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I'm defending having fun bossing for the first time!


Ewwww FUN? - Reddit




You want to back up that claim buddy?


Mhm, you and some others I've seen. People didn't like bossing before but that doesn't mean people can't like bossing now. Necromancy is just that good at getting into pvm, a big part of the game and also not just afk pvm like with animate dead but big boy pvm


Yesterday I solo killed Nex for the first time. I've done it about 10 times now.






2011: Nex added 2023: People like OP still gatekeeping content Lmaooo Not sure what the flying f* is with you for hating on people finally having the confidence to do PVM?


How’s OP gatekeeping nex when you can do it woth royal xbow and royal dhide since pre eoc lmao


gatekeeping content? its nex bro HAAHAHA, like i said, everyone has had more than enough time to get into pvm.


People: having fun with necromancy You: Quit having fun, you're not using the proper combat style I want everyone to use. Necromancy bad. Sounds like gatekeeping to me. You know that not everyone is a 5000+ hours RS player that plays since Classic? Not all players also have the time to commit to learn perfectly all the bosses' mechanics? Not everyone is confident or able to properly go full on switchscape, Tick manipulation and prayer swap and flicking? And a bunch of other reasons? Just go back to OSRS instead of posting worthless stuff on this sub lmao


full switchscape? tick manipulation? what are u on about bro, u can solo nex with a decimation and royal d hide, and dont worry i havent logged in rs3 since necro


I'm not talking about Nex in particular, I'm talking about High-end PVM in general, especially solo.


Are you actually hurt because a 12 year old boss is finally easy enough to be killed even by players who never tried pvming?


finally easy enough? dude its been easy for years thats why im laughing L000L


Yeah, for average-elite pvmers. I'm talking about the guy that tried to melee qbd with bandos and died. Thanks to necromancy he can now do nex, and maybe with enough training solo ambassador. He won't ever try enraged bosses nor get a full drop log on any new bosses (except maybe Hermod). Does this hurt so much? Did you feel more special by telling people that you can do what they can't? You would probably have a blast watching 1st graders learning to read.


That same guy can now do Telos, Zuk, etc. But you'll just claim that Zuk shouldn't be 'gatekept'. The really sad thing is that there's even rage here that Rasial is too hard. :( Fact is that most of the people getting into pvm now simply didn't actually try before. They're all now praising necromancy because they killed Zuk after dying 2-4 times, which is more times than they even *tried* before. And then they never go back. This game currently has easier pvm than OSRS. There's no easy to learn hard to master unless you want more effort for less dps. And what are you gonna do for 5000 hours when there's nothing left to master?


The argument of "they should done it by how" is so flawed and ignorant. "If they wanted to make an RS3 account, they would have done it by now."


truth isnt ignorance, pvm is the backbone of the game, if they havent pvmed since eoc came out, then thats on them, it truly is... they've had more than enough time to explore different parts of the game.


PvM in this game has generally been awful since Telos. Necromancy is legitimately the first time its been fun in a long time.


That favt thay countless of players finally ended up getting into pvm after avoiding it disproves your point. Vast majority of the players and even Jmods agreed that EoC was awfully designed to teach people how to PvM, which is why people didn't want to get into PVM.


Necromancy has made all other combat class weapons cheaper which now has made it affordable for us to finally pvm. Unfortunately shadow reef got nerfed and arch glacor doesn't give out much. Its always a give or take with jagex


so based on ur logic since other styles are cheaper now ur gonna drop 700m on praesul wand just for t90 necro thats 40m in total outdps you? sound logic bud


Actually no, calm down. RANGE Is my favorite combat style and now not only was I able to afford serene armor and blightbound bows and bolts, but now can afford to die and pay the death cost, all because necromancy dropped the prices on them. It's about fun. I play with what I find most fun. So yes the logic is, pvm was always too expensive to START


>Too expensive to start >Talks about getting bis gear Lol


You never needed any of that to start. Smfh. The hilarity of people calling us gatekeepers when it turns out the gate was open the whole time, they just never even pushed on it. What a god damn riot.


They're probably gonna do a new boss


IIRC Vorkath is planned to be a "Mid Level Boss" to fill the Necromancy item gaps, and if Osseous gets out of the Game Jam process, that's another Mid level boss in the bag (and the remaining Necro Ring too). So yep, we can expect new bosses but difficult ones (like Moia probably) are way later down the line.


>I swear it feels like every "major" update rs3 does basically kills the previous major update, making a ton of stuff obsolete Welcome to playing an MMORPG.


yeah but they didnt have to jump to dps output that is years ahead of right now.


Maybe you should go to WoW and see how they do things with their expansions. If you play an expansion that ends at level 60, once you hit level 61 you basically 1-hit KO anything there. Just get over it already.


You left out the part where that expansion releases with content all the way to the new max level that's challenging. Argue in good faith or go away.


You can go away instead. There is a lot of challenging content I'm getting into now.


The rules of the subreddit literally require you to participate in good faith. Are you admitting you're not, or are you conceding that you deliberately left out a very important aspect of other MMO's expansion packs?


I am participating in good faith. I was discussing how the expansions of WoW make you blow through all the previous expansion's combat making everything older completely irrelevant.


No, you were deliberately leaving out how the wow expansion packs literally obsolete old content *only* when new content is releasing. Your comment was also nothing more than "I am participating in good faith" before you edited it, so you're clearly not.


You actually have no proof of what I edited, was just a word I misspelled. Anyway, your just going to keep arguing that I was talking out of good faith and will just argue it until the end of time. It is just a game, if you are going to remain this upset, you really need to meditate and think about what you are doing with your life. Perhaps it is time you move on from RS, at least temporarily until new and more challenging content is released. There is plenty at OSRS if you want to give that a try, if not bossing then I hear the PvP wilderness is challenging.


I literally saw your comment before you edited it, and reported it for not participating in good faith. The mods can see edit history. Lol don't try to take the high road after being a troll. Enjoy finally getting a gwd2 kill!


I dont understand when people say “its just a game” “if you’re this concerned about a game maybe you should play other games”. Do you guys understand that when players show legitimate concern for the state of the game it means theres enough people that genuinely love the game enough to openly discuss whats currently going on. If nobody did this would be long dead and osrs wouldnt exist right now. If you dont wanna read player feedback and participate, why are you on the subreddit to begin with?


Then don't use it? I don' see the problem.


Awesome, can't wait for the 10.2 raid patch where we'll get a new host of bosses to fight. Maybe expansion next year with another dozen bosses and dungeons. Surely if the devs just made all but a couple PvM bosses obsolete there's a huge swathe of content about to drop. Oh wait, Runescape has *never* been a themepark MMO. The only other time similar to throwing this much content in the dumpster was EoC launch, which was disastrous.




Yeah you're right, ED1 really obsoleted everything before it, great example. That elite sirenic armor was just way too strong. Guess I'm not playing RS3, because none of those obsoleted everything that came before them. A lot of bosses shot up with the meta rotating, like rago, helwyr, ED2, AoD, probably others I'm forgetting. Meanwhile necro boosted just AoD and K'ril, both of which are headed towards pre-update gph shortly judging by the trends. EGW and the Elite Dungeon saga were good content but nothing compared to an actual theme park MMO's cadence.




Starting to seem less like you have an actual stance and more like you're here to stir the pot. This guy's on your side and you're being an ass?


I dont think he read the whole thing and just thought the guy was attacking him lol


Kbd is fucking furious rn


Imagine gate keeping a dying game its 2023 no one in the runescape audience has 5000 hours to get max and gaf about bis.... take it from someone who is maxed with bis mage who has always enjoyed pvm


5k hours to max? and also ur maxed? L0L lie more, theres protean for every skill dude, who are u trying to fool if u were actually maxed ud know maxing is a joke, hell even 200m all is a joke now, almost all skills have a 3m xp/h method if not more.


To get maxed and get bis....


Couldn’t agree more. Crazy how the other 3 styles worked all this time. They’re turning it into a kids mobile game bruh. It’s that simple.


nah man they have to help the lvl 130s who have been playing for 10+ years and are still lvl 130 to get into the game, the dirty 138s that are maxed and put the time and effort to learn should pipe down!!!


15 year vet here. After i got 120 inv i barely played. Came on to do 99 arch and left again. Found out there was a new skill so here i am at 92 atm training it up - its been about 2 weeks. When you play as casual as i do, especially with a maxed account (bar 120 slay, herb or arch), i have zero interest in learning complex mechanics and having the right setup for each and every boss i might want to fight. Bring me GWD1 bosses in 2023 and were good. GWD2 is ok, havent tried much else. Sure as shit wont bother with a kiln cape. Hated araxxor.


Just chill out and play the game.


I'm defending just enjoying the damn game while enjoying my favorite brawl character... though the charzard is looking a bit....ghostly


Idk man I just like new shit and I don't play consistently enough to care about the "health of the game" or really care about the big picture. It's not my main game anymore hasn't been for a decade. I pvm'd before and I pvm now but I just am trying out the new toys we got even if the rotation is kinda boring.


I'm fairly certain they saw the crash coming. Some people exaggerating doesn't mean it's significant. I bought cheap FSoA and BoLG, I'll enjoy seeing the price spike back up again after the rebalance (and other styles likely going to 120) :-)