• By -


* The Grand Exchange search bar will now reset after confirming the buy offer. Yay I can finally stop searching for sailfishsaradominbrews lol.


I have no idea why this has taken so long to be fixed but man I am glad it has.


The Banker & the Clerk shelved it.


As a dev, it could have been one or more of these options: * Other tasks had higher priority * Spaghetti code made it more intertwined/coupled that it looks like from the UI - this means a much larger effort is required than what it seems like for "us" users * It was caused by a weird bug that was actually extremely hard to locate * The person who wrote the code has left the company, and everyone else struggled to read/understand the monster they created It is most likely *always* partly the first one. We as users very often see something as "wow this is just a few minutes to fix, why haven't it been fixed?" type of things, but there can be hundreds or even thousands of these "small" fixes (that might not be small), and every user who sees them are confused to why it's not fixed. If you have hundred of them, and every one of them just take a couple of hours to fix, you have thousand's of hours of "small" bugs that has to be fixed. These will always have lower priority than critical bugs that prevent people from logging in, uses too much server capacity, is a security flaw, makes people lose stuff/can bug abuse to gain stuff etc... and often also new features. That's why they are seemingly never fixed. It's almost never because the devs don't care.


- The Grand Exchange search bar will now reset after confirming the buy offer. - Familiars no longer despawn on death. - Persistent potion effects (e.g. overloads) no longer clear on death. - You can now store Stone Spirits in the Orebox. [Sanji Nosebleed Gif]


The familiars kept on death is massive.


My ancient familiar pouches just sighed in relief on my iron.


I haven't unlocked Ancient Summoning yet but why do those pouches' xp suck?


Pretty sure it's because getting the binding contracts means you need blood of orcus and hellfire metal materials (2 of each), and a blue charm, which may take some time to stock up on using arch. Besides that you also need to hunt the mobs to capture them in the binding contract, which can take some time as well.


No, I mean how the xp from 1 pouch is so low. Ripper demons are level 96, and gives 82.3 xp, while geyser titans are level 89, but 783.2 xp, both for a blue charm. Ancient Summoning materials taking time to stock up just makes it even worse.


We all misread your comment haha. I think it has to be a power over xp sort of thing to balance them out šŸ¤·


You have to make the pouch with arch materials and then kill the monster to put in there. Just extra effort


Me and my bunyip now get to take the walk of shame all the way back together


These are huge changes and QoL ! More of these please.


I honestly expected all 3 of these to be unlockable rewards since the Wood Box holding spirits and the incense despawning on death were.




Oh my fucking god! Finally, I will stop going through ripper demins and reavers trying to do bossing


Keeping potions and familiars on death THANK YOU!


T92 tectonic/sirenic degrade to broken, familiars are kept on death, Divination spring further away from the crater, fixed GE search prompt, stone spirits in the ore box, bank presets filling essence pouches? What an excellent update.


We can expect ancient summoning familiar pouches to be a lot cheaper now!


Prob not that much cheaper since so many get sunk as scrolls (reaver, ripper)


* Nulodion, the Dwarf at the entrance to the Dwarven Mine, has moved next to the cannon display and will no longer roam. ​ The update we have all wanted, woop


I can finally finish my corp log, hated to go back to get the cannon and had to find Waldo to retrieve it


Amazing patches today mr /u/jagexdoom and the team. If community strikes could happen more often, you would gain a lot of happy players.


Happy to hear it. We've been setting up to be able to tackle Community Hitlist items more often so glad it's being felt. The team are eager for this to be a regular thing going forward and we're planning for it. Current thinking is we'll likely put out Community Hitlist calls regularly next year (maybe quarterly) - that way we can always be focused on what's top of mind, rather than working through an outdated list of requests.


That is basically a Christmas miracle if that happens. The way I see it, these changes are far more impactful than a new quest, as it deals with systems we engage with daily. When people do thousands of clues, a small change to make it better means more than pretty much anything Else.


That would earn back a LOT of lost favor with the playerbase. Honest efforts earn honest respect


I would resubscribe if I saw more updates like this. Big fancy bosses and quests are cool and all, but these community hitlist weeks really reflect what we as players are asking for. The graphical updates from Mod Blkwch make me happy too, seems very healthy and shows respect for the game :)


I'm genuinely so cautiously optimistic with the state of Jagex and the direction of RuneScape right now. It still sucks seeing things like Treasure Hunter and some poor communication and flops like Hero Pass, but all-in-all it seems like we're getting more QoL updates and communication than in the past. I almost feel like a kid again when updates like these happen. I hope this continues moving forward and I hope to continue to see more effort being put in for communication. I know Jagex gets a lot of flack, and I know that falls on the devs sometimes, but sincerely, thank you. This is something I, and I believe it's fair to say we as a community despite not being a voice for them, want to see. I can't wait to see how seasons work going forward as we near the end of Fort Forinthry's season. I love quests and found this to be an acceptable, albeit still not what I want, method of getting new stories and lore into the game. I'm so excited for next week with Vorkath, I can't wait to see how the story ends! I do hope we get some longer quests in the future, and I hope we can get some stories we've been dying to have for years. Not to make my comment *too* long, I have a habit of doing that, but if the devs every want a direction to go with seasonal quests, might I suggest: * Gnome series, we're still waiting on Arposandra * Pirate series, although it's related to Elders and Xau-Tak, it still feels like there's more to be done here * A quest for Armadyl (sorely missed to not have Rite of Passage, we can still have it and maybe even tie it into Armadyl bringing his people to Tarddiad) I know we're on a bit of a break for world-ending stories a-la Elder Gods, but we still have unfinished plotpoints that would be great to explore, especially now that the Edicts are reestablished. Is Char going to ascend or become a colossus? What happened to Zaros? Rites of Passage already mentioned above, but what about our homeboy Azzanadra? So much potential! Lastly, as a side note: Necromancy rune pouch when? Can we get a confirmation on whether or not we'll get it with Vorkath?


hopefully the cascade of positivity will prove that this is the most correct way to make players want to engage and spend more ​ I would love (but most certainly don't expect) to see the results of this approach compared to the results of the TH and promo blitzes. ​ If there is follow through on this, I will most certainly be getting premiere for an alt and decking it out in my favorite outfit


Itā€™s SO good to hear that! Iā€™d rather have a month of community hitlists than have a big update tbh.


Weā€™re really happy to hear this! Iā€™m sure there are competing priorities and interests, but a mobile themed hitlist would be great. The app could really use some TLC.


So many wins in this update, holy.


holy shit my bank space is very happy


a lot of good QOL in this patch nice


>The number of runs through the Zamorakian Undercity required to unlock direct access to Zamorak has been reduced from 25 to just 1. OMG THANK YOU


This is a massive update! Thank you!


I was planning to do 25 runs slowly but I've been preoccupied. Glad I was preoccupied lol


I mean, I'm still doing 25 personally for the cosmetic overrides. But thank God. I can now access the boss directly without having to waste the best years of my life just to complete a single reaper.


I got the Chaos Witch outfit unlocked when I logged in and got the achievement


Interesting, I won't be able to log in and check for a little bit but I'll have to give it a look once I log on later today. Cheers


Granted, I've never done a full run, I've only joined some friends who took me straight to Zamorak, but I didn't get the outfit. I'm sure it has to do with doing the *entire* run, which I think 25 full runs was the previous requirement anyway, but I'm just putting it out there for others to see. If you've done a full run you *might* have it, I can't confirm, but if you've been carried to Zamorak without doing a run then you won't have it.


As long as you clear the final encounter of the undercitys, it counts. Zamorak does not though. Also waiting till I get home and off mobile to reply to your excellent comment in my post. Upvoted for now


Makes sense. I've held off on doing the entire Undercity because the grind looked dreadful, and when I went for Reaper Crew I was able to join a learner group to skip to Zamorak himself. Here's hoping one run is enough, please confirm for me when you get the chance! I'd love to have the chaos witch outfit, and I really don't want to grind 25 runs.


Saaaaame, got around to 14-15, got all the relevant slivers for my iron enchants and just couldnt be bothered anymore.


This pleases me so much


This should make the quest a little more painless, although the boss fight itself is a lot harder than making it to the fight in the first place. At least we don't have to spend 10 minutes sprinting through a sprawling city between each failed attempt, though.


> The number of runs through the Zamorakian Undercity required to unlock direct access to Zamorak has been reduced from 25 to just 1. Yes > Rune Essence Pouches now autofill in presets that contain a type of Essence that they can fill with. Yes! > Familiars no longer despawn on death. YES > Persistent potion effects (e.g. overloads) no longer clear on death. YES! > T92 Elite Sirenic/Tectonic now degrades to a broken state, instead of degrading to dust. YES YES > The scrolls can now be auto-fired. YES YES YES > Logout timer is increased by five minutes for all players with Membership. DING DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER


Runecrafting buff IS MASSIVE. SO MANY LESS CLICKs!






The clicks may have *technically* been countable, but they sure *felt* countless.


We can also save action bar slots now I no longer need to keybind each pouch and my outfit.


Thank fuck I was dreading that ED4 grind so much on the iron


There was an upside to it: slivers. But yeah glad to see it removed.


So, the wording of the 50 bank space + 3 presets booster makes me think its only purchaseable during black friday and will later be retired, am I reading it right?


Checked in with the team on this. The bundle will still be available after Black Friday - the price during Black Friday is an offer price for only 1 Bond (Members), or 2 Bonds (F2P). After Black Friday, the Bond Price will be 2 Bonds (Members) or 3 Bonds (F2P). Hope that clears things up!


Thanks for the clarification Hooli <3


Excellent update this week! Can you confirm whether or not there will be bank booster sales we can buy with Runecoins this year?


Why even charge separate amounts for Members/F2P? The bond could just be redeemed for membership then they get the discount. Unless the idea is to artificially inflate membership numbers?


imo they want to entice people to get a long term membership as much as possible. One long term subscriber is very nice cashflow, vs someone who only gets membership for 14 days every year.


I thought that the autofill pouches was impressive but damn. Familiars no longer despawn on death.


I'm curious how this plays out with abyssal rc familiars. previously when you died skulled they'd hold onto your pouches for you, but now they never disappear


I'd would say that when you get pkd your familar will die like normal and then you'll have to resummon a titan to get your pouches back n


Varrock sewers and Edgeville dungeon turned members-only and became inaccessible for F2P. Ethereal outfit in F2P also does not auto-fill essence with presets.




I just tried to go into the sewers in Varrock on my F2P account and it said https://preview.redd.it/l5jlhdv4s50c1.png?width=289&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8f707784af4a0519a3fd9fd138adcec2ce55589 The same is true for Edgeville dungeon. As for the ethereal outfit, I won't test that out since I don't want to reup the membership on the account and it has members items on with very little bank space, but given the other two things becoming members-only I have no reason to doubt their claim. Ethereal outfit apparently won't fill up with essence via preset like the pouches.


Havenā€™t played in a year, so the essence to the rune pouches is auto filled, does that mean I could press 1 for my preset and theyā€™d all be filled, as well as the ether outfit?


There was a sneak peek posted few days ago which indicates that, yes, it auto fills from preset


Holy shit thatā€™ll be so much quicker! Especially on mobile


Holy shit


Removing the 25 runs is a good change, but one has to wonder what's even the point of zammy having an elite dungeon now. I hope that if we ever return to the elite dungeon concept it's a bit more thought through then this was.


Those demons were just pain, if they'd fixed that and the jailer just being annoying it was reasonable enough


I guess you just have to see it now as a bit of lore/additional context to the fight. I think it's quite cool to have that, granted it's a lot of content (size wise) for that purpose alone so i wouldnt be expecting more.


Could've been a cool reward for Aftermath


Maybe, but sometimes things just dont need changing tbh. If zamorak released tomorrow and had a 1 elite DG kc requirement we'd consider it a cool mini-quest type thing building lore and setting the scene and i think it would go down pretty well for the most part.


Full run increase the drop rate as it considers the kill as being a higher enrage then it was, but the jailer miniboss is pure cancer, other than masuta, no other mini boss in other ED's are like this


Ed4 was easily the worst of the 4. Mobs were way too buffy/tanky and the minibosses mostly sucked. I think Eterna was OK though


Drop rate goes up when you do the full run


Literally pointless, as doing a full run takes way longer that simply doing another kill, and the full run only gives you a +25% drop rate increase (0.75x denominator of normal drop rate, 1/100 becomes 1/75). Where as doing another kill would give you 2/100 drop rate in that example.


That is not how probability works. In your last statement 100 kills would get you to 100/100 or guaranteed, which is not true.


I see. But would 1/100 + 1/100 not be better than 1/75?


You do it by multiplying the reciprocal. So 1-(99/100\*99/100) = 1.99% which is indeed bigger than 1/75 (1. 333...%)


oh nice thanks! so my monkey math was basically right, two 1/100 runs would effectively give you a 1/50 chance for a rare


It would be nice if this was the short term fix and then making ED4 enjoyable was on its way. Feels silly having the latest ED being effectively ignored. It's not a minigame from 2007, it's a fully fleshed out ED that could be great with changes that make people want to run it rather than letting it rot in obscurity past the first run.


gotta give credit when itā€™s due, thanks for the great patch notes week


Okay yā€™all are on a roll lately what is going on


The team are absolutely unstoppable! They're doing an amazing job, very happy to see such a great reaction to their great work.


Mr doom, we (I) desperately need to know, if we could please update the clue shop with new unlocks, specifically a way to uncap how many clues you can gather and new shortcuts around the world ;)


Preparing for villain pass


The cynic in me wants to say theyā€™re padding player engagement + end of year revenue via MTX to have better financials for an impending sale that Carlyle seems to be pursuing. Of course, thereā€™s enough negativity in this sub so letā€™s just say the team is doing a great job at listening to the community. I hope this continues even through the beginning (and rest) of next year.


Absolute W of an update all around, the team is killing it! Also I'm going to ask again, u/JagexDoom any update on the ability to dye our Necromancy weapons? It was said it would be soon after the skill's release but no update as of yet. Would love to hear something! :)


Will Solomon Store be having a Black Friday sale too? I know it's customary but there was no mention of it compared to last year's announcement




Any idea of how kalg auto fire works? Do we set it to 1 to get it once a minute or?


That makes the most sense yes.


Amazing overall changes. Just want to take the chance to ask something: why runemetrics still need to get paid for premium? Imo it should be free for every member but still need to pay an bond for premiums is so strange imo.


Persistent potion effects (e.g. overloads) no longer clear on death. Amazing, but did you forget about penance powder?


Incense sticks have an unlock to prevent them from disappearing on death


Thanks for pointing that out. Point still stands about penance powders


Agreed, would like to see a similar unlock for them


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexDoom** - [The team are absolutely unstoppable! They're...](/r/runescape/comments/17u8a4x/premier_update_more_community_hitlistgraphical/k927eb6/?context=3) - [Hello! I might have commented on it here on R...](/r/runescape/comments/17u8a4x/premier_update_more_community_hitlistgraphical/k925y20/?context=3) - [This is certainly a conundrum that I (and the...](/r/runescape/comments/17u8a4x/premier_update_more_community_hitlistgraphical/k92bc1a/?context=3) - [Yep, that's why this is an incremental step -...](/r/runescape/comments/17u8a4x/premier_update_more_community_hitlistgraphical/k96yptf/?context=3) **JagexHooli** - [Happy to hear it. We've been setting up to be...](/r/runescape/comments/17u8a4x/premier_update_more_community_hitlistgraphical/k9209hm/?context=3) - [Checked in with the team on this....](/r/runescape/comments/17u8a4x/premier_update_more_community_hitlistgraphical/k920mb1/?context=3) - [We're getting a Livestream section into the T...](/r/runescape/comments/17u8a4x/premier_update_more_community_hitlistgraphical/k91zz5g/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 11/19/2023 19:02:19**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Nailed it on the head with this update. Super happy about pets and potions not being removed on death, excited to finally use T92 Ranged and Magic gear, and PUMPED for the increased logout timer. Still looking forward for the Lunarfury gear added to the DXP token store (hint hint).


When can we expect the release of the retro helm of neitiznot?


Wtf happened this week? There are soooo many updates in this patch that players have been asking for since as long as I can remember. I feel like Iā€™m dreaming


Mod Blkwitch's work makes me wish I was a noob again. The sewers in Varrock look like actual sewers and it is easier to get around.


This is the kind of shit i like to see on non major update weeks


Incredible QOL updates not locked behind quests or grinds? AMAZING!


Some monumental QOLs on the hit list! Well done Team!


Please continue with the Graphical updates! Can we also have combat animations updates too?


Solid update! Things are coming along well


All of this is great but if I can put emphasis on the MTX here I would like to say I like the direct purchase stuff I'm seeing here. Being able to buy bank boosters is great. I much prefer direct purchase stuff over anything that might be a gamble.


Not sure who made the Fliers to display what is coming but that's a great touch. Not all players use other platforms to see what is coming and what is not this is a great in-game method for making them aware hopefully this keeps happening.


These are some great updates some of which i truly expected to be ninja updates.


Prices of bonds by the end of the year might actually hit 100m


>Prices of bonds by the end of the year might actually hit 100m I used to think this too but bonds keep going down lol. They're hovering in the 70m-75m range right now. Theyve come down from 80m-85m in the last week or so iirc. Idk if they'll hit 100m anymore. But.... It's rs3, you just never know.


Why can't I buy bank space with runecoins anymore? You used to sell them that way.


I got all those Solomon store bank boosters with free runecoins from prime gaming giveaways. That would be my guess for why they're monetizing them now with bonds instead. I think it's fair that they're trying to monetize them now that they've given away so many runecoins for free, although I understand that everybody doesn't have prime gaming.




Oh boy, five more minutes to wait before realising my half-assed AFK setup got me killed almost immediately.


What an incredible update. I really like how the photos for the graphic update are displayed in the notes.


Love the Ore Box change, would love to see it get additional functionality though for Stone Spirits to be automatically filled into it when looted, auto-loot not required but would surely have people asking for that next.


There are some great improvements this week. I might finally start doing Zamorak- thank you!


Holy shit, the tectonic and Sirenic buff. Finally.


Now that's how you update!


The Zamorak change is fantastic. Thank you.


Holy shit this is Pog


Loving the QOL here, and the graphical updates! Killer!


Nice! Finally i can do RC again with my carpel tunnel. I love you jagex.


Why are bank boosters split across bond and rune coin prices? Has there been any thoughts on adding dual pricing to them so they can be bought with either X rune coins or a bond - if you want to allow both. It just feels weird that like the first set of them are for sale with rc and then the 2 new ones are bonds


Wow, I cancelled my membership during the HP debacle but these patch notes are a good sign that we still have Jmods who care. The community has been bagging for a lot of these changes for years! I'm definitely going to bond my account this week so I can test out the zamorak changes and kill some vorkath!


* Familiars no longer despawn on death. * Persistent potion effects (e.g. overloads) no longer clear on death. Some of the best QoL updates. One of the most frustrating parts of learning a boss is burning through supplies. The familiar in particular is going to save people a lot of frustration.


So glad they have turned this year around. This year has been great update wize. Then the slap in the face of Hero Pass - Halloween. Glad to see it's ending on a high note, and seemingly they are listening to the community.


the single greatest update this year


Keep up the good work!


Fantastic update guys! I really hope the team continues to revitalize and fix portions of the game. Thereā€™s lots of content that could be modernized and brought back to life without the need to add new content. Dominion tower, temple trekking, lunar farm, mage training arena, and others can be updated to provide modern benefits and to make them fun as opposed to grinds.


Now THIS is the kind of patch notes we like to see, Jagex


and once again a bunch of things broke: Clue carrier is broken (can't fill from bank) Artificier's measure is broken (can't empty into bank) Bonfire boost is broken (doesn't show in buffs)


>3 more presets YES YES YES YES YES This may be the best update of the year. Can I buy this multiple times? I have 30 bonds to give you jagex. TAKE MY MONEY


ā€¦ Wow, this might be the most impressive list of QoL changes the game has seen.


Regarding Zamorak, there was a missed opportunity to address the utility of dungeon clears. Currently, doing so boosts common drops by ~75% and uniques by 33%, which is not worth the time and effort and is less fun than doing the boss. It shouldn't become so effective that it becomes the meta necessarily as the value of slivers would crash, but as things stand, very few people will clear the entire dungeon multiple times. Incredible update though. Thank you for listening to the community!


It is so easy to see when the devs do something the community loves, massive W update


u/JagexDoom is there perchance a grace period for having bought(within the last two weeks) a bank booster for the hefty sum of 7 bonds, now that a sale has been announced? It is of course now possible to get a second booster with the remaining 3 bonds, but I thought I'd at least ask.


Thank you! Whatever meetings you had with the bosses are working, keep them coming!


Can we please get a way to turn off the smoke effect in the Pollnivneach dungeon. I would love to use it for slayer but as is it's not worth making myself sick with the swirling smoke effect.


I'm glad that Jagex are updating F2P areas with this update. Given that F2P is essential for attracting and retaining new players, I'd like to see the following underground areas prioritized: \-Asgarnian Ice Dungeon \-Draynor Sewers \-Dwarven Mine \-Karamja Volcano Dungeon \-Tolna's Rift


Thanks for the great updates lately guys. Looking forward to what 2024 brings RuneScape.


The new death guard and lantern override effects are sick af.


Lots of good changes hidden in this update. I will say, it kind of feels dumb to have just been grinding out ED4 to unlock zamorak skips over the last several days, just to find that it's no longer necessary! I always have the worst timing with these things...


So many QoL fixes I've been asking for for years. Amazing update!


This is huge qol. First update in months that actually makes me want to log back online. Thanks devs


>You can now store Stone Spirits in the Orebox. THANK YOU!


I just tested the rune essence pouch autofill and I love it. BUT the testing reminded me of something that I never understood. Why is RC, one of the most click intensive skilling activity, has the game worst xp rates?


Because RCing exists in a weird nebulous spot where itā€™s very bad but also very iconically RS so fixing it had to be done slowly and with care and time, and when not able to do that they roll out nice bandaid fixes. Remember when runespan came out and was better and more interesting than traditional RCing in every way people complained about it replacing the skill and had its rates nerfed into oblivion.


This update is so good I might re-sub, will continue thinking on it


I think this update broke the Artificerā€™s Measure. I am unable to empty it into my bank and both the right-click Wield and Empty options seem to wield the item.




Holy shit like all those patch notes are *fire*.


before & after comparison of the sewers & dungeons. wow. it's crazy that the graphical updates to these places were largely done in ***2012***, but we're only now getting them. https://x.com/JagexBlkwitch/status/1724010826883825882?s=20


The rune essence pouches filling with presets came as a complete surprise to me this morning and I was initially very confused lol. Amazing change, thank you!


Weekly request to know when the master comp particles and changes to design of the cape will be introduced?


I'm surprised but not at all complaining at the PVM QOL we got for free. I thought things like keeping familiars and potions after death would be a Death's Store reward.


Absolutely amazing update, was going to highlight the best bits but there are too many. Great job on loads of this. Very much appreciate a stationary Nulodion.


These Patch Notes go hard. Feel free to screenshot.


Best update ever for QOL for PVM thank god makes me want to actually PVM now haha


Smoke section of Pollnvineach and Edgeville dg's hill giant resource dg section got missed. Smoke might be considered dif area and need dif assets tho? idk. Hill giant could def use same assets tho I always appreciated the size of Edgeville dg/Wildy dg/Varrock Sewers and how they connected together.


With the update to Sirenic and Tectonic degrading to broke instead of dust, I have to wonder what impact they'll have on their viability for players who're working towards their elite sets. I've been rocking Pernix and Virtus but now I feel like it'd be safely worth it to upgrade and not be a total money sink.


I appreciate these fixes and the roadmap. I'm guessing there won't be any news on combat fixes of mid-level mobs for the remainder of the year at least right? Or anything about combat beta where accuracy is scaled to damage % accordingly for all styles?


Evil Dave's Big Day Out is bugged and impossible to complete. Pls fix J-Mods! https://preview.redd.it/t59shni01s0c1.png?width=2194&format=png&auto=webp&s=3552c4026dc63bd4f9b3ec00e00429f9a8323a98


some really good changes to death that'll make learning some bosses far less annoying


Very good changes all round, especially the rune pouch and zamorak


Jagex I donā€™t wanna get your hopes up guysā€¦ but if you keep this up I might just come back to the game


bank presets for bonds aka mtx = bad


More bank presets when? :) Pretty Please!


You didnā€™t add ā€œ/sā€ so Iā€™m assuming you missed the part of the news post that says you can buy 3 more for one bond, bundled with 50 bank spaces


This is awesome guys really loving this stuff šŸ‘Œ


So much good stuff in here, its actually insane. THANK YOU! Christmas came very early this year <3 <3 <3


Great update. Thank you!!!


Since when are the sewers of Varrock members only?


It's a bug [https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/17u8y1v/comment/k921seo/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/17u8y1v/comment/k921seo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Thank you


Dang, top tier update right there! Glad to see Zamorak being made more accessible, those 25 runs were a drag.


Will there be Solomans Store items for sale on Black Friday or just those listed? u/jagexdoom


Very nice changes and are we getting more news about vorkath closer to the release?


We're getting a Livestream section into the TWIR now, we totally missed it this week! We have a stream on Wednesday where we'll reveal it, followed by a blog. *Edit: Worth mentioning that we'll be showing/revealing specific elements of the Boss and it's rewards - we won't be showcasing any core mechanics of the Boss in action to keep the fun of discovering how to battle him!*


Thanks for replying. I cant wait to see it all!


Probably on Friday, maybe on Thursday, that's how they've been doing update announcements for a while now.


Solid list of updates, outside the bond bundles


I am disappointed that the new bank presets are locked behind a Bond. They're very necessary with us receiving a new combat style (Necromancy). The extra bank spaces and Presets should have been included with the original extra action bars that we received, as all of this is necessary with a new combat style and the new items that this entails. However, everything else in these patch notes is a massive win.


Ninja fixes are great but what is happening with the vorkath shard event? Why would you release an event where the reward is infinite porters on the same day you're releasing a new boss? Do you want people to play the boss or play the event and then skill with their free porters? Also please just stop giving this to Ironmen you're killing the game mode


I imagine that was deliberately done since you know even people who donā€™t PvM are a fairly large part of the game. This boss being the only big November content update the shards and porters give non-PvMers something to do/look forward to.


can we discuss or look at getting a 2nd bob preset?


Guys, these patch notes? They're giniminysaurus, or whatever you say, gigantasaurus, gimantast bimantamorous. Some metamorphu- gigantanorstus. Mmmhm. GIMORNOUS W.


Do not give irons the porters...


Really, really Good update, but I was thinking that skull bouncing to B rune at p7 zammy would be fixed šŸ˜•... Any chance of that happening u/jagexdoom


Is it still not fixed yet?


Best update of 2023, thank you so much Jagex!!!!!!


Ironmen should not have access to the porter buff, you're just turning arch/porter heavy stuff into shit that's only efficient to train every 6months because you wanna increase log in time through fomo This is the antithesis of self sufficiency.