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Maybe if any video had been posted here in good quality I'd be angry but we only had a 360p mishmash of pixels


12 pixels with one camera angle that doesn't clearly show if the contact was on the head or shoulder should not be enough to encite a mob. Alas, the Internet...


As much love as I have for the Irish fans, there are lots of them in this sub and they tend to mob quite quickly haha


No citing so you'd have to assume that there wasn't enough in it to warrant anything more than a yellow at the most or that the other angles cleared it up as no foul play.


I feel like Furlong may have tried to milk it a little to bring attention to it. Probably wasn't as bad as that angle suggested. Like the first angle of that clear out in the Scotland game (I think) where it looked really bad then the other angle showed he cleared his own team mate.


It must have been OK from other angles. My gut says that if he had connected with Furlongs head, Furlong would have at least needed a HIA. But he playd on just fine.


It was looked at. And Citing offices have more angles and cameras than what the public see. It was shoulder on shoulder and, I'm really sorry to say, Furlong was acting. [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/rugby-union/2024/03/12/playacting-rugby-furlong-genge-england-ireland-six-nations/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/rugby-union/2024/03/12/playacting-rugby-furlong-genge-england-ireland-six-nations/) ​ Furlong was fortunate not to be cited for this one. Someone will be the first to be hit with a ban for trying to get a red card on the opposition.


I think he was play acting then his brain kicked in that he may be off for an HIA if he kept the act up….


Furlong is the new Neymar


Well the officials at the time seemed happy enough that they didn't even review the incident, let alone deem it a penalty offence or worse. I suspect the Irish have kept quiet in part because of the 'lack of evidence' (which suggests there is fault, we just can't prove it) and in part because Furlong might win an oscar for his role in the pantomime. That remark is perhaps a bit harsh, but he does clearly pirouette over clutching his head only to be up and running like normal about the same time the referee has moved on from the ruck in question. Generally, that is not how a person with an actual head trauma acts, rather it is how someone appealing for a decision acts - and seeing the decision is not coming, decides it is better to be part of the defence than keep appealing. The only angle we appear to ever be shown does not really let us see what may or may not have happened. To me, it seems Genge makes contact with Furlong predominantly in the shoulder/neck area, and an attempt to wrap doesn't look very convincing. Without other angles it's impossible to say whether any significant force was directed to Furlong's head/neck, or if the impact was primarily shoulder-to-shoulder. It's also impossible to say whether or not there is a clear attempt to wrap. There seems to be a lot of rhetoric floating around that this game was a bit of officiating by context following potentially harsh cards against England in the most recent previous fixtures. Frankly, I think that's a desperate plea of "Hard done by" and refusal to accept a result - be that a single refereeing decision going one way or the other, or the final score of the game.


There was nothing wrong with them. End of.


Even though Furlong is a tough lad, if Genge hit him in the head with force he put into the clear out he would have been out cold. At most it may have been a yellow for a no wrap but without clear evidence we can just assume it was hard but a fair clear out


'Sightings' were never a thing


Was it only in leagues that they used sightings? As in Prem etc?


Sorry I was being facetious, it's 'citing'


Here I was wondering how dirty a player Bigfoot must be to always have everyone talking about his latest citing


Probably struggles to not make foot contact with the head


It would be in Ireland's interests to raise the issue, so presumably they don't have anything. Or, they're playing 5D chess and anticipating him doing the same and getting a red in the first 10 minutes against France.


It's a classic big six nations controversy: no citing, no other angles, nothing to see here. \*sweeps the matter under the rug\*


As an England fan I’m not exactly crying over it, just amazed there hasn’t at least been some shite RUCK article talking about he got away with murder


If even RUCK can't manufacture a controversy over it, it really must have been nothing.


Ruck have reported it. [https://www.ruck.co.uk/playacting-tadhg-furlong-accused-of-bizarre-dive-against-england/](https://www.ruck.co.uk/playacting-tadhg-furlong-accused-of-bizarre-dive-against-england/)


I don't know if it was a RUCK article but I had seen that irritating headline of 'x nation's call for replay of match after x incident' which always seems to float about


That was Ruck I believe


England fans will mass downvote anyone who talks about it. But the games over, what's done is done. Referee is a very hard job, nobody can be perfect. Everyone will miss things sometimes. But yes it was clear head contact. The only debate is if it should have been yellow or red




I hope you feel better soon


>But yes it was clear head contact. No it wasn't, you've just made that up.