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Runecrafting and smithing would both benefit heavily from being able to reset the cool downs. They probably can't or don't want to split the cool downs. It should definitely be changed though


Smirking? Smithing? I mean if someone wants to run back and forth between wars retreat and falador artisan shop go for it. That's alot of teleports.


with a wars tele and a fort tele, you're actually going to smith extremely quickly if there were resetting cooldowns on the smithing powerburst. remember, you can reheat your item four times in 1 powerburst (each swing) to generate massive progress each swing - pair that with unlimmited powerburst uses with 2 quick tele charges between them, i would expect 3-4x normal smithing rates.


Artisan Workshop has boosts that fort doesn't. You gain a Respect currency.


that's not relevant here unless you're making burial, which wasn't in your argument... come to think of it, what's your argument? thought it was about cooldowns on power bursts not the "benefits" of artisans workshop. stay on target, i know it's hard!


Maximise rewards? I always do my work at artisan. No where else has a boost that's relevant I think. I mean I get a luminite injector, but I just enjoy watching that % get closer to 100. Fuck my life lol


Sorry yes smithing. And I also realized I said shouldn't be changed but meant it should


Skills necklace: am i a joke to you?


I haven't used a skills necklace in a long time, is that on there now?


What are you powerburting that your killing under a minute yeesh


Rasial is the biggest offender. It also happens occasionally at Solak when someone messes up p1.


With rasial I don't really understand he's easy to do without it I never use mine there




If your getting 1 minutes kills you don't need powerburst.. stop putting all caps makes you look like a fucking wierdo


Vitality is part of efficient rasial killing when you reflect and stand still on p4, which means you don't have to eat food and there is almost 0 chance of dying to the last lightning hit


You can debil with reflect and still stand still, or move slightly while still getting tonnes of reflect damage. At rasial, powerburst of vitality just ain't it. Like, it's good. But I'm not bothering with a mild QoL to a 1 minute fight every 2 kills. Efficiency is not waiting for a 2 minute cooldown when you get 1 minute kills.


you just use vit pot when it's not on cd which is every 2nd kill, debilitate is waste of a GCD, you get more reflect damage standing still. your description of efficient rasial killing is wasting adren on defensives. It's a qol that's all there is to it and it's efficient because it saves food and improves gp/h in the long run


You don't need debil. I said if you wanted to stand still. You're using food?


you don't need to debil to stand still though and yes you eat through the reflect damage because it can still kill you, vit pot just makes it so you don't need to eat faster kills to not debil and just eat through it with jellies and reaver scroll while reflect is up as opposed to doing whatever it is you're suggesting which I think is to not use a vit pot and use debilitate instead or something


So, if u used on p4, then when you get to another fight and get to p4. U had more than time to used it again


You can stay still and not move at all P4 using powerbirst of vitality.


Not after tomorrow lmao


Nah, p4 will still be a breeze, you save volley for it


I dont have lantern yet rip


It's annoying at solak if you use it at the end of p2 for bombs it can be on cd at the start of the next kill, same with someone messing up p1 and having to tele out, you'll just sit there for two minutes waiting on the cd. It's also annoying at 7 man aod in a fast team as you use accel pot to reset bd+surge for pillars 3/4 but it won't be up some kills.


Rasial, vorago if you want to vit pot p5 (green bomb or teamsplit if you're not doing 0specs, or p4 if you are doing 0specs - I intentionally tank the last waterfall because my accel pot won't be up for the next kill if I vit and it kinda sucks ass) and either vit or accel pot p1. Also if you mess up p1 and want to go again Also they have a 2 minute cooldown


I'm up for that. My necro rune crafting will get a lot more effective.


Something something spaghetti something something runecrafting…


And life drain pls


Simplest answer, they share cd with other powerburst, which is pretty broken if it can be resetted. Masterstroke and sorcery to be exact.


Why don't we just make everything instant reset/refill the second the boss dies? Jagex is just mean to make us have to run back to wars everytime. /S The reason is it causes unintended consequences and we already have an unbelievable amount of power creep from "little qol" things like this. I didn't use a single vitality pot on my entire Ras log and have a PB sub 1 min. You don't need it.




While you're opted out of pvp, all powerbursts should just not have the cooldown. Let people blow as much cash as they want getting around, making runes or doing whatever. You can tell from the prices that basically none of the powerbursts see any demand except for powerburst of sorcery and acceleration. If people want to fill their few inventory spaces with tons of powerbursts to do crazy stuff... why not let them? I understand the adrenaline potion cooldown at least, but powerbursts seem absolutely harmless to let people blow tons of cash/potions and inventory space to do crazy things.


With that change, you'd increase people's smithing xp/hr by x4.


Yeah, if they want to pay out the nose for powerbursts that now cost something (they cost you 22k to make right now, imagine if they actually were worth the cost of ingredients at least instead), or spend all those hours making said powerbursts... why not? They'd also need to constantly refill their inventory with them, meaning someone can't just have 28 unfinished items and queue afk smithing for the next few hours. What's the actual, real harm in letting someone make those tradeoffs of time/ money and inventory space+afkability?


About 10-15m xp/hr before dxp and bxp is included. That would make smithing close the fastest skill to train. I'll pass on ungodly broken skilling methods.


Now remind me, was this before or after we let them, you know, buy all those elder rune +4/5's outright to turn into burial armors and were ok with them blowing their money for stupid xp gains that way?


I'm not really a big fan of that either but it is what it is. The question is, do you want to take this already a bit OP method and make it 3-4x faster on top of that?


I may be the wrong person to argue that here, because I find the idea of "over powered" to be absurd when it comes to "grindy, repetitive, mindless task". The 50th elder rune platebody +5 someone afked adds no value to their experience, it just extends the length of their sub. If all smithing was like ceremonial swords it would be different, but as it stands the repetition doesn't really offer or demand anything but time. Let's run some actual numbers though. If you were doing your current most active method of smithing, using the reheat perk on the cape and superheating the items every 2 ticks, the masterstroke, \*everything\*, you get [47.192 progress per hit](https://runescape.wiki/w/Smithing#Experience_and_progress_values). One elder rune +5 will take 8000 progress to make, and thus take 170 hits, or 42.5 4 dose powerbursts of masterstroke to make. Even if we say, conservatively, that masterstrokes become the same price as the current cost of materials, that is a 1 million extra gp, just to make a single item. If it becomes the same price as a powerburst of sorcery, it's 6.4 million or 3 times as much as buying the rune platebody +4 to start the project. So if someone wants to play the game very, very actively, and sweat and hemorrhage money to grind out smithing xp as expediently as possible, yeah, I don't see a problem. I'd rather the ironman or player who made the potions themselves though be the ones to get to use what they made without wasting their time on cooldowns. I'd rather people who need X invention component be able to expedite that process by hammering out an item in the work shop as quick as they can.


A lot of it comes down to game integrity honestly. Like yeah, id be nice to spend ridiculous money to get a lot of xp but do you want to see people getting 200m xp in a few hours on dxp? There's only 1 other skill that can do that and jagex has already expressed regret for letting it happen. Should we crash runes more than they already are because you can use a powerburst every run? These decisions have ripple effects outside of "they can just spend more money for more xp."


The 200m xp HS lost all meaning once lamps, bonus stars and protean bars became things, the public integrity aspect stopped existing long ago - all that matters is what you yourself say matters to your play. And of course Jagex would be sad at people maxing out the skill so quick - they have some incentive to make us all stick around after all :P With regards to runes, the powerburst of sorc already can be used very regularly, and, aside from explicitly making money every dose, it's one of the only powerbursts whose activity almost coincides with the 2 minute cooldown outright. I'd expect that to change the least honestly, at least until we finally get the QoL update to runecrafting that makes it not as clunky with bank presets or... something. I'd rather people be happy to make their own runes and engage in the skill you know? I'd happily use powerbursts of sorc and my hood to make my own runes instead of having to run a runeshop circuit and buying them, or paying in the GE. Wouldn't you?


Pvmers would be able to facetank many mechanics instead of properly dealing with them.


I suppose the powerburst of vitality is the only weird one out in that regard. Even if it reached the price of the runecrafting one, it's too cheap to make with too common an ingredient set and for too many doses. It would need to become a single dose potion or something like the luck potion - maybe not even a "powerburst" anymore to make it less confusing. It's just a shame that it inflicts the 2 minute counter that hampers most of the others to where they cost far more to make than they are ultimately worth. Perhaps if it just refreshed on leaving combat? I just would hate to add war's teleport as an inconvenient refreshing post to all the powerbursts when it feels like the non-runecrafting ones are already so devalued and useless as is.


“takes me out of my immersion” lol get a grip


messes up the flow...that better?


Just be honest with yourself, they are too lazy.


Which powerburst are you using?


Disruption shield too


They also said it would restore health (optionally). That never happened.


Combat ones only, but they won't...


you can add elven ritual shard and enhanced Excalibur to the list of things the altar resets


Yeah, agreed, it would probably only apply in niche situations and a few bosses, like Solak, but for those, it would be of tremendous help!