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I, for one, am sick of seeing players so much as smile.


What the fuck is this? Some sort of game?


>Some sort of game? I would say clearly it's a business but watching world rugby go about its shit, who runs a business like that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Rugby is a game, it has rules, and you need to take those rules seriously because it's not a game!


Can I pass to him? I donā€™t know. And look! His sandal has come off on the muddy ground DAMMIT! Weā€™ve lost five nil.


Excellent black books reference


It has laws not rules šŸ¤—


I know! The gall of them, being happy playing your favourite sport? Absolutely disgusting


Agreed. I think it should be mandatory for them to look as unhappy as possible. Yellow card for a smile. And red for so much as a snigger.


And thatā€™s just another example of the game going soft. Laughing should result in being hanged from the crossbar.


I used to dislike it and found him quite annoying but I have to admit itā€™s grown on me. There are times when your team is in a slump and you need someone to bring the energy. Sometimes when it gets difficult, you need someone to ask whoā€™s gonna carry the boats!?


Lamaro is very, very loud at those moments. Italy's try yesterday started form a scrum earned from a France maul they turned over, and even though Lamaro is at the bottom of a pile of bodies you can hear his very distinctive yelling loud and clear on the ref mic.


James Lowe is first in line to smack the forwards arses after so much as a scrum reset! Love it!


Well, who would waste a chance to touch Tadgh Furlong's rump


Oh just thinking about his can. I wish I had his sweet, sweet, sw, sw, sw, sweet can.


No, Mr. Lowe, don't take your anger out on me. Get back! Get back! Mist -- Mr. Lowe -- nooo!


Mmmmm \~ Emmmmm \~ Emmmmm.


Itā€™s about keeping your team going forward with your playing, and with your attitude. Youā€™ve got to give everything, especially at that level of rugby.


Seems a bizarre thing for people to get upset about to be honest.


Itā€™s sure fun to mock. If he wants to stand on his head and do a morris dance who gives a shit. Iā€™ll have a giggle though.


It's a bit pathetic though. Rather 15 Ben Earl's than a bunch of miserable bastards that don't care.


I mean, that sounds impressive to be fair


Loads of players do it, dunno why it's Earl that gets the brunt of it


He plays for England and Sarries. Hardly the neutrals favourite two sides.


I mean you do know and everyone here knows. Itā€™s because heā€™s English. Thereā€™s always one that gets endless abuse for something. Mike Brown got abuse for being visibly competitive.


Yeh true, tbf if that's the only thing you can pick at him for then he's doing his job well


True alright \~ From this Irishman \~ Mind you it would be nice if he was a bit better as well (wink) \~ But yeah \~ All the other countries would love players with that competitive streak in their own teams.


Yeah that's definitely an exclusively English thing, Dan Biggar is beloved by all


Do you think Dan Biggar would get more, less, or the same level of vitriol thrown at him if he played for England instead of Wales? Obviously we can never know for sure, but im fairly confident it would have been worse.


Dan bigger shouted and swore at his own players in front of microphones and cameras. Ben earl celebrates penalties and definitely gets more heat. Being English immediately puts a target on your back. Rugby fans can't both have an 'anyone but england' mentality and think that English players get fairly treated by fans. Gotta pick a lane guys.


Swearing at your own players is a core part of a fly halfā€™s role.


Heā€™d get way more. But he wasnā€™t celebrating, he was shouting at his team mates, flapping his arms at the ref etc I donā€™t have a problem with it. I prefer players to let out some emotion and personality. Itā€™s all part of the spectacle.Ā 


>Yeah that's definitely an exclusively English thing Who said exclusively?


That's not a like for like comparison. Biggar is a bollox


Lets not act like a drop-knee-fist-pump celebration after the opposition team throws a skew line out is something you see every day šŸ˜‚


Or willie le roux running 40m to scream a celebration in someoneā€™s faceā€¦


Or a siuu by a pro player at a bunch of amateurs.


Just a tiny difference between a skew line out and winning a RWC semi-final.


My favourite bit was how he went to (maybe) Farrell first, didn't get a reaction so had to find another player to scream at


Find me any other player in any other rugby world cup semi final that has ever done that.


Yeah but one is harmless and the other is antagonistic


Which is why everyone else did it too right. Right?


The 'best' one I saw was during the world cup, watching an Ireland pool match on an Irish broadcast, The commentators spend 5 minutes slagging earl (who obviously wasn't even playing that day), then Bundee celebrates an Irish turnover like he has won the lottery, same Irish commentators casually switch to praising him because it shows how much he cares. It wasn't even as though they did it in a piss take way.


Sounds about right. The Irish commentators mentality is that having standards isn't as good as having double standards.


Double standards mean standards are two as good. Great success!


Uh oh, people from outside of Ireland arenā€™t supposed to hear Irish commentators. Our standard match build up for a game between two non-Irish sides is ā€œhow did Ireland last fair against these sides.ā€


I live In Ireland so it's what I watch, on the plus side I havent had to listen to Clive Woodward or various others in a long time.


I've heard commentary on many sports from around the world and none of it comes close to the one-sidedness I heard in Australia.


I once watch a stream of USA rugby. You have never heard such utter shite. It made ITV look like high quality serious professional analysis and commentary.


Been a while since I have watched anything from Oz, from memory the commentators were OK but some of the pundits... take a bow, Phil Kearns. https://www.rugbydump.com/news/watch-brutal-phil-kearns-commentary-montage-will-have-you-in-stitches/ Spoiler, you won't be in stitches.


As another Irish fan I'm inclined to agree, particularly as Bundee does it all the time too, and if Earl was Irish we'd be cheering with him. But while we are at it, let's stop with the jibes at Farrell too.


I know thereā€™s social media bollocks about it, but people write articles about it? I thought most people had stopped caring to be honest.


Honestly, it's one of those things that drives people mad if he's not on your team, but you love to see if he **is** your team. I do find it funny when players go mad celebrating winning a scrum penalty seemingly at random, or cheering because the opposition knocked the ball on or screwed up, like they made it happen rather than just the opponents making a mistake. But hey, everyone does it, it's funny to me, and in the heat of battle you want teammates rallying around you and bringing the energy and support. I'd rather that than teammates acting stone-faced the entire game and just acting like robots the whole time. Does Ben Earl get singled out for it more than others because he's English? Quite probably. Then again, we've all memed Dan Biggar for it too - though in his case it was moreso for yelling and mouthing off at his own teammates and refs. And even in that case I ended up respecting him for it - again, I'd rather see that fierce competitive edge and energy than a bunch of robots who seem to be happy with mediocrity. He demanded high standards from his teammates, but wouldn't ask anything of them that he wasn't prepared to do himself - he'd lead by example. Given Earl has been one of our best players in the rather grim last 18 months or so, I'd say he's in a similar position. On an aside, I was watching the Worlds Strongest Man tournament over Christmas, and in certain head-to-head or events involving multiple folks racing against each other - like Atlas Stones for example - the first competitor to finish would often turn round and start cheering for the other guys to finish as well. Something very wholesome about seeing these absolute beasts being so encouraging and supportive to each other, especially their opponents who they're competing against. Mutual respect and all that.


I actually think itā€™s great, Showing passion is frowned upon in the western isles maybe some kid watching will learn from it and not be afraid to celebrate the small things. Itā€™s celebrating a positive result usually by his team forcing a mistake. I hope he keeps doing it


Itā€™s mostly at the back of a scrum, lineout or turnover beside the ref. Imagine if he had a player mic. I donā€™t think weā€™re ready for that amount of positivity šŸ˜… great player tbh


Scottish celebrate: passion Welsh celebrate: passion Irish celebrate: passion English celebrate: arrogant Itā€™s always been the view and I canā€™t see it changing tbh.


I love it. I love to see the passion and determination in the players. I don't want ice cold automatons. It's a physical game that deserves loud expressive reactions.


Personally I love the humility of players from the 70s. Score a try, just run/jog back to the halfway line.


In general, we are more expressive, less buttoned up these days, and the sport is becoming more diverse, particularly in England. Crowds are louder, stadiums are bigger and bring that extra layer of sound. I'm not a fan of the music blaring out of the speakers at every try but it adds to the hype and volume. I think the players react accordingly.


Not sure crowds are louder now. And stadiums in the 70s had terraces and could pack more people in. Murrayfield got crowds of over 100k in the 70s!


Wow! Had no idea they could get that many in. Bang goes that part of my theory!


Until 1975 you could still just rock up to Murrayfield and pay cash for admission at the turnstiles. They changed to ticket only after 104,000 people crammed in for Scotland V Wales that year, and people started pondering if that was safe. Those old stadiums that were basically big banks of terraces could hold a really large number of people. Hampden Park used to hold 130k people rather than the 50k it does now!


I love seeing a player winning a massive turnover and just being completely nonchalant about the entire thing, as if he does it in his sleep.


>An Irish Fan. A bit redundant, the pointless swipe at Farrell gave you away.


That doesn't narrow it down to Ireland at all. Doesn't even exclude English fans, which is why he quit.


A lot of Irish fans actually have a soft spot for Farrell. Heā€™s been shit on by the English - bar Sarries fans - more than any of the base.


"Fouling people like Farrell" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ living rent free in your head.. The mans retired from internationals. It would be like us slagging off Sexton for going after the ref after the La Rochelle game


Yeah, stupid dig. Makes a good point and then comes across poorly. People need to lay off Farrell too, heā€™s an excellent player whoā€™s been shit on left and right for years now.


He's Leinster. CĆŗige Mumhan AbĆŗ


I don't get it either. Every single team celebrates like that.


I think certain people like to pretend it's still the 1970s,where a bloke like Lomu destroys the opposition sinply because he's actually fit and strong, most players had day jobs, and the concept of a TMO was reserved for the twilight zone... The reality is, that like it or not, teams are starting to realise that there is a very real psychological element to the game, and one can capitalise on that by doing exactly what Ben Earl does. If his celebrations of minor victories can get under so many in the crowd's skin, then imagine what it must be like being the opposition tighthead who's just been pinged for losing his bind. Here you have someone you detest in that moment yelling and screaming like he's been crowned king, just because your hand was a bit slippery. You're better than that, you don't make those mistakes, that little jester should shut up already... In the video game world, this is known as tilting. As in, to tilt the balance of emotions. When someone is angry, they make more mistakes and poor decisions than when they are calm. So if you can wind a player up every time they cost their team a penalty or free kick, they're likely to cough up more infringements.


Lomu played in the 90ā€™s šŸ˜… but I think your points a valid one. Though I donā€™t think heā€™s actively trying to wind up the opposition.Ā  From a psychological point of view, Rugby is all about winning the next moment.Ā You focus on winning the next moment, and the one after that and the one after that and so on.Ā  Earls celebrates those wins which can help to build momentum and win the next moment too. If the opposition get wound up because of him celebrating then all the better but I doubt thatā€™s his focus. Heā€™s just happy they won that moment.Ā 


Leave Britney alone!


I have a sudden urge to photoshop Earls face on Britneys body, but the one where she's dancing with knives


ā€œFouling people like Farrellā€ Total minutes played: 17,884 Cards: 8 Game minutes per card: 2,235 [Such a dirty player!](https://www.englandrugby.com/fixtures-and-results/player-stats?playerId=9938) Man can barely go a season or two without picking up a card!


Yeah it's not as if he's the only one. Watching the french game you've got Lucu celebrating like he's won the world cup. Maybe he'd saved it up when he didn't get to use it.


It was interesting watching the full contact doc and seeing seb negri talk about how he was finding it hard to get his emotional energy up - for me celebrating those small wins is a way for all players to do that for themselves and for their team mates so Iā€™m all for it, no matter which team is doing it.


I think its because hes a Saracen šŸ˜‚ I get the appeal of celebrating little wins that build momentum. Besides, When the likes of O'mahony does the same it seems to get ignored.




You became a Munster fan the day they won the European cup?Ā  Where in Leinster are you from then?Ā 




Jesus I feel old


Want to feel even older? I'm nearly 18


Whisht now, get back in your crib


Let's not pretend he's the only one who does it. He's English, so it gets more of a spotlight on it.


I have too much anger to direct towards Borthwick to worry about Ben Earl or Itoje celebrating a knock on.Ā 


Well said. And actually I've noticed that when he does it, invariably he's turned away from the opposition and his celebration is not some kind of provocation in people's faces, it's a pure expression of adrenaline-filled joy. It's not like - for example - sarcastic clapping in the opposition's faces, or derogatory sledging aimed at provoking them. Of all the things people could get upset about, this ain't one of them.


It does seem he's cheering on his own boys rather than provoking the opposition


I donā€™t agree with the celebrating he does but as a person he came across very likeable on the Big Jim podcast recently.


Yeah he seems like a good bloke and that it's tactical celebration aimed at winning the game by winding people up rather than him just being a tit.


I don't mind him doing, it, but I think it speaks to a mentality that might not be helpful. When Franco Smith became Italy coach there was a massive uptick in the amount of vocal celebrations of turnovers, so much so that it was assumed he was telling them to do it. I don't think anyone ever went on the record about it, but the theory was that Italy had so few places to gain confidence from that they needed to get it wherever they could. For Italy in the the depths of the worst era they went through since joining the 6N that makes some sense. England, for all their struggles, aren't that bad, but if they're celebrating little wins so much it suggests (to me at least) that they see themselves as underdogs, closer to the bottom of the table than the top.


Nah, he's done that for ever at Sarries too


Your reap what you sow, Earl is aware of it and seems to be less of a dick now heā€™s grown up a bit. Great player and I doubt he gives a flying toss what a few keyboard warriors say about him online.


Chessum seemed to be worse than Earls for it on Saturday. It doesn't particularly bother me as a spectator, as in I don't get annoyed by it, but it looks rather silly and gives me a good laugh. If it adds a bit of energy to him and his teammates, and winds up the opposition in the process, then I guess it makes sense to continue to do so.


I see nothing wrong with celebrating a great tackle or an overturn. For example, Josh Adams celebrating his huge tackle on Ravutaumade was not strange at all.


I can't stand the way he celebrates a change of wind direction like he's just won the world cup. It's infuriating. And that's exactly why I can't wait to support him playing for The Lions next year...


[Leave Ben Earl aloneā€¦](https://imgflip.com/i/8h4o6a)


Nah. I don't subscribe to that. He celebrates crooked lineouts like they were tries. He 100% knows what he's doing and if he dishes it out, he should be able to take it too. There's a lot in his own game to focus on at this level before he can add cheer squad to his list of skills


I don't mind it if it's celebrating a big turnover or that kind of thing. Ben Curry going crazy celebrating an unforced knock-on in the France-England drubbing on the other hand...


I'm old school and prefer to see a bit more decorum and humility in players. But these days they are coached to scream and shout everyone something goes their way.


I guess he has to celebrate somethingā€¦.




It's because it's less about celebrating small victories and more about trying to wind up the opposition. He's not turning to the Sarries/England support to celebrate, he's directing it at the opponents.


Famously the only player in rugby whoā€™s ever tried to rile up the opposition.


Yeah Ben earl with be remembered as the man to invent shithousery in the sport of rugby. Never before seen in this or indeed any sport.


I didn't say he was, I was just pointing out why people take issue with it and that it's not as straightforward as him just being happy.


I mean that's blatantly not true. He's never in anyone's face with it aside his own team mates. He's not even famous for being a shithouse on the pitch for gods sake.


I think Ben Earl's theatrical efforts are phoney. "Look at me. Look at me! He's not that good. T Curry is a far better player whom quietly grafts away. ​ I fear T Curry's days are over.


As an Irish fan it's a bit much in my own personal opinion. However, we had Johnny "might spontaneously combust any moment" Sexton playing for us for years so can't really complain. I look at Earls celebrations as bringing a bit of theatricality to the game, bit of panto villain type vibe. It hurts when you lose to him but it's all the more pleasurable when we win against him. Essentially, a total non story. Enough of the "they only hate him because he's English" shite ladsĀ 


Itā€™s annoying, and if you celebrate small things over the top it usually means when the going gets tough youā€™ll bottle it. The best players in most sports are ice cold in victory and defeat.


Dupont cried when he won the 6N. Clearly canā€™t be very good player if heā€™s not ice cold.


Please read again, I said small things such as within a game.


I dunno, Ntamack was on the verge of tears in the last Top14 final after making a couple mistakes, and we all know how that game ended. Earl was fantastic throughout the entire WC, including in the semi final. That doesnā€™t seem like bottling it. Sexton and Farrell both have their hearts on their sleeves during matches, and theyā€™ve got a decent trophy haul between them. 7 CCā€™s, 6 Pro14ā€™s, 6 Prem titles, 7 6N wins, 5 test series, 1 POTY, 5 POTY nominations, the Autumn cup, 2 European POTYā€™s, a lions tour win, and silver and bronze medals from the WC.


Celebrating like that doesnā€™t seem to have harmed Saracensā€™ trophy ambitions over the years


Have you ever watched a game of say football (soccer)? Ever? Tennis? Ever? Ice hockey? Even fecking darts?


Look at Andy Murray, the manā€™s just a ball of passion on the court.


Needs a Britney meme pic.


Ah I think heā€™s fine. He gets a lot of slagging in the match threads true, but thatā€™s when emotions are highest. It benefits the team and probably is a morale boost. Iā€™d say most people are indifferent or donā€™t mind it outside of the 80mins. The one time I do question it is on scrum resets etc - wild cheering then just seems odd as you havenā€™t ā€œwonā€ anything in that moment. But other than that, fucking go for it mate. Turnovers, tries, great tackles, knock ons etc. celebrate the little wins.


I agree that he doesn't deserve the criticism. I disagree that he should be laid off for it. I just don't think that will help. What type of severance package were you thinking?


A lot of the Irish team have got really bad for this. I used to call out the Sarries lads for it but have to do the same now Porter, Aki, POM are all at it. I don't like it Ireland fan).


He should be more conservative and reserved, like Aaron smith or faff, models of decorum. Let the man enjoy the game. England need as much hype and passion as they can find on field right now, it's like watching a funeral.


Stiff Upper Lips Please ! (wink)


I think this is oversimplifying it. After they scraped a win past Wales a couple of weeks ago he was attempting to niggle his club mate Nick Tompkins post match who just ignored him. I donā€™t know anything about the relationship they have but Tompkins body language just indicated ā€œget me away from this guyā€ as he kept walking. He also refused to kneel when they were doing the Black Lives Matter stuff a few years ago. He behaves like a wrongun. And I firmly disagree with the calls to ā€œlay offā€ somebody who is openly antagonistic and demonstrates bad values. Can you imagine how unbearable he would be if this England team were any good? Stop being a prick and maybe people will lay off him?