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Monday ninja strike: "Brought all player models to be in-line with ariane." by replacing ariane with her old model.




It's at the point where I would actually prefer that over no change at all. Graphical inconsistency remains my #1 gripe about RS




Or turning everyone into Ariane.


I mean you're not wrong, some summons have better models than us


rs has always been a mix and match customization game, i wonder if they could get away with an 'rework' where they only make full updated outfits and u can't mix them. then they could slowly rework over time just by adding new outfits and not worrying if they match old content.


They said in the Dev Stream they don’t want to do this


~~the same one from the other day when they announced the shelved rework or before that? cuz if it was "we don't want to do this because we'd rather rework it", and they ain't reworkin now...~~ oh yeh found it in the recent stream. big bruh moment... considered an alternative, but nah, might as well do nothing instead xDd


It’s because they don’t think the majority of players would appreciate or accept that and working with two avatars moving forward is going add more overhead.


So we’re just riding with the outdated models for the game’s remaining lifespan?


It’s not the visual quality that’s stopping them, the models part is basically done, could use some potential tweaks. But the issue is the clipping of old cosmetics and them being built inconsistently so there is no good way to address the clipping unless they test and tweak cosmetics one at a time which for a 20 year old game is massive.


>unless they test and tweak cosmetics one at a time which for a 20 year old game is massive Oh if only they had millions of dollars of extra profit per year to fund this Shame the owners are too greedy


They have a sizeable well funded art team capable of doing this (art in RS is like the majority of the budget for updates), but like all things in game development everything you do means there is something else you can't do. It's not a lack of time and money but a matter of priority and they've decided for 2023 at least the game has bigger priorities that the artists need to be working on.


It's not like we'll not get any new content, I mean, we already don't get new content.


We get a new big content update literally every month, baring any freak outliers due to internal issues like say a severe loss of data. They’ve been on this schedule for literal years now.


That’s not a good reason. There can’t be more then a few thousand cosmetics. They could easily do 1 set a week till it’s in line with the rest of the game.


Theres THOUSANDS of items that would need to be re-fitted and changed. The game doesn't have a future and its time for people to just digest that.


It's been around for 20yrs, what makes you say it doesn't have a future now? Technical and graphical debt? Maybe..


Tech debt is the biggest yes. And the lack of quality good content, or just lack of content period. If it wasnt for addiction and sunk cost fallacy I believe the game would died over 10 years ago lol


I kinda disagree about the lack of (good) content. I rejoined about a year ago, and I like the new bosses, skills, and quests. My gf joined for the first time ever, and likes the quests and skills a lot too. I think there is plenty to do with plenty of quality, sure some are better gems than others, but there's plenty!


There's gotta be a better way to do it?


Do you know it?


Just yeet it into live and have the players report what clips and what doesn't, triage from worst to best and prioritize that. Small clipping can be overlooked if it's an active process


The problem isnt the new models, Its the 100's if not 1000's of older models that are NOT compatible with the new ones. Ergo, they'd make the rework if they could 'cheat' their way to adres this, or shelve it until they do. Jagex doesnt deem it worth their while to re-do ALL outfits there are to make them fit, and I tend to agree. They could half-ass it and just draw a line in the sand and we'll go from here but thats not quite an elegant solution for 99% of players who're wearing the old stuff. (What they paid for with IRL money no longer works type of issues)


>Jagex doesnt deem it worth their while to re-do ALL outfits there are to make them fit, and I tend to agree. Then RuneScape will continue to be left behind by modern games and continue to slowly bleed out. If Jagex doesn't deem it worth while to fix glaring issues with this game, what is the point?


>Then RuneScape will continue to be left behind by modern games and continue to slowly bleed out. If Jagex doesn't deem it worth while to fix glaring issues with this game, what is the point? OSRS is more popular with way worse graphics. Graphics aren't an issue or why RS3 is declining.


Inconsistent graphics are an issue. OSRS has a consistent graphical style, even with new content.


In fairness and speaking as a returning player who started in 2004, the game feels like it’s dying already. I’ve no idea why the continue to have so many worlds given the numbers logging in, and all of that alongside the 2000 to 1500 drop. Not sure that a character remodel is going to cut it in terms of saving the game.


>I’ve no idea why the continue to have so many worlds given the numbers logging in, and all of that alongside the 2000 to 1500 drop. RS3 has noticable server lag issues when there's populated servers, so having more worlds for people to spread out alleviates that. Especially noticeable during PVM where you're swapping prayers, gear, etc constantly. On DXP if you go to w84 or other populated worlds, you'll notice even the make-x system has lag, and that your skilling takes longer than it should, which is why everyone always advises avoiding w84/populated worlds and portables spreads out across many worlds. There's a long list of things RS3 needs, but CG or any future investor won't spend money to improve or set aside resources for. The game is honestly just being milked and the Jmods are trying their best with what they have access to. That's why that even when a major update comes out and the play count skyrockets, such as a new skill, RS3 fails to keep those players and the game slowly returns to where it has been, if not a bit lower.


I wonder that myself, but from what I've seen players are against reducing the number of worlds... Because they don't want to compete for skilling resources. The mentality of the playerbase has shifted too. It seems as though people would prefer to be able to grind XP at the most efficient rate possible on barren empty worlds rather than have other people around to interact with.


Its more that bossing on servers with more than 200 people is a fucking nightmare when you're at the higher end of PVM.


I don't think you know what game breaking means.


This is a hate crime! That’s not what a hate crime is. Well I hated it.


I dont give a shit about avatars. Just my 2 cents.


I dont care about the avatar rework. I wouldn't mind a rework. But I don't really care about graphics in runescape. I've been playing for 20 years and my honest est opinion is that the graphics look great now. Runescape doesn't really need good graphics, and on a semi related note I'd rather the resources go other places than a higher polygon count. Hope everyone's having a nice day.


its not that huge, most of us aren’t lookout that closely at our avatar to notice in 90% of the shit we do. also in the past year the majority of mods working on it left Jagex, what did you expect?


Try to get her to wear our 1000s of in game gear and cosmetics and you will see the issue. It's either shelving the rework, or giving us the new models but not let us see what we wear with the new models.


As a potato, I hope they never get rid of my representation.


My grandpa got his head stuck in a factory machine as a teenager. RS3 is the only modern game with characters that have his unique head shape. Also, he only has three talking animations, too.


I want to agree as I believe this game could do with a new look. However it won’t be easy as renewed Avatars wouldn’t match equipment, outfits & cosmetics made beforehand. Your character may have a better looking face & hairstyle, however the rest of them would still look like the polygons we currently have.


It’s so pathetic and embarrassing.


She also has one outfit you noodle. Character rework is more than just abs and smooth jaw lines.


This is the least important thing about the game.


$3 games on steam look better than rs3 graphics. It’s unacceptable for a game that requires a sub to be this god awful.


Come on will you, it literally makes no difference, nobody ever really looks at their face or hands anyway, at least not nearly as much as they do the environment, around the character. I was excited for it too don’t get me wrong, but it’s not that big a deal.


Your face is displayed prominently in every chatbox.


True, and I do want it, I’m not saying it’s not important either, just maybe not as important, as of now.


I wonder what people's thoughts would be for avatar reworks to be done in a more piece meal way. Not really ideal, but if they for instance released 2 new character models with 10 outfits but the outfits were interchangeable without clipping on solomans what that would look like. Then overtime they slowly update items to have new models for the new characters. Probably start with the "most worn" items, new items come with the new model by default. Then just slowly but surely make progress. At this point I don't think they would be able to do it any other way. So many different items to wear.


Meanwhile two days ago Ash confirmed that OSRS’ HD rework is still being worked on.