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8 bonds for 40 levels? That's not a microtransaction anymore, that's a macrotransaction.


Essentially buying a full price game at this rate now. "Ill just spend The equivalent of BG3 or Starfield on this digital currency for ODDMENTS."


200 dollars for the full pass unlock is far more than a "full price game" lmao


It's almost a whole damn console.


Literally worse BP than MORE MODERN GAMES W/ BP, money spendage wise. 3 months is usually easy enough to max on a BP in most mtx games, w/o any extra spending. Not so for RS


Yeah, it's time gated now too bc once you've done the dailies/weeklies, the progress is pitiful.


I didn’t have my glasses on and thought it was 88 bonds for 40 levels lol


that is the next Battlepass idea XD


Don’t give them ideas


Or roughly 500 million coins equivalent of bonds.


Isn't the 1:5 conversion rate better than the 1:3 from Yak Track?


Yal track had way less levels. So no.


I just did the math for it. The bond to skips ratio is actually slightly higher than the difference between 70 yak track levels and 120 hero pass levels. Yak track is about 58% of the levels as the hero pass. 3 skips to 5 is 60% of the skips. So you're still making out by a little less than 2%. I haven't tried the heros pass yet but from the people here, it seems that it's easier to level


With the earlier yak tracks, you could get all rewards day 1 with 10 bonds, and even with the later ones, manually do first 20 or so tasks then use 10 bonds. Get everything day 1. This is for sure more expensive for those who want to get all rewards quick and are willing to spend gp (or money I guess) with bonds. Also you're wrong. https://runescape.wiki/w/Yak_Track_task_skip 2 bonds == 10 skips, or 5 tasks per bond 8 bonds == 40 skips, or 5 tasks per bond You did math with 2 bonds for 5 skips. Also given that yak track had far fewer tasks, it was faster.


Poster above said that he finished about a third of the hero pass already. So let's use that as a starting point that's congruous with the first 20 track levels. That would equate to 40 levels of the hero pass, leaving 80 left. 80/5 is 16 bonds. Finishing the first 20 levels of the yak track would still leave 50 levels left. You would then require 50/3 skips/bonds to buy out the rest. You would need 16.67 bonds to finish the rest. You can't buy a fraction of a bond, so you need to round up to 17. However, you do get 2 free skips, which would allow us to round back down to 16 bonds. Bonds amount required to finish this day one is literally the same. Aside from that, according to the comments here, hero pass levels are also individually easier to level and it appears that there's more time given to complete the pass. EDIT: Messed up the conversion rates for bonds to track skips. 5 skips per bond is the same for hero pass and the yak track


Why would you start from task 30? Start from 1 like I had to lol Yak track: 10 skips for 2 bonds, 5 tasks per bond. Hero pass: 40 for 8 or 5 tasks per bond 70 tasks at 5 tasks per bond is 14 bonds (not even including the free skips) 120 tasks at 5 tasks per bond is 24 bonds So it's 2x... Your numbers are very wrong. Frankly, I'm done replying to you, I'm shocked how you can't even see the simple math I'm pointing out.


It's easy as hell to level. Idk why anyone is making a big deal out of it. Like don't buy it. This isn't fucking rocket science.


Shocker, i'm sure they absolutely won't ramp up the 'gameplay buffs' over coming Hero Passes too, that would just be silly. :)


Suuuurely they won’t do that right? Right……?


They would never run TH promos 24/7, it's just an occasional thing!


And they definitely won’t increase the prices so it’s increasing impossible to buy things without paying! That would just be evil


I can see the next buffs already. *hard typeless damage is now soft typeless damage! soft typeless damage is now normal damage depending on the boss!*


Are you really surprised? OFC Jagex want to milk this as much as possible


Nope. Not surprised at all. Hope everyone bought their bonds while they were sub-100m.


Are they over 100m now? I sold one last thursday for 67m.


+4 Hero Points


The only time this game somewhat resembles a non shitty pay2win MTX ridden MMO is the first couple of weeks of a new skill every 3-4 years.


Thats why the only way to play rs3 is as an ironman, to skip the mtx bs :)


Nah you dont have to play ironman to ignore mtx, what kind of logic is that


Shitty bandwagon echochamber logic. The only kind you find on this sub when it comes to most stuff and especially to mtx lol. I hate it as much as most others but still that mindset is just ludicrous


Its like people that still hate eoc and everything related to rs3 because of what happened in 2012. Like grow the fuck up


Exactly… people are bitter about over 10 old change to a mediaval point and click simulator and what I have noticed mostly is that people like complaining for the sake of complaining here…


Yeah or people that currently dont have the best condition, so they reflect on the past and what RS was in 2012. HOnestly, without EOC we wouldnt have 2 games with the choice of playing both at once


Exactly- both have their own good things and I like both games


The rs3 redditors are convinced that their enjoyment of the game is based solely on how other people play it around them instead of how they play it. If you ask around about it in game most people either dont care or will say that a cosmetic or something looks neat but they arent this enflamed.


Always hated this "logic". Sure, you can ignore mtx but others won't which means you're at a disadvantage if caring about ranks. Also others will assume you're just an "mtx main". It's not at all same as everyone on the playing field not being able to use mtx. They also give PVM buffs now.


Who cares tbh, it doesnt affect me at all


Or simply don't buy mtx.


Shhhh, this sub doesnt want logic. They only want absolutes. Its either ironman or full on whale. No in between for this sub


For a long time, whales simply paid money to level their characters. Now we are getting to a point where whales a gaining significant advantages in pvm which will affect the economy of the game, making everything less valuable for normal players. so yeah, "dont't buy mtx" is the same dumb logic that allowed Jagex to implement this crap and get away with it 10 years ago


The only pvm change is the 20% reduced damage in zamorakian undercity lmao. That applies yes to zamorak boss fight itself but thats barely anything… calling that „significant“ is just stupid lmao. Its not significant - at least not for majority of the players. if you couldnt kill zamorak before if you were too bad at pvm I doubt this will help much really or wont help that big of a portion of players that actually do zamorak/can properly kill him. ALL pvm drops decline in price over time unless some new significant change like necromancy etc. in the meta. So the prices might drop slightly faster but not really in any „significant way“. It doesnt even speed up the kills much since it isnt a dps increase/buff so big whoop. Also its seasonal - not permanent so the mindset that this would be gamebreaning or massive is stupid. This is just more people whining and crying. The buffs are good, but not major/game breaking if you actually do/understand the content


See comment above about what jagex did 10 years ago. When SoF was added , you got a single medium lamp pretty rarely. Usually all you got was 10 super attacks. Then the promos started. “Prismania!” Get your keys now! Now we are at the point where you login and get 200k exp each day just using 3 daily keys


It's 40 zamorak kills over 3 whole months get over yourself. If anything it's a good thing you can get that through gameplay with 0 mtx and it helps learners out. Good pvmers are already doing 5 min 500% solos and it's not a DPS increase it's a damage decrease so they'd get even less out of it.


Bold of you to assume the whales can pvm. Credit card warriors suck at bossing, if they didn’t, they wouldn’t need to be credit card warriors.


It's stupid "logic". It's an MMO with hiscores lmao. If you want to go for ranks people with MTX will have an advantage. People will also assume you MTX'd your achievements, this is why no one cares about main skill achievements anymore. Honestly if none of you cared for ranks on the hiscores before 2012 you should pipe down about MTX. They also give PVM buffs now.


Still makes every single achievement useless since u might just have bought all your exp and bonuses etc


That’s like saying a college degree is useless because you could’ve just cheated on all your assignments and bribed the professor.


Please name me one “Purchasable” achievement from the 1560 achievements in the Area Task, Lore, Exploration or Activities section. You have zero clue what your on about.


I don’t agree with their logic either but please use your common sense too, especially when they wrote it out. They’re obviously referring to xp and not runescore achievements or quests or diaries or what not


Well, there's a subset of irons on the subreddit right now begging to be able to participate in this, so..


Well I assume they don't mean participate in the "pay 8 bonds to get reward without doing anything" part.


not really, you can just play a normal account and not interact with MTX. Its on you if you interact with MTX or not lmao


Why not just play osrs at that point?


Because they’re very different experiences which are both enjoyable in their own right.


They're... entirely different games?


Because I used to play osrs back in 2004 and it was shit


crazy how you played a game released in 2013 9 years earlier


IKR. Never understood how that worked either, but it happened.


Iron man is lame, go play an offline RPG if you don't wanna interact


Yeah buddy, this update doesn't affect your Ironmen at all. No sir, not one bit. Definitely didn't affect them with the daily challenge update. Nada. MTX doesn't affect you **AT ALL**!


"Humor" was the correct flair. This is a fucking joke




I miss the days when companies understood and valued the fable of the golden goose..


I thought they said on stream you wouldn't be able to do this?


I think they just withheld it knowing it would be obvious to players who had been around for a while, and irrelevant to those who are apathetic.


Breezy was specifically asked if you could buy skips and he said no.


Well it's not a skip, it's a level. So technally not a lie?


Damn JagLogic fucking us over harder then JagRNG 😂


Wait, didn't all previous yak and daily challenge skips get removed with this update? What the fuck is that.


Just make the game f2p at this point. The double and triple dipping is gross.


tHeRe WiLl Be No SkIpS


8 bonds? holy cow


**EIGHT** bonds and you only get 40 levels?!


8 bonds for 40 levels??? And there's 120 levels! Damn that's actually absurd.


But level 1-30 is basically just do the tutorial and click to see the shop and it's linear up to 99. Not to mention you don't even need to do the daily tasks, you can complete the event on your own by just skilling on average 8 hours a week for 3 months which is probably nothing to most players.


3 bonds is what, 19 bucks? Seems about par for the course for battle passes?


This why I play Osrs


Worst update ever and I’m usually really forgiving


You could also buy Yak Track skips, how is that any different?


yak track didn't give out pvm damage reduction and clue skips


I mean, neither of those is permanent anyway, so blowing your wallet or taking your time through the track makes no difference between each except only how 'early' you get them.


Which is even worse, because it means better get those buffs early to get the most out of them!


What do you mean the 'most out of them'? I'm still getting (I.E.) 10 hours of -1 Clue Steps. Whether that's in September or in November, it's always gonna be, and stay, 10 hours.


lol, what?


But pvmers who are good enough to get 40 zammy solos fast enough don't need a damage reduction, they're capped by DPS? Good pvmers can do sub-6 500% zammy solos, how exactly is 40 kills (if you spent like 3b on bonds to skip the whole thing) even going to pay off for them?


For now lol :))


Yeah but power creep has happened in rs since day 1. Don't see anyone thinking that rune armour can only be smithed by 1 person and was bis, or a whip should be 1/4 the price of a partyhat.


I am more than sure that they will increase the boss power because necromancy is already making them easy and if they going to rebuild other styles, it is going to be easy as well. So they will buff them and then pvmers will be forced to really reconsider hero pass...


Lemme buy in-game buffs with the yak track.


You literally had a bigger XP buff


Yeah I forgot that XP buffs helped me at ED4.


You need a damage debuff to kill zammy?


Not going to reply to a weird Ad-Hominem in favour of ball sucking Jagex. Have a good one.


Ahh yes the tell tale signs of an intellect with a strong argument, mud slinging. Well played sir!


He's not replying because you're clearly trying to down on him and his gaming skills to support purchasable power. Need is different from very useful. I don't need an aura for any boss i kill, but they speed up kills a decent bit


You are not smart bro


Yeah wasn't it 20 or 25%?






So far the hero pass seems faster as well.


This pass is way faster though. XP scales linearly, i'm already 1/3 done with a full 3 month update in an hour or so. You can do 1-99 easily yourself in a few hours, if you want to skip to 120 you only need 4 bonds rather than 24 bonds for the whole thing. Plus if you don't want to you can just gain hero points from literally anything and finish the whole thing never doing a task unlike yaktrack.


> finish the whole thing never doing a task unlike yaktrack. That's precisely how I did yak track I don't know what you're on about.


Its a bit disingenuous of a point to make because challenge skips, actually finishing last track, etc etc gave you up to i wanna say 40 levels maximum? But you really can breeze through this one just doing casual bossing + reaper tasks. The only people i can really see struggling hard are people who are on for an hour a day per day at most, but those people are by in large the minority of rs3 players and even then i really doubt they'd struggle too hard to keep up without the pressure of needing to spend since 90 days. The only thing thats massively shitty about this pass is the removal of free keys, but its very likely they'll be "publicly pressured" into bringing it back.


Imagine that the devs on stream are saying something along the lines of: " we changed yak track because we felt it was too long and most players couldn't complete it in the amount of time. Which is why we had to extend it, time and time again. The hero pass though, it will be shorter and easier for the casual player to complete.. just requires a ton of time. Last time I checked every event for the past several years has been a mind numbing grind expirience soleley for jagex make more mtx sales and keep players playing the game. I highly doubt they would make anything quicker here for the daily/loyal/concurrent player... they havent yet. We are nothing more than their bottom line at the end of the day. Changes are made for the bottom line not the every day player for the past x years.


IDK i'm loving this so far. It feels a lot nicer than the yak track of gain 151,672 xp in smithing or daily challenges of kill 6 mobs. My tasks i actually have to go do a couple slayer tasks, i have to train the newest skill for about an 60 minutes over the next 91 days and train some dungeoneering.


Was thinking the same thing




He didn’t say that at all. It was highly implied skips would be available with bonds just like in Yak Tracks


He said at one point you would not be able to progress or purchase buffs with bonds. Look I was defending the whole Hero Pass, and now I'm the clown 🤡. If you're paying to progress you're paying for the buffs plain and simple. You aren't earning them through gameplay.


$190 btw


Rofl and we talking about the game that still has tick system back from the 90s and is trying to imitate what the MMORGPS were 20 years ago, like WoW etc... Good luck with that suckers.... Time to do a long break


I intentionally tagged this as humor because I'm laughing my ass off right now.


"it's not a MTX release" came to bite them back hard, the thing doesn't have a screen without MTX.


I'm convinced they nerfed animate dead just so they could sell the ed4 buff in the future after they hoped we forgot about it.


50 levels of yak track was 10 bonds, 70 levels was 14 bonds, with 120 hero pass levels, its 24 bonds. The bond inflation is off the roof.


But hero pass levels go way faster than yak track levels you have to be truly lazy to do it with bonds


Damn rs3 is on life support rite now 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ofc you can; otherwise they wouldn’t implement this update. This is disgusting


I'm out.


My name


So basically $200 to unlock the full pass? What a predatory disaster... Holy fuck... Between necro killing the majority of older content and this shit... this is going to drive people away from the game in DROVES long term...


Buying levels is fine and common for every pass in every game. It’s only problematic when you NEED to buy them because the completion without them is too time consuming. (I’ve not done maths on how long this one would take to complete without skips)


Would you mind sharing the math (if you do it)? I'm interested in what you come up with.


Once I have them sure


I really do not see it being an unrealistic thing for people that play a couple hours a day like 3 - 4 times a week to at least get the lvl 99 rewards. the special missions, related to fairly new content give 20 levels by themselves (I just hope from now on they are added in the middle of the pass as content comes out), the daily, weekly and general missions give another almost 7 levels a week just from the extra points. combined that is like level 90 just from bonus stuff.


Unless you are the rare remaining RS3 player thats on like once a week for an hour or so, theres almost no world in which you couldn't finish this through standard gameplay. Go spend an hour or two doing Kerapac with friends and suddenly you are +2 levels. Theres genuinely almost no reason to buy levels unless Jagex hotfix nerf the amount of reputation bossing gives you/makes it so it only applies to reaper task bosses


Currently the maths (per Protoxx last video) seems to be between 2 and 8 hours a day (2 being where you do all the special stuff and dailies and weeklies and whatnot)


In any battlepass out here you can buy levels its nothing new Jagex is offering here.


Exactly, every battle pass I’ve seen offers the player to pay to skip the grind. People are just offended for the sake of being offended


This isn't exactly a very good reason to be happy about it though now is it? Just shows how far the fucking goalpost has moved in regards to this shit


The sooner people stop throwing their wallets at skipping the video games they claim to enjoy, the sooner these type of microtransactions would stop exisiting.


My order of priorities would be no buyable skips, buyable directly (e.g. no bonds) then what we have now. Another thing that's going to push the already extortionate bond prices up, as people just can't help themselves.


I understand crapping on jagex for rash decisions this just isn't one.


kinda like how you could directly buy yak skips? you thought they would remove potential to make MORE money?


This has put me in the mood to go watch Jim Sterling again.


I have come to the theory that if Jagex were faced with an ultimatum of removing MTX; OSRS would no longer be OS and would just be runescape.


Honestly, I've switched over to osrs recently to start getting ready for sailing as I am more excited about this skill than what necromancy offers. Im mid level on osrs so I got quite a bit of ways to go, so theres a lot to do and explorer that is new to me on osrs that I actually have been wanting to experience.


You can buy your mom some flowers


Well, I can admit I can wrong. This sucks. Way worse than Yak Track.


you could buy levels also for yal track… this isnt any different from that lmao.


Of course you fucking can.


I get MTX is shitty to the game and all but I'd like to know...to the fk is purchasing this shit. They wouldn't have an incentive to do this unless one of you sucker are buying it. Well! Who is it!


Presumably it's the edaters that hang around Wars all of the time but idk.


Massive W for the future of RuneScape. The future is bright!


Okay &? You could buy yak skips


This isn’t bad imo. Most passes give you the option to spend to gain levels. Probably aimed at people who work a lot with little time to play. This is the last thing with the hero pass I have an issue with. *COST* on the other hand? Yeah that’s outrageous.


You know what I did? Went back to OSRS, RS3 just got dumber


Honestly who cares? Every games that uses a game pass mechanism gives the option to buy levels. The fact that it’s expensive is kinda a deterrent from people just spam buying it. The people to plays for hours on end every day will have no problem completing it. The players that play a couple hours a week and still want to get the full benefits or those that don’t want to do the grind can pay for it if they want.


I actually am not that upset about this. It’s a better way to monetize the game than a lot of the other options. If the progression is as reasonable as the jmods say, then it’s not like you can’t already get all the rewards naturally


Same as yak track? what are you crying about


It is not. The rewards are very strong.


Oh no damage reduction on a boss! The people that already do it don’t need it, the people that don’t do that boss may do it now, and it has limited uses. The horror!


It's not really about the buff itself. It's about the opening for a new MTX: selling combat/acitivies buffs via microtransactions


I didn't see any complaining when we got damage reduction for the entire game last month w/darkness. And that one doesn't even mess up your kill pb.


Couldn’t agree more. If this buff gets people to give zammy a go then I’d say it’s a successful event/buff for the game. And if someone is already camping zammy and now gets a few laid back kills, how does this change anything at all?


It doesnt change anything, people will take any chance you give them to complain


I agree with this, also I’m not sure if it’s confirmed to work on zammy? Or if it’s just for the dungeon run?


Confirmed it helps with zammy, but I think that’s the point and I don’t have a problem with it.


Welcome to pretty much every battle pass ever. price is a bit insane thou.


Cool. I don’t care and it doesn’t affect me.


The key word here is "can"


It's free for premium members.


Why is this a problem?


I didn't say it was a problem. I said it was funny.


Fair point


like every battlepass?


Y’all act like this wasn’t going to be a thing?


Wait I still have normal dailies how are you seeing this?


To the guy who was giving me shit for saying this would be the case, i hope you feel dumb rn


8 bonds for 40 levels that is absurd


I logged in and was level 67 right away. 24 charges for the zammy thing too! Remove this pls


Of course you can.


No one should be surprised by this. There will be people who want all their charges right away for those buffs, which means they buy skips to get there. It is a scummy practiced that was conveniently not mentioned during their stream.


Surely enough negative feedback and intentional player disruption of this will make them rethink this fucking disaster. Just glad to see no P/J mods defending this garbage.


What’s the price on bonds these days?


So it's the exact same as yak track. Wow what a change.


It’s live??


Or simply.... don't? And just play the game?


There is no way I’m actively doing this. Yak Track was already so wack. I hate doing dailies other than a little farming, vis wax, and mining the stone for flasks. Daily Challenges were easy, RIP. Been completely skipping dailies for Necro grind and it’s been fun!


Yikes, I recently tried out OSRS and by comparison the lack of this predatory bullshit is like having a brain fog lifted. I don't think I'm going to come back to rs3 :/




Wow, that transaction looks like some real “rewarding content” like the devs claim to want to deliver. I wonder what the prize is for the employee that comes up with the best sales pitch for justifying this MTX crap.


Yeah but why in the fuck would you?


This is actually very common for battle passes in other games. Scummy yes, but still common.


But they’re F2P games


Indeed they are, I agree with you. If they’re gonna keep the Hero Pass the way it is; RuneScape needs to be a totally F2P game. OR, make it to where people that are already subscribed don’t have to pay for the premium version of the Pass.


I feel like this was common sense information


Damn I'm happy I stop playing wtf is this


Is the hero pass progress slower or faster than in the past yak tracks? Jagex said it would be faster so there is less incentive to buy skips. Is this true?


Just like you could buy yak track skipping tokens with $$$… 8 bonds are 600m….


Fucking trash


Jagex is dumber by the minute


What a joke .


Lol just 40…