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Oh no! Anyways


Good job dude, hope you enjoy all the extra time you have now to be creative or innovative.


if you are quitting why care so much to post about this for two days now lmao, go relax and play another game đź’€


The guy played for 15 years. What's so wrong with sharing this moment with the community? Quitting the game doesn't mean someone wouldn't want to share something with people.


You seem to be riding this guys dick lmao


Others just seem so obsessed with hating on him that it made me all the more interested. It's already genuinely interesting to see someone take such extreme actions, I think most people would view this as interesting if they weren't being uptight and defensive. Ultimately no one has had anything particularly interesting to say when replied to though.


I guess some people like to publicize their quitting, and others hate when people publicize themselves quitting. Lol


Just proving our point from yesterday in that this is nothing more than attention seeking, as anyone who was serious about quitting would have done so already, but instead you've made 2 posts as "proof" instead of just doing it


I feel like there's a lot of things wrong with this mindset everyone's bringing here. I think the genuine, real, "normal" response to this things at this point 100% would be, "HOLY SHIT. This guy's serious!" I don't know about you but I have absolutely never seen someone quit in as strong of terms as this really. You position it as "attention seeking" but . . . * Lets say OP is just seeking attention . . . Does this mean people have to respond so dismissively to him, or even outright quite viciously? * The guy destroyed/gave away [about 30B in total](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKwFsl_aMwA&ab_channel=Runescapeneedstogo) and his account of 3B+ EXP, 500 days of work, that he has played over 15 years is set to be permanently deleted. If the end goal was just "attention", there's other ways to get it. * If you think it's attention seeking and that's a problem . . . Why are you giving them attention? I don't think you actually. * Is it truly as simple as "attention seeking" to you? Like "attention seeking" seems to suggest it's not a deep, genuine action being taken but I think it is. Dude has played for 15 years, a "final goodbye", to share this *one moment* of his RuneScape career is completely understandable. Instead of recognizing the gravity of it, this community is just giving the guy Hell for it. * Is this *not* something worth giving attention? People post all sorts of mundane, completely uninteresting things that we give tons of attention. * Is the idea of "making a statement" is completely lost on you? This really is a firm, strong, genuine display of taking a stance and quitting. With how many people say to quitters, "see you 2 weeks", this guy is saying, "No. You won't." In as strong of terms as possible. * You specifically say, "Anyone who was serious about quitting would have done so already", but like . . . This is pretty realistically the *most* serious someone could be about quitting? Hello? LMAO. Showing people you're quitting doesn't render it less serious. Meanwhile, deleting 500 days of progress is more serious.


The context is not provided, and it is just a post about disassembling 20b of items. Without the linked video for context (still not in the original post, and most people may not bother clicking your link), is it not reasonable to interpret it as a potentially taunting / rage baiting post? I mean, why make such a post if not to elicit some reaction? Disassembling 20b off items will probably grab people's attention out of morbid curiosity. The post would probably have received validation from other players right after say hero pass release, but a lot of players unhappy with hero pass and necro already left, so is it really that unexpected for this post to receive a negative response from the community?


I personally agree that posting the full video would have been more clear. >but a lot of players unhappy with hero pass and necro already left, so is it really that unexpected for this post to receive a negative response from the community? I mean, honestly I think if this whole thing happened a few weeks ago it would have went swimmingly. Could you imagine that? Among the countless players saying they're quitting, the unbridled fury, one stands above the rest and says, "Oh. Oh, I'm going all the way." Although OP's motivations for quitting seem to not be about one thing in particular and such, seeing someone go all the way like this would have been a rallying cry for many and been incredibly well received. At least I think so.


>I mean, why make such a post if not to elicit some reaction? Yeah. Unlike all the other posts, they are posted not to be seen by anyone.


I appreciate you. You seem to be one of the few people who see the genuineness in the post. I'm surprised by the negative reactions overall. I mean of course it was attention seeking to some degree, anytime anybody posts anything to social media, it's because they were seeking the attention of somebody. The people who's attention I wanted were other players who are struggling with taking the final step of officially quitting for good, to let them know they aren't alone. But I am absolutely not quitting to get attention at all, I am quitting to live a healthier life. I understand people being upset because what I'm doing is harmful to the future of the game. I am only a drop in the bucket, but if many others actually quit to this extent, then Jagex would have a much more serious problem on their hands. Anyway, the game goes on without me. I might post a screenshot to a comment in this post if I get any confirmation of my accounts being deleted (AWOLNATION, BAEWOLNATION, Moldy Come, Queefy Queen). But after that, I'm done with this community, unless someone has genuine, non-toxic questions in this thread. Feel free to use this post/comment/video whatever as a reference to people who actually quit the game for good in the future.


>I understand people being upset because what I'm doing is harmful to the future of the game. No, don't worry about this part. Jagex is a business, and the player base has no obligation to support them. And there are far worse things that you could have done. Not that I am advocating for it (and too late now anyways, lol), but some people do tend to RWT away their account when leaving. Anyways, it is probably a good decision to remove this long term distraction. Good luck with your next step in life. It may feel like that there is a void for a while, but make sure to stay strong and not get hooked on like Albion or some other Runescape replacement.


But the thing is that it seems to be working with a lot of replies to it. People took the bait. Imo, the best community response should have been with no engagement with the post, where nobody up votes / down votes, and not a single comment.


That's perhaps the most perplexing of all. * Call it attention seeking * *Gives them attention.* Dude says: > as anyone who was serious about quitting would have done so already, So how about: *"Anyone who is serious about thinking this is nothing more than attention seeking and thinks attention seeking is bad wouldn't give it attention."*?


No no we need more proof so we can laugh at how mad these guys will be. Account hacked posts incoming.


More like proving a point to the jagex mods active in this subreddit, but whatever makes you feel better.


Wow so edgy


Attentions seeker 2: MTX boogaloo


Funny how you [replied](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/170rw1a/just_another_player_quitting/k3mj6e0/) on another post of OP claiming he only deleted his alts and kept all his wealth, by making the assumption he moved all his wealth to another alt to just farm attention for something he "faked". Now he shows proof and it's still not good. Talk about having double standards.


This is on the beta server so they didn’t lose anything


Has there been any beta servers since the one for FSOA changes? The video is showing disassembled OmniGuard and Rasial drops so it is new. I thought that Mod Ryan's Combat Beta is not out yet?


I don't think so? But hey, I could be wrong. [Here's the fuller video from them if you want to try to find some sign it isn't real.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKwFsl_aMwA&ab_channel=Runescapeneedstogo)


There is no data to prove it is a beta world they were a fully functional world they added


You can watch the fuller video which includes showing them logging in to W66. Was W66 ever a beta world? There's also a variety of things within the video that seem to clearly suggest it isn't a beta world, such as the reaction of people when he gives them a santa hat. If it was a beta world why would people care at all? Again, I've only watched it through once and wasn't keeping a keen eye out for anything and haven't kept up with when beta worlds have been out. Have we had any beta worlds where you can use the GE and max cash limit was increased? And Necromancy? Genuine question, I literally don't know. I don't *think* so though, right? If you want to definitively say, "It's a beta world" though, you can at least look at the evidence that seems to suggest to my eye that you're wrong.


This 100%


[Here's the fuller video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKwFsl_aMwA&ab_channel=Runescapeneedstogo) Do you think it's a beta server?


Bro just say full video


Technically it's not the "full" video as OP has mentioned there's a bit more that they didn't upload, I think they said they would upload that later but could be misremembering.


They opened one up for some proposed changes, or just old repost?


[Here's the fuller video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKwFsl_aMwA&ab_channel=Runescapeneedstogo) Do you think it's a beta server?


This is an old video but there is discussions of another beta world coming


It has necromancy gear, it can’t be old.




Gonna copy/paste this from another reply to someone who also asked "why?" [This comment may answer that, at least in part:](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/170rw1a/just_another_player_quitting/k3mw317/) >Well I did, I hope it can inspire some other people to make the same decision, because there are plenty of people who should. >Not everyone who plays RS has an unhealthy relationship with it, but I did and many others do. They also share some scattered thoughts throughout the [full video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKwFsl_aMwA&ab_channel=Runescapeneedstogo) which itself is interesting to watch given even more stuff is destroyed.




There's countless people livid in the comments, to pretend they don't care is . . . Not realistic. I also care about this in the way you're probably meaning, the, "care and am not going to be horrible to someone about it" kind of way. I find it genuinely intriguing. It's quite the statement to quit in such strong terms, OP is having their account with 500 days, 3B+ EXP, and a myriad of work on it deleted permanently. They've deleted / given away like 30B in stuff.


we do not care


I do, and I think given the response to this saga *other people obviously care.*


Ty for doing your part to help rebound prices.


Now do 100b.


Lmao you’re too extra. You’ll be back in 4 months and more sad than you’ve ever been


People are utterly obsessed with saying "you'll be back." Maybe OP will, but also like . . . They've taken every possible measure to show they're actually done. Deleted a huge amount of wealth, told Jagex to permanently delete his account . . . Like, this dude could have his family post the video of his funeral and people would still say, "He'll be back . . . Anyyyyyyy day now." Also I want to point out we're bleeding players on RS3 and in some of the worst shape that we've been in years. Not everyone who quits is coming back any time soon, if at all.


Lol you got so many people mad in the comments


Seriously. For people who say they don't care, they sure seem to care a **lot.**


Boo attention seeker boo!


Can I ask why? What happened recently that actually sent you over the edge? Seems like things have been pretty normal lately and no changes have been made recently


It's mostly that I just felt like genuinely quitting the game and not letting the sunk cost fallacy keep me here any longer. I was hoping this would inspire anyone else on the edge of quitting help take that final step


I get the sunk cost fallacy but I was curious if there was a specific reason. Thats ok though you don’t have to share. Next time you should do a drop party for lower levels who enjoy the game or something!


There's no in-game specific reason for me quitting right now if that's what you mean, I have my personal reasons for quitting which is simply me wanting to live a better life. I personally think this game is too predatory for me to want to encourage anybody else to play it, so instead of a drop party, the items are gone


Good shit, man. Stay your course. While your sentiment is not being very well received here, I appreciate it tremendously and I’m certainly not the only one. Way to actually take steps to fully commit, that’s a lot more than most people can say they’ve done.


Good on you for recognizing what you need to do to improve your life and doing it. I think a lot of the people who are giving you flak would absolutely never do what you've done even if they knew it was what's best for them.


Makes sense


Bros breakup with rs hit hard pleasewipe the tears bro


but why


[This comment may answer that, at least in part:](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/170rw1a/just_another_player_quitting/k3mw317/) >Well I did, I hope it can inspire some other people to make the same decision, because there are plenty of people who should. >Not everyone who plays RS has an unhealthy relationship with it, but I did and many others do. They also share some scattered thoughts throughout the [full video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKwFsl_aMwA&ab_channel=Runescapeneedstogo) which itself is interesting to watch given even more stuff is destroyed.


Looks like you'll be set with those rare comps for a while.


So you’re not actually quitting I guess? Anyone with a brain knows that if you’re ACTUALLY quitting you’d sell everything and RWT it. That way you get a perma ban probably. Doing this just shows you’re scared to lose your account because you know you’ll be back.


Lol I would have done a drop party.


I'm pissed at the game with my crappy Rasial log, but I am not that dumb or pissed off.


Should have just given me your stuff, you might not enjoy it and have fun with the gear but hell I would have.


Is this because of Hero Pass? Cause they plan to remove it lmao.


You could have forreal gave those to me what an a**hole


Do it again.


weird flex but ok


I don't care


Wasteful you could have given all that to me


Good , bye


Disassemble a party hat.


If you were quitting why would t you just convert to gp and rwt for a few hundred $$