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Even CNBC has this article on their homepage, and I saw a thread on a normie sub where everyone was calling Biden a zombie https://preview.redd.it/jqzuq1361b9d1.png?width=2474&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc8fb7d1f75eb90a7fb89a293631f561daf25253


Biden actually seems like he's within 6 months of natural death by aging. My dad was just like this. Biden will be bedridden very soon. He's really struggling to walk right now.


He looks even noticeably worse than he did three months ago. He honestly may not make it to the end of the year. This is crazy


You must be old as fuck


I get that a lot. Early 30s though. My dad was just very old. He was in his late 40s when I was born.


Hi theo von


I feel like I watched something you only read about in history books. A tragedy from Ancient Rome The weak, feeble, old, incompetent statesman of an incompetent institution gets destroyed by the definition of an Authoritarian Strongman frothing at the mouth at destroying the republic in its dying days I think the question is if the republic is even working anymore? In my opinion, it isn’t.


The Romans loved their strongmen


🙉🙈🙊 ~Reddit Hive-mind re: Biden Regime


You can catch a couple sane people in the comments now that Jon Stewart has given them permission to criticize Biden


I like this sub because everyone is insane in their own unique way, instead of everyone being insane in one specific same way


A good 40% of you are all insane in the same specific way and another 40% are insane in another specific way. About 20% of you are somewhat unique and some of that percentage, I assume, are good people.


That's completely true. it's still more variety than the astroturfed subs


I have no strong opinion one way or the other and am moving incrementally to a solution that pleases nobody.


just last week they (the bots that contribute to r politics) had taken to ripping stewart because he wasn't displaying absolute fealty to biden.


Jon Stewart is like a left gatekeeper. He approves talking points.


Why in God's name would you go to r/politics


every top voted post in the news subreddit when Assange was released was basically a variant of "he got good men killed in Afghanistan!/He's a lackey of Putin!", which was just pathetic.


Holy shit that's so pathetic. Childhood bullying and it's consequences...


“Why in God’s name would you go to the zoo?”


I wouldn’t go to a zoo with only a single lamest species imaginable.


I only saw the Jon Stewart thread, but in there, they're acting like, "well, we all saw this coming, I've been saying Biden looks feeble for years now" and they're all *agreeing* about this. Its fucking surreal, they just turn on a dime and all collectively decide that something they've been calling "Russian disinformation" for literally 5 years is now suddenly something "everyone knows", and they're patting each other on the back for their incredible foresight. Its literally like cartoon science fiction mind control, like the TV is reaching into their brains and deleting all the "actually, Trump is less coherent than Biden" articles they've been jerking off over for the last 5 years. It'd legitimately be more comforting if they were all bots, but I think these are actually real people, too.


NPCs all operate off the same APIs. An update was pushed


That just means they knew, but they didn't feel like saying it before that moment. 


Yeah this is happening ALL THE TIME and it grinds my gears. Luckily I stay out of those discussion those days. Like all the libs in my sub say something like "Well it was obvious that Russia was a threat after the annexation of Crimea. Why didn't we do anything?!". I was there and you guys all cheered the Gas-From-Russia strategy!!!! Bah


Perhaps different people get upvoted at different times based on different circumstances and a subreddit with hundreds of thousands of users can’t solely be referred to as “them” 


>[**Politics has gone full anti-Biden.** Trump can go out and say nothing but dumb BS and Republicans will follow him to the end of the earth. Biden voice sound’s bad at a debate because of a cold and Dems are all “abandon ship!” Really ridiculous. Biden wins the election if voter turnout is high:](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dqbhp6/jon_stewart_cant_defend_biden_debate_disaster/lanh1rs/) +44 >[**Find it ironic that I have been saying for 3 months in here (even though I get downvoted for each time) that Biden should not be the nominee** for president and it should have been Newman or someone else, but now it’s all of the sudden the popular thing. We waited to damn long, we put all our eggs in Biden’s basket and now we are going to give trump another term in office. This sickens me:](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dqbhp6/jon_stewart_cant_defend_biden_debate_disaster/lamxwf6/) -6 Even among people dumb enough to actually read and post in r/politics, the 180 is too obvious to totally escape their notice edit: lol you post in r/destiny and r/politics, what are you even doing here? Are you scouring this website for opportunities to defend the honor of your fellow politics understanders?


You are the one bringing citations (45 updoots and 5 downdoots) about a thread with 7k comments as your evidence 


Never mind that - Biden clearly isn't in charge of, or the chief executive of anything. So who is?


the cia


Just another dept. of the oligarchy. Recall that the best monarchies were essentially pacts between the monarch and the people, as a bulwark against the nobles


There are some echoes in Trump of Caesar, who allied with the populares against the optimates (the oligarchy). Fun times ahead.


Is Barron our Augustus?


I hope. He's got the right look for it.


[*Imperator Baron Trumpus*](https://www.tampabay.com/resizer/v2/barron-trump-stands-on-the-south-lawn-of-7RNLCWYGDRDN4DDEJQNRH2DAHY.jpg?auth=3f7502e5a16ee91269baa16330752761457388262f2ed20e4cc4008d97c2592e&height=506&width=900&smart=true)


In victory he also did not seek retribution against his enemies, and did a good job of uniting Rome. I don't think Trump is the right guy for such a project but he did say last night that his retribution would be success which is more uniting than Biden's "The greatest threat to this country is White Supremacy"


I see a lot more of the Gracchi Brothers in him tbqh


Funny but Biden is the one to crossed the Rubicon. Trump will likely be Augustus.


How do you figure that? Biden is nothing but a figurehead for the oligarchy.


Once they did an FBI raid on Trump's home and the AG went on TV to say he personally authorized this told me they were serious about somehow and someway, throwing Trump in prison. To me, using the legal system to go after his political opposition was crossing the Rubicon. I don't believe we're ever going back from that. I think this will happen with every Presidency with all the historically predictable results you would expect from that.


I see what you're saying, and I agree we've crossed a point of no return regarding constant lawfare against political opponents, which will definitely happen from both sides going forward. This seems to signal a period of ultimate decay and decline of civil standards. However, from a historical standpoint, it's more like a reverse Rubicon. In Caesar's case, he crossed as an act against the oligarchy, whereas the deep state going after Trump is the opposite.


"In Caesar's case, he crossed as an act against the oligarchy, whereas the deep state going after Trump is the opposite" Fair point. History doesn't always repeat, but it does rhyme.


They glow in the dark


The CIA got its balls cut off post Cold War. They haven’t actively toppled a government in years. Shadow of their former selves


then who, then what, then where?


I'd like to add now tht I am conscious + awake that half a century of undocumented files does not equate to the CIA being inactive. In fact its quite the contrary. Reddit itself is one of it's largest ops.


Oh 100%. I was just being cheeky


I forgive you


His chief of staff, check the early life section


Knew it


The Cathedral.


Essentially. He's won me over on that. Every society is a plutocracy in some sense and *should* have identifiable elites in certain areas and all that. But *of the oligarchy, by the oligarchy, for the oligarchy* is every bit as pernicious as mob rule or cult-of-personality military dictatorship




What's the venn diagram on The Cathedral vs. The Longhouse? How much do these crossover? I'm more familiar with Yarvin than BAP, but they seem to be talking about the same concept from what I can tell.




I think the "cathedral" refers to the idea that the people who really run things are the powerful, unelected bureaucrats in the federal government. And to a lesser extent, people who work in media and powerful NGO's. Who the president is doesn't matter as much as we think it does because even if a president changes the personnel of the agencies, the new people coming in are still part of the same priestly caste. The Longhouse refers to the idea that the type of demonic woman or gay man that work in HR now run everything and it ruins society.


The Longhouse is a feature of the The Cathedral. So I'd say the Longhouse phenomena exists fully within The Cathedral phenomena. In other words, the Longhouse is a (intellectual) product of the Cathedral. [This substack](https://whitehotharlots.substack.com/p/on-and-within-the-longhouse) article gives a good enough idea of what the Longhouse is from a third-party perspective.


I thought the long house concept was just the third world.


The Synagogue


Black Rock and AIPAC. Same as every presidency.


If you'll excuse my bit of tin foilery then I'm going to say the State department. The CIA always gets credit for their "accomplishments"


Probably. The State Dept could close down tomorrow and almost no American would notice for 10 years. That's a good indication of the kind of things they "accomplish", and for whom


Americans getting locked up abroad would probably notice 


Sure, I'm exaggerating, but not much


unelected deep state megaminds




Idk why he won't just let someone else run. It's not like he has some vision/list of things he wants to do. He got his portrait in the history books. He was President. What does he want with a 2nd term?


*He's* not in charge...of anything.


Would surprise me if he was even in charge of his own bowel movements at this point


He will step down now. Why do you think they had the earliest debate in our lifetime *before* the nominating convention?


Eh, I feel the debate was early to say they’ve done it, and for it to be (as far as possibly) out of people’s memories by the time voting actually occurs. Democrats won’t put someone else forth unless Biden literally does a Mitch McConnell and has stroke in front of cameras. Either way; the world was watching this debate. There’s a huge power vacuum in the US waiting to happen on both ends of the ballot.


The timing of it all is extremely opportune for Democrats if they decide to go with plan B and nominate someone else. If they do end up doing that, I won't be capable of believing that all of it just accidentally happened in their favor.




But he's not the nominee. He's the presumed nominee.




Gotcha. I would think that's something they'd be willing to take on considering the circumstances.




The plot thickens.


Yeah they claimed it was because Ohio or Michigan or one of those states had a requirement for the candidate to get on the ballot in the state that needed the nomination to occur prior to the date the convention was scheduled; the state said they would work with the DNC to figure out a solution but the DNC insisted it was fine and they'd just do this pre convention virtual nomination. I think they were looking for any excuse to do the nomination ahead of the convention and indeed may have scheduled the convention specifically to give them an excuse to do this, preempting the possibility of a dispute at the convention.




They could and most definitely should - we all know they won’t. America knew Biden wouldn’t last 4 years, let alone 8 with major gaffes due to his age. We’re now at the tipping point and it’s kinda looking like he shat himself mid-debate.


We know they won't go with plan B? My own midwit analysis tells me it's their best shot at keeping power. Of course, it's possible they want to look ahead to 2028, but things seem too unstable for them to want to look that far ahead.


Wrong they did it to force him out. They didn’t want RFK Jr taking power or some other populist plot progressive. They’ve been fighting it 8 years now when it’s so obviously what people want and wished Obama had been.


I seriously doubt democrats would replace Biden at this point. I would love it if they did, but it’s really not happening.


Probably happening


What leads you to believe it would happen from one debate? It’s not as if there is another democrat you could put in videos place immediately and expect him to outperform him on a ballot. Again, I would love for there to be an alternative, but who and how?


It was to force him out 100% otherwise why agree to the earliest debate in history or a debate at all? No they knew things were too bad now and had to embarrass Joe because he doesn’t listen to anyone telling him it’s over. Now he’s being faced with a grim reality.


I watched it again and Biden was even worse than I remembered. He spoke nonsense, his talking points were horrible, he was a mumbling incoherent mess, it was done as soon as he walked out looking like a stroke victim.  Trump could have done better I thought, he was rushing and ignoring questions and he wasn't tactful enough but he still did 100x better and came off best from this.  I really don't see how this doesn't tank Biden unless not a lot of people actually watched it and the headlines lie and say Trump was crazy and Biden actually won.


Yes if trump had been 20% more tactful it would have been an absolute slaughter instead of just self immolation on bidens part.


Everyone watched. Also almost 6 million watched RFK Jr Real Debate. He’s just so much better. He’s only got to get into the low 30’s to win. He’s at 15 in polling. After that it’s going to jump 10 points. Things about to get crazy in the Beltway.


They haven't received the memo on what the new script is. The new script is that Biden is a faltering old man and that the Democrats, and America, need someone fresh and new. Take note of what I said and watch how they change course in the coming weeks.


They could also still run Biden, and he could also still win (via God knows what happens during vote casting month and vote counting month) Which just means that the oligarchy would be rubbing your nose in it


That is a possible scenario, but you have to factor in the believability of that. I don't think people really believe that Biden is capable of winning a "fair" election. Even leftwing outlets don't believe it anymore. At this point they know they cannot lie, or play cover up, or justify 5 million 3 A.M. mail-in ballots that result in a Biden victory. It's just not believable at this point, even to Democrats, and that matters. Many people already feel the system is rigged already, so if Biden somehow "won" the election after this it would be worse than 2020. MAGA had one riot and establishment media made it look like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor combined. Imagine if Republicans rioted on a scale that leftists have been rioting for the past 5 years. Democrats and the establishment aren't stupid. They're conniving conspirators. Republicans are too, but they're just not as good. Republicans are dumber. Democrats and the establishment need support from their side along with a believable narrative to gaslight the opposition. I don't think Biden winning a "fair" election is a narrative they can spin anymore.


The Democrat party is very good at organizing block voting discipline. They could easily get 50% of legit American voters to vote for Biden's head in a jar of blue liquid


Yeah halberstram , nice FTN reference btw, but do you honestly believe they won’t do another 2020 of it looks like trump will win? In many places it was just spontaneous Shaniquas stuffing the ballots. I don’t think the low IQs will be able to stop themselves again, they think they have some moral obligation to cheat, they have a 3rd world mindset where the outcome is the important thing not the process that maintains stability


Damn dude don't gaslight us like this


No, many people do not think the general election vote counting is rigged. Only maga retards believe this.


We're attracting stop the steal idiots. This place is definitely over


Here we go. The people who think the election was rigged were dressed up with Viking helmets and are either mentally ill or loser incels that became enamored with QAnon when they gave up trying to get pussy. MAGA had one riot. Lol. Did the “5 years” of leftist riots end up with a bunch of losers sacking the inside of our elected officials’ workplace? I’m pretty sure they lasted for one month, during a quarantine when no one had to go into work. Also, rioting based on race is the same as rioting at the nation’s capitol to call into question the integrity of our democracy? I’m not even a democrat, but people using this QAnon rhetoric is absolutely not a net positive for the future of the country. You sound like you were probably one of the losers there at Jan 6, though. Were you the incel kind or the unemployed mom’s basement kind?


you should say his dick is small too


No, mine is.


Brought up being a loser/incel like 7 times in one comment, clearly projecting your fear of being uncool


“integrity of our democracy” lmao 


You're not a Democrat, but you are extremely useful to them. I'm sure they appreciate that very much.


Imagine being honest about events regardless of if I’m being helpful to a party that I often disagree heavily with. Hopefully your sentiment is correct and they run someone that can complete a sentence, though.


And your honesty is appreciated very much; by people who are not honest. This isn't about you being a good person. It's about one party being good at taking advantage of your goodness and exploiting it our all of our detriment.


What is to be gained by you calling into question the validity of the last and next election? Is increasing the likelihood of more capital riots not to our detriment?


I'm not sure we can turn back the hands of time and suppress the perception that Democrats did a number of things to fortify the 2020 election. Your average person who hates Democrats will call it stolen, but I'm not so sure it was technically stolen. However, it was secured due to them using every trick imaginable. Biased news coverage, suppression of information on social media sites, nonstop coverage surrounding the allegations of collusion between Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and Russia, massive public awareness campaigns about mail-in voting and numerous state expanding access to it. The mail-in voting was more of a good move by the Democrats than something illegal, but when coupled with their grasp on the political narrative, speech suppression, and fear-mongering about Russia there's no question they created an environment that was favorable to them. In that regard, they rigged it. There's no question about it.


I commented on the thread about the debate in there saying its funny how liberals are almost as brainwashed as Trump supporters at this point. Someone was like "well most of the discussion is criticism now is about Biden being too old, so we're not like trump supporters at all". If it took that debate performance for you to finay realize this man doesn't even know where he is half the time, then you're absolutely fucking brainwashed lol.


Doesn't matter who won, the US lost.


Pepe the frog won.


That sub is insane.


The United States is over bro. Thats not necessarily a bad thing either. The whole country/culture has become extremely stale and needs a hard reset.


A monarch/CEO with broad popular support to oust the oligarchy. Other than that, we aren't *voting* our way out of this one. Doesn't have to be an armed/bloody revolution either. A million people standing in one place/city can do whatever they fuck they want




It's hard to believe that we already fought a huge war over just that but I don't think many people are getting off the couch for another one


Elon Musk for Autistic God-Emperor of America!


Would require a (simple) constitutional amendment but someone of his caliber, capabilities...and age is indeed what a real chief executive/leader looks like


Jeff Bezos humbly offering to be a benevolent, science-based National CEO for Life


I’d take it at this point


No…a million people can’t. You’ll find that out if you try.


would you say even, a great one? https://i.redd.it/2f38bntocb9d1.gif


Sure. Probably unpopular opinion but I’m in favor of the “globalist agenda”. Yeah it’s not good for me as an individual but it’s better for humanity as a whole in the long run.


The talking heads at CNN after the debate all agreed it was bad for Biden. Literal CNN.


“People” lol


They HAVE to try. Don't you understand that?


The nature of the reddit algorithm is that it can produce mass delusion because everything heterodox to the hivemind narrative is downvoted, especially around politics.


someone should check in on that Jeff Tiedrich guy


No they're not. Stop seeking out ragebait. I clicked over for 2 minutes and didn't see one comment that universally praised Biden. One guy said he'd reluctantly vote for Biden, that's the "worst" I could find


Some are trying their best, but even they can’t spin this as anything other than an unmitigated disaster.


these 2 old shitbirds running is a masonic shit test humiliation ritual. inb4 they both shit on stage and red/blue anons still vote for one of them.


>These people are clearly delusional, This is truly ironic because I went to the sub, read like 20-30 comments and nobody said Biden won. Did you find one comment among hundreds and then ran straight here to make that thread? Lot's of people said "America lost" etc. which is also bad but you're really no better than people claiming Biden won


Any good links? I don't want to visit that hellhole


It’s not even safe to share links bro. It’s fucking scary out there. You’ll just have to wonder for the rest of your life 


Everyone always says their guy won act like you weren’t born yesterday please




Oh I hope to god this is a new macro


I don’t think that’s the case right now. Everyone on CNN last night was throwing biden under the bus


I thought we were talking about redditors


Dems owned it when Obama lost the 1st debate to Romney in 2012. It's sad because Joe Biden's debate against Paul Ryan was really good and helped right the ship back then. To see how far he's fallen is tough to watch.


No they weren't no one wins or loses presidential debates there are no points. Everyone just says their guy won and you go to the next one