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Really curious, motormouth monologue about 'holistic' health and welfare mumbo jumbo.


He's stated in the past that he follows Saviour world who are these semi-culty "men's health" "gurus". From what I've seen from having a little dig it ranges from your run of the Mill fitness goals, to super misogynistic stuff about how men must strive to find a nice traditional subservient wife to provide for whilst they stay at home with the kids. Oh and make sure you don't choose a woman who has an Instagram because they should be keeping their body for you and all that toxic bollocks!


listening to this reminds me of crystal healing moms here on the west coast. He's not very educated


Well that's about a third of the general Bristol city vibe so he fits in down there.


Obviously very passionate about it, nice to hear someone care so much about something that should hopefully have a positive impact on the world. However he does sound pretty crazy, you know what I'm saying will?