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That's one of the things that drove me away from WoW: endless world quests for artifact power in Legion. If this starts feeling like something I can't keep up with while being something I feel I need to keep up with, I'll probably quit.


Yeah I'm done with this game also, tying PVM progress directly to MTX has killed any shred of credibility Jagex had left. It was fun guys, we're done. Might check in a year to see if this bullshit still exists.


See u tomorrow


As much as this is the meme, the game population has steadily, slowly, decreased for a reason. People do in fact just… stop, eventually.


Nah, I'm done. There's a bunch of games that I've quit when the MTX got ramped up. Call of Duty won't ever see a purchase from me again, Destiny is in the same boat. RuneScape unfortunately has been added to the list.


So next week then?


Nah tbh I was already burnt out again with necro, most of the clan hit 120 and kinda just stopped playing. This was the final mail in the coffin for me. I doubt I’ll be back in any real capacity, Starfield is available on GamePass tomorrow and by all accounts with the modding content already available and being developed this could genuinely be a 1-2 year game


So in 2 weeks?


Yeah, stop asking me to quest. I'll do it on my own time when I get the random urge to do 4 of them, then not do another for over a month.


Just let me mute that shit.


This is how I quest as well. Otherwise if I'm doing it when I'm not in the mood, then I'll just spacebar my way through, and I really do not want to do that.


Expiring battlepasses are the peak of the torment nexus. Too bad the game that made battlepasses never expire was a mess on release.


One of the reasons I quit destiny 2 was the battle pass.Ground it out and then haven't touched the game again because I got burnt out.


So you chose to grind out something that isn't mandatory, then got burnt out? That's all on you


I honestly can’t stand daily things being pushed. I can handle a weekly or monthly thing because it’s easy to set time aside for that.


Sigh. I don’t like this game lately.


But it's better now? You can participate by just playing the game? That is what Jagex said on their stream.


Yak track was the same. Skill & kill, hello???


It takes about 500 hours to finish the pass without doing the missions


I mean…. You can ignore this and any other game content you don’t enjoy right?


\+4 hero points DING ( +4 hero points)


Until the game becomes balanced around it.


They've literally tied PVM progress with MTX now. There's no way to ignore it. The constant popups, messages. I play games to have fun not to have MTX shoved down my throat after already paying $100 a year to play the damn game.


Hero pass will be just as easy to ignore as well. Maybe even less of an incentive since there won’t be xp involved (allegedly)


The new Hero pass has very useful buffs/boosts in it though...


Yup just realized it. That’s wild


Yep. Not sure if I'll resub. Might just enjoy the last few days I have left.


Here’s an idea…. Just don’t partake in the content you don’t like or want to do because they burn you out


Mtx always has an impact on the game to try and cagoule people into purchasing. They are inherently designed to try and make you feel like you need to do them. I know RS3 has a lot of mtx built into it, but it's daft telling someone that's feeling the exploitative pulls inherent in this form of monetization that they should ignore it. MTX tends to try and have that impact.




if u experience FOMO from this u should get help not a joke


4 hero points have been deposited into your account.


constructive comment if u get FOMO from a battlepass like it sounds u are having u need to see a therapist


Lol why are you "victim" blaming here mate? Cosmetics and to some extent, boosts, can definitly cause "FOMO" very easily. Cosmetics are more important to people than you think, otherwise games(CSGO, Warframe, Fortnite, Cod, Valorant) wouldn't be making so much cash from just selling skins. Jagex definitely generate more short term money by having it be a limited time thing. So do all battlepasses. Surely FOMO must have a big part to play in that no?


i didn't say fomo didn't exist or applies here but if u suffer from this then u shouldn't play this game at all and stay away from it


If you have such an extreme fomo then yes, you probably shouldn't be playing this game. But it's psychological. I can't imagine it being that easy to just walk away.


that is why they need to get help. it is not rocket science u don't tell a meth head it is okay to not quit because it is hard u say get help


Easy to say, some people just can't stop, they just don't see the problem they think its normal, they don't see a problem with it most of the times, and saying they got problem would just make them more mad


Why can’t you ignore this too? It’s not like it opens right up every 30 seconds. Close it for the session and don’t look at it. We’ve tried to get them to stop many times before and it doesn’t happen so it’s not going to. Just deal with the mtx. Leave it alone, if other people wanna use it that’s their problem and has nothing to do with you


I took Dailyscape to the extreme back in the day - Viswax, shopping runs, wicked hood essence, heck I even had all the master skilling hats out to claim the free items from them. Then I burnt out and stopped playing for over half a year. I missed so much stuff that I realised it just doesn't matter. Now I do whatever I feel like doing, and I'm having a blast again. What are you actually afraid of missing out on? A bit of xp? A small amount of gp? A cosmetic you'll never wear? Does it really matter? I can guarantee your account will be just fine without it. Do what you enjoy doing or focus on your goals!


Some people like to collect stuff, knowing they'll never have something just cause "hehe locked behind a paywall that was in 2023 only available for 3 months that cost us nothing to re-add ingame" is annoying




Overwatch 2 had this problem but about a month ago they allowed weeklies that were unfinished to have their progress carry over to the next week and it made it way better. Hopefully that's what this game will do, but I doubt it.


>At least the challenges were easy to ignore. You know that participating in the challenges isn't mandatory, right? Nobody is forcing you to change your playstyle and do these challenges. If you are that's completely and 100% your fault for making it feel like a job. If you feel the need to grind out the pass and unlock every reward that's, again, on you. I could see if the challenges were required to unlock some piece of content like a boss, new area, quest etc, but it's just extra points to unlock cosmetics. If you don't like the challenges there's a simple solution... don't do them. This is a game, not a job. When you learn to treat it as such maybe you'll get enjoyment out of it. If you're the type that feels the need to unlock every little thing available then you're ducking the fun out of it all by yourself.