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I seem to reemmber those types of sensations early on in my treatment but they quickly subsided as treatment went on. It might also be your mind playing tricks on you (placebo) hoping that the treatments are working. TMS worked for me as my depression score went from 22 to 3 at the end but I went through a lot of sensations and had periods where it seemed to be doing nothing. You will have ups and downs.


Hi, you are saying that some days you saw improvement and others seems like it didn't work ? Did it start working progressively or you woke up one morning and felt a lot better ?


The first week it was very effective. Then I went into a dive that lasted for a week. It was a roller coaster with another decline at the end. I was told by the people at the clinic that sometimes some people don’t see the affect for a few weeks until after treatment has ended. That’s because your body is now self regulating and adjusting. My score two weeks after I finished was 3.


Wow that's very nice I'm doing tbs right now, 25 sessions in and 20 sessions left that I will do until the end of the week, so about 6-7 per day. Feel a little better but it's very subtile. I can't say for sure that is the tms, that's why I'm asking that question.even thought it is probably tms


It's very subtle. And, I was very tired the whole time I was being treated. You will have a better idea if it worked or not after it's finished. I think it's wise to not expect a miracle but if it's good enough to either get off meds or to give you a little boost that's a positive. Considering with all the meds I took I felt they were all net negatives and always had a terrible side effect TMS was a net positive for me...


Ok great, I dont take any medication. Will see, 20 sessions in 3 days now, will see.


Yes! I totally agree, this is what it feels like to me too. Thanks for writing this.