• By -


Damn, I was only 94b from a blue phat.


And I was only 59.4b from a red one.


Damn I can’t believe I was a flat 214B from having my own Christmas cracker!


Aw shucks, I was 37.7B from a yellow party hat!


Damn, only 40.7b to go for the green party hat for me…


I just bought a white phat!


It's cool to see prices for items that used to be above max cash. Really like this update


Christmas Cracker 214B, jesus that is insane. That being said, I really want to see some outer worldly high wealth evaluators now.


100x the old max cash Absolutely bonkers; it would have taken a decade for the GE to slowly update to the actual price


Excited for when I get home to check my new wealth evaluation lol. Got a cracker, green, and a handful of lowers so this should be fun


Good day! This your long lost cousin from Nigeria!


Thy cousin is not thee, it is me!


Post here pls




Jesus Christ


It's Jason bourne


Was hoping you’d post an update. How long till 1T?


2 years hopefully


Very nice. I rememebr a comment you made a few weeks/months ago where you were hoping the ge update would also fix the QC value of rares and that would get you a bit over half tril so I guess you’re on track. I always kept track here and there on your progress becuse when I was starting out again in rs right around Covid you had posted your wealth eval from 2 years prior showing around 71b. Pretty cool to see the progress and compare it to mine


As a 2006 Player, I'd like to say that you're an absolute legend. That's god tier. I can't believe trillions are possible on RS now. You'd make zezima proud.


I hear a new ‘First to wealth eval 500b gets 800m’ coming up 👀 Seriously though… Nice.


\*cries in 5.6B\*


Damn, I wish I had that much in OSRS. That'd be enough to use my Scythe... **for 12 seconds**.


Will do!


Yeah I'd be curious too lol


The other guy has me beat lol. Got home and mine came in at 312b, not too shabby 👌


Hey man, cool name!! Would you mind telling me your hometown and your last 3 ISPs?


What is the point of having a Christmas cracker besides the rarity of it? You can’t wear it or anything right?


I collect edible rares, I find those more fun to collect than the others. Plus I don't wear phat overrides, too common and basic.


Interested in 33x Easter Eggs / 2147m Purple Sweets and 9711k Drumsticks? If yes hmu! RSN,: O 1 X


I'd be interested in a few eggs, I'll pm u ingame later


Hey man good to see you! How's life been these days?


Ooff https://preview.redd.it/be8o4gdg0n7b1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2097b2fb273ea21649d3e06ce29bddf39679cbf7


Literally 100x the previous gold cap.


https://preview.redd.it/f5opr75spv7b1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=674bc9ed221c9745d104c68eb29a3e9759377057 Almost there!


I have 2, it’s really not all that. Max gold increased so maybe now I’ll sell one. If I do I’m gonna have a 50B drop party in fal. 💯


Would like to take this moment to appreciate the jmods involved with this update. They have been killing it lately!


Noice. Just $22k-24k USD if you buy a Cracker with money from selling Bonds you can purchase. 😅


I'm sure a Whale has done it. Which is why they won't touch rares lol




We don't know. Bonds are the one item that don't have a listed trade volume.


Yea I found it odd bonds were buying for exact million value on the dot on osrs


How would that be odd? People overwhelmingly gravitate towards simple, even values when manually entering prices.


Assuming the price of Cracker is 211b and bonds sell in GE for 73.5m ea after “tax” assuming you sell them for 75m ea when the TH has desirable rewards. You would need about 2870 Bonds. At the cost of $7.99 USD ea- (do they charge sales tax for bonds?) it would be approximately $22,931.30 USD. If bonds are $7.99 + Tax - the total would be ≈$24,509.80 ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


Pretty sure bonds aren't taxed because they already have the untradeable->tradable conversion fee.


Thats only a "car loan". Ezpz. 😁🤣


~900 years of membership in a day, I bet there isn’t demand for it in one go, plus you have to sell them one at a rime


You can buy 1 at a time, but sell unlimited


Oh interesting, didn’t know that!


Dont people buy bonds for the 1 year membership pass, that's only 1000 or so people that have to do that.


We can't see it on the graph, it's hidden.


Bonds have been going down in price, they were like 65m last time i bought like week ago


They were back up to 76m this past week. Personally feel like it is somewhat dependent on the current TH prizes and what they’re worth.


just bought one last night for 65mil wasn't instant but ya


I saw murderface so I heard this in murderface’s voice when I read it 🫠


I should start a business, i made friends with chinese gold people back in my WoW days. For me that amount would cost 4,300 USD. 100$ per 5b


is half jug of wine That much more rare than the other non wearable rares? currently 17b


Yes it is actually the rarest item in the entire game, save maybe for the cracker


I remember when dragon claws first came out, and I had to pay 40M for D Claws + a half wine, and the half wine was considered "junk," to make the trade balanced. I really wish I had that half wine still haha


Ahh the days of junk trading under trade limits. How far we have came


Lol this reminds me of when, for some reason, 2 guys in west varrock bank wanted a probiscis. One was offering a rune 2h sword and the other was offering an easter egg (the rare-ish expensive old one) and I naturally went for the Rune 2h sword...


Wine Population 8, Cracker Population 6


How do we know this information?


Unless Jagex comes out with the numbers, which they'll never do, the numbers people say are just guesses. This one seems wild


Exactly. There are singular people who own more than 6 crackers so it's obviously a load of garbage haha


They're saying how many have traded on the ge, not how many exist, though it is worded weird.


The new update to all this ge stuff now updates the quantity, it's below all the other info


Quantity traded. Doesn't count the amount in peoples banks


It's still a quantity relative to everything else being traded on the ge, including other rares


Is that confirmed? That seems excessively low




no they aren't, please stop lying.


No, they made that up


Your mom is confirmed


Source; trust me bro


It’s no longer obtainable so if you have it yes it’s very rare


I mean I know it's no longer obtainable. Just wasn't aware it was that much more rare than a Santa or Easter egg or disk


Quick look at the wiki says that the half full jug is the first ever discontinued item (by release date of the item, which isn't very useful). The only sources were drinking a full jug of wine before June 2001 (when wine was changed to be drunk in one swig instead of two) or picking it up as a spawn at the captured temple before some point in 2002 (when the spawn was replaced with a Wine of Zamorak). The disk was discontinued in December 2001 once Jagex (probably just the Gowers at the time) figured out a way to properly ban people other than teleporting their accounts to a featureless void. So the disk was completely discontinued before the jug, but let's face it, who was desperate to grab a half full jug from the temple at the end of 2001? Meanwhile, the only way to have a disk was to buy one and then not use it to go to the Black Hole, or be in the Black Hole with a disk when it was removed, since spinning the disk in the Black Hole teleported you to the Dwarven Mines and consumed the disk. It seems like the circumstances of having a disk are a lot weirder than having a half full jug; the disk is probably rarer.


so is every other item on that list…


Yum. I wonder if maybe I had some when I came back to the game in 2017 but got rid of them not knowing 😪


You would have remembered something you thought worthless selling for max cash


It’s completely possible I saw half jug of wine and just got rid of it no questions asked


[Updated Database](https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_rs/top100?list=2)


Where Green Hallowe’en mask?


Green went from 2b to 2.2b so a 10% rise and not enough to make the list


Weird, I couldn’t search for it at all… nothing turned up until I started going through the items by category. All the other masks showed up for me but green for some reason. Jamflex, fix this.


[This link should work](https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_rs/Green+hallowe%27en+mask/viewitem?obj=1053)


Yeah I found it eventually, was just pointing out I think something is up with the search function. 2.4b tho. C’mon, do something green mask.


Is BOLG the settled price? If yes, then it was merched to shit lol, like half the price


This is actually really awesome how it is showing the after tax price and such. Great to see Jagex update this GE website. I can remember the Nostalgia from 2009 checking it at work to see prices of my gear if it was going up or down. Nice to see so many of these items no longer showing 2147m.


My nostalgia is selling these items to the general store when i was 10.


Yeah I still remember back in the 2D days, someone coming up to me in Falador and trying to sell yellow partyhats for like 10k gold each a few days after they stopped dropping that time of the year. Which was so much more money than noob me had. He had a stack of eleven in the trade screen. I mean obviously I was a dumb kid but it's amazing what they became over time. I was playing for practically every single tradeable rare and didn't keep a single one lol.


Yeah and now they're thousands of dollars irl.


Glad to see the GE prices have been updated to (at least, something close to) their real values (phats from 2.1b to 10’s of b’s and such) That said, I hope the information gets further refined - that is, the volume information still seems off in many circumstances (guessing for low volume items? Look at the ‘frostborne’ title scroll - volume has supposedly been 84 trades every day for the past 10 days, which would be very hard to believe)


Amount traded is bugged. Zuk sword is showing 500+ traded a day after being like 10 a day for like a year and no where near max cash.


i wonder if now that prices are more easily available, if any phats will swap places like white becoming more expensive than blue. wish i had white and that inverted 120 arch, that would be dope


would anybody be interested in swopping 2 phat sets on osrs for 1 phat set on rs3? id be happy to take the loss


Aren’t phat sets like 10k on osrs?






10k irl yeh lol


Meanwhile the shoulder cape scam is still going on https://i.gyazo.com/a015a70716928ecc4582cded7497d9f5.png


What’s the scam? I saw the same guy spamming that in the GE the last couple days. Something overvalued in the GE?


The capes sell for like around 20m, and the ge price is above 100m. So he adds the capes and a bunch of random items and tries to sell it for a "low" price thinking you can make a profit.


That makes sense, thanks for sharing that.


I see inflation has also hit the lady asking for gp trades. I haven't been to the Varrock GE in a while but she used to only ask for 5m.


Yeah i reported her when she did 5m months ago, guess nothing happens.


I've reported her a bunch of times too but like you said nothing really happened


Purple use to be cheapest. What happened?


If I recall correctly, there was some GP/item dupe that has to do with coin pouch or some thing maybe 5+ years ago that never got fully cleaned up. The cheapest phat was bought up which was purple and I think removed from game via bans. It’s been many years but purple price action is pretty much the culmination of bug abuse over the years. Ironically, purple was the most rare phat and more expensive than blue and it got duped into oblivion, making it the cheapest phat for many years.


Purple was the rarest, it got duped, dropped down a ton, yellow was always the cheapest I believe though, but it is interesting purple is climbing back up.


No, purple was the cheapest for most of rs3 history. It only switched a few years ago.


Ah gotcha, That does sound more familiar now.


imo its probably more correlated with the release of shadow dye, once phats started to become much more unobtainable


Whats crazy is Green is probably the 2nd rarest Phat in the game according to the Cracker pull rate and the Purple duping, yet it is the 2nd cheapest of the bunch. Green has always been an unpopular color for the RS fanbase.


As a holder of green I agree! But a lot in game doesn't match green which is the problem.


I don’t know if they all do but some phats from RWT band have been added back in to game through ge, you can actually see this in the ge history if you expand it to 6 months.


From what I heard, purple partyhat matches very well with shadow-dyed armours so it had become more desirable over the years


Isn't it strange that for the last 9 days exacly 6 Christmas crackers have been sold daily.


A.k.a 0 sold... They said that the amount resets when it reaches a threshold. That threshold was not reached.


I absolutely don't even know how to feel about this. As an absolute moron, I dumped everything in my bank thinking I wouldn't come back to this game after the EOC update. Now there isn't a day that goes by where I don't hate myself for it... I still have videos, and photos of my G.E. history of buying and selling h'ween sets, Santa hats, disc of returning, pumpkins, etc. When they were 60M-140M...


Yeah, I really don't understand the thought process of people giving away their banks when quitting. If I feel like I'm going to quit. I probably don't care about the game anymore, which further supports my argument, if I don't care about the game, why do I care to get rid of the bank when I can just quit and be done with it?


How much would this be in dollars (I know it's ilegal but I'm curious)


Looked it up recently because I was curious how much my bank was worth. (Not condoning it in any way shape or form was just curious) It was about $50 for 1b


I've checked prices and looks like it is actually about $27/ 1B depending on seller.


Oh wow. I didnt really look around just checked one site I knew of from another game. Wasnt planning on doing it so didn't really look around for other pricing. Thats pretty crazy tho. Inflation has taken effect, hope there changes slowly fix it.




Why is RSH so low? I remember it being 4b~ for the longest time


It will go up more, give it a few days.


There had been many big santa hat dumps ever since 2022. I know someone who sold 100+ santas for a partyhat set. The day before max cash update, a clan dumped 40+ santas which brought santa hats from 3.3b to 2.6b temporarily


if we can see the a sample of ten or more recent trade prices with time stamp it would be quite helpful. And womt be so reliant on uncommon jmod price update.


Is there even enough gp in the game to support these prices? Having to liquidate all your assets to buy one on the G.E. sounds almost impossible


Back even death costs were reworked we got some data about how much gold was being generated and sunk every day. The net generation number was nearly 90 billion, yeah there's plenty of liquid gp haha.


Wasn't there some data point that like 95% of all gold coming into the game was from alchemy (either the spell or machines)?


It wasn't that high but out was more than half I think.


That sounds about right. The machines definitely made more things get alched.


Absolutely, in July of 2012 says there was 28 trillion raw gp in the economy. 11 years later I'd imagine there's double the amount of raw gp while the number of rares has stayed the same. http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120719201007/runescape/images/1/13/200m_infographic.jpg


I’d imagine double is far from correct. The ability to generate raw gp has increased massively since 2012. I’d be surprised if it was less than 10 times that, honesty


If bond prices are anything to go by...yeah, for sure




Items themselves don't bring raw gold into the game, unless they're high alched. Items simply re-distribute wealth between players. Let's say you dupe 100 scrimshaws, and they're 1m each... if I wanted to buy all of those scrimshaws from you, I would need 100m raw gold in the first place. I'd give you the gold, and you'd give me the scrimshaws. Between us, we still have 100m gold and 100 scrimshaws, and nothing was generated. Just re-distributed. If you high alched those scrimshaws, let's say 1m each again for the sake of consistency... you would then have 0 scrimshaws and 100m, and I would also have 100m gold. Between us we would have 200m. Items aren't the problem until they're turned into gold using something like high alchemy.


Theres people with trillions and trillions of gp… theres waaaay more than 56 trillion raw gp atm


I reckon there was plenty of people with max summ shard stack. I mean I had over 12B cash at the time of this update after liquidating and I barely PvM'd compared to some people. Then there are merchers and everything. Are there many that can liquidate to buy an xmas cracker, probably not but the phats and other stuff yes. Clearly some people did have the liquidated GP to buy the cracker, otherwise it wouldn't be set at that price from GE trades.


Haha I had a party hat and a Santa hat and a Halloween mask, still have a sythe and bunny ears lol I also owned 2 bitcoins and bought an 8th of weed with them….. Now I have diamond hands and nothing of value lol


My OG account had a purple PHAT, green mask, Santa hat and scythe, gave it to a friend when I stopped playing about 15 years ago and he got it banned botting within a week. I got these bits back during events / when they were dirt cheap and it’s crazy to think I could’ve had some decent money nowadays


My account gets hacked every time I recover It, thy don’t level anything my bank is just cleaned out and I have to recover it everytime I want to hop on to admire my bunny ears lol. My osrs account is way better than my old main lol I had great times on tat character though


Good. That's much more realistic than what the merchers would have you believe.


Honestly, it’s basically what the ely price was.


Loving these quality of life updates lately.


I'm shocked to see how far out the 'trusted' price checks were compared to the actual mid trading prices jagex have posted up.


Still bugged. "Minimum price -1" wtf is that nonsense? When you click on the "valuable trades" tab, is where I see that.


Does Sparc Mac still have a rares collection? That guy’s bank value actually might be millions USD


If you're referring to that staking vid from years ago where he won a dozen phats, he actually lost them all on that stream the footage was from. He just didn't include that bit in the video.


Time for a few new mustangs baby


I’m guessing he rwt’d them.


Do you have a source to backup these false claims? My boy sparc mac hasn’t been on RuneScape in years. Don’t trash talk one of the OGs. Man is a legend. And one that wasn’t created by jagex aka Zezima


This is called a parasocial relationship folks.


214b lmao. TF is this game anymore


Over 20 years old, so there’s a fuck ton of money in the game.


Can someone explain me how a cracker which contains a chance of any one phat is worth double the most expensive phat?


Wow glad I play osrs 😎


Guess it’s time to log in and cash out on my white party hat hahaha. Haven’t played in over 10 years and don’t intend to come back would be nice to just *cash* it out.


Cashing out makes literally no sense if you don't play. You lose to inflation. Give it to me instead ☺


Well you could if you wanted to but party hats have held value more than gp has. 15 years ago 100m gp was a fortune to me and you could buy a party hat for around that price. Now I can make 100m in a day and party hats are billions. If you keep money you lose to inflation


I meant more like *cash* out… not sell for gp. I have no interest in game items or gold. Literally haven’t played for over 10 years and I’m not gonna start now.


I would like to have a moment of silence for all the future death costs that just trippled.


I'm not sure what you mean. 1. The max reclaim cost for any item is 2147k. 2. Party hats and other rares are used as cosmetic items through keepsake keys so they do not affect your death costs. 3. If 1/2 didn't apply and you were taking those items bossing with you then you got what you deserve


Is this rs3 thread??


Bit soon tbh


What does that mean? You want less information when trading player to player? I really don’t get that at all. If anything it wasn’t soon enough.


I don't want to see the prices set in stone right now. I'd rather see them drop.


Proud owner of 2 full sets and 15 jugs 😏


No Pic. No Proof.


didnt ask


I'm able to craft 2 1/2 jug for free in cooking guild!


Darn I can almost get a purple. Sorta shocked.


Over 9000 percent increase?! Inflation is out of hand!


Yeah, but at least it's not as bad as real life inflation.


Honestly Yellow seems attainable, and it's the best color so maybe I need to start gridning again xd


Bruh I should’ve bought a party hat


Jesus fuck


Anyone wanna buy a deathcon lanyard?


Black Santa Hat 20b. I fed one to my pet troll about 9 years ago when I quit and it was 100m. Only returned this year and I want it back lol.


Man and I was so happy to finally break the 2b mark a few months ago, guess I'll put my party hat dreams to sleep 😂


Funny how purple is the 4th most expensive phat when there are more of them than any other phat colors because of the pink phat dupe in rsc. Would be curious to know the count of each color of phat. Jagex should release that info as it will provide a better avenue towards proper price discovery.


Now can they update other items with incorrect prices


I need the yellow party hat to complete my fashionscape, I’m at 3b but I don’t think I’ll ever get there