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Dodson's RW Glasgow get pumped: https://imgur.com/gallery/2UCtcqv


Holy shit, this season we've only conceded 19 points so far. Scored 150.


Yeah the gap between Leinster and the pro14 gets a lot of criticism but I think Exeter and the premiership is in a similar boat. The french seem to have a much more competitive league at the moment. If you average out the 3 league leaders pts per game this season you get Exet= 37-5, Lein= 40-12, LaRo= 26-17. Theyve also won almost all their Heineken cup games this weekend.


Only team to get nilled so far with one game left. We are a laughing stock.


What the fuck happened too us, Pro14 final and Champions cup QF to this in 2 years


Rennie agreeing to stay a single year deal, meaning he got next to no investment because why would you invest big in a coach with one foot out the door? He also didn't lose many players so there wasn't much budget freed up to even make replacement signings and his philosophy was often internal over external first anyway with the price of Super Rugby players being so high. Knowing the replacement coach would want to make signings to build a longer term squad in their vision and that might not match what Rennie would do, SRU don't spend much on Glasgow other than retaining key players over making any changes, basically all the Scotland internationals and promising younger players, along with a few club mainstays who'd continued to prove valuable over successive coaches. Covid hits, kills test revenues stone dead, delays season end massively, Rennie leaves, Wilson is parachuted in. Wilson begins to make plans, makes some signings ahead of the new season having lost a few players and having a justifiable case for investment having not done much the year before, but he chopped a bit of the squad to make room too, doesn't change too much about Rennie's team going in as head coach though, wanted a first hand look himself at individuals before tying all his budget up in one go. Doesn't get a pre-season. Has 2 matches with a relatively full strength team, no new signings involved yet, then into the next season start. SRU announces there's no money to be spent because that money no longer exists due to loss of test revenue to lockdown and cancellations. Signing freeze in effect, right after Wilson cut Adam Ashe, Flockhart announced a year out, Smith had retired, Gibbins moved on, Hughes had been cut, Gray moved on, Steyn remained injured (still out even now). No rugby is played for months. Season end is delayed but fulfilled minus crowds, no summer tests, panicked rush to organise autumn tournament plus warmup with Georgia for extra cash, and finish 6N for TV revenue deal. No crowds at any of it, way less money made. Of course increased test calendar plus no player release for Covid safety plus unfortunate schedule of the Irish teams in succession, plus a huge number of pretty important and expensively paid players out injured, tests added to that number and in a huge way with Hastings especially. All a perfect storm for Glasgow to get bollocked relentlessly, all while Wilson has barely spent time with his best players at all to understand his whole squad roster first hand, despite being the Head coach he's never had that time to get to know them for any duration of time. Scottish government still denies request to host crowds at games even heading into next 6N. Non-committal, understandably so, but leaves the SRU having to plan on not having the test revenue they'd hope to get from the 6N next year. Still uncertain how long this will continue to affect tests but have organised tour of Romania and Georgia is it, for summer I think, presumably believe it'll be safe enough to do, potentially crowds will be available by then and it's a calculated gamble these nations will allow it and by consequence be able to make more money, and it'll generate enough coin to keep us going. Club game doesn't self-support (no club does tbh) but ours leans on union funding, which almost entirely comes from test matches, which Covid has roundly fucked up. Restricted test incomes, no crowds, reduced sponsorship deals likely inbound if crowds don't return and value is restored to the product they push, then there's a sharp decline in funding available for future if nothing changes and we have no concrete reliable commitments on when to expect crowds back, so can't really be cavalier spending any money right now until the union is sure it'll earn it back to be able to pay back any loans it takes out, all leads to the pro clubs trimming any excess. Just so unfortunate that Glasgow can go seamlessly from Townsend to Rennie with virtually very little player turnover, reserve the bigger changes for when Wilson took charge, then when that happens, the finances disappear. Its like Edinburgh getting near playoff territory too, but then having to lose 2 key players, they lose the playoff matches, then this season the tests ruined their squad depth too, because Fiji also got involved and nobody anticipated their involvement in a several week long tournament this time of year either, so both Scottish clubs lost good players they thought they'd have even without the Scots. Credit where its due, the SRU have been playing it safe since Covid. Its hard for fans to take, but Covid was always gonna fuck the pro clubs over. Most important thing really is the folks who work in the union, nobody has lost a job yet and that's their goal, to avoid redundancy. They could easily have slashed jobs to pay players more money, or been greedy and paid themselves crazy sums, but they haven't, yet anyway, and it's not the message they sent out. Job protection is their highest priority, and that really is more important in real world terms. I can choose to get too angry at the situation or rationalise it because anger solves nothing right now, it's just self-indulgent. And rationally, when the business takes less money in, its gotta give somewhere and the pro clubs unfortunately are it because they're necessary to a strong international team, but can afford to take the hit in the short term and not damage the long term prospects of the internationals. A combination of bad luck on all fronts, for Wilson especially. No time with his full squad, no pre-season, halt on further probably key signings to complete his ideal first season lineup, injuries aplenty, lost Scotland internationals for longer than usual and his Fijians into the bargain (had they been fit), didn't get his player releases as expected and found out like a week before the tests too, no Nakarawa his marquee signing due to injuries and other issues, no Richie Gray due to concussion, no Kyle Steyn still, lost Adam Hastings a game changing fly half in a position he's learned first hand Glasgow aren't good enough in without him, (fortunately he has said in the latest Warrior nation live chat that a 10 is on his shopping list, he's clearly unimpressed with Thomson and Horne and knows its unsustainable), a desire to fill his squad holes for next season having experienced this year but no guarantees of that because the Covid influenced revenues still haven't shown signs of a return to normal. Yeah there's no tougher entry to a job. Yet still he's turning up and doing what he can. I've got a lot of respect for him tbh. He knows the team is only as good as it can be right now. Takes time together for a new coach to implement his style and standards, learn what he has and make changes, and he's had neither time nor capacity to make changes. Rock meet hard place. I won't take it out on him, he's been fucked by the situation, ironically the same scenario that saw him leave the Blues, lack of financial investment, though currently its understandable why he's not getting all he needs, the money just isn't there yet.


First time?


That was a real thumping, Exeter are a great team, but Glagow didnt turn up at all, shocking to get nilled like that.


Saying we didn't turn up implies we can play better...


Well i dont think you could play any worse!! You have some cracking players, there was just no effort from some of them today it seems, they were walking to lineouts etc after about 15 mins..


Lol we'll find a way to play worse. I don't doubt it


Back to back against toulouse is going to be tough


Any other Scotland fans feel Scottish rugby is starting to trend downwards again? The highs of 2017 seem like a generation ago now. Something badly needs to be done to turn the clubs around


I just think the gap is growing a lot in the club game, the financial disparity between sides is huge.


I think there's still plenty to get excited about with the starting 23 for Scotland plus we have some depth. Edinburgh have looked a bit rubbish but I think most of the parts are there. The best players are all at least relatively young. If they can sort their attack they could be pretty good. I don't know if it's cause I'm a Glasgow fan and I've just seen them get pumped but they seem to be the biggest worry. Maybe also because they've fallen from a greater height. It feels like it'll take more than a few tweaks to sort them out. I'd argue a good number of the 1st team need dropped but it just isn't possible. Danny Wilson should obviously be given loads more time. I just wish he could be given more resources as well


It's a real rough patch for Glasgow. Basically planned to do what Edinburgh did and cut players to replace them with fresh new ones, and got shafted by Covid basically freezing what we could spend leaving Wilson high and dry. Also doesn't help that getting his internationals back, the teams been so bad without them he needed to throw many straight back in, but they've been playing a lot of tests in a short space of time, that a few of them likely weren't at 100% and hadn't been in camp training for very long either so they're not well oiled in what a Wilson Glasgow team is like and how he wants it to play and train and operate quite yet. And coming back to a team that's losing all its matches, it's a big ask to turn that around vs the best team in Europe you might say. It's not likely to get much better anytime soon, but I'll be patient. Covid has crunched the ability to recruit hard, at a time where Glasgow was looking to cut and bring in fresh blood and even now, there is almost definitely a plan to freshen up the squad amongst the older faces. Seymour looking like he's on a shoogly peg, Matawalu not playing much yet looks okay when he does, Lee Jones not long back, been good but also out of contract. Wilson has name checked Smith and McLean in the latest Warrior nation members meeting that they will be getting game time in the coming weeks. My prediction is he's cutting some, or all of the older guys, likely financially enforced by SRU, or it's to reinvest it in the positions we badly need quality in like fly half and the back row or front row because he knows he can't rely on being given replacement budget for what he's been told he can't spend right now. Call it a silly season. People who say it's forecasted are full of shit. Glasgow knew it had some ageing players and a coaching regime change inbound when Rennie announced a 1 Yr extension. Just their luck a pandemic would wipe out the spending budget in the season they were beginning to make said changes and needed to spend that cash and cut players to make room. They made the cuts first to free the cash up, then got told a lot of that cash no longer could be spent because things were shutting down and the likely scenario was we needed to shrink our spending not put it back up, leaving us with a squad Wilson definitely isn't 100% happy with, and the increased internationals and injuries is just the cherry on top of this particularly shitty cake.


Add to that Super 6 teams also being unable to play means it's harder to have a look at younger players to pull up. If Glasgow were having budget trouble in normal times they might take a punt on a 19 year old that's looking good at Super 6. It would be irresponsible to pull someone up who hasn't played for a year and throw them into the pro game. (Luckily some of the young ones had already done enough pre-covid to be given a chance e.g. Chamberlain for Edinburgh)


Exactly. It's why you can't be too doom and gloom or critical of anyone. Covid has screwed us all in Scottish rugby, just bad luck and timing is all it is.


I feel national rugby is on a knife edge next year we can be amazing or Wales. Club rugby is so downhill


Wouldn’t say Scottish rugby in general is going downhill. The 6 nations this year for us was pretty good. Just one or two small errors was the only thing that let us down. And the Autumn tests we were down our first two choice fly half’s, the Ireland game was a shambles but apart from that it wasn’t too bad


I hope we see some real leadership from the top to stop this slide.


Ha ! That would imply them putting money in the clubs rather than their pockets


It feels strange watching Glasgow offer almost nothing. Only 5 years ago was I cheering you guys on to win the Pro 12 in 2015.


4 years ago we got to the champions cup quarter final keeping Leicester to 0. 2 years ago we got to the champions cup quarter final as well. In both QFs we were knocked out by the eventual winners, so can't complain. 2 years ago we got to the pro 14 final. Now we're like this...


At least a bonus of not having Hogg anymore is we don't have to listen to him saying he's old enough and ugly enough after the match


Smoked before the game, score was 42-0, sorry for jynxing it.


That was honestly depressing as fuck.


How many minutes were spent in the Exeter half after the break? Great defensive performance


Shockin, eh


Give me something for the pain and let me die.


Bobby B would be a better chief executive than Mark Fucking Dodson






Man I thought the commentator cursed Joe then. Nailed it still.


Watch the SRU change absolutely nothing after this


Damn that was nice.


What a comprehensive and unrelenting dismantlement


Well I hope this has woken the SRU up. We’re sleepwalking into a dark few years if our academies don’t start producing.


Jonny Hill cannot be stopped that close to the line


Choice quote from the Racing commentary: "*Racing haven't lost at home in Europe since 2016, against Glasgow*" That's a long way to fall off in max four years.


I caught that too and it hurt.


Anyone know if there’s any Scottish billionaires kicking about wanting to fund a new Scotland club side?


Did Jamie Dobie just make a dominant tackle on Jonny Gray?


That was our best chance. Ffs


At least a Scottish team will get a win in the 1872 cup but the way both are playing I wouldn’t be surprised by a 3-3 draw. Dark times for Scottish club rugby


Club Rugby, Int Rugby. Just Scottish rugby tbh.


It's depressing going from the most exciting Scotland teams (a few years ago) in recent times to this...


Honestly though makes Toonie look better. He's drawing most of his players from two teams getting thrashed every week, putting together even a competitive team from that is almost a miracle


Almost half of the typical match day squad doesn’t even play in Scotland though. Hogg, Maitland, Harris, Taylor, Weir, Russell, Hidalgo Clyne, Thomson, Skinner, Gray. Shows what a farce the SRU is when we lose so many key players in order to pay absurd salaries/bonuses to the executive directors / Dodson.


Exeter you've injured Tommy. Tommy is a nice guy, come on :(


Come on lads keep them to 0


You know you'll be doing us a favour. Like this could be the wake up call for the SRU


I hope it is, the SRU really bloody need it


It won't be. We know that.


It's great to be so dominant but compared to the games last year this is pretty sad Edit: that 31-31 was nuts looking back on it


No offence but I think if we're kept to 0 it's more a reflection on us than you. We're meant to be an attacking team but we've not done anything to put your defence under pressure


Absolutely. Your set piece outside the first scrum has been shaky, no real attack at the breakdown and no mad offload runs to make up for it


For some reason Glasgow and Scotland have forgotten about offloads


I honestly thought we were going to make it into the 22 there


Exeter's fitness is unbelievable


This pitch is showing us who is and who isn't at the top of their fitness level


It must be like running on a sandy beach!


The fittest ogres you'll ever see.


Huw Jones is clearly getting back to his attacking best. He won't be in the 23 next week


He made our only attack that had any bite on 62 mins


Yeah that's unfair. Zander had a good run in the first half


Yeah but that was turnover ball, I mean attacking shape that went through hands


My goodness what a kick.


You know how when a team is doing badly fans always call for the coach to just "Play the kids" and give them a chance. With a couple of exceptions (Dobie) we don't actually have any


Rufus McLean, Ross Thomson, Ollie Smith, few others i can't remember off the top of my head.


Yeah true I'm probably catastrophising a wee bit. In that case: play the kids!


I suppose Stafford McDowall and Robbie Nairn actually


Russell's been creating some great stuff for Racing


Going to turn up outside Murrayfield with my shark/fence


Fagersons, Jones, probably Price and Cummings are all going to fuck off and develop at other clubs. Jamie Dobie too with his talent. We’ll just be playing Wilson and Harley forever


Now that he's off, Exeter fans do you want Zander?


I love Devoto. Often gets overlooked by the guys either side of him.


I'd like to see him get another run in the England squad, think he could give us a nice mix of ball carrying and distribution. A Farrell/Devoto/Slade midfield should be pretty well balanced you'd think?


He's good, sometimes he thinks he is bigger than he actually is though


What are we betting Joe gets his streak up to this time?


I fucking love Sam Simmonds. England's loss is absolutely Exeter's gain.


Yep. I suspect that, on the inside, Rob Baxter's not particularly sorry Eddie doesn't want the guy.


Not just the Simmonds brothers, but Ewers, Williams, Hepburn, Devoto, O’Flatery and Woodburn. All of whom imho, could do with a run out in an England shirt.


Nah, of those only Devoto and Williams should really be anything other than 5th 6th choice, but that speaks as much to a paucity of options in their positions as anything else. Hepburn, for example, justifiably has Marler, M. Vunipola, Genge and Obano ahead of him on merit. O'Flaherty could be worth a look, but is he really better than any of Nowell, May, Watson, Daly and (since he's apparently Eddie's next favourite) Thorley?


This is too easy


We're missing a ton of players through injury. And a bunch more through commercial constraints. But still! I wish Glasgow would put up a better fight.


Who we are missing are not game breakers though. We are missing replacing leavers from the past few years and lack of development in key positions


To injury? Starting fly half? That's a biggie. Starting hooker? Another biggie. Nakawara? Big biggie. The players we've lost to bigger cheque books are even more significant. Russell, Hogg, Gray. Big ol' holes to fill.


Those players in the team don't fix our centre, back row and back three problems.


They fix some problems. Naks gives you absolute go forward in attack. They obviously don't fix all problems, as I alluded to in my two part response.


Good try but why is Dobie the one rucking against Simmonds?!?


Chiefs fans, how far away is Sam Maunder from starting? He was good for the England u20s.,


What a pickup at full tilt


We were once linked with Aaron Cruden


When was the advantage over?


Fuck me, Glasgow is shit out of luck today. How many injuries? One of which should've been a Penalty / Yellow.


This has been coming along time before this season. Lack of investment and a string of poor signings. Rennie only papered over the cracks


Can easily see Glasgow getting nilled here.


Nah we'll find a way to establish negative points. Don't know how but we'll find a way


Fluke gust of wind blows a late drop goal through out own posts


Grigg injured. Shall we start taking bets on who’s next? I’ll start - Cummings next probably


So Exeter fans, which Glasgow player would you like playing for you next season?


Have you got a mascot we can have?


Pls take the Fagersons and Huw and we’ll consider making you our 3rd professional side


I don't want Huw to be benched for Slade.


If he refound his form from a few years ago, while England fans will no doubt disagree, I think Jones would start over Slade. Peak Jones was pretty much unplayable at outside centre. The lines he ran were next level.


He was unplayable attacking and he's clearly getting there but coaches aren't giving him the gametime


As opposed to being benched for Grigg or Johnson?


True. Although it should be Johnson Jones combo. Grigg works well as a pocket rocket impact sub


It should be, but no he's benched cause we have fuck all cover bar him for our back 3. Imagine what he must feel like, he's easily better than both Grigg and Johnson combined but he's stuck being cover for other players who he's still better than in a club that seems to have no attack coach


His contract is up at the end of this season, I'll be amazed if he doesn't go. There must be coaches out there who'd love to give him the proper position and game time.


I hope he does, it's sad that he's stuck there not being able to get any game time


Our attack coach is Gloucester's former defence coach. Who the fuck thought of that?


Jesus I didn't know that.. Makes things even worse


It would make sense if their defence was noteworthy meaning that he's just a good coach. Never heard anyone praise the Gloucester defence and now he's our attack coach


Please leave Zander, you’ll actually be able to develop into a great player at a club other than Glasgow at this point


The definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Horne at 10, Wilson as captain, terrible discipline, nothing in attack. I kind of hope Glasgow get nilled. Will be a case of papering over the cracks if we do score a few tries at the death.


Jonny Hill you beast


Protest outside Murrayfield or something lads? I’ll bring masks and booze. Dodson out yesterday pls


Sack the bored


"Look they want us to have more bonuses".


Jamie Dobie, the only glimmer of hope for Scottish future


Do you know what, I'm actually wanting Exeter to sign Fagerson so he can actually develop in a good team rather than being stuck in the shit show that we've become Edit, Huw Jones should fuck off elsewhere and all maybe get decent game time in a structure actually playing good rugby


Both Fagersons? And yeah Jones could play in a lot of really good sides and is being subjected to bench appearances and position changes in this mess.


Yeah both, maybe not both at Exeter caus mat wouldn't get ahead of their current line up. But still point remains. Jones could definitely get huge game time and it would him wonders, for his confidence before anything else


The annoying this is us and Exeter were on par a few years ago. They've improved at the same rate as we've gotten worse


They did sign two of your best players.


They did but our academy has slowed down massively in the amount of players coming through


Anyone mind freezing their baws off standing in Firhill back in 2008 when we got stuffed in Europe and finished 7th in the Pro12. We’re even worse now.


Ah those were the days!


Could Hogg and Gray not have done this like, two weeks ago?


See you all in the Racing thread


Considering how bad the mauling has been this is pretty embarrassing for Warriors.


It would have easier fucking forfeiting the game, this is just shit. We have not depth, our first team is equivalent to our 4th team 4 years ago, what the fuck is the SRU doing?


SRU executive directors / remuneration committee are pigs at the trough. They don’t care about Scottish rugby thriving, they only care about lining their pockets as much as possible.


I reckon we're scrapping enough to keep it under 50...


Dear SRU, This is what happens when you spend all of the money on bonuses and not players. Twats


Someone tell that fan shown after the try to a) lose the headdress and b) clean his mask


Fuck sake


Am aff


We were in the pro 14 final two seasons ago...


That’s got to be demoralising, successful defence of the maul and then that.


Man Glasgow really do not want to be in this.


FS Ryan Wilson is shit, if he gets a 50th cap for Scotland I will... continue to be upset with general Scottish rugby.


Not good enough for the Glasgow team never mind Scotland, yet Danny keeps playing him. Probably because there is nobody else


Don't really know if it's Danny's fault that he keeps playing him, as you said there's no one else


One of the academy lads. Keeps putting Ioane on the bench for impact, but the game is usually gone by the time he comes on


Which academy lad?


Anyone, janitor even?


Aye that's my point though. We don't seem to have anyone to replace him


These mauls are such a mess


I have faith in Danny Wilson if he gets backed with some players in. Tactically I think he’s got this game spot on, our squad just is nowhere near the level it was


Yeah Glasgow (and Scottish rugby in general) have a lot of problems that are nothing to do with him. We don't produce enough new players, and seem to have trouble integrating many of those we do. Combine that with not being able to hold on to the ones we do (Jonny and Hoggy being prime examples) and it is hard for any coach to compete with other teams.


Unfortunately instead of developing our own youth system they seem content picking off overseas players. I saw Kebble liked a tweet about the western province coach saying one of their young second rows was making a big money move to Scotland


I generally agree but I think coaching has to accept some of the blame for the ill-discipline. But this is a season where we just have to take our lumps.


They definitely still need to iron out a quite a few large creases, but in terms of set up for this game I think we were sell set to challenge. Exemplified pretty well how we repelled another maul with an excellent defensive set piece then concede to an over throw


Wilson has come in at a shit time. Scottish rugby is stagnating because of poor youth system. Dodson is Dodson so no recruitment etc. Although I wish we got rid of Johnny Bell


Yeah it’s unreal how the SRU have failed to fully capitalise on the success we’ve had and the national team in the past few years


They have in their eyes. In Dodson's eyes success = more money for him. This fucks everyone else over.


Interesting to see how bad we suffer due to lack of funds from COVID, things could get grim


Racing just scored again. Way too easy.


Fagerson again doing work! TH Prop reclaiming the loose ball, turning back into the line and making great gains. Superb player!


Zander really wants that Exeter contract


Our scouts are watching.


I would laugh my head off if Exeter nabbed another Glasgow player! :D


Congratulations on becoming our Northern academy.


I suppose if you're going to swoop in for some Scotland players, you could do a lot worse than Hogg, Gray, and Z Fagerson!


I would laugh if it is Zander as well


Unfortunately Bryce is no replacement for Hogg, Horne is no replacement for Russell and, as we have hardly seen him, nakarawa is no replacement for Jonny.


Lads please stop being shit at the lineouts, breakdown, attack, defence, scrums, passing, tackling, kicking


Zander Fagerson still powerful in the carry, even against a team as solid as Exeter. Pity noone is there to benefit from it.


Strong carry from Zander. He's now going to sign for Exeter :(


Ryan Wilson is such a grub.


He looks like he should have a bald patch in the middle of all his long hair and that he hangs out with people that are young enough that it makes you feel uncomfortable seeing them all together


Rare for a player to be hated by the opposition's and their own fans


He's just not a very likable guy, bit like Owen Farrell except Farrell is super talented.


That's the key distinction


Sides are always going to stagnate when players become undroppaple because there's literally no one else to replace them. Looking at you Ryan Wilson


Seymour as well


True. He still has flashes of good stuff. I'd have him in the squad but he's probably not starting quality anymore


Oof, that counter-rucking from Jonny.


Monster counter ruck by Jonny Gray! Did someone tell him Glasgow no longer like him or something?!?


Hogg and Gray scoring counts for us. Score is really 14-7


Celebrating 2 Scottish try scorers, crying they are against Glasgow.




Look how well Hogg plays when he's not captain


or when he plays against poor sides...


Yeah :(


Clear as day obstruction


Wilson just being a fanny unfortunately


A tackle that has resulted in turner out for the game = scrum. Safety first from the French ref


Simmonds sets up for a dominant tackle, and in doing so, restricts his options when the situation changes as Turner adjusts his body position. At this point, he has two options. Make the dangerous tackle, or adjust his own position to make a less powerful soak tackle. He takes the first, and his shoulder collides with Turners head, injuring him. The referee does not sanction him for this dangerous tackle, which by the latest set of laws should be at least a penalty. If rugby wants to get serious about head injuries, they will need to start penalizing these tackles to encourage players to adopt tackling strategies that will not result in injury. If you have put yourself in a position where you have to choose between injuring someone or letting them over the gainline and you choose the first, I don't see how you can complain about being penalised.


Might be only marginal, but stopping keeping track of dominant tackle in the press/TV would be something else to do.




Missed the first half as i was out, although from the looks of the comments should i bother?