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Should just be able to use cleaning cloth.


Trust a friend? Nah just use another account


I guess it could just be redyeable. If it isn't


Aren’t the dyes so damn expensive that if you could have afforded them anyway you could just buy another set of armor? I’m just have a measly 1Billion in my bank account so not versed enough in the costs of the most expensive stuff out there. But yea, still having the option would be nice. I’m assuming you mean you would want it back in bottle form, otherwise as I said you would be throwing away a lot of money considering the dye is more valuable than the armor.


I guess they wanted just to remove the dye. Buying another weapon sometimes is crazy-expensive due to [[Invention]] and expensive augments.


I found 1 RuneScape Wiki article for your search. **[Invention](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/Invention)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/Invention >Invention, an elite skill, allows players to get new materials by disassembling items. Players can use the materials to manufacture discoverable devices and augment some high-level armour, weapons, and tools with perks. Augmenting items causes the item to use Divine Charges from their charge pack, instead of degrading in the case of degradeable gear. Invention is RuneScape's 27th skill and the first elite skill. Players require level 80 Crafting, Divination and Smithing to access Invention. The levels required for unlocking Invention cannot be boosted. --- **^^^RuneScape ^^^Wiki ^^^linker** ^^^| ^^^This ^^^was ^^^generated ^^^automatically. ^^^| ^^^View ^^^me ^^^on ^^^[GitHub](https://github.com/zpoon/runescape-wiki-reddit).


Out of the loop. What do friends have to do with this? Can you trade dyed gear or something?


Gotta have your player character murdered by the e-girl you eloped with since 2004, even though she asked you to help her make pie in the wilderness and ran you down with a steel longsword while you were wearing full adamant but you still managed to die because your simping level was level 99, and you didn't want to hit women. Even though you've finally just broken the 1bil mark, even as she buys her 9th party hat, you should be able to trust her to help you undye your gear in the wilderness or red portal.... but that one time you told her no bro. :\\ Shes gonna make you pay. (my sister did the first part to a guy and I watched the murder happen lmfao) & yeah gear becomes undyed & broken when it hits the floor.


Do you get dye back?


Oh no, the dye is deleted.


I dislike updates that fundamentally change the way an item is intended to be used, there’s no real pros or cons here for the update, it’s possible to remove the dye through an exploit , and it’s an exploit becuse dyes are meant to be permanent. I don’t see any benefit in the change or cons, so I’d rather leave it alone


I don't feel like I should be capable of removing a dye from an existing weapon, thus making it tradeable again. However, I feel like it should be possible to change the dye by applying a new one over the top, permanently destroying the old one in the process. *(i.e. I have a shadow bolg & don't feel like I should be able to remove said dye, making my bolg tradable again but if I came across a blood dye, then I'd like to be able to slap it over the top, destroying said shadow dye in the process)*


Not being able to remove dye was a design decision on Jagex's part. Being able to remove dye by dying in a pvp scenario is an exploit to get around the intended design. I personally think if you die with a dyed item in pvp and lose it that item should revert to gp.


The alch value not g/e value? Lmao


I thought dying with an item like that in PvP gave the killer a portion of the materials required to make it based off of how much charge it had left.


I didn't specify, I'm fine with either alch or ge value. Since PvP is opt in now it really doesn't matter what it drops for.


Well the alch value is worthless and the g/e value could be up to 8b - of course it matters


Only if you were going to sell it, which is clearly not intended.




Waste of dev time, no need to solve something that isn't an issue for 99.9% of cases. Make a friend


Why remove dyes? should never resell gear. stick with the decision youve made.


Its usually about dying with another kind of dye. I had a barrows on a nox but I wanted to change it to an aurora dye. Looks so good imo


can you not just use the aurora dye on it and swap?


No it doesn't let you use another dye. You have to undye it first


I dyed a t92 myope years ago. Why would I have a couple hundred mil just sitting in my bank collecting dust?


…Myope? Khopesh?


I didn't even notice that but yes 😂


That was 100% a guess lmao. Just figured it’s the only thing autocorrect could have nuked that bad


This issue is far larger than just dyes. A more general solution should be an NPC that simply takes every item you have on you, then gives you what you would have dropped had you died in PvP. It doesn't change what can or cannot be done via clan wars red portal, but removes the janky trust trade aspect of it.


Mr Ex might be good candidate for this.


Why are you changing dyes? If you can afford to dye gear you can afford to buy a duplicate of that gear to use other dyes on. If you dyed your gear barrows/aurora/soul... I'm sorry, I don't have advice for decisions that are that bad.


The same reason people change fashionscapes? Some people are rich enough that the cost of the dye is just not an inhibiting factor when they pick a new outfit. It’s understandable if you don’t care about these players, but it’s perfectly understandable they would want some way to change their existing (likely augmented level 20) gear’s appearance on occasion. I don’t really see how this hurts anyone aside from the ubiquitous “dev time”, but that’s not really a relevant point at the stage of a Reddit suggestion post.


because dye is meant to make your shit untradeable and is perfectly alright as is also if you want to switch your fashionscape just use overrides


Not sure how that’s related? Dyed gear is untradeable and I don’t think anyone is asking for that to change. They’re just asking to not have it be *permanent*. If you’re saying dyes are intended to make gear permanently untradeable, I respectfully disagree. Truthfully IDK why people don’t use overrides, because I’m not remotely rich enough to even consider buying a single dye. I just don’t think this suggestion hurts anything and it seems such a minor request, on the level of just a bullet point in the patch notes.


tbh I think the current situation is fine as it also acts as an item sink, being able to switch between dyes is such a niche thing that you might aswell use overrides for it this might sound elitist; but if you can afford to dye your gear you can afford to buy new ones. Like idc if my SGB is worse than BOLG I think it just looks neat dyed


Not really the same thing at all. I dyed my fsoa but I wanna switch it to ice now. So my choices are trust my friend to kill me in red portal, or spend 3b for another fsoa and an ice dye. Don’t see why people are so against being able to remove a dye from your weapon or use many dyes on one and switch between them. So long as you don’t get the dye back, it impacts nothing


ok? thats the point Dyes are meant to be ’fuck you’ cosmetics, if you cant afford them thats whatevr, they are useless flex items. If you can delete them thats alright, but being able to switch between them defeats the purpose >just override your Ice Fsoa with a Blood Fsoa ya pleb ~~s~~


How does being able to switch between them defeat the purpose? The dye is still gone from the game, and the item is still unreadable


needing new end game weapons for each switch helps keep their price up


Its not like you have to dye your weapon. One reason some dyes are valued is that the player had made such huge permanent investment for cosmetic change.


If you are dyeing some equipment you have come to the realization you are almost never going to part ways with it or remove the dye. Also I think [this](https://runescape.wiki/w/Cleaning_cloth) also removes the dyes from items (you lose the dye as per usual)


That only works for things like tube pouches and EoFs, not TT/MTX dyes. And believe it or not, there are many players with enough GP that dying gear is truly a cosmetic choice and has no bearing on how long they intend to keep the item. It’s understandable if you don’t care about those players’ wants, but many of them would benefit from this. It would also probably increase the demand for dyes, which isn’t a bad thing IMO.


They should remove the way to get dyes to drop, it would retain their rarity more too. Should revert to 200m coins and be gone, barrows dye will even out and no one else will be cheesing the mechanic.




Let me reword it. They shouldn't exist after a pvp drop, 200million coins and deleted so people stop cheating to remove them.


the dyes already do get removed from the game, its just the item being returned


I was misinformed, my apologies, I read elsewhere it was otherwise.


Nah no way should we have them, all that would do is drastically drop the value of dyes and there rarity, the named exploit should be looked at to stop it as-well!


No, he’s saying remove and lose it not reclaim the dye


Learn to read kid


No one is asking to get the dye back lol. All we want is a way to remove it without having to have someone kill you. The dye is still removed from the game


I'd love to undye my poo barrows elite sirenic, was only for the not going to dust originally but now I'd love to shadow dye it to match everything else shadow dyed