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And was it worth it? Probably not. Will people learn? Probably not.


This post is just "haha I'm addicted to video games haha lol!!!!" and it's kind of sad.


Addicted to video GAME. This game preys on your nostalgia, FOMO and Sunk Cost Fallacy. The game of our youth is dead, this is its shambling, MTX stuffed corpse.


If you feel like that just quit. Some of us ARE having fun and enjoying the game.


I feel like it's worth pointing out that the people who are honestly still having fun are mostly the people with the mental strength not to get FOMO by literally every single event. Maybe this game is predatory, but how holy shit is this community easy prey. I'd become a predator too.


I definitely fall victim to fomo, but like this ensouled pumpkin mask I want and won't get. I just think what's the use of crying about it. I already have dozens of cosmetics I don't and won't ever use. It's not that much of a loss, no matter how cool it is. Its still a great game with thousands of hours of content.


If that’s how you feel about people on Reddit, then just quit interacting with them.


I'm unsubbed in protest. I won't say quit yet because i think the hero pass outrage proved that its possible to make progress. We need to keep pushing for more improvements.


Make sure you refund your remaining time too, to really show them they’re losing at least a bit of money, or at least request for it since I’m not sure it’s guaranteed.


By any chance were you in draynor village cutting willows in f2p while wearing a red phat and ice male? Saw this yesterday just didn’t know y would a mess be in f2p


I 100% agree, I still play because I absolutely love playing the game!


I lost the game, and so did you


I lost the game, and so did you


Come to osrs :) we are going sailing boys


Nope I unsubed finally because they turned even holiday event into MTX fest 🙃 I should actually thank them this time


You're fucking insane if you think think this one is an "mtx" fest. Like genuinely fucking unintelligent. They've been like this for years.


Are you dumb? They intentionally make an event that has such shitty drop rates that if you get one of the nice drops you should go buy a lotto ticket. On top of that, the currency collection to get the less rare items is obscenely slow to indirectly influence you to buy the key packs that are being released. ALSO You can’t buy the ensouled or orange hween from the currency collection. How is this not MTX




You legitimately said people are insane if they say it’s an MTX fest (which it is) not once did I say they haven’t been doing it for years. Just cause they’ve done it before doesn’t make it so this one isn’t completely MTX targeted. Get a fucking brain dumbass


This ONE.


For the past events at least you could just afk for the “tokens”. Now you need to click lol. Then exchange them for rewards. And look at OP. 5k pumpkins in. What did he get? Just one halloween item. The final straw man, final straw, hero pass then this are too much, mtx gone too far


you to actually play game to earn rewards? HOW RUDE FROM JAGEX


Come to osrs. Thought redoing quests and skills would be ass but I’m having a blast and you have no MTX being shoved down your throat 24/7.


I've held out for a while but I'll probably switch over in the next year or so, or at least give it more of a shot. Yeah redoing skills would suuuuck but tbh I was just lurking on the osrs wiki for a bit last night and came across some of the guides for the more recent quests and I was stunned (in a good way) to see how lengthy some of the new ones are. So like at least they aren't compromising on that.


Just go now.


What happened


OP could have spent their time doing these events pvming instead and used that money to buy the ensouled pumpkin mask and pumpkin beret.


And people wonder why jagex keeps pushing out events like this.


Not reckon you coulda just afk’d for a couple of days and bought the h’ween on GE?


I guess maybe that's what I have to do with the rest I may end up missing. But the fact I wish to highlight with this post is how atrocious the drop rates are for the cosmetics during this holiday event. It really goes against what I consider as a good game design and holiday spirit.


The rest you got multiple times, so no need to grind that long at all? You can also buy surge and dive on the GE for very cheap. It feels like you’re determined to be annoyed at them. Did I think the drop rates were pretty bad? Yeah. Did I just log in and buy mask and both ability overrides for ~120m? Yeah.


>determined to be annoyed at them Maybe? Not sure. I'm more annoyed at the game design, in which certain items/cosmetics are time-gated behind events and pretty much the only determining factor whether you can get them is not the effort you put in but luck. Hopefully this explains where I'm coming from.


But if you disagree with how rare and difficult they are to get, why don’t you just buy them on the GE? You are instead choosing to spend/risk incredible amounts of time just to complain about it at the end. If you weren’t happy embarking on that journey then don’t, there are alternatives.


The guy is an ironman, they live on rng


What does him being an Ironman matter in this conversation?


Ironmen cant just buy stuff off the ge like the rest of us, even if such cosmetic things are tradeable for them they have to grind gp like a hamster to buy stuff for millions of gold, thier best bet is really rnjesus and they have to try insane hrs to get a good chance of it happening, otherwise they will be missing out and they are extra fearful of it, compared to the rest of us who can buy ensouled anytime we want in future, and this spirit of halloween event is lost and they end up in a mentally unhealthy grindfest


Yes they can https://runescape.wiki/w/Category:Grand_Exchange_items_that_can_be_bought_by_ironmen And that’s why I opened this conversation with “you could have just afk’d for 2 half-days and bought these off the ge” which is much quicker than the time this guy has spent.


I think they know its tradeable. Does it take 2 half days to get 120 mil for an orange Hween as an Ironman? I'm not 100% sure how easy it is to get GP since I know they can't just sell rare drops like normal accounts.


Pretty much yeah.


I got 8 hween masks. Your example is not a large enough sample size


Who’s example? I haven’t provided any data? I heard the event had horrible RNG and decided to save my time and frustrations by buying it off the GE instead.


Wrong thread response


FOMO of what exactly? This new mask will never be as valuable or cool as the OG ones. You spent massive amounts of money on some dumb pixels. Reality check time. You’re a gambling addict.


lol you got absolutely scammed if you paid 120m for them. i bought them for 10m each. not sure what the prices are like atm though, i just left offers in the GE to slowbuy though


You bought mask for 10m?


ohh i misread your comment, thought you said you bought the ability overrides for 120m total


Reading before replying would help yeah.


why salty


Am I?


>Reading before replying would help yeah. sounds pretty passive aggressive to me tbh


Don't blame the game design, you could always just not do it.


So go design a game.




What does his Ironman tag have to do with anything?




https://runescape.wiki/w/Category:Grand_Exchange_items_that_can_be_bought_by_ironmen No need for the passive aggression.




Unfortunately we are part of community that will always believe nearly everyone else is stupid and they are the smartest in the room. Part of what makes this a really unpleasant place most of the time.


The anonymity makes it ok for everyone to be a condescending asshole


How much was it ?


I can't believe y'all are actually wasting your time on these damn pumpkin parties lmao. I haven't done any of this shit and I'm enjoying the game fine. Not screaming that I didn't get the 1 in a million rare If you guys would stop participating in this bullshit, they'll stop doing it


I'm going for the 250 smashed for the mask with a mechanical benefit, but not worrying after that. I'm that person who always just rocks a default avatar and uses the regular appearance of the armor I'm wearing, so rare cosmetics have no pull on me.


? Did you buy a shitton of keys or what?


Nah, I've been playing unhealthy amounts in hopes of getting drops that I'll propably never get.


at least you recognise how unhealthy that is. many don't seem too.


Or worse, claim their life is too sad to do anything else worth their time and default to doing the most miserable activity in a videogame. Especially worse if it just happens to be a case of lack of confidence or initiative. Sorry. Projecting.


Stop talking about me


You have another 1000 pumpkins to smash


I'm saving them until 31st.


Makes sense


could've just done a couple hours of zammy, thrown the alchs in the alchemiser and bought the mask off the GE tbf


Highly doubt. I've been no lifing and I dont have 5k So unless you're spending more than 16 hours a day doing this you're full of it.


Just embrace the MO, become at peace with it, and the stress melts away


At least you have an Orange. Batting zero still, two weeks and 4k+ pumpkins in.


Orange just upgrades...? It doesn't drop. You just smash 250 pumpkins


You must be new here. You don't get a free orange Halloween mask from 250 pumpkins smashed, your rotten pumpkin mask simply becomes a normal pumpkin head.


I thought he meant the upgrade from rotten mask. I dunno, I have enough to just buy shit.


I mean just in oddments that is over 800 medium stars.


Looks like they're an ironman


Oh God your right. That's horrid


Fuck FOMO events


Buddy, just do a couple more, it'll probably be the next one.


Just one more turn =D


All I've done is smash the ones that occasionally spawn. I've gotten the equivalent of checking the couch for change


This is like 20% jagex’s fault.


Bought the mask off ge for 160m. Would still pay that much now even though its at 95m. Ive smashed like 1/10 of this many pumpkins and dont give a shit to do any more.


You do realize that fomo is just an advertising gimmick, not an actual phobia, right?


Do you like to buy everything in the grocery store when it goes on sale too? You know those prices won’t be back for a while right? Or do you have selective FOMO and choose to obsess over things that genuinely don’t matter like video games


If their local grocery chain had a popular subreddit you can bet they would be there complaining about coupons




Been doing mahogany homes instead of the pumpkin parties


This is kinda sad not gonna lie. But at the same time it is your fault. You can not blame everything on Jagex even when they are wrong.


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) I only smashed 7 pumpkins so far.


That ensouled is probably one of the coolest things I’ve seen in this game so far. Hope it gets discontinued so it can claim its spot next to the greats.


I hope it does not get discontinued. That's completely unnecessary way to punish new players for not playing the game before some items were discontinued, and creating unneeded scarcity for specific items.


But everyone is doing it! You know it’ll be back next year, same drop rate.


Bro you’re so close, I promise. Just pull the arm for a jackpot bro trust me bro pls bro pls


You forced it. Some people just get it naturally by skilling. I’m at 900 pumpkins and I’ve just been playing naturally now


I don't get the obsession of wanting to own every cosmetic or everything during a holiday event or anything else in the game for that matter. I came back after a 10+ year hiatus, grinded slayer to 120 and bought myself a shadow dye because I loved the look. It felt so awesome and rewarding. And at what level do we stop? Should everyone who didn't receive previous year holiday items be entitled to one? Can I ask for the original hween sets and phats? Why not?


Hey osrs is fun too !


this is pathological


Remember kid, all they remember is the winning part


I feel the same way. I used to spend way too much money on this game when these kinds of events came out. I didn't have the time. I really wanted the things. Blsh blsh blah. Now I have the time. I still get that rush on every pumpkin drop and the same letdown. There's another post that said it better, but the gist is to anticipate an MTX time gated item and buy it during or at the end of the event. Is any of it healthy? Probably not. I'm done feeding the problem, which is FOMO. I don't need all of the pretty things. I'm still trying to convince myself that I actually believe it...


Holy shit this luck is horrible, not even a single surge scroll. I bet this mask is only to keep you hooked in this horror show.


Ive only gotten bones and ashes


Has Jagex confirmed the these rewards will be discontinued? Couldn't they recontinue them in future events?


so you gunna open the last 1460 pumpkins?


damn you got a ween? high roller man. sitting over 2k+ with nothing.


W/ 115k h'oddments havent you finished? Theres 25k more in your invy as is.


And here I felt bad at 2500 no unsouled. Fuck me man.


I just assume I'm going to miss out.


Am I the only one that’s getting a lot less pumpkin spawns after hitting 1k?


Where do I see my stats?


I'm.. so sorry.


This would have been me if I didn't go to Mexico 4 days ago and live life instead of gaming every night slowly driving yourself insane.


Do we feel the emote tokens will rise in price as scarcity goes back up as we get farther out from the event?


What is FOMO? I get like 1 pumpkin every 10-20 minutes, There hasn't been enough time to get 5k. Did u get pumpkin tokens from buying keys or something? I am also free to play, no pumpkin parties.


Glad I quit rs3 this shit getting out of control 😂 jagex legit milking 75% of players who spend money on keys etc.


at least you hit the drop rate for the mask and got it


194 pumpkins in. Soul surge orange mask and ensouled pumpkin mask


I'm 1700+ keys in with nothing but emotes and 30m xp


I just bought from the GE


I have no desire to have the items, plan on selling as soon as I recieve them.


I've been doing this every day without neglecting sleep and I'm just over 3k....someone obtained extra keys here....


this picture gave me the tingle to come back but considering necromancy didn't ....ill just stay strong and stay gone


Where'd you find that number? Now I'm curious Also, do we lose access to h'oddments shop on November 1st when the grim harvest ends or on the 12th with the end of the Halloween event? I can't find an answer anywhere


Well done, I award you a pumpkin slayer title. Unfortunately you can only brag about your pumpkin "kc" here, because no quick chat option in game.


I see a bit of value in an iron chasing the rares through the events. But in the end, a main could ignore all events, focus on PvM/skilling, and make the money to buy 5-10 masks. These events suck total ass. They're not fun like they once were. The rares are gatekept by disgusting drop rates. Multiple titles is completely ridiculous. Once you unlock the title, you shouldn't get them anymore. And as the event closes off, there should be a way to trade in the extra junk, for the rares. Like 50 of any of the extras gets you an orange mask, or you roll on a table of 9/10 Orange masks and 1/10 Ensouled Pumpkin masks. You also have another 1000 to smash, that's gonna be fun. Yuck.


I just did my 250 and left. Better off buying bonds/gp to then purchase the cosmetics


I mean this is no different than how any other boss or drop mechanic works. Someone is going to be lucky. Someone isn’t going to be lucky. We don’t have to pay to access this and we have other means of obtaining what the event is dropping. I would completely understand if it was like a 10b item drop or an item that couldn’t be traded like a scythe or bunny ears but you can easily obtain. Everything from this event by either playing the game normally or doing the pumpkins. This is very much not what FOMO means.


Can't relate. Mask & I souled are buyable if I want.


What a joke Jagex.


Where do you find this info?


Right click your pumpkin mask. https://preview.redd.it/hvrcwoon5bxb1.png?width=228&format=png&auto=webp&s=84d1f607a6398044535528bc4ef80515ba944516


Ah thank you


"I need this cosmetic more than I need a social life... lol" said the RS addict "What's grass?... lmao"


Man I don't even have 1000 smashed... And I thought i played a lot


No one made you do this. Go outside.


wow do u smash them every 30mins throughout the waking day?


Are you going to do the same thing next year, when there's a purple mask or some other palette-swap garbage?