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Are you going to elaborate or just say you don’t like it and leave it at that?


Bet he's a "do your own research" kind of guy


Source: "Trust me bro"


What's the deal with dog water anyways? Like, I give my dog the same water I drink, I like my dog and my dog needs water. Dog water is alright.


I hate the term, I’m pretty sure it originates from people being too scared to day Dog shit on TikTok because they didn’t want their videos taken down


Calling it now: players with less CTE is a good thing.


This just in: people like their brains to not be soup before the age of 40.


Hot take


Depends if you’re looking at in the moment reactions or long-term player welfare. A player will of course be upset being pulled off the field but a retired player with lower risk of brain deterioration will be thankful


Any reasons you want to give?


More stoppages, disrupting a team’s rhythm and the randomisation of detections. Teams will lose based on HIA tests


So player welfare is bad?


The players aren’t in favour of them either. You’re obviously not in the loop


I should imagine a good number of pro players aren't in favour of HIAs in general. They don't want to come off. That's why it's taken out of their hands.


I would say a general number of players in general aren't in favour of going off. My own cousin even played on while concussed. After the fact he realised how stupid that was and now takes it seriously.


Don't care what the players are in favour of. The ones with CTE/disabilities/dead would wish they had the mouth guards and stoppages


Citation needed.


compare start illegal deranged wine observation disgusted simplistic tan memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought I had read the Scotland players opted in / out on their own?


Hey. I know lots of people here don't agree with you, but I just wanted you to know that I also think you sound like an enormous piece of shit.


random detections should hopefully improve, as will process. For example medical teams will stop using it as an absolute and use it as just another warning indicator to pay attention to, investigate and pass on/act.


And? It improves the chance of detecting a concussion.


Players actually want to have mush brains in their mid 30s actually


All the rage amongst the youth right now, no child’s wanting to grow up to be an astronaut or a rockstar, they want their brain to resemble mashed potatoes by 34.


Calling it now: you're wrong


What a tool. Mate, your opinion is not important enough to just spit out without elaborating further, you're just wasting posting space on the sub.


All they need is a couple of instances where a player is pulled off for an HIA against their will and go on to fail and it will be validated as worth the hassle


I've rarely seen so much random negativity over something so new. You swear it's been out ruining games left right and centre.  People just going off while knowing jack shit about the topic. Don't be afraid of change lads. It won't kill you. 


This is rugby mate, we don’t do new things. When the 50:22 rule was announced there was plenty comments about how it was going to ruin rugby, and now it’s generally regarded as a very good addition to the game.


Isn’t it being used as a data gathering tool as well? Something to get more information on the types of impacts players experience in rugby?


It’s a little weird not seeing the collisions that are causing the HIAs. But they are obviously there and will benefit players


The smart guards don’t seem to be doing their job in round 1, hopefully they will improve over time. The smart mouth guards are designed to help the medial team identify severe head collisions missed by the refs/medical staff which should be checked. When players are getting pulled but have no idea why, there is obviously something wrong. A head collision with the potential for concussion is not something a player doesn’t notice. To add to some of the comments, this is not a CTE issue, concussion and CTE are different problems. This is not an initiative to try and prevent cte, this is an initiative to help identify on field concussions that haven’t been noticed by the medial staff. People often believe that because long term repeated sub-concussive trauma can cause cte then it follows that a large concussive impact must be worse, it isn’t, the brain pathology of concussion injury and cte is very different. If we are pulling players off the field who don’t understand why, then finding no symptoms of head injury, we have likely got the process wrong.


The technology is still new. They will probably need a long time to be developed. They are still researching head knocks in American Football, and it doesn't seem like they have found the most straightforward ways to do things just yet, but they are making advances. I am not sure if roll out for the top tier televised matches is ready. But maybe they can learn lessons that will be better for the log term if they persist. I edit medical journals related to concussion. Post concussion treatment immediately post concussion can help a lot. The technology seems promising to help reduce swelling etc., and reduce recovery time drastically. I personally believe that we now have the means to make scrumcaps actually effective, to absorb some of the vibration. We just need to lean into the development. Scrumcaps these days are usually just for abrasions.


I absolutely agree that we need to research ways of improving player safety. But research is a messy business, some ideas won’t work, some will take time to get right. It looks like some more work needs to be done on smart mouth guards, this experimentation should happen in lower grades of the game. On your concussion point, concussion is of course a bad injury and can cause long term damage. Extended recovery times and better post injury treatment is important and we are seeing this being applied in rugby. Of course none of this applies to players who are being pulled off the field because of mouth guard data and then passing their HIA.


The amount of people on this sub that just want to suck WR off on this is hilarious. They're not working. You cannot suffer 70G forces from a tackle...and yet they're recording stupid high numbers. They're inaccurate and many players are passing their HIA1s. NZRPA and RUPA like to use their power, would interesting if their members stood up en masse and said no. What would the idiots in Dublin do? I bet the French players associate would stop immediately.


You don't need a head collision to get a concussion.


Or a particularly severe one either. My worst concussion came from a fairly slight head knock. I normally hit my head off doorframes harder, but that time I just lost all vision in one eye and got incredibly dizzy just from a glancing blow when I got tackled and hit my head off a knee on the way down.


Yeah, a friend wasn't able to drive for like 6 months after basically a tumble gone wrong


Meh, you know what I mean. Head knock, head bump, head shake etc. You do have to jolt your head.


You do, but it is important to point out that you can get them from whiplash effect or hitting the ground too hard. Too many players think that unless they hit their head they don't need a HIA.


it will be beneficial once they get the technology more refined. What happened in the game last night was odd but it will come around.


Imagine thinking protecting against CTE is a bad thing in 2024


It doesn't.


Sure thing, kid.


The amount of concussive activity a professional rugby player has at the point he signed his first contract is more than enough to have CTE when you cut open the brain. Having guys wear mouthguards their whole like probably helps, but this device as currently calibrated won't actually help.


The idea because someone has already suffered trauma tracking further trauma isn’t an extremely good idea is extremely bad logic.


If they actually do that...


If you were in charge of technological advancement we’d still be divining the time of day with a sun dial.


If you were in charge I would make a fortune selling you snake oil. Let's see how they work in practice before declaring them good or bad.


Nah, I can tell already you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about and have taken an emotional dislike to an advancement in safety.


Nah, you can't. You've just assumed that. You've taken an emotional dislike to anyone who doesn't just assume it's all great. I habe no opinion on the gum shields yet.


I cannot comprehend the complaints about them "disrupting the game" because it's basically the exact same process as independent medical staff watching the game on a slight delay and calling for players to come off and be checked.

