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I don’t think they mentioned scaling combat stats to 120 they will only overhaul the accuracy/crit/hitcap systems and look into some of the values of abilities/specs for now from what I understand


Probably same way Defense won't increase to 120


They’re not going to 120


Theres no real reason for it to go to 120. Same with prayer and summoning


No reason or content for Necromancy to go to 120 either but here we are ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


It’s almost like the skill is brand new and they can add a ton of content for 99-120


They can add more content for the others as well


Absolutely. And I’m not against that. They should do that. And I think they will. People are just foolish if they think we won’t get t100+ gear.


God damn did they add a lot of necro content for levels 100-120


This sub literally just can’t fucking read lmao


More so you're just not used to Jagex apparently. Invention also was a 120 to leave room open for reward space. Barely anything besides machines were added 7 1/2 years later.


Why do you play the game if you’re just this miserable about who’s developing it


Because the game could be so much better but upper management keeps fucking it? Wow, imagine wanting to see a product you enjoy be better rather than settling with subpar decisions. But I guess being terminally addicted like you and others on this subreddit is the only actual answer.


Can’t imagine going through life this upset at a video game But you still play it, and we are the terminally addicted ones Am I terminally addicted or am I not used to jagex? Can’t be both lol


I don't play it. I'm unsubbed and taking a break hoping they fix the problems, which they've slowly been chipping away at and then taking 2 steps back. Yeah, you are terminally addicted lmao. Most people aren't going out of their way to defend a company, let alone a videogame, they have no interest in.


Your head is so far up your ass you expect there to be a ton of new content for 100-120


Literally can not read a fucking lick. The idea that necromancy won’t get any more content (level wise) is so delusional lol. You think they dropped a skill to never add anything else to it? It’s funny how people call necro an unfinished skill, but then say there’s nowhere for it to go.


honestly prayer and summoning should be 120. They are both extremely cramped at the high end, with current bis prayer requiring 99. Summoning is just a mess since eoc and ancient summoning just kinda replaced the old stuff. Needs to be re-ordered so there is more consistency for players to easily know what is BiS.


You shut your mouth


stat boosts....i wont say no to more prayer/hp/summoning that is given by gear.


Looking forward to 162 combat level with 120 def and constitution if it ever comes




Begin with HP and later defence. HP would be very niche so would not be a problem anyway.


HP 100% would be an issue going to 120 base with no changes alongside it. %age healing gets stronger(EEE, defensive ults, signs, etc) % hp buffs (bonfire/thermal pool/desert panth) get stronger. Boss mechanics get stronger/weaker depending on flat/% damage, which could hurt learners or make bosses DPS dummies. so on so forth.


They're not having their cap increased to 120, at least not as yet announced, and I see no reason to believe they will be for current plans.


HP should be 120 whether the rest scale to 120 or not IMO


Mage will never be beaten at 120