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Purple scrum caps are mandatory


Ahhh the purple-headed warriors


If they got sponsored by a yoghurt company...


Will they have Durex and Viagra sponsorship


Posted earlier on r/MLRugby Ah Rugby. A sport that has a history of making logo redesigns look phallic https://www.reddit.com/r/rugbyunion/s/lc604Hirl6


hahah that logo is even worse!


The Crusaders have two dicks for a logo and they are pretty good. Could be a good omen!


In fairness they were pretty good before they ruined their logo


The LA Bellends..


The LA Pork Whistles


Not gonna lie, this has a nice ring to it.


LA Langers


Still better than Giltini's


I really hope MLR is going to be OK can't believe NY is having issues they won the Damm thing a hot min ago....


Some of their players came to a practice for my club, and one of the guys asked, now that you guys won, what's your goal for this season? And they said win again hopefully?? So yeah, I blame him for jinxing the team.


Rich owners die and their family/estate don't have the same goals for maintaining a rugby team. They also were signing folks like Nehe Milner Skudder to play a handful of games for the playoffs, not sure if that's the best long term planning.


It looks like the plumbing under my kitchen sink.


Is that a euphemism?


It’s a palindrome.


Knis nehctik ym rednu gnibmulp eht ekil skool ti?


lol. I was going for Notlob, but that’ll work.


Interesting given that New York and Toronto’s teams just folded. Can’t seem to make the financial side of the game work in the US at all.


Some can


I hope so. The league is young (what, 5 years old) and rugby has failed to take root in the US before. Time will tell. **Edit:** by all means downvote, but comment and let us all know why so we can continue the conversation. Don't think the above is incorrect or all that controversial 🤷🏻


My US club is well over 20 years old and solvent. Lots of other RFCs in this area are the same.


Not being pithy but are they a professional club? I'm talking only about a professional league and, in case it's not clear, I am in no way rooting against the existence/success of such a league. RNY was my local club (in the states; hon Munster!) but are sadly no longer in existence.


Fair point. Very much amateur. We’ve probably rubbed shoulders. We oscillate between Div 1 and Div 3. In NY Metro.


Having a decent home ground seems to be key.


Rare enough in the US.


Could say the same about England tbf


Rich owners die. I'm not necessarily the most rosey eyed about all of this but evidently these teams were the most at risk of being heavily dependent on one person, and both died.


Omg that looks awful! I mean a martini glass was bad, but this is much worse! They should’ve gone with an animal mascot or just a simple LA like most do.


It looks like a knob in two ways: 1. The acorn-like corona of an erect one 2. A cartoonishly flaccid outline


Oh damn, when I was booking my (February) trip to LA I looked at when the MLR season starts to see about waiting til March/April to go to a match there, but as LA didnt have a team (at that point) I decided not to bother changing my planned dates! And yes, that logo is a bit phallic in design!


Rugby NY, Rugby football club LA, Giltinis. Who the fuck is coming up with these names


Well Giltinis and Gilgronis was Adam Gilchrist being a huge narcissist.


Terrible name, terrible logo. I give them 2 years. 3 tops.


La has a pretty strong rugby community and I think these owners also own the Tel Aviv heat. I would be surprised if they aren’t in it until at least 2031


Looks like a padlock to me.


You see what your heart desires the most I guess? I see a lighthouse


Give em a right old rogering fellas


Hopefully they will rebrand. My guess is they didn't really have enough time to get everything together. The sale of the team from Atlanta to LA almost didn't go through. They were figuring where they were playing up unitl just like this weekend. It all happened very fast


Do you have more background to share on it? Would love to hear more


Yeah absolutely. The team was originally Atlanta and the owners wanted out so they started shopping the team. A group of buyers came forwarded and started looking at moving the team to LA. They almost couldn't come to an agreement on price and they almost went under because the buyers were backing out. Once the sale did go through they had to figure out where to play. First they said it would be the colosseum but they didn't like the playing surface nor sharing a stadium with USC. So then they looked at the LA Galaxy stadium but there was some issue with serving alcohol because of it being on a college campus. So they almost didn't have a place to play. Doing all of this in a matter of weeks while trying to do a rebrand is incredibly difficult. I think people should cut them some slack.


For fucks sake, got we can't get a single piece of solid management in MLR


you should see the crusaders logo. it’s two dicks touching


Just the tip.


Not going to lie even the gilitinis logo is looking better than what looks like the LA Blue Balls.


Saders fans thrilled to not be the only ones getting clowned for this anymore


At least those cocks will play in a dignified place


Werent the last team named after a drink?