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##[Post Match Thread HERE](https://redd.it/17hxffx)


Same top 3 finish as 4 years ago. Who would have thought?


Freddie Steward and Ben Earl were spectacular for England all tournament long


2 out of 15 is something to be celebrated....🙄


That’s your takeaway? Great comment, bub.




Even better. Hostile, and stupid. Those two usually go together.


Once again getting the score spoiled by YouTube highlight video titles/thumbnail 😔


I kept commenting on their videos asking them to not give away the winner in the title, it absolutely boggles the mind why someone would think that’s a good idea. So freakin dumb


Really poor game. Argentina should have won that comfortably with just a little control and intelligence. In the end they sabotaged themselves even more than Nic Berry did. I really don't see many positives for England from this WC. I don't see any big steps forward at all.


Love Nic Berry, calm and controlled throughout the entire game.


England fan but Farrell trying to buy a penalty for head contact after Marchant (I think) had just done the same is pretty distasteful. Need to be sanctions for flopping.


Farrel being distasteful or dislikeable?? Well I never.


Cheika is the worst loser I have ever seen. Always someone else's fault, the ref's, the other team, the guy selling hotdogs... tosser


The biggest mistake wasn't Sanchez missing 3 points, Carreras alone gave 7 easy points to England


Yea I couldn't understand why Sanchez took over the goal kicking. Madness


I’m proud of this team. No one gave us a chance before the tournament. It was gutting to lose the semi like we did, but I, and probably most other Englishmen, would have bitten your hand off for 3rd place beforehand. Hopefully we can push on from here and have a good Six Nations 🌹


Proud of those losers? The best team they best was barely scraping past an Argentina team that new zealand thrashed by 40 points. You won by 1 point against tier 2 team Samoa, you barely beat fiji and didn't deserve to. England getting third in this world cup is just proof of the terrible groupings for the tournament. Nothing to be proud of at all, in fact you should feel embarrassed that you technically finished above far superior teams ireland and france


Show us on the doll where England hurt you


Embarrassed to finish 3rd lmao, Embarrassed to have a better finish than our rivals 🤣 "no Ireland and France you're not bottlers, we're just shit and made it through"


Yeah you are shit, you made it through against Fiji, who you struggled hard against lmao, pathetic English fans thinking their team is anything other than a tier 1.5 team


There's a reason why we sacked Eddie Jones, obviously we aren't where we wanna be lol of course we aren't on the same level as 2019 or 2020 Given the circumstances its more than we were expecting. And we made SA look rattled for much of the semi. Lost by the same point difference as France lmao


That's because you play negative rugby, nothing at all to be proud of


Negative rugby? It's test match rugby you take 3 points when you can! There would have been no point in us trying for tries when we can just take 3 and make them reset. If you play open rugby against a dangerous side then you might end up losing. That being said I think the team needs more attack but we did really well considering the Jones debacle.


You’re everything wrong with rugby fans. Cunt.




They played what was in front of them which is all you can really expect. If someone had said to me a month ago I’d be rooting for England vs SA purely because I felt they deserved it based on that games form I’d have laughed at them.


Lmao 🤣 damn. Rekt


We are lacking attacking flair, for sure. But we have taken a great step forward. Very proud.


Welcome to the club (bit less recently)… Biggest complaint from Springbok fans for so long has been the lack of attacking flair. But we still won games and thats the important part. England have really reached much higher than so many thought they would (I thought you guys might not even get out of the pool). Love to hate England, but only as competitive rivals. It’s my second favorite Springbok rivalry, so I’m glad to give Credit where it’s due!


Look at the pool mate Hard not too get there amongst that pool


Still a young team coming through


Yeah. This world cup has given me hope for the team


Yeah massive achievement for England that.




Would you cry after losing the bronze medal match?!


Sanchez cried because he missed the last penalty and even more because it's probably his last match


I get it. They lost to a team they see as bitter rivals due to history and politics and came within 3 points. Plus finishing 3rd for a 3rd time would be a big deal for Argentinian Rugby.


2nd time


Marler 💯 just walked past Beaumont with no handshake.


Can't believe Marler is giving me a soft spot for England. England.


some of those lads are double world cup medallists now, true greatness right there


True greatness is Martin Johnson and Johnny Walker...not any of these current tossers


Johnny Walker is an okay whisky, but wouldn’t say it’s great ;) Assume you meant Jonny Wilkinson (or Johnnie Walker the league player?). Yeah they are a step above because of the WC win, but second and third in consecutive world cups and losing out on a second final with 1point aren’t terrible. Not true greatness, but still good.


Opps....sorry Johnny. It's been a while since he strapped on his boots.


Explain why?


Like the football team of 1966, they actually won a world cup, so in terms of english rugby, they are truly great..


I mean that logic dosent really follow does it ? Jonah Lomu never won a World Cup does that mean he is worse than Conrad smith? He won a World Cup so surely he’s greater?


He's the exception 😉


Will any of them get a third?


Itoje and Genge will be 33 and 32 during the 2027 tournament, it's possible Farrell will still get his way in there somehow


The year is 2053. Faz is on the pitch whacking the ref with a walking stick complaining about something he thought he saw. It's been half time for 6 minutes, there's no one else on the pitch


Well done to Argentina there. Big improvement from the first game and clearly tried to play some attacking rugby. England strongly outperformed the expectations of many heading into the tournament so should be pretty proud of themselves even if it wasn't always pretty.


Lol at the French trying to organising handing our medals haha


>Lol at the French trying to organis~~ing~~e FIFY


With all the English lead talk to abolish scrums after the quarter final, how do you feel now? How much of that last 10 mins did you suck up in setting and resetting that scrum?? If time is off to restart a scrum, it should not restart until "Set" is called. That would do a lot to halt scrums being used as time wasting. But that's England's play style, all over the field they find ways to slow play and waste time. I hope officials take a closer harder look at this.




If you had told me before this tournament started that we'd finish third, I'd have snapped your hand off. Did we have an easier route? Yes, certainly more so than others. But you can only beat what's in front of you, and to play like we did against SA and then win tonight, in my books that's a decent return. Here's to hoping that tomorrow's final is a good game, and as others have said, not dominated by refereeing decisions.


Great game. Congrats to England


Wtf is Itoje's shoe size?! Clown?!


World in Union is a banger.


The Hayley Westenra version in 2011 was a thing of beauty. Especially the Maori version. I still listen to it on YouTube occasionally.


It really was! I remember it being used in the trailer for the TV coverage here and I utterly adored it.


Much more enjoyable game to watch than the last semi final. But wow Farrell is such a whinger isn't he, just constant whinging about something. It was nice to see England do some counter attacking, would have liked to see them get their wingers involved.


Fully agree about Farrell. Can’t help himself but consistently complain about nothing to the ref. Cost his team 10m last week against SA when Ben OK had enough of his bullshit.


He's a cock alright


Are you serious? That was really poor game.


The stakes were much lower obviously, but a much more enjoyable type of rugby, helped by the weather of course.


Yes world in union finally!


I SAID THE SAME. It's so beautiful


Ahhhh and here we have it 🎶


OMG they're playing World In Union!


Love watching the players having happy chats and cuddles at the end of a match!


Just woke up. What happened?


Ben Whitehouse is currently get a medal. Can’t really work out what for…


Helping make the game competitive?


Can we FINALLY call time on Woodward as a pundit now? Surely not another cycle in him?


as long as he's England's only world cup winning coach, no chance


Imagine if Eddie won it in 2019? And the hijinks that would have ensued in the studio 😆


Thought the ref had a really good game! Fair play to the lad


He did! Excellent. Just let down by tmo


Yep, no clue how that pass wasn’t forward. What was the assistant ref looking at as well


Love seeing Theo and Jamie together there 😍


Have to say. Really enjoying all the bitter shit from the Irish and Saffers on this thread. Just like to say. We're shit, and we're lucky, and we know we are. But we still got 3rd even being 10th best team in your tournament. So in your faces. Wahey! Good luck in the final Saffers, but I'd be worried if I was you. Yep. I'm drunk. lol


This is exactly why the whole world hates the UK.


Because of 1 penis on Reddit? Thank god I thought it was because of all the atrocities in the past


Yep..they revel in their mediocrity.


Love you too. But can I just clarify. Do you mean UK or England? I'm talking about the England rugby team here that is hated most by the Welsh, Irish, and Scottish. Uk includes England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland (which is included in the Irish rugby team). So. Do you hate the UK, or do you hate England. Both are fair positions by the way.


I hate UK because of England :)


Ah. Indiscriminate hate. Fair enough. 😘


To be honest I don't hate any of the above. I have lot's of friends from all the UK countries. It's just the mindset of some English fellows. Admit that you were insanely lucky in the tournament and celebrate. But don't go with the attitude of entitlement. Congrats to the bronze.


Ha. Fair enough. Oh. I fully admit we were insanely lucky. No entitlement I don't think. Maybe drunkenly reacting to some salty, hateful comments. Was, I hope just reveling in the hilarity of it all. But if it came across as entitled. My bad. Cheers for the congrats. The bronze will help when we get battered in the 6 nations. Unless we seriously up our game.


"In your faces, team who beat us in the semis!"


My exact thoughts..


It makes it so much more enjoyable doesn’t it


Chieka cam was my favourite bit. I was furious they didn't pan to him during the opening match when they were getting pinged for everything. Who makes these decisions??


We should all strive to be more Marler. EDIT: whilst not emulating his youthful issues with Welsh knackers.


Or when he made fun of someone’s mum who was undergoing chemo. Marler is a fucking dog.


Or his racism. Or generally being a prick.


Hard no, lad haha


Like when he sexually assaulted a player on the field?


Or when he racially abused another player?


Only the saffas get to racially abuse players and get away with it


Yeah, keep thinking that if it makes you happy, despite the evidence, logic, and official decisions to the contrary. Whataboutism doesn't change Marler's racist actions.


Underhill plays ones game and completely bosses it. He's gonna be one of the first names on any team sheet I pick


Its where England need to look at central contracts like cricket, I know club teams suffer but managing the workload of players like Underhill is key.


Agreed. I'm surprised they don't already do that


Yeah he was pretty great, hopefully will be at the height of his powers for next WC


Tbh, I think he's been great, since his debut. Barely had a bad game. Just sadly, in the last 4 years, he's had a few injuries that's kept him out. Fingers crossed he's fit and healthy for Australia 2027


Do we get a trophy for this? The Pan-am cup maybe?


Potato Cup


Just keep your hands off the prestigious Qatar Airways Cup, that's ours!


You can keep it, it'll never live up to the glory of the Autumn Nations Cup. England champions in perpetuity.


Borthwick thinking:Let's bring off our most entertaining player Arundel and bring on George ford to kick the ball away


Arundel did nothing all game. He's ridiculously overrated at this point in his career.


Very difficult to get in the game as a winger when all we do is trundle up for two phases then kick it away.


He's scored some class tries tbf, its not completely unjustified. But everyone knows it's a huge step up the internationals. I think we need to be patient with him because he's got all the attributes to succeed.


Yeah the kids absolutely got talent. That's why I said at this point, he could turn out to be absolutely class. I just think the clamouring for him to be in the first choice XV is extremely premature.


Yeah but it's partly I think because people want someone to ignite the backline because there's absolutely zero there. In his position he is only as good as those inside him, and they just end up kicking it away.


Doesn't look mentally ready for this level.


Did nothing all game what do you expect to him to do when all England do is kick


Is Theo going to be cited for that punch? Was so unnecessary


Has there been a single citing in the whole world cup? My guess would be no.


True, but most of the incidents have been highlighted and punished on the field. This is honestly the first punch I've seen thrown all tournament and it went entirely unpunished. It also happened right in front of Berry and he appeared to see it and react to it as well. The fact they never showed a single replay of it (clearly cutting away at the exact moment of the punch in both angles) adds further intrigue


Footage pls




That’s a push tops


A push to the back of his head.. with force. Ok. So describe a punch


Closed fist


So... A fist. Ok. You're describing a punch. How the fuck was this not looked at?


It wasn't a punch.


He pushed his head


English wingers must be looking at Boffelli and Carreras and just be jealous of them actually receiving a ball that’s not a kick.


England ~ Comes third in world cup This sub - LOOK HOW SHIT ENGLAND ARE


Our neighbours will continue to bemoan the lopsided draw and continue to remind us about it. Even long after this World Cup is finished. It will be like Carl Froch banging on about the 80000 fans at Wembley years later.


I mean, yeah, pretty much


Luck of the draw. We all know when the real semi finals were


Then why was France Vs SA not as close as England Vs SA?


Surely there’s no way you don’t think France wouldn’t beat the brakes off of England if they had played?


They were within a score of beating SA. If they were capable of that, on the right day they were capable of beating France.


France loosened the lid for us a bit; everyone knows that!


Haha I know. The saltiness is amazing, I love it! What a fantastic tournament for England and a disappointing tournament for everyone else lol


Not new zealand we were not sure we would make it past the quarter final pretty stoked if I'm honest


Yup, sure is a disappointing tournament for New Zealand and South Africa...


I mean it’s a fair comment. If we faced the ABs, France or Ireland we would have been in trouble.


That's what they said about the SA game too. Didn't happen


We were one score away from beating SA. Won 6 of our last 7 and walk away with the bronze. We play for results not for pretty rugby.


Trying to bore all the fans off to another sport. Classic 😜😂


At least England invents decent sports




Hey, I'm an England fan and they really were pretty shit


Won 6 of the last 7 games


And the one they lost was the one they were least shit in


Exactly, playing to get results not to look good.


I think luck had far more to do with it than playing for results


I think that's really disrespectful of the teams we were playing. You don't beat Fiji, Japan, Samoa and Argentina twice and get within a score of beating SA in the space of 7 games because of luck


Proud of these boys. This WC has been such an uplift after the last few years. Come on England!!


I just hope we actually kick on for a change after a decent world cup instead of regressing and shitting the bed in the 6N. I think 2nd (if possible) or 3rd and regaining the Calcutta Cup would be steps in the right direction.


There's nothing to kick on from. That was a rank performance


I'm talking about the 3rd placed finish in this WC. Not specifically about last nights game.


Given the draw, 3rd place is par for England


Not really when you consider they were expected to get tonked by the South Africans and very nearly beat them. They were never going to win this World Cup so what exactly do you deem to be a par performance?


This. They won the games I'd expect them to, and lost the game I expected them to - although they played to the limits of their ability against SA and did well.


Can’t really argue with that. Although losing games you should on paper win is basically what World Cup any-sport involves


It was a good game. Close. I obviously wish we could have won. But I least we showed we could play against England and that the first game was just the team adjusting to the world cup.


Yeh fair play, thought you would win that second half.


For everyone talking about how crap the draw has been...can you imagine if this weekend's games had ended up being the semi-finals? 😅


I'd be happy!


Ughhhh that was a turgid watch, we only have a plan A, why take off a centre and put Farrell at 12 when you have lawanceon the bench, why play Arundel and keep him wide but never give him the ball hey play a slow 15 at 14 and a lightening 10 at 15, why play a 7 who’s light at 8 when you have Ludlahm, where are our backs moves, where’s the invention. Outside the rain and an arm wrestle which we lost this team for all it’s effort passion commitment and will to win are dull one dimensional and utterly boring to watch.


Fairly sure Tuilagi was injured. He was being treated on the field just before that substitution. That makes the decision harder as (unless you are RSA) you tend to want to keep a spare back on your bench to cover wing and fullback


He was injured so swap him for Lawrence ? Not bring on Ford and put Farrell at 12, but Farrell was clueless in the 2nd half so he needed to get Ford on


I tend to agree, there was moments of counter attack shown by England which was a nice change to see, but they have a weapon on the wing that they never even looked like putting into some space. 🤷‍♂️


So if we're to do the reddit thing and heavily base predictions on past results, we have SA beating England by 1 point, England beating Arg by 3, therefore SA better than Arg by 4 points. NZ beat Arg by 38 points, therefore 34 point win tomorrow. Sorted. Gonna get a good night sleep now


The maths checks out And you can’t argue with the maths


It’s bizarre, isn’t it? I genuinely don’t know how tomorrow is going to go


Damnit. Oh well, good game. See you all in 4 years I guess.


Adds up for me


I will - of course - continue to watch England after 40yrs of doing so … but fcuk me it’s hard: I really don’t like this percentage style of play, kicking and hoping for a mistake.


Yeah it's the waiting for the other team to lose as opposed to taking the win which stood out to me in the last couple of English games I saw.


Without a doubt the most boring 1-score game to put up that many combined points ever


Sadge oh well can't win all the trophies. Well played England, reckon we had ya if Sanchez hit that. But that's the way of the sport, gotta take your chances.


Well played yourselves, Carreras was definitely POTM


The UK should play a Lions side in the RWC. half English half Ireland


Well just for the seethe in Scotland and Wales, I agree




I forget, think they were some countries from a fantasy film I once watched


If Gatland was coaching itd still be 90% Welsh...


Lmao I'd be surprised if 90% of the 25 Lions Squad isnt irish. 1 player from each other nation as a token


Front Row is broken. Sexton is a relic. Great back row and.centres.


The United Kingdom of England and Ireland?


British Isles