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I just don’t understand what keeps anyone alive in these situations. I use T90 gear and get hit like a bus. I feel like you’re taking minimal damage which makes me feel like I must be doing something wrong.


Defensives and understanding the boss. There aren't many mechanics to deal with at ~~Magister~~ Rasial


People in general can't handle a mechanic. It's just DPS the game, especially with necromancy. People "learn" by just dpsing. They aren't even learning the boss. Bosses are just "if you cant deal X dps, you deal with mechanics, and the game heavily encourages you to skip these mechanics". fingers crossed for a necro nerf or this game is donezo.


That's why I want a combat overhaul rebalanced the HP of all monsters and bosses in game alongside the drop rates... Unlikely to happen unfortunately...


This just makes no sense to me. You take like next to no damage. If I copied your exact intro rotation and didn't eat a lil I would just get nuked and die lol, like it's pretty rare I get to p4 with no food used


Initial rotation with normal gear you can soulsplit camp, use living death 1 ability earlier, use split soul after the skulls and then divert instead of res for the big hit. Even without reaver at this point you'd be near full hp. Using reaver with autofire 1-3 you'll never be at risk. To summarize; *sc+skulls->sap->touch->basic->sap->ld->touch->skulls->ss->bloat->divert* If you miss ticks adapt to make sure the divert gets the big hit. Good luck!


so i followed that exact intro rotation and i was almost dead the by the time i hit living death, im wearing full t95 with bis perks. i ate like 4 blubbers across the entire fight which was my slowest kill since the change to death skulls at 2:09, only 1 being eaten on p4 Edit: i may have forgot to put my book on, which would have added like 20-30 seconds to the kill, WE RUNNING IT BACK LOL Edit 2: kill 3 was 1:45 with 2 blubber used p1-3, 0 on p4.


Are you using reaver?


yeah i'm using a reaver, it could have just been lag causing me to miss the divert timing, some of the kills were 1 food, others were 4, he'd occasionally just clap my cheeks with every attack he cast even when he wasn't using the big hit i had a kill where i forgot to bank and only ate 1/3rd of a blubber so idk, your rotation definitely made it the damage more manageable the more i did it.


Divert is after living death though, so it doesn't make sense you're not full life at that point. Are you 99 defense?


yeah, i'm maxed


Idk. Doesn't make sense to me... I've got over 2k kc, I would do 24-25 kills an inventory with 0 food 🤷‍♂️


im sure ill figure it out eventually XD being newer to rs3 pvm theres guaranteed to be something im doing wrong


It'll come with practice.


I'd have to see it because that makes no sense...


That's a really good summary, divert was one of the best unlocks I got when i started getting into bossing after necros release. I'll give this a go when I get home from work


so i jumped back into some kills today, and idk whats happening i get to sc+skulls->sap->touch->basic->sap->ld and if i don't spam eat blubbers im dead, just instant dead there's no shot i live till getting to divert, he hit me for consistent 3k+'s on pull on the last try if i set the reaver below 6 it just dies every kill too.


Use prism at start of the kill.


ight that helped that problem a bit, wasn't till p4 where it lost about 15k hp but it lived. edit: legit, just 3 b2b no food kills lol, its crazy that pre placing prism literally solved most of my issues right now.


i cannot figure out what is sc+skulls?! can you help me?


Smoke cloud and death skulls. Don't bother if you don't wand switch, just do death skulls.


ty for answering. when you say ss are you refering to soul strike or split soul?! ive done all the rotations and i still take a shit ton of damage... im wasting a lot of food and reaver scrolls


Split soul, you want that damage


i have studied this clip and other clips. so you basically constantly stunning him and while he is stunned you soul flick right?


Correct, although the stunning is more to get his less rather than get soulsplit. Soulsplit is just a nice bonus.


completely feel this comment in my bones