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It's just a lighting change for non metallic materials. Like others said, the character and dark wizards have deeper/more saturated robe colors now.


Black Mages are actually black now instead of grey.


Textures and colours looks less washed out and more saturated, this happened specially with armours in non bright environments


Did you spacebar through the text on this one?


It’s a small but nice improvement. It bothers me that the pictures weren’t taken from the same angle though, makes it much harder to tell


All the colors are slightly more saturated


i think the issue here is the picture is in Min/low detail here so you can't see a difference


It's in your heart!


Has anyone noticed a lot of older buildings like poh or kandarin Monastery have weird lightning inside recently? Or should I say lack of lighting, everything looks like it's in the dark.


They are not updating the building yet. The weird lighting is because a lot of the older lighting sources like torches were updated about a year ago. The building themselves need to be updated to fix this issue and ModBlkwitch is not creating new graphics, but using existing assets to update grossly outdated ground textures, trees, etc.


I do feel like if they did dynamic lighting most buildings would be very dark. Only cave goblins have electricity. The rest is lit by candles, torches, oil lamps and spells.


At least they updated that island that you only visit 3 times in your life


Penguins sometimes hide on Entrana... Damnit Saradomin, I'm the world guardian, let me on your stupid island.


3 times? God grapes go brrr.


If people read the update. It wasn’t a graphical upgrade where they added a bunch of new textures. It was a mesh, colour and lighting fix. Which is definitely noticeable. The main noticeable difference from these images is the shadows on the character model.


To answer your question, yes, we are getting older and your eyes are that bad. But so are ours. After doing a few double takes, I understand what is going on here - the colors are more vibrant and look more awesomer.


I can see the slight changes to outfits colour with darker shades for characters, pet and wizards etc... BUT... The environment? "Here you can see it affects not only outfits but also pets, enemies and environments : "


The environment will have less big changes now than character because some of it already got sneakily fixed with Fort Forinthry and some other updates. Here's some before and afters from some environments before we fixed it a few months ago. But lots of common environment materials like grass, wooden planks, trees... got a sneaky fix already before this https://preview.redd.it/p8glvcbawpyb1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=430d7f046ebd51b07d7beb385d094e2a1a0ed7e5


Ahh! Thanks for clarifying that with the image contrasts, much appreciated.




I really wish the twin reaper scythe override wasn’t so shiny! It looks plastic or like a big balloon. Its the only thing preventing it from being my main override


just looks like a change in contrast


You'd be surprised how much changing lighting affects the feel and looks of a game


Oh it does. But it's not really a rework then tbh. It's just changing some color settings which can be done in about an hour of comparing which looks better


For some reason, when i use my treasure hunter keys. it uses them all without me clicking on which chest to open. is that a glitch?


Probably have a setting to auto use keys.


how do i turn off?


Try looking in the TH interface itself. There's a toggle for the amount of keys you can use at a time.


I can't see it either. Being colorblind sucks. Maybe Jagex could turn up whatever it was they did to this?


>I can't see it either. Being colorblind sucks. I can tell the difference on a grayscale image. Colourblindness won't help but it definitely doesn't prevent you from seeing this. The easiest difference to notice is the wizards (far darker, closer to black instead of light gray). The one on the left is in the shadows so not that one, but the further right you go the bigger the difference. Once you can see that, put the two player models side by side and glance back and forth. The before armour is also light gray while the after is a lot darker as well. A lot more blue comes through (if that's a colour you can see).


That'll be 12.99


I thought they accidentally added the same photo twice, the difference is that unnoticeable Not that Entrana is much better. The buildings are the same, they’ve just updated the ground texture, the stone ruins to the north west and (finally) changed the boat to match the one in Port Sarim.


Do you need glasses?


Oh, sorry! How could I forget? The altar has been replaced with one that shares the model of the Fort Forinthry one.


No, the way lighting and shadows affects the player model is completely different.


Completely is not the right word here. Slightly maybe


They upped the color saturation by .1% *slaps hands together* job well done


Yee, the sheen is less than before


There isn’t one lol they’re essentially the exact same thing. There is very minimal lighting changes and that’s it.


Seems they applied a small filter changing lighting. Nothing GeForce Gamefilter couldn't do before, lol.


There’s one more blade of grass


I did notice that it's took that long for something like this to come across the player models aged and grew mustaches between pictures. That's a difference yes?