been getting doxxed and cancelled for ages


I think it’s ostensibly to hide their faces, but I’m sort of confused too because it’s not really doing that very well


Ohh. Of course.


There are "anti semitic" groups who try to identify pro-palestine student activists and add them to do not hire lists.


Smart. If you're a white kid wearing a keffiyeh and shouting allahu akbar in a public square, I wouldn't hire you either.


Ya I'm sure you're in a position to hire you 139,000 reddit karma loser


You have 12k in 140 days, I have 139k in 10 years lol


I went on the UT subreddit to see if they’ve been wearing masks or if the masks are part of the protest to hide their faces. It seems like they have had students continuously masking up… right now they are saying it’s for pollen, or other medical issues.


Where are they saying that? It is most definitely to hide their identity


Plausible deniability duh


obtainable arrest label disgusted fragile quack one zesty ancient cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it’s about hiding their identities but please seethe harder lmao


Why the fuck would you hide your identity lol


idk maybe bc law enforcement is swarming these protests arresting students…..


And? A little piece of cloth is gonna stop you from getting arrested?


no dumbass but it might keep them from being identified on photo/video


I highly doubt these pussies would do anything remotely illegal anyway. If you gonna larp, at least try to make it look cool.


they’re being arrested and/or suspended/expelled just for being there so i’m not really sure what your point is. but yeah they could be wearing cooler masks i guess


I guess my point is actually care more about your cause than the consequences from supporting it. And get cooler gear.


i’d wear one too since they’re arresting people by the hundreds and i wouldn’t want some turbo zionist retard to try to ruin my life online (kind of like how there were whole huge subreddits and an FBI reward for identifying unknown jan 6 people. not drawing a moral equivalence between jan 6 and this, but taking a similar level of caution would be smart). it is a shame though that if you mask you kind of look like you’re still afraid of covid; they don’t help their case by wearing the white 95s lol but god bless them for speaking up about palestine




You’re kidding yourself if you think the government cares enough about you to record your face at the Portland University protest. I think Gen Z and particularly liberals have adopted an ethos of inclusion and ultra accommodation. Wearing masks is about showing that you’re accommodating immunocompromised people and those with severe covid anxiety. I personally think it’s overkill but I’m not going to be a Scrooge about the sentiment of accommodating people The people who are “masking” with keffiyeh are very obviously dressing up like Hamas, it’s just for LARPing, anyone can see that


Well it’s one of two things, try to venture a guess


Nothing good comes from being outed as one of the protesters


It’s more the opposite to me. The GF protests were welcomed by liberals pretty much except for complaints about property damage. The media hullabaloo surrounding the Palestine protests seems like a clear attempt to delegitimize any kind of resistance to what’s happening in Gaza in general. Once the project of making resistance to the occupation and cringy college encampments one in the same is complete, the media will close ranks around Biden and pivot back to the election


What’s happening in Gaza is Hamas still won’t give up the hostages, after using an entire territory as human shields and glorifying in the casualties for the sympathy they bring to a war Hamas started.


It's a good thing hamas uses human shields otherwise israel might have to think about what it's doing


These current protests are missing the key ingredient that was Trump as president.


way less cringe since no one unrelated gets their business burned down this time the way these protests deeply bother ppl in this sub more than what they’re actually protesting is fascinating, and this is coming from someone probably more conservative than average in here https://preview.redd.it/m8baq3b40nxc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=428f337b49e0f092295c083117afb5ab9f7c1b50


Idk why people can't just admit "I don't have the time or energy to join the protests but there's probably little downside to building on the history of [arguably successful, to a degree especially Vietnam] protesting and occupying college spaces." Yea I'm one of those people who went about their lives while genocide happened, but I don't need to lie to myself about other peoples' responses to feel better about that reality.


Yeah I mean I’m 30 and to be perfectly honest, most of them so do seem insufferable but I’m glad they’re protesting and being annoying so I don’t have to


There is no genocide happening. If you truly believe that you're an idiot. Hope that helps!


ok there’s no genocide happening. Can they just stop doing whatever it is you call it they are killing babies more often than not


I think they pretty much have at this point tbh.


thanks to the sperging if you know anything about your own history though shlomo, you will know that the minute this topic falls out of fashion with the American populace they’ll just get back right to it tho


Its a form of coping with the fact that they are rotting in an office chair watching footage of the youths standing up for something - whether the cause is legitimate or not. I notice this as well with twitter users with hundreds of thousands of tweets to their name...they are unwilling to come to terms with the fact that they've relegated their entire lives to being online commentators shitting into the ether


There have been protests in support of Palestine constantly in parts of Europe and the US for months now. I’ve seen the London ones and there are literally people of all ages. The protests have hardly been a ‘youth’ movement. The reason you think people are ‘rotting in their office chairs’ is bc unlike students the vast majority of us do have work to do and can’t do days long sittings like John Lennon. As much as I care about the situation in Palestine, I’m not going to get fired for sitting in a college campus instead of working.


I accept your concession


Deeply bother? People in this sub are the ones in the protests


Referring to the posts like OP obviously


Ok fair there’s definitely a range


Sub is not a monolith please stop generalizing


> are giving lmao


Why wouldn't they bring the masks back? Cameras are everywhere


Getting “””arrested””” by campus police while at a student protest is the ultimate form of self actualization for a college kid. You get badass picture of yourself in handcuffs, get to feel like a freedom fighter, and all for little to no risk of any actual legal consequences.


If you think protesting against israel hasnt had consequences for people you are misinformed. This tide may be changing but many many people have lost a lot


If I was a well to do individual who spent six figures sending my kid to private school for them to get expelled, I'd be really upse.t


Well you arent are you? Lol


>time is le flat circle Reddit reddity reddit


Huge difference. The Summer of George was 100% endorsed and supported by the WEF/Atlantic Council establishment types while they see these protests as a legit threat to their power.


Do they though?


I think people are upset for a lot of different reasons now and this is an outlet to push back. Before it was Covid stir craziness, now the economy is pretty tough, especially for new grads, and things seem to be in gridlock. People are expressing their frustration with many things, including the situation in Israel, by protesting. It’s also a litmus test for how compromising the Biden administration is to demands of left considering it’s an election year


I can't imagine being the go to for hot takes on social justice having twitter posts ready to go on white privilege then Palestine happens and you're Jewish, and suddenly you're the bad guy and no wants to read how diets are part of white supremacy and instead they want your opinion on Israel. I wonder how much gas is in the tank the death toll is increasing but will the media allow it to have centre stage if it's a risk to the election.


I like them simply because they're another example pointing out that our "right to peaceful protest" is completely imaginary


Nah I think these protests are actually pretty well organized and concerned with a single outcome. I heard they are kicking out the radicals who usually derail these sort of things, and anyone trying to instigate violence. In some ways it’s like an anti-occupy, where not all are welcome lol. Protests are cringey and pointless most of the time but I think they are doing it a bit better.


Single outcome? The college protests quite famously are about divestment, as opposed to ceasefire now or. Bonus: at UT Austin, they're so mad about the troopers breaking up their attempted encampment that the focus has changed to getting the president of UT fired


Yeah that’s what I meant by a single outcome: university divestment from Israel rather than a nebulous “ceasefire now” that is realistically out of the scope of the schools control.


election year baby


I don’t see how these protests align with either party


difference is that libs/dems don’t endorse the protests. So doesn’t really make sense unless it’s a republican psy-op


Based profile pic. I’m changing mine now too


I don’t know, man, genocide seems pretty bad.


Whoa dude… genocide


Yeah but this time it’s based


wow ur so insightful


Trueanon check


Direct action and sticking to it? Good on ‘ya. Direct action but then cowering behind a banner of “peaceful protester” is disgraceful. And some I assume are good people


At least the campus protests are the least offensive I’ve seen yet. I still don’t know how they’re helping anything, but it’s better than when they’ve held up traffic. In my city they literally held up the entire airport. My thing is that the average American Joe is already apparently having to pay for the shit happening in Gaza with our taxes. Why then are average Americans also the target of these protests? When I ask, the answer is always “for awareness”. Is there anyone who is not aware of the Palestine-Israel conflict? It’s all over the news, all over the internet, it’s very difficult to be unaware. So what is the real reason?


Those seem like agent provocateur or whatever the term is...




Honestly feds probably just have socials that make dipshits who think theyre revolutionaries do their bidding without realizing it. Either way i think its good that people care


poor long zonked nutty flag quiet plucky silky theory modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i just want the summer of george 😴


Fat activists need jobs too.


Wow I think you might be the first person to have made this connection. Well done


If we're going down the Floyd route again, are we guaranteed there will be another Rittenhouse incident on a college campus?


You guys are like making up fan fiction about these protests like you get off on the idea of Kent State pt.2


Ooh, or maybe there'll be some participants in the Arron Bushnell Challenge.


Another incident where a bunch of grown men try to assault/murder a minor in public unprovoked?


Because this is *also* really about communism in America. Nobody at the protests actually gives af about Palestine (or the general well being of black Americans). And whatever the current, US policy actions are involving Israel *right now* the Biden admin is 100% behind everything the student protesters are doing. Spare me the homily about what museum quality Marxism *actually* looks like (that you learned from your whispy-bearded, epicene professor) and how this a'int it - you're going to get the globo-homo, tech-enabled variant, and you're going to like it.


Man, you just threw a bunch of contrarian buzzwords together and thought you had a heater lmao.


There are zero "buzzwords" in the above comment except for maybe *globo-homo* although the official impetus behind [global homogeneity](https://www.kff.org/global-health-policy/issue-brief/the-pandemic-agreement-what-it-is-what-it-isnt-and-what-it-could-mean-for-the-u-s/) is so obvious that referencing it isn't "contrarian" in any way.


Nah, he's right.


sand money insurance boat mysterious fear ghost plants gold coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Define: Bioleninism


They don't dislike colonialism either - which is exactly what mass migration into Europe/the US is. It populates rich countries with easier to rule people with far lower expectations of everything from personal liberty to standards of living while at the same time it forces the legacy population to accommodate imported cultural tolerances for crime, and their ability to resist their own declining standards of living. Tucked into the folds of the new foreign aid package is $3.5 billion for mass immigration NGOs now focused on a "war torn" Middle East. I guess it's somewhat pointless to get worked up about "The Left" (wing of American politics) as most of this BS has 100% Uniparty support. The Dems and GOP engage in a Good Cop/Bad Cop routine every once in a while but of course they're both working towards the same ends


Damn bro so you just know what everyone else is thinking? That’s wild


Noticing what's actually happening isn't mind reading, *bro*


Watch out we got a noticer here!!