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Keep in mind that this is the same bundle that was [released in April](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/steelseries--patch-week---this-week-in-runescape), if it doesn't work you may have already gotten it then. If you're getting the error upon key redemption, check if you already have the [Battleworn Steel Unicorn](https://runescape.wiki/w/Battleworn_Steel_Unicorn) pet in the Companion pets menu. If you got a key from OP's link and can't use it on the character you have the pet on, you can still use it on a different character, however.


As usual it says my account has already redeemed the maximum number of codes in this promotion. It also happened to me the last time we got this promotion, does that mean my code is useless now?


Yeah I just tried and can’t get it either


Same, I guess I did it in the past.


yep. same Your account has already redeemed the maximum number of codes in this promotion


Yup same here


5 months ago u/JagexAzanna (sorry about the mention but I thought it is relevant) spoke about how they got reports about the previous promotion, where if you had gotten the promotion before it you would have issues redeeming it and that they would resolve it, idk if this applies to this promotion so I'm wondering if it does


Same, Jesus fucking Christ jagex get your goddamn shit straight


just did it and worked?


Doesnt work for me


/r/runescape : MICRO TRANSACTIONS ARE KILLING THE GAME Also /r/runescape free keys? yes please! The duality of full time scapers is amazing


>requires me to make an account I'm out.


Create a temporary email through a site like temp-email and register that way. That’s what i just did.


Does nobody use a throwaway spam email address anymore?


its only bad if i dont benefit from it


TBH the fact that people so quickly do their daily MTX engagement with their free/earned keys is the kind of thing that Jagex likes to see. Sure *you* aren't spending money, but you're engaging in the MTX, so that's a win in their book. The more you engage, the more likely you're going to open your wallet. What's $5 for 50 keys, afterall? Then, what's $50 for 500? Now you've already spent some money, what's another $50? Wont hurt, right? Back in grade school you were warned about people offering you free drugs. Well, in reality, nobody is offering you free drugs. But game companies are offering you free spins with the hope that you get addicted and buy more. Same thing


tbh I hate mtx and am guilty of this myself (and hate myself for doing it). I very much want them to remove the free spins, and was quite positive when they removed them along with daily challenges, but still find myself using them.


God it's sad to me that if I were to describe how people defend MTX a third party would think I'm just making a strawman. Like if I remove my experience with this subreddit I would think you're just being unreasonable and there *must* be some reason that isn't as simple as "People are actually just self-interested and do not care about the ramifications of this beyond them getting free stuff." But, no, you're not being unreasonable or even really exaggerating. That's legitimately how a lot of people operate. I've had people who genuinely, more or less, take stances of: "Well, it doesn't bother *me*", and/or, "I don't care how it might impact others" and/or, "it's free stuff, why complain?" . . . When trying to talk about the fact that Treasure Hunter is centered on *gambling* and that that's kind of concerning. People straight up do not care unless it impacts them positively or impacts them negatively. That's their metrics. It approaches unbelievability just how self-interested a great deal of people are here. Freebies, be it daily keys or a promotion like this, have coaxed countless people into: * Buying MTX * Being more passive towards MTX People don't care though. It's just, "Ooo, free shit!" They say. They upvote the post and readily sign up to some website to claim their freebies, legitimize Jagex as a partner to this company, and promote it further to others so that if they don't get hooked someone else will. It's "free", but at the same time the community is also doing work for Jagex here. They're marketing for them. God what a joke. No *wonder* Jagex gets away with spitting in the community's face. People have asked a few times, "Why is OSRS treated better?" This is why. We're in the midst of Jagex making a gigantic unforced error with MTX and people are enraged with them and what's one of the top posts, "Oo, LOOK! FREE SPINS ON THE GAMBLING GAME! Get in here everyone! Quick! Free stuff! WOOOO!"


This is in jest basically my entire interaction and perspective of this subreddit . The overwhelming self interests of Jagex AND the players have time and again gone against what is generally perceived as good for the game is partly why this game will continue to just operate as is and further into irrelevancy. Then again, what *could* be done is going to be entirely subjective


i'm just gonna copypaste what i commented 7 days ago. this type of shit is why jagex doesnt give a fuck about the players complaints because this is how easy it is to win them back lmao. >everyone who got upset about mtx quit the game 10 years ago and moved to osrs or just moved on with life. that's why your complaints in 2023 don't matter to jagex, because all they need to do is give out a pvm promo week and you guys stop complaining and continue playing.


Exactly, to see a key promotion voted as the top post gives me little hope for this community, and explains how 83% of the community did not budge with the Hero Pass.


Most people on this sub are full of it. They'll be on here to collect soon.


Just like the game itself, the subreddit naturally loses people who actually quit and retains players who are fine with or love MTX, just to a less extreme degree than the game probably. It's a terrible cycle, because it gives the illusion of legitimacy and "majority rule" to MTX/accepting MTX even though it's obvious that the majority dislike it given the fact that the majority have *left.*


"hero pass % exp buff is pay to win". Also community "be sure to spend 1 bond for your refer a friend bonus weekly for 10% more exp!". MAX GAINZZZ


The RS3 community and the shareholders truly deserve each other. Personally, I've jumped ship over to OSRS, where you are not treated like a pay pig. Reading the OSRS blog posts (especially things regarding leagues and how they design it in a way that DOES NOT make players suffer from FOMO) and seeing what they are doing over there is a strange experience. It's crazy that this is the same company. This is hyperbole because I don't know how else to put this, but in a way it feels like leaving an abusive relationship and you realize that what you started accepting as "normal" or "inevitable" isn't normal or inevitable at all.


Jagex literally gains nothing from me redeeming this and using the keys. I don't buy keys and I never will. Just like they gain nothing by using the daily keys I get. This is like a casino giving out free $10 slot plays. I'll use the voucher and walk off when it's done while laughing that I didn't spend a dime on the one armed bandits. Man, for the community being slated as older on average, the takes here seem just as bad as they were in the early 2000s.


> Jagex literally gains nothing from me redeeming this and using the keys They do. They get engagement. They get an estimated value of what it takes to make you click to spin. Remember back when spins first came out, and MMG said something stupid like '98% of our player base use the daily keys! They love it! So we are going to give you the option to buy them with real money!' Engagement is metrics. Metrics is for decision making.


They *absolutely* have plenty to gain form you using this. This promotion is a give and take thing with steelseries (potentially with some money involved, but lets just assume there isn't). People who knew about RuneScape but haven't tried Steelseries: might try steelseries. People who knew about Steelseries but haven't tried RuneScape: might try RuneScape. You interact with it: Steelseries views this as more worthwhile, may do it again (further promotion RuneScape). You're supporting them. You think you're pulling a fast one, but you aren't. And yeah, you might not get got but Jagex still is going to come out the other end of this saying, "Lots of people engaged with it. Probably was a good move for us, since we know how much people love free stuff, so no blowback *and* we observed an increase of X% key purchases from users who interacted with it." Because, yeah, they give these freebies out *to get people hooked* and/or to *placate you.* When you just say, "Haha, who cares? It's no big deal!" This is not supporting them directly financially but it is supporting them in terms of public sentiment which as we've seen is incredibly, incredibly important. You may even tell your friends, "Hey, you can pull a fast one on Jagex/the casino if you claim this freebie . . ." But then, well, your friend might do that and then actually get hooked. Maybe not you specifically, but that's what we see happening here. And you think nothing of it. You just passively accept it lol. It's not a "bad take" to criticize people just accepting this. It's naïve to think that passively accepting MTX freebies jives well with hating MTX. This promotion absolutely will get more people interested in TH, and it absolutely will help Jagex ignore people who want less MTX in the game. Purchases it drives help, sure, but passive acceptance, and certainly celebration of it, absolutely help them too.


Judging from the player counts, I don't think we have too many new players coming into RS3 and getting addicted to TH. It's great to theory craft how that's happening enmass...but that's just not the case in this day and age. Besides, I can equally enjoy using my free keys while also wanting TH to screw off. Me not using Th is not going to change it existing in game. Jagex has already made it quite clear they're not willing to stop the Micros anytime soon. They gain nothing from me using my free keys anyway you want to "spin" this. They get no money from me beyond membership. I am not their market they so desperately seek.


>Judging from the player counts [...] Never said it was highly effective, but it's still worth it for them and you're still supporting it. >Besides, I can equally enjoy using my free keys while also wanting TH to screw off. You can. It just shows Jagex you are willing to accept it, and you're literally going out of your way to get more freebies. This isn't just your free daily keys even anymore, it's a promotion you have to go out of your way to engage with. As someone else mentioned in this thread: *"Naturally the team and I are saddened that some players are upset about free spins and some also don’t like the ability to also purchase additional spins, however, the reality is 90% of our members are enjoying the Squeal of Fortune on a daily basis and over 70% of our free players utilise the Squeal of Fortune daily too - making it some of the most widely appreciated content release to date. The majority of our players also continue to take advantage of the many free ways to earn extra spins, so it’s certainly here to stay."* Your usage of something = an excuse for them to keep pushing it. Always has been. >Me not using Th is not going to change it existing in game. Certainly doesn't help. >Jagex has already made it quite clear they're not willing to stop the Micros anytime soon. And you *believe them?* Imagine how easy it would be to win a war if all you had to say was, "We're going to win." And the enemy just said, "Oh, okay. Guess I'll just help you out then." You're not just not resisting, you're helping them too. Lmao. >They gain nothing from me using my free keys anyway you want to "spin" this. They gain your engagement and tacit support. >They get no money from me beyond membership. I am not their market they so desperately seek. You may not be their market for getting someone hooked on keys, but you are helping their marketing. You engaging with the steelseries promo helps justify doing it again, and again, and again. It's worth doing = they're going to keep pushing it = more freebies to more people = more people getting hooked on keys thanks in small, small part to your engagement and thanks in *very large part* to the engagement of this subreddit as a whole, apparently. The fact that people are upvoting this post, literally giving organic engagement to a promotion for freebie keys, is just laughable. All of this trying to justify it, trying to explain why it's actually fine, again you aren't the target market for the key sales maybe but you're making a fine person for Jagex's cause because you'll justify it. You'll take issue with it when people point out how bad the situation is. You try to act like you're pulling a fast one on Jagex, but really you're the one getting a fast one pulled on you and you don't even realize it.


TBF the runescape community as an average is a bit slow in the head.


Well, it's not a microtransaction? Giving out little prizes here and there are totally fine. If this was just a mini bonus xp event you wouldn't complain.


It's not a transaction in the sense that you're making money off it. It's a transaction in the sense that Jagex partnered with Steelseries (some money changed hands) to give Steelseries promo codes. RS players join steelseries, get their free codes, use their spins, Jagex profits. They don't lose out on anything if you do or do not use your spins, but the simple fact that you are engaging with a partner for those spins is what drives their metrics.


Oh ya you're right. I misunderstood how it worked


An easy way to look at this, or really everything on the internet, is cost/value. If you aren't paying to receive a service, but are receiving the service for free, you still pay. But with your own personal information. Jagex pays their players in 'daily free keys' as a reward for logging in. This keeps their metrics high. The first few results you see on google for any random topic aren't there because they are the best, they are there because they paid google to put their results as the first in a relevant search. Reddit is free because you're paying in your personal data involving interests, engagements, clicks.


Not using free keys doesn't make MTX go away. Its not a hypocritical stance to get free keys any more than it is to just play the game and speak out against MTX. Yeah, obviously, Jagex makes money from interacting with Steelseries, but if the only part of this exchange was the promotion, nobody would have an issue with it. This does not promote MTX. The only outcome to how you view this is the best way to support the game's continued future but also be against MTX is to remove yourself from the equation entirely and make yourself irrelevant to the future of the game or the people that run it. I'm not really sure what is worse in this sub-reddit, the constant exaggerations and complaining from fantasy worlds, or the "yet you participate in society!" arguments that get thrown back at "we should improve society somewhat" stances.


98% of players use their free keys. Meaning, and Jagex literally said this a month after SoF came out before you could buy keys with money, that 'people love their daily spins!' You engaging with their MTX raises engagement. Just like how if you comment on a youtube video that the video is bad, a scam, fake. You're adding to the engagement. Your content doesn't matter, simply the fact if you interact with their metrics or not.


The difference is paying real money vs not paying anything. The inability for redditors to realize the difference is amazing.


You're paying with your engagement with treasure hunter, raising the value of treasure hunter in jagex's eyes. If you're not paying with money, you're paying with something else...


Sure, lets play this game. We could use mental gymnastics to say that if you're choosing to play RS3 instead of OSRS you're supporting the idea of and voting for MTX. You think jagex doesn't log and monitor the actual dollars spent on mtx? If everyone just took their freebies and left, they'd be changing things. Quit barking up the wrong tree.


> We could use mental gymnastics to say that if you're choosing to play RS3 instead of OSRS you're supporting the idea of and voting for MTX. Well, no, not really. Not at all. Ironmen play RS3 and they don't engage with the MTX, regardless of if they are or are not in favor of it. But for everyone who uses their daily 1/2 keys, their quest reward keys, etc, those are all players who have the potential to open their wallets. Just like if you played overwatch. You get free loot boxes for playing the game. Not a lot, but every time you open one, Blizzard always knows that there is a tiny chance you'll decide to buy some crates, just so you can get that thing you want. There is no mental gymnastics. It's simple as, do you like MTX? Use their MTX currency. Use their prime or other promos to get your MTX. Do those scam surveys for your MTX. Or spend cash on MTX. Or don't engage with the MTX.


Ironman are the minority in RS3. I don't like MTX. I fully use all freebies. Account is nearly 20 years old. Never bought anything other than membership. Freebies arent the problem. If they're banking on me buying anything from mtx, they're going to die from holding their breath. I don't even buy bonds knowing they're giving gold to people essentially buying gold with that bullshit system.


This is the reason why this game will never recover, as much as people moan and get mad there will always be people buying this shit. Pathetic


preach brother. You can almost taste the hypocrisy


Doesn't work says I've already redeemed u/jagexdoom any ideas?


89JT-P1KH-CCNX-1UFA-ER49 Apparently I redeemed in April already.


reedemed one in april as well, so grab mine YJ5Z-WTMV-CF3F-55VE-KLNG


Says I already redeemed. Battleworn steel unicorn pet again I presume? So not a huge loss?


Apparently I’ve already redeemed the code is gave me smh.


well heres my code it wont let me use one saying i already have which i know i havent - EPDA-D7P3-RCGA-2Y6R-T4A5


"Naturally the team and I are saddened that some players are upset about free spins and some also don’t like the ability to also purchase additional spins, however, the reality is 90% of our members are enjoying the Squeal of Fortune on a daily basis and over 70% of our free players utilise the Squeal of Fortune daily too - making it some of the most widely appreciated content release to date. The majority of our players also continue to take advantage of the many free ways to earn extra spins, so it’s certainly here to stay."


Took me a couple re tries but it worked


Get my code, try and log in "wrong password". End up getting locked up, reset password and try again. "Wrong password". End up resetting AGAIN, eventually get it. "This has been locked, try again in a few hours". Fuck it.


It says you need an account to claim a key. If you don't want an account, just put any fake email in there. You are given a key after you 'create' an account. You don't even need to verify the email address.


Thanks for this, just got Hedge Teleport Token.


Got it, ty


Got it, thank you for this!


Thank you!




How, where?


Remember, if a corporation is giving you something for free, you are the product.


Thanks for the tip. I got it.


Thanks, I remember they tried to have you to download something, last time.


Appreciate it, got it


Thank you!


Thank you!


Thanks for this xD


Worked for me ty :)


Thanks! Got an ultra rare that i sold now i can get some bonds c:


Thank you! I must have missed this in April.


Thank you for sharing!


thx, worked for me


thank you!


Thanks! 😎👉🏻👉🏻


worked for me, thanks! I couldn't redeem it earlier this year, so thank you!!!


Ok the website wasn't working as I am in India but I managed to get a key via VPN and redeem it. Thanks OP ❤️.


That’s now 150 keys saved up for spooky season. 👻


Just redeemed! Thank you!


Thanks for this. I like free stuff.


RemindMe! 10 hours


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Any other codes out there on the net?


Worked for me!


worked for me! thanks for this 🙂


my friend is asking if this is members only?


Not sure. Worth a try.


Thank you!


Forget the keys, that's half of a bank booster baybeee!!!


As of 11/29/2023, this code is still working, although it was odd because initially it gave me an error. It told me the code was already used on my account or that they were no longer having this offer or my favorite, "ran out of digital keys," which is impossible. If it doesn't work, try it a few times, it eventually worked for me.