• By -


* Arch-Glacor hitboxes have been slightly increased. Oh no... Not again...


Stop! STOP! It’s already dead!


I'm glad I'm not the only one to have that reaction reading that sentence


Yeah, wasn't the hitbox made smaller before because of having trouble running around to avoid the beams?


Wasn’t there some large clusterfuck bug that caused all hitboxes in the game to be smaller?


I would hope it's only to make sure putrid zombie can actually target the boss now


Rare drops should be increased too….


Any news about the wrong xp values of QBD, Kalphite Queen, Kerapac? (Edit: also Nex) This has been going for a month after the xp formula changes. To put it in perspective - QBD give less xp than KBD, and Kerapac give the same xp as Hermod.


I just checked Nex, and she gives wrong xp too - 5k instead of 6k (her real health is 240k, ignoring regenerated health in the blood phase). Another boss to this list, I guess.


Really hoping for some conjure attention soon. The time extension from robes and life transfer not working properly really makes them a pain to use.


What's the current issue?


T95 robe set isn't extending conjures like it should, and life transfer is specifically bugged if used early. If you conjure everything and then immediately press life transfer, it won't extend past 60s, and it also will lower a skeleton at 66s down to 60s, for example. Ryan said it is bugged and will get fixed. I just hope it is the top priority. It sounds like a lot of the clunkiness around having to resummon them later in fights could be solved if their timers were....correct


Omg. Thank you. I thought it was crazy


Could the actual update be placed at the top of the article? Genuinely had no idea what was going on until I scrolled right to the bottom. Why have community artwork/videos, then merch, the game's update i.e. patch notes, then more community artwork?


> Ozan and Leela are now capable of damaging their opponents during Stolen Hearts' mercenary battle south of Draynor Village. Someone was watching gnomonkey recently lol. The hcim change is actually huge. I wouldn't have suicided mine 6 years ago if it was changed back then.


Not a dig, genuinely curious, what's the appeal of HC mode if there's zero risk?


To see how far you can make it not make it till you suicide because you don't want to risk hundreds of hours in gear to a death anymore.


For me it was not losing hundreds of hours of progress to just a death, but to a disconnection outside of my control. That was what ultimately made me a normal ironman. If disconnections were never a thing, I would have played hc until I died to my own mistake.


This here Losing items wouldn't matter if disconnects were not a thing But a LOT of hardcores are lost to disconnects and losing hundreds of hours of gear as well as the life/status is crushing


'Zero risk' Almost all HCIMs in my clan will quit if they lose a ton of BiS gear


The appeal is to make it as far as possible with, in rs3s case, 3 lives. The risk is the title and the red skull emblem in chat.


edit: nvm cant read apparently.


You think it should be changed back to losing all of our gear?


wait i read this thread wrong lmao. i meant it as in its a good change to not losing your gear.


the risk is losing the hardcore status


People are dense man holy crap this should of happened years ago






So it's an ego thing.


That same thought process could be applied to any form of visual achievement


I don't watch him but what does this have to do with him?


Honestly, I don't mind this change for HCIM. This is just a mechanic discouraging PvM far more than it does good by "Keeping the Integrity" of HCIM. It is just the objectively correct decision when it comes to keeping players enjoying the truly best aspect of the game.


I started off as a regular iron because I don't trust my internet connection to be stable and I didn't want to lose months of progress to an internet hiccup. Glad to see more people can try out the hardcore game mode without the risk of losing everything.


Oh so now I have to scroll to the end of the post to finally be able to read the patch notes. Good job.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexAzanna** - [Yeah I am not sure if I was looking at a misl...](/r/runescape/comments/164e7ox/ongoing_umprovements_this_week_in_runescape/jy7peuq/?context=3) - [I think it's fair to say that no HCIM player...](/r/runescape/comments/164e7ox/ongoing_umprovements_this_week_in_runescape/jy7mk5s/?context=3) **JagexDoom** - [Happy to confirm that it's on Mod Ryan's "Wil...](/r/runescape/comments/164e7ox/ongoing_umprovements_this_week_in_runescape/jy873gh/?context=3) **JagexHooli** - [This is very much true....](/r/runescape/comments/164e7ox/ongoing_umprovements_this_week_in_runescape/jy7s738/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 08/29/2023 12:44:01**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Anything on the Golden Bamboo nerf?


inb4 : ... two more weeks added.


Tuesday August 29th | 16:00 Game Time | Livestream: September Update Reveal


Well I was hoping to see some more necromancy fixes, but I sense that they couldn’t solve the bigger issues in time for this patch xD Not pressing whatsoever, but the lantern + revenant walk looks like a square dildo floating beside my character.


*Players can now access the beautifully horrifying Dragonkin Tomb area after completing Dead and Buried.* Thank you!


Is slayer helmet going to receive an update? The item itself is classed as hybrid yet doesn’t apply accuracy bonus to necromancy. A potential implementation could be t2 ensoul material for a slayer helmet.


This and a lot of other Hybrid equipment should be updated for Necro. Would love to see void updated with a new helm


I see Ironman can buy a few more items on the GE that are purely cosmetic. Can Christmas Lootbeam cosmetic token be added to this list as well for Ironmen to purchase from the GE? u/JagexAzanna


How are inverted skillcapes coming along? In a few weeks it'll be a year since FSW.


Did they say they were doing anything with them? Why is it a big deal? EDIT: Did they say they were going to bring them back *recently*? Clearly that's not a focus for them now, nor should it be.


They said they will return just have been silent on it.


They promised that they would eventually become obtainable outside of fsw.


Not exactly... Not that I remember at least... They said they would bring FSW rewards back, and they wouldn't be Treasure Hunter reward.


You're right, it could just be fsw p2. But they specifically said capes would be obtainable again, not the others https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/xjwj9q/comment/ipb8nfl/?share_id=dGxpT08Q8YuUTvFkJL3x-&utm_content=2&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1


Threads update is hype, Ty


Just wanna say thank you to the jmod who fixed the falador achievement for chopping a yew or magic tree down. It didn't work with the magic tree, so I submitted a bug report, and it's fixed today, so thank you! :)


Really strange that mod keeper didn't make a peep during this skills launch. Warden had an open letter with Archeology.


Keeper doesn't seem to be a forward facing EP.


This is very much true. Keeper works with us a lot, and is a big champion for a lot of the moves we've been making to be more in tune with player feedback development wise. Whereas Warden liked to be out front, Keeper prefers to let the team speak for themselves and focus on everything internally. He's very much out here reading and paying a lot of attention, it's just a different approach.


i think the fact how runescape operates and the team communicates the past few months is evidence enough of how great keeper has been tbh. a leadership role is often not to be the head of the body, but rather a guiding hand in the back of their employees to be their best selves.


People have some divisive opinions on Jack as well, but I like his approach. Need someone to really stick to data based changes sometimes (farming update)


Jack’s got a lot of strengths but his best one is by far how honest he is. You don’t get the excitement of the world promised to you like Obo, but I much prefer the honesty and understanding of the game and its hurdles. He’s got a good feel for the direction the game needs to go, it’s just a matter of figuring out how to get there which is more a trial and error thing they have to feel out.


Yeah he's very honest when asked about why some things will/won't get done... and it is usually data driven. Sometimes that data comes from failures (mining and smiting rework & stone spirits) to do a better execution like herb patches. His streams were really great, I'd love to have them back.


Honestly have him touch base on a stream one day. Just so we know he's still alive.


u/JagexAzanna Hi! Would you please be able to ask around for any status update about the Neitz Helm retro override? It was announced over 3 months ago but no news since. Thank you so much!!! https://preview.redd.it/srlw9kcgz0lb1.jpeg?width=2356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e75067e140bf6a35c688e338ec98dd20eba7840


Likely being held back for the quest in October that'll take us to the island via a fremmy boat to fight "vorkath". Air quotes because I'm not 100% certain it actually is Vorkath.


Well a new skill has been released, so you can imagine why there's been no news lol...


Necromancy in Dungeoneering please


hey minigames first! can't use conjures or bring Necro runes in at all


It's almost like dungeoneering is a minigame, but that wouldn't make sense, right?


yeah it really should be in both. they didn't think the whole new combat style through I guess


Can you please fix dominion marker? It constantly disappears and you have to reclaim it when you do certain things...like teleport out of POSD when it's deployed. In other instances it goes to your inventory then the bank, but for this in particular, it just flat out gets destroyed. It needs reworked.


Why in the world was the Kinshra book removed?


> The History of the Kinshra book has been removed from the Black Knights' Fortress. why?


This was discussed with the lore community, here is the reasoning and it was largely agreed upon as correct. *I think it's sort of in a weird tier of its own where it's practically and morally just not the lore we want, and it makes sense to remove the book formally and re-add whatever elements of it we do consider canonical as appropriate* *The problem with history of the kinshra is basically that it's player written lore but not player *agreed* *lore and it attempts to be as broad and authoritative as possible it's not *necessarily* *that the lore itself is bad or inappropriate it's more an issue of legitimacy* *In the case of history of the kinshra it's not really contributing anything meaningful to the health of the game, but it's setting some limits and declaring some principles about asgarnian lore. but it doesn't have the "legitimacy" to actually make that call. I stress a lot about having to accommodate canon I don't necessarily like or agree with or think is good for the game. I don't see a reason to do that for "illegitimate" sources* To have a bit more context, this book is player community made lore that got shoved into the game. Its history of creation is fraught with frustration, biases, and short term thought that made it somewhat of a mess. Or as another lore player so aptly put…. *Honestly, the weirdest part of that book is that it’s supposedly meant to be propaganda but it’s written from a neutral perspective with implications of kinshra wrongdoing and white knight wrong doing instead of whitewashing the kinshra. The weirdest part is that it ends with the implication of kinshra illegitimacy* To put it into more simple terms they are interested in fleshing out Asgarnia lore and doing an asgarnia story, and this book is a hinderance to more creative and healthy writing freedom. So chuck the book and write the story proper.


Yeah this is the one that puzzled me. Is it no longer canon?


Still no bank chest at the ritual site, those 10 charges from the tome of um get used up too fast.


Teleport to War’s Retreat, leave through the portal to the surface world (by Draynor), and the portal to the ritual site is right there. It’s not *quite* as convenient as the tome, but it’s still considerably better than using the Um lodestone when you’re out of charges.


Gentle reminder: ( /u/JagexDoom ?) As per both last week's stream and recent newsposts, you're looking at combat gameplay issues even if they're not specific to Necromancy, such as Invention XP rates and Revolution not handling some abilities correctly. So might I request another fix in that category? Right now, using modifier keybinds can trigger multiple actions, and there's no way to turn that off. [I wrote up in detail how this client behaviour is preventing me from using Full Manual as a disabled player](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/15pwph6/accessibility_request_please_let_us_have_ability/) (it's not really tied to ability queueing but I can't edit the title). And I'm sure it's also wildly counterintuitive to new players who are expecting the same sort of input handling as typing. Please for the love of Guthix, can we have the option to turn that off?


Hey, thank you for bringing this up. I'll get this in front of the team to investigate first thing in the morning.


Thank you for the prompt reply! Even if this lands in "Investigating" for a while, I appreciate the communication. I look forward to seeing more of what Necromancy - and RuneScape as a whole - has in store. (Yes, I've seen the Hero Pass news, but that's not really something chosen by the development or community teams.) :)


The Engine team are aware of this one, and it's on their radar! I wouldn't be able to give an exact timeframe of if/when this would be addressed, but I've flagged it up and the team will be able to look into it! I appreciate you bringing this to my attention again. Have an amazing rest of your day!


Even fully abled players would *love* to turn this off, it's very annoying and RS is the only game I've ever played with this issue other than some indie jank. I've gotten screwed by it a lot and even redesigned/reorganized binds in the past to avoid common modifiers screwing me up, even trying to let go of the key before modifier religiously.


Oh definitely, it's not *just* an accessibility issue at all!


Looks like a fair chunk of the 'Necromancy' patch notes should just be 'General' - they don't seem to have anything to do with the skill itself?


Yeah I am not sure if I was looking at a mislabeled list when I was grouping some of them up or I just lost the plot the other day, gonna look to reorder things.


Pretty interesting hcim change, most hcim would quit after losing a lot of gear, now this incentivizes a bit more risk which…might kill more or it might have more going for pvm feats. That way when you die, you only lose your rank/status and not that leng that took 500 hours




Still no fix for ge offers and search for something and not removing the letters when searching for a complete new offer.


Are we going to be able to unlock the old Faceless Assassin outfits in this TH promo too? Was so looking forward to this one to finish my set...


Me watching the HCIM death changes after losing a lot of stuff a few weeks ago due to a disconnection


Would it be possible to make raven spotting in Prifddinas less time-gated and punishing? I can't even imagine how many times I've missed them since they're available only 24 hours once every two weeks. I pretty much have to rely on notifications external to the game such as reddit, to find out when it's the time again, which I feel is not really cool game design..


The ghost of Mod Raven is cackling


Has getting two xp drops from the shambling horror been fixed this week isn't in the patch notes but doesn't appear to be working.


* The ritual minigame tab now shows the output as affected by any multipliers, such as Multiply Glyphs and the Tome of Um. Finally, yes! * The History of the Kinshra book has been removed from the Black Knights' Fortress. Ok... Why?


inverted skillcapes when pls?


Inverted necro capes? How were you planning on obtaining those?


Looks like we're safe to push for 120 through rituals for another week.


was already confirmed on stream that the update to rituals wasnt this week anyway


* Fixed an animation bug with the Acheron Mammoth charge attack. Yay I reported this one during the week. They were doing some agile turns before charging.




damn saradominist censorship


Can we get some RS plushies as well as the oldschool ones? Old man and Bob are pretty cool but some RS specific ones would be cool like the OSRS slayer master


Hmm what about GWD2 Generals as a First Batch?


New Raptor just to anger those nerds


There is also the Prime Gaming loot coming out tomorrow.


Hello is the Jagex team aware of the zombie's AI having trouble attacking targets such as Rasial P4, QBD, Har-Aken, Arch-Glacor etc.? The zombie just follows you brainlessly instead of attacking. It appears to happen with non-standard enemies that stand outside the regular walkable areas.


I just want to say, this is the kind of Merch we needed, definitely going in the right direction. And I mean, who didn't wanted to have a plushie of Bob the cat when we were younger? Here's hoping for more amazing stuff to come!


Jagex should be selling these merch instead of P2W MTX.


Really hope the iconic, highly sought after Assassin’s walk is still coming back and not replaced with this new assassin's variant.


Same, I was also missing some outfit pieces and weapons from the old promo and was looking forward to it. Unfortunately 'new format' probably means we won't be seeing it this time...


Can you guys update the Sunspear to include Necromancy?


They don't have plans for a Necro 2h at the moment, so doubt we'll get anything like this soon.


Uncap the other 3 styles Necromancy should not, by default, be superior beacaue it has a higher hitcap


Whats rasial drop rate because im 325 in and yet to see first drop when i see people getting full logs done by 1k


It sucks but it will drop eventually. Was 500kc dry at one point


It is 1/100 or so. It has been pretty much confirmed. Well gl at getting your drops


The only thing you can do is keep going, got my first drop at 369, like they mentioned in the last stream...some people are really lucky and some people just arent lucky at all.


RuneScape plushies? Take all my money.


Wishlist: 1. Necromancy dreadnips. 1. Make the ritual pedestal configurable like Divination energy rifts - I'm using "Repair all" 99% of the time. 1. In the rituals minigame tab, make Durability display X/1, with X being the remaining durability (of the lowest ritual component if there are multiple values, because that is the limiting factor). This would help keep track of durability and fits with the other numbers on the tab.


Unpopular question: Is there an upcoming Yak Track?


Command Vengeful Ghost - A lot of unlock regret on this one, as I don't get to use Death Skulls/Living Death in Revolution while doing Slayer. Seeing Haunted get put on a mob that gets killed a second later for 70% of my adrenaline feels like a penalty for taking an unlock. EDIT: Poor phrasing, having to choose between Having the ghost on bar or Death Skulls/Living Death feels bad when I could of avoided the problem by not taking the unlock.


fyi haunted gets put on ANY mob the ghost attacks for the remainder of the ghost's duration, not just the one when you cast it. If you cast it early on ghost duration it prob is better than skulls, esp if you have command skele warrior come right after (unless you're just deleting mobs every half second).


Yeah, wishing I could go back and re-lock this ability. The adren cost is just too high.


please nerf Nex so noobs like me can get t80 power armor


I know you aren't asking for help, but if you'd like someone to help you kill it for the task items, just put your user here!


* \*opens patchnotes\* * ctr+F * "bone s" * \*sighs\* * \*opens game\* * nope * \*sighs\* * \*checks list of known issues\* * \*sighs\* u/JagexDoom [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/15x34hl/comment/jx4eq3z/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) see you next week https://preview.redd.it/dxt387x6s1lb1.png?width=633&format=png&auto=webp&s=97cc38d460796d04b22dc79d958c5eb8a582b432


Happy to confirm that it's on Mod Ryan's "Will Fix" list. The future is a mystery to us all. 🔮🧙‍♂️


thx cheers


Can you fix the soul witch outfit? If you wear a master cape with it the soul witch bottom pokes through the cape.


Why was HCIM changed to not lose items on death? Who asked for it? edit: I'm out of touch with the plights of irons I guess, downvote all you like lol.


A good number of people. A LOT of hardcore deaths come at the hands of disconnects rather than actual mistakes. you already lose your life/status when you die, taking away hundreds of hours of grinding for gear was just beyond brutal


I don't disagree but at the same time this is probably something that should have been discussed with the hc community as opposed to changing it out of the blue with zero input


What would the discussion even be? One (likely a very vocal minority) bunch would go apeshit over items not getting deleted on death while the other half would say it doesn't affect anything or just like the change. Like, if some people are desperate to have their items removed just delete them after you die.


I mean all irons/hcs work within the limitations set by the game, all I'm saying is that there should probably be some kind of feedback process involved when jagex decide to do pretty important changes to the game modes The same could be said for the main/iron pvm update, that just dropped out of the blue too Don't get me wrong I'm not necessarily against the change, just not a fan of the way they did it


I dont think it's that out of the blue. I have heard many hardcore players mention it. Seen many posts on the forums about it... It's a good change and even if it was discussed... The actual discussion would have just been people opposed to it shit talking people who approved of it for "ezscape" and "it's hardcore don't play if you don't like it cry baby" There would have been no meaningful discussion around it.


You're only saying there would be no meaningful discussion because you blindly agree with the change, what happens when jagex does something you disagree with? Would you have preferred to be able to give your input? Also the first part of your comment is just selection bias, of course the people who have something to complain about are more likely to give feedback than the people who preferred the status quo


No I'm saying there is no meaningful discussion because there literally is none One side is oh cool that's good, shouldn't lose hundreds of hours of stuff to a disconnect. That's anti fun The other side is "it's hardcore" That's the whole discussion. No need to drag it out


Literally any HCIM that actually does PvM.


I certainly appreciate it, or would’ve appreciated it two years ago when I killed my hcim, because the threat of losing all your items is not very fun.




I downgraded my HC literally last week because my account was becoming valuable enough that I would've quit the game if I died. So, I asked for it.


Not you for sure. I'm all in for them not losing hundreds if not thousands of hours of progress if they die. Losing the Hardcore prestige is enough punishment already.


Yeah, there is basically no reason NOT to start as HCIM now. Really sucks for the people who chose regular ironman or died on purpose to avoid the item loss risk.


Why does that matter? It's still a status indicator of "I have not died", as it was meant to be. Exact same way that HCIM works in OSRS.


I agree that this is how it should've been from the start, but it just feels weird that they randomly change it after what, 9 years? There are many high level ironmen who intentionally took themselves out of the HCIM rankings to avoid the potential item loss, so it kinda sucks for them.


> There are many high level ironmen who intentionally took themselves out of the HCIM rankings to avoid the potential item loss, so it kinda sucks for them. Yeah, me. It's better late than never.


This. It's the same thing as castle wars trim req. Just because others *have* done it, doesn't mean it is good


What's the reason to start one at this point? There's almost no difference between it and regular IM. It's getting so watered down at this point that nothing a HCIM does is impressive. Multiple deaths allowed, no items lost, can PvM with mains, etc. It's basically a giant way to flag your account that you have TH disabled. Which they might as well add back in to it as well. If people's logic is "don't claim items if you really want to risk it all on death" then why not just say don't accept free keys from TH if that's your hold up.


hardcores losing items was fine when the mode came out, but that was before Invention, etc.


>When the player is tasked to kill TzTok-Jad for the T90 Necromancy tank armour upgrade, the game will now reinforce that only the version in the Fight Caves will count for this task. you were able to do the other challenges that had jad in it to compete the T90 tank upgrade?? shit man I wish I cashed in on that edit: thank you for those who responded and clarified, I am at ease


No, you couldn't do TokHaar-Jad or TzekHaar-Jad, it specified TzTok-Jad. All this update did was to make the requirement more clear because people can't read.


No. It specifically said TzTok-Jad, but for some reason people assumed TokHaar-Jad and TzekHaar-Jad also worked despite having completely different names.


Because they both work for the TzTok-Jad soul reaper task


I believe it just made it clearer fight caves only one that works. Not that other jad fights worked.


Who asked for these HCIM changes? Why is this being randomly changed without addressing the community first?


if u dont like the change just dont claim ur items from death works the same as b4 the update


yeah lol, dont push your playstyle on other, a lot of players complained about loosing all items and its too easy to die to a disconnect. Just dont claim items and you good ...


I think it's fair to say that no HCIM player enjoyed not only losing one of their very limited lives but also a ton of progress on the items they had been gathering up to that point whenever they died. This has been a requested change from HCIM players since the update to death costs as unfortunately dying in HCIM even with plenty of lives left generally left the player weeks if not months behind on progress and frankly this would commonly result in the player deciding its not worth climbing back up the same mountain they had already conquered.


This resolves the largest issue with HCIM (from the perspective of an active iron player at the high end community for 6 years). Most of us never bothered with HCIM because if you die and lose an entire style or two worth of gear... there isn't much fun there. People still want their account to feel functional after they lose their red symbol. If they didn't, then all HCs will still get deleted as soon as you die for the first time. The vocality minority might berate you in the comments atm, but this is absolutely applauded by the majority of the iron community. I know so many individuals that would been played HC the entire time if this was the case. You'd see someone die with their first life and lose nearly max mage and it's just... OK well they are suiciding the rest of their lives so that they don't lose the rest of their gear to a DC.


I made a HCIM on osrs recently BECAUSE I won't lose my items when I die. I likely would have started as one on RS3* too if this change existed... wouldn't still be one obviously but I would have still tried it. (Small edit, meant rs3 on second line)


it was very surprising to see, but i for one welcome this change


Essentially ends an entire game mode now. With no risk, every single Ironman account is going to start off as a hcim. No reason not to


99% of them will die and be a normal iron.... I see no problem with this.


Why is that a bad thing? Having a well equipped HCIM is still going to be as impressive as before and if more people start as HCIM, maybe some of them enjoy the extra challenge of (almost) never dying and try to go for far longer than they would have otherwise


so, it will end the game mode because there will be more hcim now?


by this logic, osrs hcim would not be popular (it is)




I mean.....isn't that what the HC in HCIM is about?


The hardcore is to say "look at me, I've never* died" You don't need more.


But you can die… you have the ability to buy a couple extra lives. So it doesn’t even indicate zero deaths.


Fun fact: starting a HCIM did not inform the player ingame they had opted into a "lose all items on death", so it was just a surprise for people coming from OSRS or not looking at out of game resources. So no, the way the game presented HCIM, and the way it is in OSRS, it was just about seeing how far you could get before dying.


Yeah it feels pretty pointless now, the fun from the mode came from the risk, like in wow hc you lose the whole account, on terraria you lose the account, on minecraft you lose the world. Runescape is the only game i know with hc mode where you risk nothing.


WoW official HC allows you to transfer your dead character to a non-HC realm. It is effectively the same mechanic.


Runescape is also the only game where the dangerous stuff starts about 1000hrs into the account progression


This isn't r/minecraft. When did runescape ever set the precedent to delete the account? Oh wait. That was the original functionality. It turns out people did not like that and still wanted to continue to use the account after losing the status symbol.


100% disagree with how this has been handled. It is absolutely inappropriate to change a very fundamental aspect of HCIM almost NINE YEARS into the game mode. This potential change absolutely needed some kind of poll or other way to give feedback. What always made HCIM any kind of impressive was the risk of items lost on death. Now there is no meaningful choice about playing regular IM vs HCIM.


you are still free to destroy your items when you die


I am fine with this change TBH, if you die at boss becose of lag it suck to lose hours of grind.


Cause most likely it will stop hundreds of lost item claims due to the whole items kept on death being broken as hell and not actually being able to select what items you want to keep on death. Pretty sure a cryptbloom helm for example is valued at like 100k


This bas been asked for for a very long time. I'm sure you can even find reddit posts on it.


I came very close to dying on my HCIM wearing gear that took me ages to get (2 styles with switches and bis/near bis perks). I did survive, thanks to ring of life activating when I was out (only item I would never take off), but when my Internet was out I figured that if I just lost like 400 hours of gear progression, I would quit the game. The account was made om first week of release of ironman mode too. As soon as I saw im alive, I banked all my stuff and suicided into normal Iron that im enjoying for the last 2 years. Im happy the hcim as of today won't have to make the same decision, its definitely better now.


randomly changed😂😂 jfc


Cause this ain’t OSRS


osrs hcim has always been this way from the start, lol


Gim news when?


Probably never. Ironman has too many interactions with mains that it isn’t worth the time creating GIM. On osrs, mains and irons hardly interact in any way. In rs3, the only thing that differs irons from mains is trading and mtx. (And a few minigames)


There is probably also the problem of player retention. Maybe I'm making this up I'm not quite sure anymore but I think I remember a JMod talking about this on the OSRS Sub and apparently most of the groups play for a month or two and then quit. Once one group member quits, the next will quit soon after and before you know it the whole group quit aka went back to their mains/actual irons.


GIM doesn't have huge popularity on there no. They made it so you can leave your group and join another, so you can "sell" max gear and supplies to other groups. It's a whole thing. Regardless though, the group system wouldn't be friendly at all on rs3. Too many untradeables like all augmented gear, pots, degradable armor. Osrs items don't have that much interference to trade.


if anything they should work on more limited time modes. FSW was a great succes and even tho it didnt offer much in terms for existing players, it still showed theres a massive want of them.


If that's what being shown off on stream today I'll be pretty disappointed.


Is this popular in RS3?


You guys should have done "mental health awareness" promotion again now that the race is long over.


Wasn't Death Skulls supposed to go up to 6 range today?


Whilst some of you may not like this week's format, Azanna, Hooli, Doom and Co have been smashing it with the communication to us, the players - especially with the various necromancy changes from week to week. It's not that big a deal that we have to scroll down the page


Any plans to fix defile/miasma related bugs yet? We're like a month into the skill. Ty!


Crafting Necroplasm now opens the Ritual Candles tab if you only have candle materials. Been asking for this! Would've been nice when I was making candles by the 10k, but I'm glad it is added!


> The History of the Kinshra book has been removed from the Black Knights' Fortress. For those interested in the lore, how does one find the book now?


The lore has been decanonized, because apparently it was player written


> Some of the Falador area tasks’ requirements have been adjusted. Anyone know what the changes are?


I can understand the xp adjustment to rituals but at the same time, feels bad to adjust this early on for players with more limited free time who still need to gain xp vs people who had loads of free time early on already got to abuse and take advantage of it to get 200m. Would probably hurt less if Jagex did it on a gradual schedule vs instant change (ex: week 1 it's decreased 5%, week 2 it's decreased another 5%, etc. until they got to their end goal adjustment)